~Vas' Journals
Alright, I've decided to change my views on this a bit. Charge whatever the fuck you feel like for your art, it's up to you to determine what you think is fair for your art. However. You fully agree and understand that if you choose high prices, or even ridiculously high prices, that people will complain, people will think you're greedy, and people will ridicule you over it every so often, or often.

Some reasons why?
Thinking you're greedy,

Probably more. If you are one that dislikes high priced art, just post a reason why and I shall add it. Keep it small, and simple.

You should also be aware that there are risks involved in this, there are some exploits people can use to get you to draw their pic, then get their money back or pay less than what they agreed. People who charge a lot tend to be more at risk, however this goes for all artists as it does happen to those who charge little as well.

Paypal Scam; They send you the money through paypal. You do the art. They click some button somewhere that lets them pull their money back, claiming that you never held up your end of the bargin, and since you draw porn, you can't exactly prove to paypal you did or paypal will ban you and keep all money in your account.
Solution: Not sure yet.
If someone has more info on this, link/post it please.

Patreon Exploit: If you have a gallery of stuff only viewable to a user who pledges a specific amount to you, lets say you have pledge levels $1, $5, $15 per month. If you have stuff only viewable to those who pledge $15/m, someone can join the $15/m pledge, download everything, then switch back down to the $1 before they get charged anything. Getting your high pledge level rewards without paying you the high pledge level price.
Solution: Talk to Patreon about this exploit, they are the only ones who can fix it. EVERY PATREON ARTIST MUST REPORT IT. The more people who report this issue, the more likely it is that they will start working on a fix.
If someone has more info on this, link/post it please. A user by the name of Porin had given me a link to a post about this but I forgot the link when I cleaned up that journal's posts so. I'll need the link again to list it.

If anyone knows of any other scams users use against artists, particularly those who charge high, let me know and I will add them.

I particularly do not like that artists can charge $400+ (Some even up to $5000) per picture, and somehow get away with it just fine (people still commission them anyway) when other artists struggle to do what those guys do and barely charge $30-$50 and still can't get any commissions (cause everyone thinks they have to pay the $200 artists to get really good stuff, eg, expensive stuff is better! Somehow. But anyway). So it is highly unlikely that I will ever pay $400 for a picture, unless I seriously deem it worth it, and win the lottery or something. If you can make a living off your extraordinary high art prices and have very amazing quality, good for you, one can only hope it lasts. But you do know, that people will criticize your prices now and forever, and there is nothing you can do about it. Except maybe lower your prices, but that's something I doubt anyone would do. So.

One thing I dislike is that, many artists I've liked, and always wanted to commission some day, seen that other artists manage to still get commissions at these high prices, so they raise their prices and see that "Wow, people are still commissioning me. I'm gonna keep these prices for a while!" and eventually may raise it even further. So every artist tends to go up in price over time, and their fans just keep following, no one really helps out the artists who don't charge a house payment for drawing something. :/

But, this is all my personal experience and views, I guess if it works for you, charge high prices. Just don't question why people criticize you for it. You already know why. (reasons stated above first HR)
3 years ago    

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I am beginning to turn 100% against Patreon and the users who use it now, based on many things I've seen greedy little shits doing with it, and if you're a greedy little shit that's using Patreon in these specific ways, then you know who I'm talking about. Some more greedy than others, some just doing it cause they are over worked and always have a full commission queue, some doing it just to sap money from all of those who bend over and obey like mindless drones looking for penis and have plenty of money.

x = month, art, package, portfolio, whatever. Patreon lets you specify more than "month" so.

Severely bad things people do with Patreon.
A1. Restrict users from being able to see ANY art, unless they pay per x. <- This one is somewhat questionable, between red/orange. I might move it down.
A2. Refuse to let a user post art of their character that artist drew it, because of A1.
A3. Rule34 art only visible to those who pay per x. (This art/character is owned by someone else and you're getting paid for it?)

Bad things people do with Patreon. (These tend to be people who are over loaded all the time, so, a possible excuse can be made here.)
B1. Refuse commissions from anyone anymore unless they pay per x.

Mildly Annoying things people do with Patreon. (These things don't make you a bad person, it's just mildly annoying. I mean I guess I can understand why you might do these, gotta get people to want to support you somehow right?)
C1. Patreon only voting. (Really? Voting on things only if you pay per x? :P)
C2. Patreon only raffles.
C3. Patreon only high res art. (I mean, really? You had to resize your image down, just so you can give everyone the low-res version. -.-)

Patreon Cheaters
If you are one of those asswipes that abuses the patreon system to cheat it, getting all the high subscriber perks without actually paying anything or paying the minimum level, exloiting the system, you are just as bad, or worse, than the people who do the things listed in red/pink above.
I would quote some text or a link to an article about it, but I already forgot it and hid the comment that had it earlier when cleaning up unrelated stuff. Maybe if I find the page again I'll put it here.

I'm a bit tired right now, so I can't fill the list completely. But if you have something to add that annoys you about Patreon users, or you know something else a patreon user does that is bad in some way towards the general art doing and viewing community, then let me know!

If you are an artist who uses Patreon, would be good to hear your thoughts regarding these issues and why you do them (if any), and why you use Patreon.

If you do anything in the A#. section, I hope someone who is actively paying for your stuff re-posts it anonymously to the internet somewhere where you can't get it taken down!...
3 years ago    

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Was hoping some people might like to trade a game or bargain with me for these. Some, I might be willing to give out free. Depends on how much I paid to get them. I'm rather poor, so trading and such are my only methods of getting stuff I want. :P Anyway. I'll list a game, and I'll put the dollar value I think it is worth and the steam current value on it so you know. The value I list will be negotiable, obviously. Not that any real currency need to be transfered, can do trades and such. Just talk to me to find out.

