Serious Post - Part 4 (Final): My conversation with ToonKriticy2K


The final drama post which I wish to have, comes in the form of a warning: If you see this individual on your friends list, please be advised, this user is ToonKriticY2K:

I had a conversation coincidentally at the same day I posted about performance major. It was around 10PM my time. I don’t know how or what prompted the converastion to be had, but it took a long two hours. I submitted it to a mutual acquaintance, ForNoGoodReason, to showcase what was discussed and my thoughts then are still the same. You can see it for yourself here:

I have conveniently time stamped, where the conversation is being displayed. Now with this, I hope to close yet another chapter in my life that I don’t need. And more important than that, I hope people are made aware, along with the victims deserving the peace and closure they need.


Ok guys you know that post of Toon discord we post a while back. Well guess what, he has a new one. By now some are already in the know thanks to FNGR video live stream and all that. But please spread this around as we don’t want anymore victims. Also to Toon, seeing you use a sly cooper image is a insult to the franchise I happen to like. But hey if Sly were here, he would give you a good lesson in karma. 


BLOCK AND REPORT “KeyToOurHearts#5321”