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(cache)/mir/ ~ Mel Maia
File 153525955097.gif - (2.07MB , 482x958 , 3.gif )
40972 No. 40972
Expand all images
>> No. 40973
File 153525958295.jpg - (102.06KB , 1447x1142 , 3.jpg )
>> No. 40975
File 153526047017.gif - (4.85MB , 500x258 , ScreenCaptureProject2.gif )
>> No. 41120
File 153535015619.jpg - (698.26KB , 1080x1350 , Giovanna 1.jpg )
Nossa você é muito bom nisso estou tentando aprender mais não consegui ainda, tentei umas mais saiu isso
>> No. 41121
File 153535036388.jpg - (506.95KB , 1080x1157 , mel.jpg )
Se tive mais e puder me passa, posso te dar videos exclusivos de brasileiras me chama no email fr3ddyvsj4s0n@gmail.com
>> No. 41225
File 153542353288.jpg - (349.33KB , 1076x1616 , 0 (1).jpg )
não uso email para isso faça upload em um desses 3 servidores e coloque o link aqui
se tiver videos interesantes posso fazer mais montagens e colocar aqui

no momento estou fazendo montagens dessa
mas não sei quem ela e ai fica dificil conseguir mais fotos se vc conseguir identificala poste aqui
>> No. 41226
File 153542356197.jpg - (137.07KB , 1339x567 , 0 (2).jpg )
>> No. 41227
File 153542358684.jpg - (247.54KB , 906x1344 , 0 (3).jpg )
>> No. 41228
File 153542360865.jpg - (65.85KB , 550x1108 , 0 (4).jpg )
>> No. 41229
>> No. 41230
Esse é um dos links que tenho, tenho mais.tem fakes da melody?... Desculpa não conheço a menina
>> No. 41231
ainda não fiz de melody tava focado em mel maia e liliana model começarei a fazer semana que vem
>> No. 41233
Gostou dos videos? posso te mandar uma para você fazer se der?
>> No. 41235
Gostou dos videos? pode postar mais
>> No. 41241
File 153542858715.jpg - (505.84KB , 1080x1157 , 153535036388 - Copia (2).jpg )
sim pode colocar ajeitei os detalhes de sua imagem a outra e a mel mesmo?
>> No. 41253
File 153543963678.jpg - (318.29KB , 1080x1080 , Bianca (36).jpg )
Se der eu queria dessa aqui... Tem algum video que ensina editar melhor?
>> No. 41254
File 153543970458.jpg - (58.28KB , 480x480 , 49ae0484-147a-40d2-82ee-082bc341cc59.jpg )
>> No. 41257
File 153544010727.jpg - (759.48KB , 972x1126 , Giovanna 1.jpg )
>> No. 41283
totally nice fake, the head is not even an the neck in the right way
>> No. 41291
>> No. 41293
existem varios cursos de photoshop no youtube
mas vc so vai melhor depois de um tempo praticando
>> No. 41294
poste os fakes que fizer aqui
quem e a morena?
>> No. 41295
File 153547131920.jpg - (283.13KB , 484x640 , 0 (1).jpg )
fiz uma de melody
>> No. 41296
File 153547135951.jpg - (92.96KB , 441x640 , 0 (2).jpg )
>> No. 41298
File 153547405681.jpg - (677.25KB , 1440x956 , xxlalalr.jpg )
>> No. 41299
File 153547416170.jpg - (242.67KB , 500x750 , xxxgigigo.jpg )
>> No. 41359
A morena é uma novinha normal do insta ela tem varias fotos com decotão assim
>> No. 41362
Ficou perfeita essa da melody, pode deixar estou editando umas e posto aqu. Você viu que vazou nude dos peito da Valentina Schuls estou tentando editar e colocar o rosto
>> No. 41367
File 153551260072.jpg - (248.81KB , 996x1042 , 0 (2).jpg )
>> No. 41368
File 153551279488.jpg - (132.07KB , 930x834 , 0 (3).jpg )
>> No. 41369
File 153551281826.jpg - (91.70KB , 653x699 , 0 (1).jpg )
>> No. 41371
nossa vc é muito foda estou terminando umas aqui e ja compartilho
>> No. 41380
File 153551701386.jpg - (620.51KB , 1080x1349 , Lari Manoela 1.jpg )
Larissa manoela
>> No. 41442
File 153554750542.jpg - (325.81KB , 460x640 , Mel Maia.jpg )
Mel Maia
>> No. 41443
File 153554752341.jpg - (106.29KB , 740x640 , 0 (3).jpg )
>> No. 41444
File 153554754347.jpg - (89.36KB , 764x928 , 0 (2).jpg )
>> No. 41445
File 153554757448.jpg - (79.61KB , 610x702 , 0 (1).jpg )
>> No. 41454
File 153555257615.jpg - (113.66KB , 460x640 , 28621038137_aee14554e3_o.jpg )
maisa silva
>> No. 41455
File 153555263223.jpg - (89.16KB , 640x388 , 42603075805_a0a66b4994_z.jpg )
maisa silva fake
>> No. 41466
Esse é um dos links que tenho, tenho mais.tem fakes da melody?... Desculpa não conheço a menina