Just a note: Paypal transaction fees are 30 cents each + 2.5% tax, so, most of these are meant to be for trade, not real money transactions. If you have a game I want and you are willing to trade it for one or more of these, I will do that, because it would be free for both of us to get things we want. I listed a "my value" for each, so that you have an idea of what I think the game is worth to me so that you have an idea of what sort of game you could at minimum trade for it.
My wishlist: http://steamcommunity.com/id/VasVadum/wishlist
Don't be afraid to ask me if I want to trade for some other game. Just link the steam game, and ask if I'd want to trade something for that. I tend to keep my wishlist on steam full of stuff I like in the event someone decides to give me something or wants to trade for something.

Green = My value
Red = Steam Price

Guns of Icarus Online - $5 ($14.99) [Steam Gift] {I bought this long ago for a friend who later didn't want it... Sooo... I'm out $7.5....}
Magicka + 2 DLC - $1.50 ($9.99) [Humble Bundle] {No, I don't know which DLC, comes with the gift link}
Sanctum 2 - $2 ($14.99) [Humble Bundle]
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome - $1 ($9.99) [Humble Bundle]
Dustforce DX - $1 ($9.99) [Humble Bundle]
Jack Lumber - $0.50 ($4.99) [Humble Bundle]
Super Hexagon - $0.25 ($2.99) [Humble Bundle]
Zen Bound 2 - $0.50 ($4.99) [Humble Bundle]

FTL: Faster Than Light - $1.50 ($9.99) [Humble Bundle] [Steam Key] {Two copies of this remaining}
Really Big Sky - $0.50 ($4.99) [Steam Key] {Two copies of this remaining}
Star Ruler - $1 ($14.99) [Humble Bundle] {One copy of this remaining out of three}
Pool Nation & Bumper Pack Bundle - $3 ($12.99) [Steam Gift] {Bought this one for a friend too but he didn't want it it turns out :P}
3 years ago    

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I made a mistake earlier thinking Raven was Revan. I mean, it is kinda hard to tell if you haven't talked to either, or only talked to Revan. Turns out, Revan simply stole Raven's character design and likes to use names extremely similar (as you can quite plainly see here already). A few other things lead me to believe this, but I was wrong. I had to talk to Raven to figure this out for a fact and the testimonial of one of his friends also helped.

I'm simply posting this here so no one ever thinks that raventhan is Revan/Rex/Garwin/Whatever the fuck his name is at this current time (he changes it like women change clothing).
3 years ago    

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I was in the chat for the last 20 hours, for the first time ever. Never before participated in this group's chat. NEVER BEFORE. EEVVEEERRRRR.

So the event that lead to the ban? I was talking about FX (furriesxtreme.org), and I made sure to follow the rules, tagged it NSFW, everyone else was perfectly fine with talking about yiffy sexual stuff earlier, but oh god I mention FX and explain what it is to the 3 people who didn't know, and Barglefart bans me from the group. After I'm gone, he makes up several lies. Here, lemme post them.

[NF] Barglefart: just kidding, he's been a nuisance to a bunch of people in and out of group for the last year or so
[NF] Barglefart: i.e harassment, being a shitlord on EVE, trying to whore himself out to anyone with a pulse, etc

1. I don't harass people.
2. I am one of the most kind and honest people on EVE Online, and have never 'been a shitlord'. There are people on EVE that hate me though, because we didn't get along, or a conflict arose between us, disagreements and such. Some even believe a lie that was spread about me all over the place. Stuff I can't control. However, this statement proves that he is solely banning me based on his personal feelings towards me, nothing else. Sure, an admin can do that, but it is still wrong.
3. I have never been in the group till yesterday, and 30% of the time I spent talking about my computer, 20% misc other stuff, 20% about the games someone was giving away, 30% yiff, which is allowed in the group. At no point till just then when I started mentioning FX, did anyone express dislike for anything I had said. Had they asked me to stop talking about it, I would have. You know, like they claimed they would in the rules, the "Warning" stage, of the 3 strike policy. But nope. The shitlord named Barglefart decided to go directly to ban.

4. Yes, I was whoring myself, somewhat. Not as bad as he proclaimed, had someone expressed dislike for it, I wouldn't have done it. Nor did I do much of anything in public, was pulled into private chats for it.

I just don't like when people lie about me. It further spreads rumors and makes people who don't even fucking know me, hate me. For no reason. When an asshole makes a lie about you, others believe it, and treat you as if the lie is true whether you can prove it or not. Most of these things can't be proven, at all, other than with time.

Sorry for the rant, I felt that this should be heard, and might make others think more carefully before judging others based on a lie they may or may not have heard from someone else. I won't be going back to that group, obviously, even if they unbanned me and apologized. Not a fucking chance. I have a feeling that two of the admins there are trolls, possibly another, not really sure. I now know at least one is.

The other admin that I was able to contact without adding, ignored me. I assume the other will too when he returns 4 months later. And the others have private profiles or don't have public comments enabled. I don't add people without first asking, so I don't believe I will add any of them. This is public enough for all of them to see.

EDIT 2: (1/7/15)
Well, I found out all the admins stick together on this and are all corrupt together. This is what happens when admins all become best buddies with each other, they don't investigate to see if one admin banned a user simply because of personal reasons, or even if they did, the butt buddy friendly admins all don't care cause they are all best buds and crap.

Anyway, Barglefart is just a bot, one of the admins in the group used it by proxy to make these lies about me and ban me so I don't know which admin is the true cuplret. Assume all are corrupt. That's the easiest solution. Since they probably are.
4 years ago    

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If you are stuck online when you sign off, you may have a ghost signed in. This happens when a mobile device or 2 devices had you signed in at the same time, and sometimes one doesn't successfully sign out and you get stuck online.

If you want to see if there is another sign in somewhere else on your account, in any chat window, type /showplaces and this will show you all locations you are signed in at. This does not send any messages to your friend or whatever chat you type it into.

