~Vas' Journals
I just wanted to see if anyone would remember so I didn't make any pre-birthday posts. :P
Not a single person here did. :P The only people who even knew were the people I told, except one who I've talked to every day for the last 10ish years.
a day ago    

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So, I've done some redesigning of my discord recently, since a few people thought I had too many channels. I had to disable my previous discord invite URL because a troll who's FA accounts are banned or disabled decided to use it to try and stalk a specific person in my server again and fill my server with his many, many alts and trollish friends but thats fixed now and all are banned.

Right now, at this very moment, my server has 113 human users, and its not hugely active since most furries just lurk and collect discords for some reason but, it is up to you if you wish to join and talk.

I have channels for SFW content and then I have NSFW channels as well. I use commands and automation to allow you, the user, to choose your own roles and channels. The reason I do this is so that you don't accidentally see anything you don't want to see. So if you're into watersports, you can type ?watersports to see the watersports channel, but without that command, the channel doesn't exist as far as you can tell, and you recieve -no data- from it, making mentions from inside it, impossible.

There's also a ?SFW command, this command will instantly hide all NSFW channels and prevent you from receiving any data from them. I did this for anyone who uses discord while at work, so they can disable it just in case they have to, without ruining their roles and requiring setting up their roles again. The command is a simple toggle and everything you had before it is back after. So have no fear!

My server is full of mature individuals who know how to handle conversation, we have a debates channel for political talk and whatnot, things can get heated but as long as there are no personal insults its not an issue unlike other discords where the mere mention of politics causes the ban hammer to fall. I'm a fair admin who doesn't ban people just because I don't like them or anything. If you don't break any rules, you don't get banned.

One of the problems we've had a few times is people join my discord, them spam their own discord invitation URLs to other members of my server in private, you WILL be banned for this. Just like if you start PMing everyone asking for RP, you'll also be banned for this. No one wants to wake up and see that they have 20 private messages, stop doing it. There is a channel for "looking for RP", use it.

Without further ado, here's the invitation URL: https://discord.gg/9Yxg8dK

One more thing, you will be dropped into the rules channel, which contains a command you MUST ENTER in order to join the rest of the discord. It confirms that you have read the rules, and are ready to join us. Even if you ignore the rules and enter the command, it "legally" binds you to having agreed to those rules and allows me to punish you for breaking the rules whether you read them or not.
a month ago    

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3 months ago    

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Too much agendas.

Feminist Wars: The Last Jedi
Agenders: Infertility War
Pacific Agenda: Uprising

I mean really? Come on.
4 months ago    

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Seriously. Some guy from FA who says I favorited some of his work here, adds me on steam with the message saying that he's from FA. I can't be exact because the little dipwad deleted it like a fucking child. I reject his add request politely, and he calls me scum and tells me never to favorite his stuff again. I don't even know who he is! Nor do I know what FA profile he's even talking about!

Regardless of the reason as to why I rejected his request, this is no reason to come at me like I'm "scum" (in his words) for politely rejecting an add request. I don't give a flying fuck that your profile has some high level to it or if you have many contacts in common. There are many factors involved in whether or not I approve a profile. I don't accept people because they're popular or because they might give me something, or whatever. I have the right to reject any add request without being treated like I'm scum for it.

In this particular case, I've been suffering severe depression the last while, and have been unwilling to add people lately much worse because of recent events particularly yesterday's event that happened just before this random guy shows up to add me. I am not in the mood to add people in my current state, and it only serves to make things worse when shitheads like this call you scum for denying them even if you do it politely.

So the moral of the story;
If you're going to add me on anything, tell me exactly where you came from (What FA profile, for example), why you added me, and anything else you can think of that'll help me figure out whether or not I should add you.
If you get rejected, don't go off and be a whiny fucking 12 year old about it. Be a mature adult, I know thats hard for the fandom to do because many here don't know what maturity is but give it a try, you'll gain more respect that way.
7 months ago    

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I've got a certain personality and such that rubs people the wrong way. I'm also highly forward and used to about everything these days. I use references a lot as well, in this case I was poking someone who looked interesting, and told him he could ask a friend we had in common about me if he wanted.

Instead, I said something that offended the guy, he didn't tell me that I had offended him. He took it out on the person I used as a reference, and then that friend of mine also blocked me.

