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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Nov 12

    Al-Qaeda & ISIS are evolving into two distinct jihadi sects that'll be co-leading global jihad & appealing to different demographics. This competitiveness between these two rivals is not necessarily good news from a CT standpoint. I explain in this paper:

  2. 8 hours ago

    This was the first time that HTS/Nusra/AQ admitted the killing of 700 of its fighters in one go, by the Russians and the regime. That’s a huge number for any group — at least 7% of the group’s manpower.

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  3. An interesting video of HTS/Nusra’s offensive to abort the Railway deal at Astana a year ago. The video shows how things changed re regime’s ability to repel such attacks (read, Russia). Attack made no progress & HTS lost *700* of its best fighters (Iranians, Uzbek, Chechens etc)

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  4. Heartbreaking. ’s story here, see the ending:

  5. Retweeted

    Raed Fares and his work represented a rare sliver of hope in a war that has destroyed so much. Today in Syria’s Idlib province, gunmen followed and killed him.

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  6. Perceptive piece by ⁦⁩ makes an important point missed in the discourse.

  7. Just heard the devastating news about the murder of . Last time I saw him in July in the US, he knew he was living in great danger. He was traveling so he could’ve stayed in one of those countries, but insisted to continue his anti-Assad anti-jihadi civil society work.

  8. Nov 22

    Turkish paper: CIA had recording of Saudi prince demanding Khashoggi be 'silenced' | Reuters

  9. Nov 22
  10. Nov 22

    Egypt’s minister of religious endowments: “We must not accept the Hadiths of the Prophet in their entirety because they do not suit our age.”

  11. Nov 21

    Thread 👇 It’s one thing to associate oneself with autocratic regimes, quite another to do so & then do their bidding for them, especially when it comes to curbing freedom of expression & actively promoting arguments the autocrats use to clamp down on democratic opposition.

  12. Nov 21
  13. Retweeted

    is a city with a unique identity & a magnificent taste for the arts. Proud of doing my undergraduate work at Mosul University.

  14. Nov 21
  15. Nov 21

    As if the Khashoggi episode, and the environment that preceded it, didn’t teach those countries anything.

  16. Nov 21
  17. Nov 20

    “This [CIA] leak was calculated to ensure that Trump’s semiliterate valentine to MbS would be maximally awkward, a love-letter to a killer.” ⁦

  18. Nov 20

    "إن سمحنا لقاتل بالإفلات لأننا نعتقد أنّه يمكننا عقد بعض الصفقات معه، فإنّنا نعزز فكرة أن المال يمكنه إسكات الجميع”، يقول كبير الباحثين في مركز التفاهم الإسلامي-المسيحي بجامعة جورجتاون عبد الله العودة.

  19. Nov 20

    “Trump is doing his best to help the Saudi regime get away with the murder of a U.S. resident and one of the Arab world’s most prominent writers.“ ⁦

  20. Nov 20

    هيئة تحرير الواشنطن بوست: "لا يمكن للولايات المتحدة أن تزيح محمد بن سلمان عن السلطة، وحقيقة أنّه قد يبقى هي ذريعة أخرى لتبرير رد الإدارة. لكن من الممكن تمامًا أن نعاقب الزعيم السعودي وننبذه بينما نستمر في التعامل مع نظامه."

  21. Retweeted
    Nov 20

    This statement is essentially Saudi propaganda coming out of the mouth of the president of the United States. I've never seen anything like it.


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