This link no more work. Please, send more links like this

O link não mais trabalha. Por favor, mande mais links gosto disto..
>> No. 41538
File 153559467963.jpg - (103.86KB , 722x640 , Larissa (2).jpg )
>> No. 41539
File 153559470787.jpg - (185.28KB , 1206x919 , Larissa (1).jpg )
>> No. 41540
File 153559562467.jpg - (115.42KB , 1080x1350 , nov (22).jpg )
Faz uma montagem dessa aqui que libero um link com os melhores videos de 2018
>> No. 41546
File 153560061213.jpg - (244.42KB , 2175x1350 , 153559562467.jpg )
>> No. 41547
File 153560071790.jpg - (112.13KB , 720x960 , cabelo3.jpg )
Gostaria muito de uma montagem com essa
>> No. 41554
File 153560376721.jpg - (173.29KB , 1080x1080 , Bianca 1.jpg )
Fiz esse aqui da morena ficou bom?
>> No. 41556
Ficou muito foda vlw, aqui esta o link se gosta me chama no email tenho mais e queria pedir pra voce fazer de outras você é bem melhor que eu

>> No. 41619
coloque foto dela de biquine
>> No. 41633
se tiver foto de Maisa de biquine poste aqui pq so achei duas muito ruim de editar
>> No. 41634
File 153564371481.jpg - (90.42KB , 746x681 , Maisa.jpg )
>> No. 41636
foto de qual de bikini? Da morena
>> No. 41641
Me chama no email que eu te passo as fotos aqui deixar para postar só elas editadas
>> No. 41710
File 153567174823.jpg - (3.52MB , 4608x3456 , 1.jpg )
please fake this girl, make her nude
>> No. 41730
o mais perto que teremos da Maisa de bikine são esses dois videos vc pode printar e editar


>> No. 41734
File 153568359630.jpg - (30.75KB , 328x706 , Maisa.jpg )
>> No. 41735
File 153568413569.jpg - (148.74KB , 1340x1000 , Liliana.jpg )
quem tiver o set 144 de liliana model compartilhe
>> No. 41743
File 153568839785.jpg - (173.04KB , 933x1401 , 153567174823.jpg )
>> No. 41745
nice job! Thx. another request, how about a hairy pussy!
>> No. 41747
File 153568961762.jpg - (101.74KB , 1536x965 , va.jpg )
Vazou esse nude dos peitos da Valentina Schulz tem como editar e colocar em uma foto normal como essa
>> No. 41769
File 153569785021.jpg - (310.83KB , 950x1187 , Lari Manoela (5).jpg )
Larissa Manoela
>> No. 41832
File 153574128474.jpg - (59.79KB , 610x997 , 153568961762.jpg )
fazer com a metade da foto e mais complicado, mais ate que deu certo
>> No. 41834
File 153574151959.gif - (1.05MB , 278x381 , Larissa.gif )
>> No. 41863
Ficou perfeito espera um dia chegar ao seu nivel
>> No. 41869
File 153576626429.jpg - (249.09KB , 600x900 , SOPHIA VALVERDE (1).jpg )
>> No. 41875
File 153576947476.jpg - (51.02KB , 720x960 , 39921081_380324999168120_6062974941127507968_n.jpg )
Façam uma montagem dela por favor!!!
>> No. 42138
File 153585962634.jpg - (107.56KB , 640x480 , Bruna Carvalho 1.jpg )
Bruna Carvalho
>> No. 42140
File 153585971631.jpg - (57.51KB , 715x715 , rodrigohayden1___BiTXad7l6tl___.jpg )
achei essa foto da maisa de bikini
>> No. 42200
File 153589256396.png - (251.73KB , 255x560 , Screenshot_2018-08-19 MEL MAIA ( melissamelmaia) �.png )
Brother, manda mais links como esse. Não tem um só de videos dessas novinhas sendo fodidas não?
>> No. 42201
Brother, manda mais links desses do mega. Não tem um só de vídeos dessas novinhas sendo fodidas não?
>> No. 42202
O link anterior do mega está off. Tem como reativar?
>> No. 42204
File 153589270650.jpg - (42.79KB , 233x705 , Melissa Maia 4.jpg )
>> No. 42219
>> No. 42220
File 153590387195.jpg - (334.41KB , 1080x1282 , Gio Chaves (4).jpg )
Giovanna Chaves
>> No. 42230
brazilian girls are the hottest girls in the word