So I feel that I shouldn't bother trying anymore, I'm tired of it. I hate trying to get to know new people because there's always some problem that causes it to not work and often times its worse than just stopping talking to that new person and affects more than just the new person and me.
7 months ago    

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I mean really, you're a fucking immature little child if you can't handle one single ounce of fucking criticism.

I went to share my thoughts and advice towards a specific person who commissions art ONLY if they are allowed to plaster A GIANT MEGA LOGO across the art that isn't even their own art. They cover their art in a big ass fucking watermark that ruins the quality of the art all because someone steals their characters.

They called me rude, for simply saying that I think the watermark ruins the quality and makes the artwork nearly unbearable to view. However, since they decided to block me because they're both immature little kids... I'm going to go ahead and say that if you are an artist who allows someone to ruin your artwork with massive watermarks, you are earning less view and reducing your potential customer base because people who see the artwork done by you with a massive watermark will think "God, this is terrible, I hate watermarks. I have to make sure to find a different artist."

I mean really, no where was I rude but, as usual, furries tend to be immature and unable to handle the slightest fucking disagreement of any kind. "Oh god, he isn't bowing down and kissing my feet and calling me a goddess, block him!"

You know, I tried to apologize for coming off as rude in my comment, but found out I was blocked by both of them. This no longer means that I have done anything wrong, and I am officially innocent of anything. Sorry guys. Block button isn't for stopping anyone who disagrees with you. I hope your possible artists you can choose from dwindles into none when they all realize you ruin their artwork with massive logos.

As per rules, I have not mentioned any names, nor will I tell anyone names should anyone ask via any method at all be it notes or instant messengers. No clues will be given, this journal is simply a rant about immature people who use the block button far too often. As far as I can tell, this journal breaks no rules.
a year ago    

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I'm on people's block lists that I've never even met or contacted or seen before. I was browsing around FA randomly fir the first time in ages, tried to comment on someone's artwork and found out I was blocked, and its someone I've never ever before ever seen anywhere.

I mean come on, don't block people based on fucking rumors you hear. If some popular artist goes around being a cunt telling everyone "Hey this guy's bad", use your own god damn brain and see for yourself whether its true or not. I've had plenty of people get all mad at me and go around spreading bullshit about me because it made them feel better whether its true or not. I'm sorry but at this point, if you block someone because someone else said that person is bad, and you have no verified proof of it and haven't even tried to get that person's side of the story, then you're just as bad as the dickwad that started the rumor in the first place.

Learn to think for yourself, I know most Americans can't do that but most of you should be able to think for yourself and determine whether something's just bullshit or actually true.

The block feature, is to stop someone from bothering you after you've told them to stop doing whatever it is thats bothering you, its not supposed to be used as a middle finger to just piss off random people on furaffinity who never did anything to you before. I fucking swear, furries are kids these days, immature and unable to handle any sort of confrontation of any kind. Its why FA has this rule where you can't say anything bad about anyone anywhere cause furries these days be little fucking cry babies and throw a god damn tantrum.

I'd name names, but I'm not allowed! Hell, this journal doesn't break any rules but it'll probably get deleted anyway cause its something negative.
a year ago    

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Guess what! Many of you are violating the rules of the Patreon service. Any of you who use rewards that are raffles or prizes based on chance, your accounts can be terminated for violating the terms of use.

We restrict some types of content and rewards. You cannot:
Use raffles, or any prizes based on chance, as a reward.

So, if you continue to do so, your accounts may be closed for violating the rules. Just thought you should know.
a year ago    

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I don't keep water in his cage, because it makes the cage humid, and being a Rosy Boa, I need to keep the cage dry. This is the first time I've tried giving him water in this way, I usually just put some water in there for a short period of time every so often between meals.
a year ago    

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I tried to inform one of the admins about it, but seems all my constructive criticism is ignored now, so I'll just have to post a journal instead.

With the latest update to the site, everything went back to the old school layout where we are back to FA 5 years ago, only less lines and just more shaded in boxes instead. Like we took 5 steps forward, then took 3 steps backwards.

All the nice curves of the site went away, back into an old square everything with sharp corners and lack of gradients, kinda like updating to Windows 10 from Windows 7. A total loss in esthetics.

Worse off, submission pages now load "full view" by default, causing it to take 3-8 times longer for me to load a submission now, and you have to click the image now to get the old resized version that fits on your screen rather than see the one by default that would take 3 screens stacked to see all at once. This is my biggest complaint, and the one I tried to tell one of the admins, but it got dismissed.

