Nov 28 2018

authoratmidnight said: I already had someone make a comparison between BS to Crow (in that, they’re doing to BS what they did with Crow to try and shill Drones like they did with Blackwings which is why he’s getting all this attention suddenly).                            


permalink 10 hours ago 1 note

Tags: horrible terrible and bad crow had a personality and a set of goals to accomplish (protect babie) bs has no goal he's just really fuckin mad he's getting attention because fuck if we know kitamaru or whoever his name was got SO MUCH attention it was fucking annoying and he died hopefully setting it up for bs? crow is good even if u don't see him n yuusei as bros because they genuienly are kind in their first interaction which is before flashback set ups thanks I hate it authoratmidnight Don't Vrain On My Parade presented without caption
  1. authoratmidnight said: Yeah my reaction exactly. I mean, Blackwings look cool and Crow is interesting. BS and Drones are neither of those.
  2. checkurselfb4umachuwreckurself posted this

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