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    Nov 9

    This is my last day . It has been pleasure to work as Washington Correspondent for the past four and a half years. I thank my colleagues and friends for their support during this time. Planning to leave Washington in early December. Open for coffee proposals :)

  2. Trump and Saudi Crown Prince MBS have briefly met and exchanged pleasantries at the general assembly room, WH official tells . Confirming earlier Al Arabiya report. Apparently it wasn’t a pull aside, just a had shake and saying “hi”

  3. Trump and Erdogan met briefly during G-20 summit according to Turkish media, not sure whether it was a pull aside meeting or just a friendly chat.

  4. Captivating pictures. MBS and Putin bromance 😘

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  5. Saudi Crown Prince MbS vs Trump Saudi Crown Prince MbS vs Erdogan

  6. Here is another video of Macron delivering “a firm message” to Saudi Crown Prince MbS with regard to Elysee should stop issuing BS statements

  7. How nice Putin and Saudi Crown Prince MbS, the best buds

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    Nov 29

    Pentagon'un Kongreye sunduğu Türkiye raporuna AA ulaştı.

  10. Nov 29

    Trump’ın Erdoğan ile yapacağı resmî ikili görüşme de iptal edilmiş. Bünün yerine gayri resmi ikili görüşme olması bekleniyor

  11. Nov 29

    BREAKING — Trump cancels his meeting with Putin over the fact that Russia didn’t return Ukrainian sailors and ships in Sea of Azov

  12. Nov 28

    Classified Pentagon Report: In addition to potential expulsion from the F-35 program, Turkey is facing the possibility of cancellation of Chinook and Black Hawk chopper deals with the US if Ankara goes on with Russian S-400 acquisition (Bloomberg)

  13. Nov 28

    The distasteful reality in Syria that no one wants to come to terms with

  14. Nov 28

    JUST IN — Trump and Erdogan discussed the Russia/Ukraine crisis in Sea of Azov, in a phone call today per Turkish presidential sources

  15. Retweeted
    Nov 27

    This is Layla Shweikani, a Chicago born and raised who traveled to Damascus in Sep 2015 to help IDPs from . A few months later, on Feb 2016, she was detained and tortured for 8 months before Czech ambassador asked Ali Mamlouk about her on behalf of

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  16. Nov 27

    NEW allegation by on killing; • The closest thing to “smoking gun” evidence is that Qahtani is said to have exchanged messages with MBS in the two days surrounding the murder • MBS ordered a similar rendition op against rival prince’s aide in China

  17. Nov 26

    8- Sürekli şovenizm modundayız. (Buraya gelen cevaplara da bakılabilir) 9- Özeleştiri yapmıyoruz; yapana iyi gözle bakmıyoruz 10- Koşmamız lazım, üretmemiz lazım fakat halen gece 1’lere kadar seri köz getirtip, sabah 11’de işe gidip vatan kurtarıyoruz.

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  18. Nov 26

    4- İş ahlakımız yok. Kariyerde ilerleme ancak başkalarını ezerek, başkalarını kazıklayarak olur diye düşünüyoruz. 5- Toplumsal sorumluluk ve ahlakımız yok. Her şeyi devletten bekliyoruz. 6- Kindarız. Empati kuramıyoruz. Affedemiyoruz. 7- Boş lakırdıyı, gururu seviyoruz.

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  19. Nov 26

    Durup durup aklıma gelen bazı şeyler: 1- Medeni değiliz. Kibarlık hayatımıza hiç girmiyor. 2- Dedikoducuyuz ve aslında başarıyı çekemiyoruz. İnsanları aşağıya çekmeyi seviyoruz. 3- Tembeliz. Disiplinli değiliz. Üretmeyi sevmiyoruz. Köşe dönmeyi istiyoruz.

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  20. Nov 26

    “Tek işleri kahve ve sigara içmek olan bir düzine subay” Türkiye’deki pek çok meslek erbabının hali hala aynı.

  21. Nov 24

    Significant step, consistent with US efforts to ease tensions with Turkey with regard to its YPG partnership


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