If you just want to fix the problem, type /remotelogoff in any chat window. This command results in no messages at all, and only signs you out of every session that isn't the one you typed it into. If you mis-type any of it, it will give you some help message. So typing it and nothing happening, means you did it right.
4 years ago    

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You are 252,820,401,483 meters, away from the sun. You have a ship, with 8 solar arrays, each has a surface area of 200m². Your solar panels are 80% efficient, and you have 4 large batteries on your ship that can store 5 megawatt hours each. Now, you have life support taking a constant 50 kilowatts, you have 6 lights on that is taking 60 watts each, your TV is using another 80 watts and your gaming console is using 120 watts. Lets just shorten this a bit more by saying you have various other systems that use a total of 41.668 kilowatts of power. Now, in order to find out how much power you are going to be getting way out here, far from the sun, you need to take the distance squared (Distance^2), multiply it by 4*Pi, then divide the sun's luminosity by the result.

What is the wattage of your solar panel perfectly aligned with the sun? 610.343936kw
How much power is being used by your systems in total? 92.228kw
How much surplus power are you getting? 518.115936kw
How long will it take you to fill your 4 batteries to maximum capacity? 9.65034976 hours
How long will your batteries last, if your solar panels are shut down? 2.25889462 days

Also, Twile, you aren't allowed to answer this. :| We all know you'd answer it absolutely perfectly cause you are just that intelligent. :|

Well, it's been a week, only one person actually attempted. I have given the answers now. :P
4 years ago    

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I am unsure why paypal has been doing this, I mean I don't see them targeting furries just because. So let me know, have you checked your limits? Have you verified your accounts?

[img] https://dl.dropbox.com/u/30270697/t.....ypalverify.png [/img] <- img tags don't work cause FA sucks. :P

What does yours say?
https://www.paypal.com/US/cgi-bin/w.....d=_show-limits - to check your limits.

If you had a limit, maybe it is possible that you just went over the limit and your account was frozen.

Link a bank, even if it's an empty bank. Transfer your money to your bank, keep it out of paypal. Linking a bank adds verification to your account. Apply for their credit card, if you get it, you have a credit card with no annual fees. Having a credit card doesn't require you to use it, you can get it and shred the physical card if you feel like it. I keep my extra cards in a nice little lockbox. All they do is sit there locked up not being used, helping my credit score go WAY up.

These 2 things should completely utterly verify your account and remove ALL limits. I believe limits is what some of you have been hitting when you get your accounts locked, please take a look into that and tell me if this is accurate.

You can make buttons for easy automatic payments, just go here;
https://www.paypal.com/webapps/settings/ and then click "Selling Tools", then click "get started" where you see;
PayPal buttons - Create custom payment buttons for my website. - Get started

Or you can do a custom invoice per order, which might be better for you artists anyway. You can specify exactly what needs to be paid and even transfer the paypal tax to the people paying for the art, so they pay that. Creating an invoice is easy.
You can remove your shipping address and other info from the invoice as well, if you're paranoid and stuff.

If you need help at all, I can try to help you create a button or an invoice your first time. This should provide you with some extra protection against paypal freezes.
4 years ago    

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You know, it's pretty bad when people use Aspergers as an excuse to be an asshole. I was having a chat with this guy, he said I had added him before. I had no clue, because he apparently changes his name every few months or so, and fursona, and everything else. So I was trying to figure out why I deleted him, he tells me I deleted him because I'm an asshole, apparently. That I blocked him because I said "You are a suicidal attention seeking whore" or something. Which doesn't sound like me, I am not an ass to anyone unless they deserve it, and I give people a fair chance. Lots of chances. Even past the point of giving me a headache. So if I ever did talk to him, he went way beyond that point.

Anyhow, in an attempt to change the topic, I asked if he yiff RPed, just because I was curious and all, and because he was in a yiff RP group with me too and oh my god he fucking flipped out and shit! I mean wow. (PS, he is a yiffer, he just chose to blow up on me to be a jackass)

Just so you know, if you have Aspergers, this does NOT GIVE YOU THE EXCUSE TO BE AN ASSHOLE. I have Aspergers, I do my best not to be an asshole. So if I can do it, you can too. Do not use any mental disorder as an excuse to be an asshole. Sure you can come off as an ass sometimes but if you realize you're doing it, stop, and apologize. This guy basically told me to my face he has a disorder and is allowed to be a selfish dirtbag prick. Do not be like this guy.

Sorry folks, you aren't allowed to get his name. Not according to Furaffinity's rules on the matter. Don't ask me because I won't tell you. This was just a bit of a rant, just know that somewhere out there is an asshole with Aspergers saying he's allowed to be an asshole because of his disorder. Thank you and goodnight.

The guy totally didn't comment on my journal, I haven't mentioned his name once here but if you look down at the comments on this journal, you totally won't be able to find him admitting himself to the public at all. And he totally didn't go and change his steam name AGAIN today. Because he realized he lost and keeps changing his name to hide the fact that he's a loser and an asshole who deserves to have no friends until he stops being an asshole, but seeing as how he has Complex Asshole Disorder (CAD) he can't do that.

Apparently, according to totally anonymous asshole, I have a history of "being a cunt" and "everyone he spoke to knows it". Maybe his top 3 friends I guess, which are all likely as mentally ill as he is. He's chatting about me on his steam profile again. I reported him here on FA because of his ban evasions and stuff too.

I learn more and more about the guy all the time, he's used other illnesses in the past to either sap people into doing things for him or maybe just as an excuse to cover his Complex Asshole Disorder. Who knows. Oh well, apparently this guy is disgusted with the fandom, so he won't miss it being banned again right? I mean if he doesn't like furries, and doesn't like yiff, maybe he should stop joining yiff RP groups and looking at furry porn all the time then calling anyone who mentions the word yiff a freak.

He lost a lot of friends because he stopped yiffing and people only liked him for it. xP Well there isn't much to like. xD You seen what he's like without yiff right? This is entertaining, reading his profile comment history. I shall take log of it all. His new coping mechanism sucks, it's called being an asshole.

