Server Admin for Programmers

Teaching the server tech you need for development and
production. Eliminating the frustration of server configuration.

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Over 20 topics on server admin

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Latest Series

June 12, 2018

Docker in Development Part I

12 Videos

A course on using Docker in development and learning about Docker.

June 12, 2018

Docker in Development Part II

9 Videos

We continue the Docker in Dev course by using Docker Compose and building a development workflow.

December 22, 2017

Scaling on Forge

11 Videos

See how to use Forge to scale your Laravel application, using server optimzations, load balancing, and more.

July 14, 2017

LEMP Stack with PHP-7.1

6 Videos

We see how to install and configure a LEMP stack, using Nginx 1.11 and PHP 7.1

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Latest Posts

July 31, 2018

LetsEncrypt with HAProxy


We cover using LetsEncrypt to create SSL certificates with a HAProxy load balancer. Since we're using LetsEncrypt on a load balancer (HAProxy) which cannot serve the authorization HTTP requests by itself, we have some unique issues to get around. Let's see how!

May 23, 2018

Mapping Headers in Nginx


We see how to map Cloudfront's Cloudfront-Forwarded-Proto header to X-Forwarded-Proto, which my Laravel application needed to read.

May 22, 2018

Multi-Tenancy in Nginx


We see how to configure Nginx to respond to wildcard subdomains, great for multi-tenancy!

May 18, 2018

Redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Nginx


We see how to use Nginx to redirect any non-SSL connection to HTTP.

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