Welcome to the Japanese Society of Soil Microbiology
- About JSSM
- The JSSM was founded in 1954 to promote investigations of Soil Microbiology under mutual cooperation between the scientists. We aim to increase agricultural production and environmental conservation through our activity.
- Corporate Development
- The JSSM started as "Meeting of Soil Microbiology" in 1954, and held annual lecture meeting. After written up those proceedings for seven years, we converted the meeting into "Society of study for Soil Microbiology", and the proceedings named "Tsuchi to Biseibustu"at the same time.
In 1998,we renamed to"Japanese Society of Soil Microbiology", and became a member of Association of Japanese Agricultural Scientific Societies in 2004.
- Membership of JSSM is open to whom interested in the microbial ecology and microbiology, no special qualifications are needed. Please return the completed Application Form(B/L) to the secretariat office.
- Members of the society have the following advantages
- Able to participate in meetings, conferences presented by JSSM.
- Qualified to publish in the society's journal "TSUCHI TO BISEIBUTSU".
- The society's journal "TSUCHI TO BISEIBUTSU" are supplied.
- The variety of our membership:
- Individual member : who took part in this society after agreeing with our objectives,
The annual fee for an individual, due on 1 April is 5,000JPY - Subsciriber member : who or which make regular subscriptions
The fee is 3,000JPY per one publication.
(2publications in a year: 6,000JPY per year) - Supporting member : who or which making a contribution more than 1unit per year (1unit: 10,000JPY), after agreeing with our objectives
(under construction)
- Secretariat of the Japanese Society of Soil Microbiology
Laboratory of Soil Biology and Chemistryi,
Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences,
Nagoya University,
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-8601, Japan
- When the member changed her/his address, or she/he wished to withdraw from the society, she/he have to report it to the office, above cited.
 | Soil Microorganisms[TSUCHI TO BISEIBUTSU](in Japanese; 2 issues per year) The journal is printed in Japanese with summaries in English. It contains original papers, review articles and information on meetings |
 | Microbes and Environment(in English; 4 issues per year)*available Japanese Yen 5,000 per year. Microbes and Environments (M&E) is an international journal devoted to the publication of original and mini-review articlesaregarding all aspets of research on microbial ecology and environmental microbiology. Publication (printed or online journal) of M&E is opened to members and non-members of the Japanese society of Microbial Ecology (JSME) and the JSSM. >> Online journal |


College of Agriculture, Ibaraki University
Chuou 3-21-1, Ami, Ibaraki 300-0393, Japan
Phone: +81-29-887-1261