I'm sure by now, even if the moron hadn't announced himself in my shouts below, we all know who I'm talking about. I mean how many people like this are there in the fandom?
4 years ago    

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It seems that my hard drive is beginning to fail. I have found at least 30 bad sectors on it before the test program blurted out "Too many bad sectors" and basically said it's irreparable. I found out that SMART data on Western Digitals is useless because it tells you everything is perfectly safe and fine and oh you're drive is in perfect health! When it's obviously not. It's got the same exact damn info I had a year ago which means it's obviously just a lie.

Oddly, my D Drive, which is also the same age, same usage, same online time. Has not one single bad sector, it's in perfect health. It's actually kind of more used since it's my steam games drive, back up drive, and fraps recording drive. I don't really understand why one drive randomly starts appearing with bad sectors and the other is perfectly healthy when both are used the same amount, or the healthy one is used more heavily, and both have an average online time of 23.95 hours per day over the last 2 years and 2 months. AKA, 18,953.43 hours if my math is right.

This is my current hard drive;
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ.....9SIA2E112T7958 both drives.

This is a hard drive I was hoping to get;
This should fit in my laptop, right? They both say 9.5mm height, 100.30mm width, 69.85mm length.
4 years ago    

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It looks like she died in the last hour. I don't know how or why, and the signs that something was wrong only started yesterday night. She normally doesn't like to eat sometimes and waits till midnight or even morning to eat her food. So I didn't think it was that abnormal. I gave her some mac & cheese that I had eaten most of as well, that same day, on top of her food. She didn't eat it either, not even a bite. This morning, I brought her inside and pet her some, snuggled over her, and gave her some attention. She wasn't all that excited as she normally is. She just plopped right down on the one single rug in the entire house. After, I put her back outside and cooked a fresh hot dog, because I know she has a piece of her jaw missing and thought maybe if I gave her something easy to chew she might eat it. She almost took it from me when I gave it to her, but then she dropped it and didn't look back at it. She just layed there on the porch so I was sure something was wrong. I told my mother when she got back that the dog needed to see the vet, but it was to late. I looked outside and she was dead.

I lifted the dog into an old dog house that she was always scared of, and put the lid on it and moved it out back. It's below freezing outside o it's impossible to dig a hole right now. Asked a friend to come by in the next few days with their hole digging tractor, like they did for my previous dog who died of old age. It looks like my husky died from poison though. My mother didn't tell me till today but she was drinking a whole lot of water which I'm told is consistent with rat poison and to make things worse, when I lifted the dog up, there was a dead field mouse under her which seemed rather odd. It's possible that one of my neighbors, or the one I had a fight with a few weeks ago, poisoned my dog.

The fight was just a simple issue of their router interfering with my dish, making my net totally utterly unusable during the day time when they were online. It wasn't even really a fight, I just walked up there and asked them if they could change their channel, they pulled out a gun and told me never to come back and threatened me then fired off a round. Clearly they are assholes.

Anyway. My dog is dead now. The only pet I have left, is my snake. You can see pictures of my dog here;
4 years ago    

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Well, as you all know there are some admins in this community that are not all that great and there is nothing that can be done about that. There are plenty of conspiracies about furaffinity as a whole as well that make me uncomfortable, and knowing that more than half of them are true makes me wonder why people stay on this site. I may no longer submit artwork to this site or really my journals either. Not that it matters, most of you ignore me as if I'm a nobody anyway so I guess all is good eh? I'm on SoFurry and Weasyl, but I think I like Weasyl more. If only the admins there would read my journal and make some changes to the site for the better.


As you'll see when you load my profile there, I've submitted a lot more stuff here including photos of my pets.

As for the reasons for not wanting to be on FA anymore? Well. I'm just sick of the lack of change and corruption. Some things I can not say, some I choose not to. One thing I do think I will mention though, is the fact that this site hasn't changed because (only rumor) the top admins refuse to let any of the dev admins touch any of the site code. So the site can not be improved because no one is allowed to improve it. I mean look at my previous journal. All it took was some slight slight mild barely hard at all tweaking, and I can make a variety of colors for the site. But do the 3 or 4 admins I sent messages to about it care? no not really no. One seems to have found it interesting, but it's not like he can do anything to get the dev group to implement some new stylesheets for the site. They aren't allowed because one admin, don't remember which, refuses to let anyone touch any code anywhere on the site even though they technically are devs. So this site is doomed to live out the rest of it's life using HTML 1.0 invented in the early 1990s with a downloaded script for hover images on your main page. (hovering over a thumbnail switches the image, <sarcasm>oh my god that's so epic I almost want to staye </sarcasm>)

For most, this site isn't terrible. It's to simple and basic for anyone to really disagree with. But when you all feel like moving to a site that has more than 2 colors and is more than tables, images, text, and a single script, try Weasyl out.

Gee, I hope there's nothing in the TOS, AUP, SA, and COC that prevents freedom of speech that might get my account banned for posting this journal thus proving further that corruption exists on the site.

Here is one thing you can read about some of the corruption though that happened a while back: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/4343379/
There's plenty more but I'm sure it's all buried and hidden somewhere under a mountain of excuses and lies.

I will continue using furaffinity to check up on friends and see art, but will no longer submit anything here. If I commission an artist, I will probably pay them 10% more if they are on Weasyl with most of their gallery already there too. Just an incentive to try the site out and actually put most of your gallery there eh?
5 years ago    

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If you like space games, epic space battles, choosing your own profession, player run economies, I may have a few interesting games for you. First off I'd like tl take some time to laugh at the Goonswarm in the game of EVE Online for placing a Station egg to soon, not defending it, and losing it one jump from their staging area. Read all about it here, my alliance and even corp members participated in killing this 25 to 100 billion ISK structure. It only had less than 30 minutes left to go before it became an invulnerable structure too when it was destroyed. A station egg hasn't been destroyed in years. Real life years.