I don't use the forums because I don't want to use multiple sites just to talk about the one I use. I normally don't like to provide my constructive criticism via journal, but I want other people to have the chance to see this and agree with me or disagree with me. Should this journal wind up deleted, then it means I am not allowed to say anything about FA at all anymore.
a year ago    

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Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip. After a good meal and a bottle of wine, they laid down for the night, and went to sleep. Some hours later, Holmes awoke and nudged his faithful friend. "Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see." Watson replied, "I see millions and millions of stars." "What does that tell you?" Watson pondered for a minute. "Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies, and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo. Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three. Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful and that we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you?" Holmes was silent for a minute, then spoke. "It tells me that someone has stolen our tent."
a year ago    

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You know, for the internet priding its self of rule 34, I have yet to see any of Thurman from that movie. :P The orange slug like creature from the movie.

I figured there'd be something of him online somewhere, with all the weird tastes people have. xD I only looked out of curiosity, the other characters seem meh. :P
a year ago    

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I'm playing on an official server on Ark Survival now, I'm about a level 51 as of this posting. If you wish to join me, comment and I'll give some further details. I'm considering starting my own tribe of furries there.
2 years ago    

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Yep, I will be 27 in 4 hours 33 minutes 36 seconds. 95% of you wouldn't even have known without me posting this journal. :P In fact, the only people who knew on skype were those that saw the birthday icon (which I disabled so I don't see it on anyone), and my lovely drake. :P
2 years ago    

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I'm thinking of posting the stuff people have drawn for me here again, however I will censor it with "Furry Network" tags to get people over to FN to see the full picture. I still don't trust FA anymore, nor do I like it. But you people won't get your asses off it and keep claiming I don't have any art of myself because you won't go to the other sites listed on my damn page. So what do you think?
2 years ago    

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So I joined OfficialServer59 about a week or two ago and started playing constantly. Maybe even only a week really. I complained here and there, and used global chat a lot to talk to people. Eventually the alpha tribes got tired of it and banned me from their server. An official server, that they don't own, and they banned me from it by destroying everything I own, even after I was helpful and gave things to the very people who attacked me. I helped new players learn the game, gave those players free stuff even. All Official Servers are ignored by the devs of Ark, no one manages anything that goes on in them. Alpha tribes prevent anyone from gaining enough power to challenge them. You defy any rules of theirs, they wipe you out and prevent you from ever playing the game again. So, Ark multiplayer is bad. I found out the hard way that Ark Survival just blows ass. :/
2 years ago    

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You know, this website has become all about blocking people now. I ask a question to clarify some text on someone's page, because I didn't understand their rules, and then after, I notice something else on their page thats unclear and point that out, and he blocks me. God, this site got worse because of the addition of the clickable block button because now people are using it like fucking crazy. In fact, I believe there are people who use the block button in order to stop someone from bidding against them on YCHs and other FA auctions. You can guarantee, that won't be possible on FN. The block to prevent bidding part, that is. It shouldn't be possible on FA but then, FA is so old school and basic that the system would need a complete overhaul to change it.

Just wow though. FA is all about blocking people these days, its ridiculous.
"I don't understand this rule, can you elaborate please?" -BLOCKED-
"This bit of text on your page is hard to read or I can't distinguish it from other text." -BLOCKED-

This site is truly dying. More so the community is just getting worse. You kids need to grow up.
OH; and this isn't a call out, I am fully within the rules of the site. This, is just a generalized rant.
2 years ago    

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Furaffinity's best invention to piss people off!
" You cannot favorite a submission by someone who has blocked you. "

Just randomly go favoriting a bunch of art and find 3 random people, some you've never talked to before in your entire life and find out you're blocked. Another good reason FurryNetwork is better because you can favorite art without being told this bullshit, even if the user blocked you. Good job Furaffinity, you totally fucking rock! :O

Just here to give another promote to Furry Network because its clearly superior in every way.
2 years ago    

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Rule 34 states that, if it exists, there is porn of it.
However, I know of at least one thing that there is no porn of. I have not been able to find ANY porn on this specific character from a specific game I enjoy. Or any art at all really other than the screenshot of the mission all about him. :P

Vendral! A two-headed dragon and the sole descendant of the Dragon King. Found in the quest Slay the Mighty Dragon, in the game Majesty Gold.
2 years ago    

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Thats right, Windows Update now installs viruses to your machine! While technically its not a virus, it does still do bad things, because Microsoft can't be bothered to test their updates prior to release and instead force it out there on everyone else. If you are a Windows 10 user, you will not be able to refuse an update because MS has decided you don't have rights anymore because you are their bitch and they own your computer and you. They can install and uninstall whatever the fuck they want whenever the fuck they want to you machine and you can't do anything about it. Because Windows 10 allows them to do this.

