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Scientists investigate mysterious seismic waves that occurred all over the world

UK news 3 hours ago
Researchers have tracked the source of the seismic waves to near the island of Mayotte, a collection of French islands in the Indian Ocean between Madagascar and Mozambique.

Scientists have been stumped by a 20-minute rumble of a mysterious seismic wave felt across the world 🤔

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The seismic waves began off the shores of a French island, buzzed across Africa, and traversed oceans to reach as far as Hawaii

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The morning of November 11, strange seismic waves rippled around the world. Nobody felt them—and no one knows why. I dig into this fascinating geologic mystery in my latest for !

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Seismic waves rippled around the entire planet for 20 minutes on Nov 11 — yet no people appear to have felt them:

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Strange seismic waves were picked up circling the globe on November 11, and seismologists are now trying to figure out why.

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Q Bell Started Ringing 11.11 Strange seismic waves were picked up circling the globe on November 11. Now seismologists are trying to figure out why-NZ Herald It was as though the planet rang like a bell, maintaining a low-frequency monotone as it spread

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That would have been a big eruption to create a signal that is seen over half the planet. This is really strange.

8 replies 54 retweets 247 likes

The signal can be seen all around the world at this URI, but only for the day.

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Here is a plot of the November 11 "mystery waves" (bottom trace) recorded at Victoria, BC compared to recordings of M5 - 5.8 earthquakes (all from the Mayotte region between Africa and Madagascar). All traces are plotted at the same scale for comparison.

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