EVE Online wrote:So the first game on my list, is EVE Online. It has a player run economy, the only things you get from NPCs are like skillbooks, blueprints and maybe some small stuff that noobs require to get started.

There are several security levels for space in this game. Each system has a security level between 1.0 and -1.0. If you are in 1.0 to 0.5, you are in what is known as "highsec", a safe place where concord will kill anyone who attacks you unprovoked. (You can still lose ships to players, but concord will insure they are destroyed at all costs.) If you are in 0.4 to 0.1, this is known as lowsec, your actions still hurt your security status, and certain weapons aren't allowed like bubble warp disrupters and bombs. If your sec status goes below -5, you can't enter highsec anymore or you are shoot on sight by all system police. If you are in 0.0 and less, this is nullsec, most of it is owned by players and this is where you see vast amounts of mostly empty space until you find a system with 500 to 2000 players in it having an epic battle every so often. This is where titans and other massive ships roam, noobs should not travel out here till ready to join one of these alliances that own the regions. There is one more system type, which is refered to as wormhole with has a sec status of -1.0 always. These wormholes have special anomalies in them sometimes that boost and hurt you in some ways. They can't be claimed like nullsec, but they do offer protection as there is no way to enter them but to scan down a wormhole entrance. If you go in without a probe ship, you must suicide yourself to get back out if you lose the wormhole you came in through. Wormholes expire 24 to 72 hours or after enough mass has come through to collapse the hole. There are no stations in wormholes, your only safety is a starbase that you build.

The economy is delicate, and easy to make billions off of. There are even sites devoted to watching the in game market and comparing prices of items. If you are an industrialist who builds items, you use a blueprint in order to create an item or a ship, then take it to a market hub or even sell it wherever you are. That is how industrialists make money. PVPers and other industrialists, depending on what you built, buy this item from you to use it in whatever ways they want.

Alliances and corporations, they are your guilds and buddies. They often protect you as you protect them. A corporation may choose to tax their members or just let them do whatever they like. If you treat these people well, often they will treat you well right back.

Large scale battles to small 1v1 PVP. In highsec you often see smaller battles like 5 ships attacking one, or even 10v10 and such. These are usually because a corp or an alliance has declared war on each other and concord will not interfere in a war. If you want to participate in thee battles, simply dust off a ship with some guns on it or some ewar and help your comrades! Large scale battles often happen in nullsec, which often times reinforce the node (the system processor) because of the sheer volume of the battle having between 500 to 3000+ players in a single solar system, battling it out. Reinforced nodes enter time dialation and more cores are allocated to helping process the large quantity of missiles and bombs being hurled around in there. Most often these battles will include a titan or several carriers, the super ships of the game. These battles happen quite often and can go on for weeks (with obvious breaks of course, but always held up in the same systems or regions).

This game has 2 methods of payment, it is a subscription based game. You can either buy 30 days of game time for $15, or buy an in game item called PLEX, which adds 30 days game time. The in game price fluxiates because it is bought by other players in real life and sold in game to make fast ISK. One plex costs $20 and when sold on the market, that player gets the ISK he wants. Current value of a plex is 560 million ISK. If you make enough ISK in game, like I do. You can play for free forever.

Info about me? I live in nullsec, I am a miner and live happily in the dangerous territories because I know how to safe up when danger is about. I help my corporation and alliance as much as I can, giving cheap prices on everything I mine and in a state of emergency, I will gather fuel to keep the starbases running even for free if I must. I will never betray my comrades. I have lived out here for 2 months so far and have lost only 1 ship and that was because my net cut out slightly before I could flee. Unlucky but what can I say, oh well. Shit happens.
Want to try for 21 days free? Join using this link: http://tinyurl.com/vaseveinvite and if you join via subscription rather than PLEX, I will give you half the value of a PLEX in ISK as the game will reward me with a PLEX. So you could end up getting 300 million ISK upon upgrading your account! The URL was shortened due to it's length, a bit annoyingly long. Add "preview." before tinyurl if you wish to preview it safely first.

21 Days Free: http://tinyurl.com/vaseveinvite
Game Link: http://www.eveonline.com/
Personality Test: http://www.eveonline.com/sandbox/pe.....lity-analysis/
Video: Butterfly Effect - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08hmqyejCYU
Video: Current Expansion Trailer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kmUf3fflrA (generated using in game graphics)
Questions? Go ahead and ask, I'll put them below this line.

StarMade wrote:There's another game I saw a week ago and started trying out. It's much like minecraft except it's all space, and it runs much more smoothly than minecraft as I've seen thus far. It even has different levels of gravity in different planets and you can build space ships and fly wherever you like. Your space ship can be built any way you like.
This game is called StarMade, and is currently available for free during it's alpha/beta stages. The game is currently in Alpha and is developed by Schema. I will give a URL at the end of the quote.

You start out at a shop in sector 2,2,2 with 25,000 credits, 25 grey hull, 20 antimatter cannons, 6 SD HCT xm3.4 Power (power generators), 6 hyperflux coil thruster (engines), 1 weapons computer, 1 ship core. You place your ship core with X after moving far enough away from station, then click R while looking at it to get in after you've named the ship. Hit Space to enter build mode which lets you build your ship the way you want. You can buy items from the shop while in build mode and while in or out of your ship. Each item has a description of what it does to help you decide how you want to build your ship. Once you've constructed your ship, anywhere in the universe you can open your inventory and click "Catalog" to save your ship design. Be warned, any ships saved can be used by NPCs. An NPC may spawn with your ship as well giving you a difficult battle depending on how you built your ship though in multiplayer, it may work differently in some servers. Saving your ship allows you to buy the ship again should you lose it, at any shop in the universe.

There are multiple planets around the game, each having it's own special significance like Ice planets contain valuable ice crystals. Earth like planets look almost like earth. Currently all planets are flat. As I said, it's Alpha. Mining asteroids by hand or with your ship is possible, and is a large way to gain credits. There is also factory blocks which you can build to make items like more grey hull, or other items which can make your useless junk more valuable. These need power generators as well but it can be well worth it sometimes.