The latest update, KB3147458 was installed on my machine and it caused my internet driver to stop working properly. Once I uninstalled this update, everything was fixed, however, less than a day later, they forced the update on me again without my permission or anything, even though I've had Windows Update disabled for a while.

Other users have reported that this update breaks other drivers, and causes a very large amount of other issues, some of which are so fucking obvious that even 10 minutes of testing could have revealed the issues. But Microsoft uses clean slate machines to test everything, if they test at all, so they won't find issues because if it boots up, there's no problem and the rest is clearly user error which is likely what Microsoft will tell you if you complain. By forcing updates regardless of what you want, they are saying that you are too stupid to be in control of your own machine so they are gonna control it for you. By that logic, Microsoft says everyone who owns Windows 10 is a retard, and requires MS to fix things for you whether you want it or not. Aren't you glad Microsoft is treating you all like retards?

Fix the problem, disable Windows Updatein services, and refer to a registry file I use to disable windows update notifications to that may or may not work anymore.
http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/7255568/ - It used to work, but it doesn't seem to anymore, after Microsoft discovered people using it, they likely released an update that fixes the update process so it can't be disabled via Registry anymore. If this continues, I may have to go into Linux and delete WindowsUpdate.exe or whatever the update exe is called from my machine so that it can't ever run again, drastic measures to keep my machine safe.

2 years ago    

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Well no one ever replied or helped out or anything on my previous journal, but the tooth removal was a success. They lightened up on the anesthetic more this time so I was semi-conscious the entire time but I don't remember anything from it now other than hearing "Are you ok?" every so often. Jaw hurts like fuck now and there is a stitch in there. It seems it may have taken slightly longer to get it done than thought, I'm not sure how much I will owe at the time because they are still going to try and put it through to my insurance company regardless.

I'm going to sleep now before the pan comes back entirely. Barely got the bleeding to stop. Theres an infection too so that'll probably slow down the healing process, worse still they gave me the floaters for antibiotics. Amoxicillin I believe, the capsules that float on top of the water making it extra difficult to swallow.

I will still need help, because I had to put everything down on a credit card that has a 6 month no interest period and a very high interest rate. Unfortunately I still doubt very much anyone will help. If you do want to help, just send to my paypal "VasVadum(at)Gmail.com" {(at) because spam bots, simply replace with @}. If you want more information, feel free to ask here or in private.

This particular procedure is estimated to cost a little over $700, and I have another one pending that is in severe need that is close to $1000.
2 years ago    

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It's not an insulting thing or anything, I'm sure most of you thought you could enter your steam login name and it would work, but FA does not use that. It wants your steam Custom URL ID. Not your steam login, stop doing that, it's a security risk. I'm going to not only tell you how to get your custom URL, but how to change it, and even show pictures.


If you already have a custom URL, simply load your profile in firefox or some such. It will automatically give you the ID by swapping the URL from profile/ to id/. Unless you load it in Steam which uses Internut Exploder type code and is a full of shit tool. So don't try it there.

Here is my custom URL: http;//steamcommunity,com/id/VasVadum/
Now, what you need, is everything between the / after id. http;//steamcommunity,com/id/THISHERE/games/
You will not need anything after the slash. So in this URL above, you would enter "THISHERE" in the furaffinity steam ID part to make your link work.
If you ever change your profile URL, it will become invalid on FA and any other place you gave it.


If you don't have a custom URL, your profile will most likely load with /profile/steam64idcode
Mine looks like this: http;//steamcommunity,com/profiles/76561198023716890
Now, you will need to change your custom URL for it to work here on this site.

