He says he's contacting my employers. Oh no please no. My mounds of life saving coworkers will HATE me for memeing on a dog rapist oh no
I outed his internet crush as a criminal and he's reporting it to my employers. Hahahahahahapic.twitter.com/9JbyY91rk4
Did it make you feel big
@TykeBraxeAD, to make empty threats? -
Do you like feeling big?
@TykeBraxeAD? Is that why you like blackmailing and physically abusing your past relationships? - 1 more reply
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You'll never be as big as pewdiepie Cas, get over it!
I made like one video that I put actual effort into. It got 8k views and netted me 100subs.
If I didn't work like 70hour weeks and had the enthusiasm for making videos I'd probably do well
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The person who dmed you probably still sleeps with his mom
Or his dog :p
Oops I meant true
That makes much more sense xD
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I'm just cringing at the fact that he put "master" in his bio. Reminds me of some weebs I've seen who put "call me senpai" in theirs.
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"Youre not welcome in the fandom but people who rape animals are"
"Understandable have a great day" njdsnjdfnjf
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Wait a second- You are damaging the Fandom, while a guy, who openly rapes dogs is not? To think i once like that guy
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