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Member9 years ago
... Ok, does anyone else find their logic really wrong? I think the anime market is just up on underage characters because narutards buy it all up because their ninjas and we have to believe it.
Member9 years ago
*blinks and shakes head* Idiot Its a joke
Member9 years ago
Member9 years ago
Its About time! ^_^
Member9 years ago
lol @ "narutards" and "believe it"
Blocked9 years ago
i love this one. it soo symbolises the sick nature of pedophiles and how they normally cant see it when they are about to get ownd.
PURE WIN ! Platinum gold ffs.
Member9 years ago
10 twinkies says there is cp somewhere on your hard drive.
Member9 years ago
My only complaint is how Skunkworks seems to take pride in just how they refuse to evolve, improve, or tweak their style. Why build and expand when you can destroy and mock those around you? (Not that I am pro cub art, or anti, just anti-staleness.
Member9 years ago
I love you.
Member9 years ago
i loled
Member9 years ago
Original is WIN. Check it out. Big rant at the bottom.
Member9 years ago
It's lacking any win at all whatsoever. They failed at the first rule of the [adult] art biz: Make porn and stfu. No one cares about your opinion.
The Dog In Your Guitar
9 years agoMy favourite part is where they whine on the page that "fetish shit needs to get the fuck out, pronto" (because furry has nothing to do with sexual fetishes or deviance amirite) and rails about "weird shit coming from oversea markets and creeping their way into other genres". Because as everyone knows, good red-blooded americans are free of sexually perverse thoughts (except wanting to bang fuzzy people with anatomically correct dog dicks), no, all the creepy fetishes didn't exist before asians corrupted their minds.
Racism and rose-coloured view of furries all in one convenient package!
Member9 years ago
I agree with the rant.
If anybody disagrees, at least have the decency to tell us which of the two you are: A zoophile or a pedophile, because so far they're the only ones I've seen so far who disagree.
Member9 years ago
Run on sentence runs on.
Sorry, it's 3AM.
Member9 years ago
So if you disagree, you must be a zoo or pedo? I love your logic there.
Member9 years ago
So which one are you? Both, Mr. PornArtistsAreNotEntitledToTheirOpinions?
Member9 years ago
I didn't say they aren't entitled to their opinion. I said no one cares. If a porn artist thinks that only their kink is acceptable, well, that's their problem -- They are just alienating people that would otherwise pay them money regardless of what they chose to draw.
As for me? I'm one of the individuals 'ruining' the furry-fandom by being accepting of others. Asides from that, you can call me whatever you want.
Member9 years ago
I find it funny you're lashing out calling someone who disagrees with Hardiman a pedophile or zoophile, and are, instead of siding with the person advocating free speech, taking the side of a person who's ranting that Japanese are corrupting furry with their perversions (racist much?) and that furry was somehow more wholesome before that, and that fetish art is sick and has no place in furry...and yet the person making this rant has drawn pictures featuring incest, bestiality and all sorts of distended vagina/dozens of sex toys crammed up crotches fetish art.
I mean, if he wants to rant against something, he should at least try not to come off as a massive hypocrite about it. The whole 'anyone into zoophilia is sick and disgusting and needs to get out of MY fandom' when he has zoophile artwork is extra lol.
Member9 years ago
PhrozenFox here:
Sorry for the misinterpretation I caused there, as I said, it was 3AM.
What I was basically saying is people are beginning to misunderstand the furry fandom because of our acceptance.
By no standards did I say the Japanese were ruining the furry fandom, in fact, I didn't mention that once in my post.
I was merely noting that furries such as myself are being called zoos and pedos just because of our connection to the furry fandom, and as it turns out, the only ones who have said anything otherwise are either not furries, or loosely part of the fandom.
I have plenty of zoophile friends, and the Japanese are my most FAVOURITE culture...so before you go and call me a RACIST over a single comment, please take into consideration that you don't know me, and being a moderator on a website doesn't give you the right to judge me that way. (I'm looking at you mellis.)
TL;DR : I'm sorry for any offense I may have created, please unblock my account.
Member9 years ago
I still don't agree with your sentiment. People also immediately associate 'furry' with 'gay'. If you would've posed the argument that gays need to GTFO, you'd have gotten an entirely negative response -- And from many more than just gays, I can tell you that.
You can't 'fix' the fandom by ostracizing members of it, regardless of whether you agree with their morals or not. Society is ALWAYS going to make it's own assumptions about you. And you making assumptions about others in your OWN FANDOM makes you no better than society's worst feature.