If you fly around, you can sometimes find abandon stations to claim as your own or tear apart and sell them as salvage for quick cash. There are also well guarded NPC stations that shoot you as soon as you come around, and then there are small gangs of NPCs that come after you in certain sectors as well. Exploration is fun, try it! It's free currently after all.

If you wish to support the game and retain the game forever even when complete, currently you can buy ONE copy for $3. There's no multiple copy buying available yet. So if you buy it, buy it for yourself only, they are working on a gift method for friends. There is no need to buy though at this time, there are no limits to what you can do while the game is in alpha and beta. If you have supported the game, let me know here so I know how many people I've managed to bring into the game! I might start my own server if I can and moderate it better than the current server hosts do. Greifing is a problem in alpha stage games really.

Game Link: http://star-made.org/
Game Video: (coming soonish if I can find or make a decent one)
Questions? Go ahead and ask, I'll put them below this line.

Tekkit wrote:If you have a Minecraft account, then you are able to play the free mod Tekkit. Tekkit adds lots of things to Minecraft, one of those being Galacticraft. Though the author of Tekkit is very VERY VVEERRRRYYYY slow to update the mod pack, and there are lots of bugs I have found so far that other authors have already fixed, it's the only modpack with Galacticraft at the moment because everyone else considers Galacticraft to be so buggy it's unusable, which is wrong. It's only because people find Oxygen Bubble Generators to be ugly and the Oxygen Sealers don't work yet. I mean that's a very complex system to program, of course it's going to be hard to make work.

Anyhow, Galacticraft in the future plans to allow you to visit other planets, currently the only 2 places in space you can go, is the Moon, or to a space station that you've been invited to (or your own). If you go to the Moon, you appear about 500 to 1000 meters above the surface and are falling at 50m/s. If you don't slow down to at least 8m/s, you will explode upon landing leaving a crater where you used to be and losing everything (unless you can get back and pick it all up in time before it disappears). Water and lava do work on the moon as normal. Grass does not, the texture comes out completely black. There are 3 main core elements to the moon. Moon Turf, which covers the surface like grass on Overworld, Moon Dirt, like the overworld dirt only white. Moon Stone, like earth stone only a different texture. There is a few minable things on the moon as well, Cheese Crud, to make cheese blocks. Tin, Copper, and I believe a few other ores will appear rarely on the moon. The moon has low gravity, your player takes no fall damage. There is no oxygen, you need to bring air canisters and breathing equipment. If you establish a tree farm on the moon, you can use oxygen collectors and oxygen bubble distributors to make oxygen bubbles where breathing is possible. Day on the moon lasts 4 and a half hours, night lasts 3 and a half. Mobs do spawn on the moon, they are stronger than the Overworld mobs and have their own oxygen gear. P.S. Torches do not work, forgot to mention.

Building a space station is not to terribly expensive, it costs 16 Tin Ingots, 24 Invar Ingots, 8 Copper Ingots and 1 Redstone Reception Coil to create a station, which will create a small platform with a landing pad for rockets entering your station. Your station is only accessible by you until you type /ssinvite playername. You can build your station however you like and expand as much as you want. If you fall off, at level 30, you'll drop to the overworld and if you have a parachute, you'll fall safely to the ground. If not, you'll simply land and most likely die, you fall where you launched from. If for some reason your launch location is deleted somehow, (server error or something), you'll land at 0,0 (X,Z) on the map which used to be considered spawn. Grass and liquids work in the space station, you'll need oxygen just like the moon and as with the moon torches do not work. Do not obstruct the location your box falls at, otherwise all your chests will land on the roof of the launch location. Leave a 1x1 block hole where the chest falls so that the chests can land inside. I use a block breaker, water, and some block collectors to push all items into a new chest somewhere else for landing chests. Be warned, this is also low gravity, all items will float fairly high after they are mined/broken, and sometimes fall back down to the overworld. It is unknown to me if they land on the overworld or are simply deleted.

If you like Minecraft and like space, you may wish to try out this space mod for Minecraft. It's super amazing quite yet, but the dev of galacticraft has plans to add new planets and new items so stay tuned!

My Server: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u.....pacecraft.html
Game Link: http://www.technicpack.net/tekkit/
Game Video: (coming soonish if I can find or make a decent one)
Questions? Go ahead and ask, I'll put them below this line.

Evochron Mercenary wrote:This game contains newtonian physics. This means that you will be able to go infinitely fast so long as you have the fuel to do it, if you run out of fuel while going 7000m/s in one direction, then you'll drift forever, or until some local gravity disturbance speeds you up or pulls you in or slows you down. At times like this, suicide is usually the only way to get back to a station. The faster you are going, the more fuel it takes to go faster, it's virtually impossible to reach speed of light because at this time it'd take infinite amounts of fuel to do. It takes 1 fuel to open a warp tunnel allowing you to jump a sector or more in distance. This can be helpful if you run low on fuel and need to get to a station to refuel.

Planets have atmospheres and must be landed on manually. If you are going faster than 1400 when you enter the atmosphere, you explode. If you are going faster than 1400 while in the planet atmosphere, you start taking heat damage, and if your shields can take it, you are fine. Mostly just divert all power to the frontal shields if you are going that fast forward.

You can mine asteroids, nebulas, planets and moons when you get a mining beam. Your cargohold kinda blows, it's upgradable to a max of 5 cargoholds which each store only ONE type of item per cargohold, and 25 of that item max. I don't know why it's designed like this, I think it's horrible but so long as you know what things are valuable, you can still get rich quickish and it more than covers your fuel costs. For mining on planets, just slowly land on the surface and activate your beam, you can even lock the beam on and sit back and relax while your cargo fills for you. Same for asteroids and moons or nebulas. Other players will often come by to destroy you, so be careful about where you mine or leaving the computer alone while mining. Don't bump these asteroids or you'll explode. Don't accidentally warp while facing an asteroid, you'll explode. It's advised you change some of the F keys before you get used to playing with them at their current locations as accidental warps happen a lot with them.

