Some branes need much more than one dimension.


You've reached, the web home of Carlos Davide (@carlosdavidepto). is a zone of the interwebs where spacetime is curvier than usual and all branes are twisted. Here you can navigate through all of the dimensions, read the various rants and whatever else comes in the future.

The opinions and views expressed in this website are solely my own and do not reflect official stances of any of my employers (past or future), my country, my family and friends or my pets. They should be taken with a grain of salt. And perhaps a shot of tequilla...

Latest rants:

  • 2018-11-28: De-facto closed source: the case for understandable software

    For someone who has been a strong supporter of FOSS for a very long time, watching what has been happening to the various FOSS communities over the past half decade or so is kind of depressing (with some exceptions, of course). Let us consider one of the latest episodes in the saga of the industry that has no idea what it is doing as a whole: Hey everyone - this is not just a one off thing, there are likely to be many other modules in your dependency trees that are now a burden to their authors.[...]

  • 2018-11-16: Darker

    The branes have worm-holled to a new hosting environment, to benefit from Let’s Encrypt’s cybersecurity powers. But that’s not all. They have also received a bit of CSS makeup, so that the site does not hurt anyone’s retinae, especially at night. Plus, it helps to conserve energy, and we’ll need as much of it as we can find for the 2020 cryptocurrency rush. /s[...]

  • 2017-09-23: Battle lost: EME is a W3C recommendation

    A few months ago I wrote about this subject. It turns out I was very, very wrong. Not because EME is a good idea. It is not. It is in the same stupidity class as putting a hornet’s nest inside your car as you are about to start a 2h summer drive. Bryan Lunduke brilliantly explains why. No, I was wrong because I thought nobody would care enough to support Encrypted Media Extensions as a standard feature in browsers (since it’s already available in FF and Chrome as an option anyway), and because all the techs and privacy orgs were against it.[...]