Step 1: Login to your profile.
Step 2: Load your profile page.
Step 3: Click "Edit Profile" near the top of your profile on the right side. Screenshot
Step 4: Scroll down till you see "Custom URL (?)" and it will show an input box after a URL. Screenshot
Step 5: Put something into the input box that you want your steam URL to be.
Step 6: You're done, scroll down and save changes, a green button at the bottom of your profile. Please don't make me screenshot it.
2 years ago    

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Unfortunately, insurance companies today are a scam that like to fuck you over the best they can. I have problems with my teeth and have for years now and have been trying not to post anything about it because I don't want to be begging for help but at this point, my insurance company (the new one) really fucked me over on this one and I have to go to the oral surgeon in about 2 weeks t get a tooth in the very back literally cut out in several pieces and he said I will have to be knocked out for it. The whole procedure is going to cost around $700, on top of the previous procedure I had done which cost me more than $1000 and I still have another procedure that my insurance company refuses to pay for till next year pending that needs to be done that will cost another $1000. I can't keep pushing it off because if I do I will permanently lose two more teeth and this tooth that is going to be cut out is the 6th non-wisdom tooth that will have to be removed. Currently two of my teeth are encased in temporary caps but I can't afford the permanents because my insurance got canceled during the procedures and the new one waited till after the new year in order to begin so they could screw me over, and now my temporaries are more than 4 months old (these temps are 4 months old, previous temps broke after 2 months and the pair before that broke after 1 month twice, so I've had temps in for half a year) and I can't keep getting temps put in all year long because temps don't work for eating with and aren't going to keep my tooth as safe.

Anyway, I doubt anyone will help, but I thought I'd post. I have several procedures that need to be done. The most immediate, is the surgery where I have to have a tooth cut out. The tooth needs to be removed in three separate pieces according to the doc there, he told me this after an xray of the tooth and my insurance won't cover any of it.

So anything anyone is willing to throw my way would be extremely helpful. I don't want to end up like Toothless the dragon, except without the hidden teeth. My meals have mostly been liquid for the last several months anyway, because I can't eat normally anymore with temporary teeth in place so I'm kinda used to it, I just prefer having teeth so I don't have issues with talking and stuff.

Anything at all is helpful, not that I expect anything. I'm not quite popular enough for the help I need. :P
Paypal: VasVadum _ Gmail.com (Please do not email me) ((Replace _ with @, to prevent spam bots))
2 years ago    

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I keep getting blocked either by people I've never talked to in my life, or people who barely know me. I even got blocked by someone who technically defended me. I mean, what the fuck is up with that? I know one popufur went on twitter to bitch about me like a fucking 12 year old a while back, making a big scene and shit, ranting about me with others who don't like me and coming up with all sorts of lies about me. It's extremely annoying that people here are mainly a pack of 12 year olds, and even worse, Furaffinity doesn't let you say anything about it here because they like to keep drama off the site which is a load of crap because you can't do that anyway, and all it really is is protecting popular furries from harm.

So, I can't point out names on FA, but I can on Live Journal. You'll find my live journal on my front page.

In short, the latest one will be a compilation of stuff that's happened over the last month on furaffinity that is bothering me to some degree.
2 years ago    

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So, it was my birthday on the 22nd. (a day ago)
The Fluffy Inn Discord Server (110+ Users) (a month ago)
You're gay! (3 months ago)
Movies today suck. (4 months ago)
If you are going to add me on steam, dont be an immature kid (7 months ago)
There's a reason I don't try to meet people much these days. (7 months ago)
Wow, some furries are fucking pathetic. I swear. (a year ago)
What the fuck is with you god damn furries. (a year ago)
Hey Patreon Users (a year ago)
Who wants to see a snake drink water from my hand? :O (a year ago)
This new FA update sucks. (a year ago)
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip (a year ago)
Rule 34 of Thurman from "Escape From Planet Earth" (a year ago)
Ark Survival: Official Server! Join me? (2 years ago)
I've orbited Sol 27 times. (birthday, for the uneducated) (2 years ago)
Might post artwork here again. (2 years ago)
Ark Survival: Multiplayer is bad. (2 years ago)
FA, home of the block button. (2 years ago)
"Cannot favorite because blocked!" (2 years ago)
Rule 34 has been broken! (2 years ago)
Windows Update: A virus waiting to invade your computer. (2 years ago)
Oral Surgery Results (2 years ago)
How to Steam URL on FA | Because half of you got it wrong! (2 years ago)
Oral Surgery! (Might need help) (2 years ago)
Apparently half of furaffinity is Immature little kids. (2 years ago)