PVP is much like any other game, like Freelancer. Manually aim and shoot, a small circle indicates where you should fire to hit your target, it's just a helper and won't always be able to predict the enemy movements. You can divert power from weapons to shields to last longer or power from shields to weapons to shoot more. You can also divert shield strength from different sides in order to protect the side that's being shot, if you're fleeing battle, you'll likely be shot in the back so keep sending more shield to the back of your ship as you make your escape. If you die, you lose what's in your cargohold and respawn at your last save (yes, even in multiplayer there's a save feature). I don't remember but I think you also lose your crew. (need to verify some stuff in this paragraph)

Crew can be added to your ship, so long as you have enough crew slots. These are NPCs that basically boost certain things on your ship. They all have loyalties and skill levels. Each mission you complete successfully raises their skill, and their loyalty as well if you are paying them their requested or above requested wages. If you get one with low loyalty, he'll likely leave before you can train him or get his loyalty. Before 100 loyalty, if you don't do missions constantly, they'll eventually leave you. Once max skill and max loyalty, they will stop requesting more and more money, mine cost me 3000 per day basically, or per whatever the in game tick was. I'll have to verify sometime.

All in all, this is a rather nice game, much like freelancer just with newtonian physics and the ability to land on planets. I believe there's a demo you can try before you buy, will link demo below when I find it. Oh and before I forget, your player files are persistant. If you play single player, and go to a server, you'll keep all the stuff you had in single player, and if you play on one server then join another, you keep all the stuff from that server. Also if you try to cheat, your game is broken and you must delete that character completely. Lots of anticheat methods have been put into the game, it is VERY hard to cheat. Can't say impossible because some of you will take that as a challenge.

Demo Link: http://www.starwraith.com/evochronm...../downloads.htm
Game Link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/71000
Game Video: (coming soonish if I can find or make a decent one)
Questions? Go ahead and ask, I'll put them below this line.

Star Citizen wrote:I don't have enough information at this current time to give a detailed run down of the game. Ask twile twile or sepffuzzball sepffuzzball, maybe they can help you out here better than I can. I will fill out this quote when I am able.

Game Link: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/about-the-game
Game Video: That may be a bit hard for now. :P
Questions? You'll have to wait till I learn more myself. lol

Kerbal Space Program wrote:I've had some experience with this game so far, with the free demo. I know you can do a lot more in the paid versions though. Basically this game is about getting into space using realistic stuff and building your own space ship from scratch. Mostly I've been able to achieve orbit but learning some new features of the game, I believe I can more easily get to other planets if I had a version that would let me do that. You need to make your ship's thrusters strong enough to get you to space, not weigh to much, and have enough to make a return trip (if you want to return that is). If you have to much thrust, you may get stuck in orbit around the sun instead. To little thrust, you'll fall back to earth and explode (unless you have a parachut and nothing attached to your pod).

I'm sorry, I didn't do so well explaining this one. I'll try better a bit later if I can.

Game Link: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/
Steam Game Link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/220200
Game Demo Download: https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/download.php
Game Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us7SxZzXrN8 (35:28) | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Thj3I3Rlvg (5:45) (Way back when I was first learning :P)
Questions? Ask.

Star Ruler wrote:Star Ruler is quite an interesting game. Long and slow though. You start out on a single planet and try to expand your civilization into the rest of the universe, destroy your enemies, work with your allies. Defend against rogue pirates and kill remnant societies. Research newer stronger technology, build your own ships completely customized, no real maximum scale at all. Your ship could be as small as a satelite, or as big as the universe. Bigger ships will take longer to build of course and consume lots more resources. So try not to start building a super ship the instant you start the game or you may end up losing before you've even begun.

You should defend your home planet, it's usually the best. Planets in solar systems all orbit the star, and the star is destructible which means someone can destroy your star and kill every planet inside. There are solar systems with no stars, these usually have nothing but asteroids orbiting a super large asteroid. Use mining ships to retrieve these asteroids for extra ore/metal.

Make sure your economy is good and your planets are able to export and import the maximum they require or you'll end up not having enough for anything to finish. This is more-so a strategy game and a time consumer. There is a demo available however so you can try it before you buy it. There are mod packs as well for it, like Galactic Armory which add many new things, though it seems to be no longer updating, just as the game. The game is fairly old.

Game Link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/70900/
Demo available on game link page.
Game Video: None so far. Can make one if requested.
Questions? Ask.

Faster Than Light (FTL) wrote:Well, this game certainly keeps hold of you for a while with it's amazing simplicity. Definitely a time killer as well. You start out with some data, you need to get back to the Federation fleet. You pick a ship and a ship layout and then your journey begins. You're allowed to choose a ship name and the name of your core crew as well before you begin. Once you start, you are informed that you need to get to each exit as fast as possible. This is technically wrong, if you do not arm your ship to the teeth with massive ultimate weapons and high defenses, you will lose no matter what. Get an FTL Jammer the first chance you get, this'll give you more time to explore and make more salvage (credits) to buy stuff with such as ship upgrades and new crew. Be sure your crew specializes in something as well so that they level up. There's a bug where the pilot will not level up unless you make him leave and enter the cockpit all over again so do this before you start off.

Each jump, you have a random chance of finding an enemy, someone helpful, or nothing. On the map when you are close enough, you'll also see distress beacons and stores. If you have a long range scanner, you can also see info about local systems, such as if a ship is detected. Not all ships will attack you so don't assume all warnings are definitely bad. You are given multiple choices in some scenarios, the blue ones are the best to choose if you can.

