what I could gather they have chosen to be referred to as both Jonathan and Jessica and no amount of disgust and hatred I feel for someone could get me to misgender them on purpose. It took me ages to decide to actually make this thread happen because my story with this person is
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very much still an open wound and traumatised me in ways I'm not sure I even fully comprehend. I appreciate RTs to get the word out, and I also am open to answering questions but please do not expect me to answer everything, this is very overwhelming. The only reason I am willing
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to dig all those things out is because I have assessed the situation and decided I could not live with myself if even more people got hurt because of such a despicable person. I would like to state that, for all intents and purposes, proof is available but I cannot post it on
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here for legal reasons. The proof I have is mostly screenshot and I will not be posting it in this thread for fear of getting my Twitter account reported. What a long introduction. Let's get this started.
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The reason this thread is happening today, of all days, is because after I had managed to push JY's memory down for a few years I have been sent this article that revulsed me profoundly for many reasons.https://gendertrender.wordpress.com/2018/11/08/cant-take-no-for-an-answer-jonathan-yaniv-files-16-human-rights-complaints-against-women-who-dont-want-to-wax-his-balls/ …
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I would like to acknowledge the incredibly transphobic nature of the blog in which this article was written. I took that into account when reading it and it made me quite sick, and had I not known JY I probably would not have given it too much credit. But I do know JY and some of
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the things I read rang too many bells. I would like to emphasise that this case is in NO WAY representative of TransWomen as a group, those are the actions of a deeply disturbed individual and those who USE this despicable story to discredit the fight of trans people for their
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rights are, in fact, also terrible people. Now that this has been said let's go more in depth if you will.
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I will tag people when they are involved because I am tired of keeping silent, it has been five years and it is not fair on me that I should keep things a secret in order not to inconvenience people.
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My very first encounter with
@trustednerd happened towards the end of 2012. At the time, I was a@cimorelliband fan, very dedicated at that, and had noticed they were not always the ones answering on their own Facebook page. Like the sleuth that I am, I asked around and found outShow this thread -
who was behind it. I didn't think much of it but was a little weirded out that a grown man should spend his time pretending to be a band of teenagers on Facebook and answering their fans, while also making sure no fake accounts were created. 2012 was a strange time for me and
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some details escape me but i remember messaging JY about a translation of something into French that was not satisfactory (I'm French, JY is an English-speaking Canadian) and JY being really really condescending to me about my own language. I started disliking them. My friends
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and I would talk about that in private and one day my friend was hacked and our DMs were sent to JY, who was 25 at the time (I was 20, putting ages in there for perspective). The person responsible for the leak was 12. JY had been talking to a 12 year old constantly, using his
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"closeness" to the cimorelli girls to get her to do things for him. Anyway. JY's reaction to me saying nasty things about them to my friend in private was to post the screenshots to their very public social media account and on a Facebook group that contained over 300 people,
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asking them to send me hate. Which they did of course. Soon enough my ask . fm account was spammed with terrible messages that i knew could only be JY's because i recognised the style. The harassment wouldn't stop. I got blocked from the
@cimorelliband Facebook page that JY wasShow this thread -
in charge of and when I told the band about it i was told that i also had my wrongs (lol anyway this is not their thread let's pretend this was no biggie). I was getting death threats on ask as well as very sexual and strange messages (some about me being a pornstar???) and it
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got a little out of hand. JY then turned against the 12 year old who had provided the screenshots and started threatening her, being inappropriate with her, calling her a slut and many other despicable things, while threatening her to go to her favorite band and spread rumours if
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she ever thought to complain. let me remind you this girl was TWELVE YEARS OLD. A child. With whom JY would engage in sexually charged conversations. Creepy and gross. I did all I could to protect this child. I tried to reach out to the band again but to no avail since the only
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way JY was associated with them was by this weird volunteering position that was sorta self-appointed and they had no control over "what he does in his free time" (including harassing women and girls lol A N Y W A Y). Things did not stop here. I then learnt from the 12 year old
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that JY's method to fight against cimorelli fake accounts on WhatsApp was to send them pictures of his genitalia. I wish I was kidding. Upon learning that I was literally too shocked to do anything and i knew the child i was trying to protect was at risk so i could not divulge
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her secret anywhere. out of curiosity i asked the police in my country what i could do to stop him and they said "nothing" because a) different countries different laws b) JY knows how to cover a track. After i threatened legal action the harassment i was exposed to slowed down
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for a while (this was mid 2013 if i recall correctly) but then it came back in more creative ways. I started getting loads and loads of questions about the girls' periods and about JY and his """"""girlfriend"""""" and i recall thinking it was creepy because the girl was 16 at
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the time and most importantly VERY UNAWARE that JY was saying such things about her. They had never met, barely even talked, and JY claimed they were together and used my ask account to announce her pregnancy. that's when i realised this was bigger than just JY hating me and
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trying to creep me out. this person had an actual real problem preying on younger girls and it was scaring me. but JY was still in a position of power with cimorelli so because things were escalating again i just decided to deactivate my twitter account because i could NOT deal
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with that much targeted harassment (trust me it was a lot) and in the meantime i learnt that JY was still talking to and threatening kids. this nightmare had been going on for the best part of a year an i finally got the girls to tell me that he no longer was involved with them
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and had been removed from the Facebook page. it was 2014 and i thought i had heard the last of him but Oh Was I A Fool. In 2016 some weird company tried to launch
@cimorelliband Earphones that you could add on top of each other, called PiggyBack (much creativity such marketing)Show this thread -
something was rubbing me the wrong way especially in the way those were marketed (the person in charge of the account for the brand seemed very aggressive) and LO AND BEHOLD i looked into it and figured out it was ou friend JY who had found this opportunity for the girls and was
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working for the brand as a consultant. many people crowdfunded. the goals were never met. no one ever got the earphones. classic scheme. i couldn't believe they would have had contact with JY again after all i had told them but i tried my best to disengage because i wanted more
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than anything to not be involved in that sort of shit EVER AGAIN. And then yesterday i got linked to the article at the beginning of the thread and i spent all day pondering and i cannot let it go. i have contacted the lawyers of the woman who got sued for refusing to perform the
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wax. I am gathering all the proof of his vile action while i can and if you have any i encourage you to screenshot any proof and be very thorough, JY's twitter is already protected and i have no doubt JY is working on deleting any trace. This person has harassed little girls and
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