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    Putin and MBS greet each other with huge smiles and handshake in Buenos Aires

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    ⚡️ “9 effects of climate change that will make your life a living hell” by

  3. Retweeted
    10 hours ago

    Payless opened a fake pop-up store called "Palessi" in a LA and invited people to the grand opening. The store was stocked with Payless shoes in disguise. One shopper spent $640 on a pair of boots.

  4. Retweeted

    The released our schedule for 2019. As I noted in this article, “I’m excited to be able to tell voters when they can expect to see me around [the district], and I’m excited to begin scheduling public events.” via

  5. Retweeted

    One of the most notable things learned today is that Russia knew all along when Trump was lying during the campaign in denying financial or other dealings with Moscow. The seeds of blackmail. More to wonder about re what was said during that private meeting w/Putin in Helsinki.

  6. Retweeted
    22 hours ago

    and a day ahead of a sentencing hearing in Manafort's case where we'll probably hear a bunch more about what he lied to Mueller about.

  7. 20 hours ago
  8. 22 hours ago

    Ivanka's response to using her private email server for govt business, the list goes on and on..

  9. Retweeted
    Nov 28

    Wow looks like was caught totally off guard by the pre-taped, scripted segment they force all of their stations to run

  10. Nov 29

    Please tell me someone will name their band or a play, ‘Mueller and the Angry Democrats’

  11. Retweeted
    Nov 29

    Syrian schoolboy attacked in video 'crying at night' over bullying since arrival in UK

  12. Nov 28

    Researchers built a smart dress to show how often women are groped at clubs via

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    Nov 28

    EXCLUSIVE: The Trump administration will ban bump stocks in the coming days. Last year, the Las Vegas gunman rigged his weapons with the devices, killing 58 people.

  14. Retweeted
    Nov 28

    The death toll stands at 88. The number of people still unaccounted for is 158.

  15. Nov 28

    “Knickers is a large specimen, but he looks larger because he’s standing among a herd of Danny DeVitos, not a herd of Arnold Schwarzeneggers”

  16. Retweeted

    History likely to show that declaration one of several key foreign policy mistakes made by the Obama Administration (Syria & failure to shout more loudly on Russian election interference, the others)

  17. Retweeted
    Nov 28

    A number of cabinet members have yet to turn in their financial disclosures

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    Nov 28

    Spent the morning on a plane, but my collegeus put up two stories that are well worth your time, starting with this piece by and looking at the nuances of the situation

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  19. Retweeted
    Nov 27

    ben shapiro literally said "if climate change happens, and all the low-lying areas around the coast are underwater, don't you think those people would just sell their house and move?" how can you *actually* be this stupid? who's going to buy those underwater houses benny? hmm?

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  20. Retweeted
    Nov 27

    This 4-year-old was yanked from his father’s arms at the border. The gov’t says the father is in a gang but won’t offer evidence- even to a judge. The boy’s lawyer didn’t know he had been separated from his father. Read, by the amazing :


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