brazilian mans have very very luck
>> No. 42249
muito bom
>> No. 42296
File 15359413502.jpg - (167.72KB , 625x816 , Mel (2).jpg )
>> No. 42297
File 153594137651.jpg - (198.06KB , 662x848 , Mel (3).jpg )
>> No. 42299
File 153594146295.jpg - (167.25KB , 1032x1080 , Mel (1).jpg )
vou ficar um tempo sem fazer novas montagens to com pouco tempo agora
>> No. 42301
File 153594248660.jpg - (57.34KB , 619x807 , bi.jpg )
Tudo bem esta corrido para todos, se der edita essa aqui consegui uma de bikini você disse que facilita
>> No. 42411
File 153598901136.jpg - (67.08KB , 480x526 , 153568839785.jpg )
>> No. 42532
Post more mega links, PLEASE
>> No. 42538
você tambem faz edições no photoshop
Do you also make edits in photoshop?
>> No. 42539
File 15360253392.jpg - (743.45KB , 1080x1170 , Mel Maia (13).jpg )
Mel Maia
>> No. 42556
Hello I'm JP Fakes, I'm a fakir:
This tutorial aims to teach the creation of a basic fake: head or hs (headshot) + body or bs (bodyshot) I will use the acronym (hs and bs) for being simpler. One piece of advice that is VERY IMPORTANT: Look for good materials, the better the pictures, the better the result, and you will have a much easier time creating fake. This tutorial will be directed to those who use photoshop, any template. Some steps that helped you:
Quality images
A good file of HS and BS is very important, because it facilitates the search process, whenever it finds a good, serious image in ordered folders.
The closeness of the model body with celebrity target, I usually do lists and save, for example: Megan Fox actress Hollywood- Megan Rain porn actress.
Attention to the angles, equal or approximate, your life will be much easier.
Never turn the HS, if one is on each side, always turn the BS, why? Because turning the HS will compromise celebrity recognition.
Always try to use the maximum of HS, hair, neck, sometimes to wear up to the shoulders or body parts, the more the celebrity, the more real your fake will be. (For example, I did a fake using up the arm of actress Paola Oliveira, it is not necessary so much, but I thought it would be even more realistic and would be a good example of the importance of getting away from the '' face collar ''. Start, because I used techniques like cloning, stamping between other issues to get the correct arm, it would be interesting you try to use your hair and neck at the beginning of your fakes.)
Open the images, by default the CS opens the images in blocked layers.
I used these two images in fake:
Just open the spoilers if you do not know how to unlock the layers
The images are opened locked which is represented by the padlock:
You can select the layer you want to unlock in two clicks here:
Now you need to resize the images to be proportional, but first, right-click on the hs layer and convert it to the smart object:
I recommend you always work with the layer turned into a smart object during the HS-BS docking process because every time you reduce an image in photoshop it loses quality, which becomes very noticeable when you zoom in again. And in the process of fitting the hs into the bs, sometimes we increase and decrease many times what damages the hs. When working with an intelligent object, we can increase and decrease as many times as we need without loss of quality.
To resize a layer you need to select it and then use the Control + T command. The layer can be increased, decreased, turned, angled, just move the mouse through the boxes to see the possibilities of transformation. But remember never turn the HS, if they have facing different sides, turn the BS:
Use imaginary lines, height of eyes, mouth, shoulders, nose. One tip is to reduce the opacity of the hs by about 60/50% and overlap to measure.
Always use one of the diagonals to reduce, and always hold the Shift key, as this resizes the image proportions. Without the shift key we can deform the face of the celebrity, which makes recognition difficult ..
After done the docking adjustments, right click on the layer and command rasterize layer. Because? Because we turned it into a smart object, that's good for resizing and embedding, but it makes editing difficult. And return the opacity to 100%.