A good example of this that you might recognize is the westernized movement of Japanese culture. Our starry-eyed, romantic view of their old ways is becoming completely obsolete as their younger generation grows more fascinated with our own[American] culture. It is no one individual group's fault, and you certainly can't kick all the kids of the country out and expect samurais to rise again. Change is the only real constant in the world and acceptance is the only true way to deal with it.
PS: For the record, I don't understand why you needed to be blocked if it was because of something you said here. I love debate, and I've yet to see a more debate-worthy picture than this.
Member9 years ago
I have nothing wrong with gays, hell, I'm bisexual myself.
The fandom is what it is, whether I like it or not, but I still think people are using it as a crutch to support outside interests, which doesn't seem fair to the rest of us who are just interested purely in anthros.
I say the block was fair, and it was only for a week...so I guess I'll just lick my wounds and keep my more aggressive opinions to myself.
Member9 years ago
ill see your ten twinkies and raise you a box of krispy-kreme doughnuts, that you, sir, have cp on YOUR, computer.
Member9 years ago
Fucking carbs! I'll raise you a pack of hot dogs wrapped in bacon that you have too many commas in your sentence, sir.
Thwak Harbinger
Blocked9 years ago
no, you spell pedophile paedophile idiot (lol jk)
Member9 years ago
amen to that. ^_^
Blocked9 years ago
Thats bullshit.No one actually made that a rule and "Adult Art" doesn't just mean porn.The very first "Adult" Anthropomorphic comic, Omaha The Cat Dancer had very little sex in it and the book concentrated on the story, not how many times Chuck fucked Omaha.And theres a little thing called "Creative Freedom",you might wanna look it up.Artists have the right to voice their opinons,and Cub Art is sick.
Member9 years ago
"franks by irving"
Member9 years ago
I didn't actually read the pic. I'm just reading the comments :3
[except the long ones]
Kitsune Baka
Member9 years ago
<sarc>From now on all furry art participants will be screened and carded to make sure they're 100% legal and over 18. No more loopholes involving "chibi style" or slow aging process via supernatural or technological cause. Anyone who's ever fapped to Tails, Klonoa, Tiny Toons, or any other character deemed "too cute/small to be +18" will be hunted down and placed into Pedofurry Internment Camps! PURGE THE FANDOM UNTIL IT IS ONCE AGAIN CLEAN SO THAT WE MAY AVOID MOCKERY FROM THE MEDIA AND 4CHAN TROLLS!</sarc>
Member9 years ago
You're right, I should have just said "porn" biz. Porn isn't art nor is it inherently a requirement for <em>mature</em>[adult] entertainment. I misspoke there.
That being said, if you are in the business of exclusively providing fap material, you aren't an artist. In doing so, you forfeit your "right" to be taken seriously while voicing your opinion.
Why? Because porn (drawn porn especially) is <em>by definition</em> fantasy, which is a psychologically natural and healthy activity. You don't become medically "sick" until your fantasies become an impediment to your ability to function appropriately in society. If you <em>profit</em> by providing people with erotic fantasy, you can't insult certain fantasies and not others without looking like a hypocritical tool.
You, for example: Let's look at your favorites list. A Gideon pic...Well, that's worth at least 10 sick points right there. Simba <em>fisting</em> Nala? Wtf...They are <strong>Cubs</strong>!
Ohhh, I get it. You were just joking that whole time. It's certainly not that you're a complete hypocrite, rite?
Member9 years ago
Ohhh, burn!
Just <em>that</em> part makes it complete win. Gotta love hypocrisy and irony.
Contributor9 years ago
Luckily, I'm not in the business of exclusively providing fap material. I work as a mainstream artist, and that's where most of my time goes these days. As for anthropomorphic artwork? My new stuff is considerably tamer than the old work, far more detail-oriented, and the "pin-up" work has taken a back seat to more serious stories and comic work.
I think you're just looking for a fire to start, personally. But hey, whatever turns you on, man.
Reo Grand
Member8 years ago
to be honest, I'm a fan of cub art (draw quite a bit of it) and yet still I find this hilarious (and adorable)
just a shame some folks take things too seriously to be honest
Member8 years ago
there adorable! do not ruin this by making it into porn!
Member7 years ago
Wait...you do mainstream stuff? Like comics?
Member7 years ago
ehh what ever people supporting close mindedness and then more people not helping.
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