In my opinion, the game is a little to hard. Even on easy, it was impossible for me multiple times. I haven't beaten it once yet, and tried both difficulties. The Rebels are ultimately powerful. I can tear through any ship like it was paper until I get to "The Last Stand" and then everything is as if I'm fighting a ship with my power status, and then when you find the boss, he's 5 times stronger than you with practically invulnerable shielding. I may give up here soon, I can't continue playing for hours just to end up losing every single time at the end. I dunno how many people have actually beaten this game. Maybe I'm just unlucky and keep finding sucky shops that don't give me shit I need like a weapon more powerful than the pieces of crap I have.

FTL Voyage Captain's Log, https://docs.google.com/document/d/.....b3hynrtkw/edit - 3 and a half pages

Game Link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/212680
Demo? None.
Game Video: None so far. Can make one if requested.
Questions? Ask.

I may add others to this list. Stay tuned! Ask your questions in the journal comments.

Other games I know of that look cool but haven't been able to try:
Endless Space = http://store.steampowered.com/app/208140
Sword of the Stars II = http://store.steampowered.com/app/42990
X3 = http://store.steampowered.com/sub/12985/
Miner Wars = http://store.steampowered.com/app/223430
Sins of a Solar Empire = http://store.steampowered.com/app/204880
StarDrive = http://store.steampowered.com/app/220660
Space Siege = http://store.steampowered.com/app/10530
Strikesuit Infinity = http://store.steampowered.com/app/234160
Starforge = http://store.steampowered.com/app/227680
Planetary Annihilation = http://store.steampowered.com/app/233250
5 years ago    

Comments (9)   

[Read more...]

Yep, had to teach someone how to use FA's block feature to block me.

Maybe someone should make a little +block button on each userpage or something. *HINT-HINT-FA-CODER-TEAM-HINT*
5 years ago    

Comments (1)   

[Read more...]

I had 4 hours of sleep in the last 30ish hours. Every muscle in my bod aches. I'm slightly cold, having issues staying calm. Having issues thinking straight and keeping a thought going for longer than a minute. So yea. This happened.

[02:44 AM] Vas: Yes I know, you don't like me. You probably never really did because you like making me feel stupid all the time.
[02:45 AM] ______: You make yourself feel that way. You refuse to listen to anything I say even if its correct. You come back to me countless times over shit I've explained. I dont make you feel stupid, you are stupid.
[02:45 AM] *** ______ signed off at 2:45 AM.

So yea, I process things differently than other people.
I misunderstand things often, such as sarcasm or if something is worded in a way I don't understand.
I have trouble keeping up with other people.
I have learning disabilities, amongst other disabilities.
I rarely get close enough with anyone like this, because of this situation right here. I wish I didn't have emotions, maybe then I could be happy because I won't be put down by all the people calling me stupid just cause I can't keep up or need help doing things and taking me a while to learn them.

You get close to someone, and they just eventually end up hurting you when your guard is down. Meh. Suppose he's right. I'm fairly stupid. Not intentionally, just very hard for me to keep up especially when no one wants to stick around to help me with anything. I may not be able to keep up and I may not be as smart as you but it doesn't make it right to call me stupid. That's one of the most hurtful things people can do to me, it's one thing that effects me the most because no matter how much I try to change. It's the one thing I can't improve on. I even wish to go to collage but it probably wouldn't help anyway. Things like this just push me even further away from ever trying because inevitably I'll fail anyway.
5 years ago    

Comments (3)   

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After a year of a ban, I have returned. The ban as it turns out was a coincidental mistake and was never fully investigated till now. I do not blame the admins of FA, I do not hate anyone here. I would like to move on and ignore that this ever happened to begin with, sometime after I finish checking 9000 submission notifications. No, I won't nuke submissions because I want to see want my friends have posted in the time I've been gone. SO that being said, it'll take me a week or 2 to catch up. I have deleted all my previous journals and submissions for the time being though. A lot has changed, so I really need to update everything properly.

Bender Voice: I'm back baby!

Edit: 9 hours later, I finished going through ALLLLL my submission notifications. WEWT!
Also got a shout today that looked friendly but when I went to go reply, apparently I was blocked so..... >.> Dunno what that was all about. Oh well.

I'm not sure how likely I am to stay on the site yet. I don't really feel all that close to the furry community anymore. I'm more of a gamer, and I've gone through quite a few changes in my life. Also been diagnosed with brain damage, Aspergers, anxiety, and some other stuff. Ever since, I just haven't been motivated to do anything anymore. So currently this I'm unsure about what I'm going to do. If I do decide to stay, I will repost my art and stuff. If not, I will likely delete this journal and lock up my account then leave.

I've noticed the site has gone through some changes, but there are still thinks that I think could be improved, based on the less than 12 hours I've been back so far:
Grouping submissions into piles like Deviant Art. All of one user goes to one group.
An option in the menus to go back to the old style menus or a flat stile menu system.
Ability to load more than 60 images per page.
Featured Favorite.
Unable to block a user if you commented on their page or anything of theirs at all in the past 24 hours. (for obvious reasons)

I don't expect any of these to be thought about so whatever. :P It's nice to be back, and it's nice to see some of these changes, they are quite nice.
5 years ago    

Comments (5)   

[Read more...]

High Art Prices - A change of views. (3 years ago)
The PATREON Plague. (3 years ago)
By the way. I have game keys and stuffs. (3 years ago)
Raven is not Revan! Rex/Garwin/Arseface/whatever! (3 years ago)
It's kinda funny, banned from a steam group based on lies. (4 years ago)
Are you stuck logged in on skype? Here is the solution. (4 years ago)
Test your math skills? (4 years ago)
Has your paypal account been frozen? (4 years ago)
There is a difference between Aspergers, and asshole. (4 years ago)
Hard Drive Failure (4 years ago)
My dog has died. (4 years ago)
Weasyl! Some info. (5 years ago)
Space Games - Epic Battles - Choose Profession - Player Econ (5 years ago)
Funny, had to help someone block me (5 years ago)
Depressed, I hate people. (5 years ago)
Bender Voice: I'm back baby! [unbanned after 1 year] (5 years ago)