Now we're going to merge the layers, that is, merge hs to bs. I believe that many use rubber, but it is not the most appropriate technique, since it is a destructive technique, which has no back (even it has Control Z and Control Alt Z, but it is limited to subsequent actions, which is not enough ). What should be done and work with masks:
Select the layer, in this case the HS, click here:
Ready you have an editable mask at any time of your fake. And let's work with the brush with the selected mask, and with the colors black and white. (If the colors are not in black and white, you can change them through the colors icon that I marked in the image below, or just use the '' D '' key on the keyboard, and you will be amazed at the simplicity:
You can change opacity and hardness of the brush by right-clicking on the crafted image. I usually use the soft brush a lot, and when I'm going to make finishes that need the hard brush precision, I recommend you try:
The mechanics is:
Black turns off and White Returns:
And to switch between the '' X '' colors of the keyboard.
You should work with delete and return until you have a satisfactory result:
Now your fake is practically ready, you only have to balance the two images, here there is no rule, now you will have to deal with the brightness, sometimes in the contrast, sometimes in the colors, sometimes in the saturation ... With practice you will train your eyes , but at first I recommend doing tests, and if not, go back with Control z until you are satisfied. At first, I recommend using these commands, with these seven you can balance any fake:
After the issues the final result:
I hope you enjoyed it and that it is useful
>> No. 42559
>>42411 very nice job much appreciated
>> No. 42647
>> No. 42705
Poste mais links do mega por favor
>> No. 42722
faça edições e poste tambem que eu posto mais links
>> No. 42724
File 153611946086.jpg - (109.69KB , 600x900 , BRUNA CARVALHO.jpg )
Bruna Carvalho
>> No. 42844
File 153618331984.jpg - (108.40KB , 381x728 , 21042204_256504591526627_6361460440756649984_n (2).jpg )
Postando fotos para serem editadas essa tem 13 anos
>> No. 42845
File 153618335729.jpg - (63.56KB , 331x599 , 7.jpg )
>> No. 42846
File 153618361048.jpg - (61.23KB , 1080x1080 , 25008017_2118934298326172_2231095756331155456_n.jpg )
>> No. 42875
File 153620151961.jpg - (48.57KB , 758x908 , Lorena.jpg )
Lorena Queiroz
>> No. 42948
Cute girl
>> No. 43576
>>41875 Tenho algumas fotos nuas dessa menina, se fizerem as minhas montagens, postarei as que tenho
>> No. 43578
File 153646827268.jpg - (41.79KB , 480x640 , bb2.jpg )
Cle tenho nude
>> No. 43750
se você tem fotos dela nua não precisa de fakes
>> No. 43765
Jason...só tenho daquela menina que mencionei...quero que faça das outras....por favor.
>> No. 43766
File 153656268984.jpg - (42.85KB , 960x540 , nudz2.jpg )
Dessa eu tenho, quero mantagens das outras meninas que eu postei
>> No. 44900
File 153703236053.jpg - (210.16KB , 593x765 , sophia.jpg )
Sophia Valverde
>> No. 44902
File 15370324309.jpg - (251.65KB , 720x716 , Gio Chaves (5).jpg )
Giovanna Chaves
>> No. 44903
File 153703247779.jpg - (249.35KB , 720x857 , Gio Chaves (7).jpg )
Giovanna Chaves
>> No. 45023
File 153706304580.jpg - (83.12KB , 720x960 , FB_IMG_1536469613640.jpg )
Pls make nude
>> No. 45024
File 153706307730.jpg - (127.17KB , 720x960 , FB_IMG_1536469664553.jpg )
>> No. 45332
File 153719250163.png - (388.06KB , 491x720 , 622D419.png )
>> No. 45665
File 153733699193.jpg - (142.86KB , 801x998 , lari.jpg )
>> No. 45782
make nude
>> No. 45803
File 153739571877.jpg - (239.15KB , 1060x1263 , Naty 370.jpg )
>> No. 47286
poste mais links do megashare pr favor
>> No. 47960
will this guy still do fakes
>> No. 47961
will this guy still do fakes
>> No. 49541
poste mais links do megashare pr favor
>> No. 51845
Eai mano desistiu de fazer as edicões, continuai e posta vc e o melhor
>> No. 53336
File 154083698489.png - (669.48KB , 591x592 , Screenshot_2.png )
alguem consegue fazer nessas ? por favor!
>> No. 53337
File 154083700166.jpg - (55.37KB , 540x960 , 12359983_605880909551487_7354392946815524775_n.jpg )
>> No. 53338
File 15408370214.jpg - (51.63KB , 960x960 , 16142736_801533576652885_3108945435836953472_n.jpg )
>> No. 53339
File 15408371364.png - (276.86KB , 300x597 , Screenshot_1.png )
>> No. 54226
Nice.I tenho vídeos diferentes.Se você quiser rejeitar gratuitamente, escreva para Sekerat5@mail.ru
>> No. 57680
Ohh tan lines drive me crazy man!

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