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  2. Raed Fares; Cheering for Jaish Al Fat'h, the same terrorists who eventually killed him. Next time listen to wise words of President Assad

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  3. 3 hours ago

    Raed=Alloush=al Qaeda=Muslin Brotherhood. These are all scumbags, the filthy of the filthy.

  4. Sectarian Raed Fares defends Zahran Alloush, the war criminal who put Alawite women and children in cages, paraded and humiliated them

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  5. Raed Fares (sectarian propagandist who told all his followers to report and block me in 2016) was killed by the same terrorists he supported against Syria This is the fate of every traitor

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  6. pick one:

  7. Nov 22
  8. Which duo would win? 22/11/2018

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  9. Treat him like your wife

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  10. Iranian collection

  11. In upcoming HTS (alQaeda) propaganda video they focus on SAA's Abu Duhour-Abu Dali offensive where HTS got their asses kicked. This was a major SAA victory, Joulani will talk about the 700+ fighters they lost. He's trying to say they will fight & die for every inch they occupy

  12. Nov 22

    US backed terrorists destroyed our basketball courts in Aleppo, but could not destroy our love for the game..

  13. Salman looks to MBS for a nod

  14. Nov 21

    Age of Civilizations II is now available in the steam store! Enjoy the game! Steam:

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  15. My interviews with dozens of business owners across Iran show hundreds of companies have suspended production and thousands of workers are being laid off because of a hostile business climate mainly caused by new U.S. sanctions.

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  16. Weapons, ammunition, America-made communications equipment, vehicles used by militants, Israeli medicines and food discovered by the Syrian forces in El Malgah and in Deir Maker and Beit Jinn, Rif

  17. Nov 21

    Hey : being Saudi Arabia’s bitch is not “America First.”

  18. Israel hates it when you differentiate between Zionism and Judiasm Saudi Arabia hates it when you differentiate between Wahabism and Sunnism

  19. Definition of Contradiction:

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  20. Nov 21

    ⚡️Local sources say that new clashes may erupt between and Nour al Deen al Zenki militants in Western CS. It's reported that both armed factions are being strengthened by reinforcements now

  21. Yazidis still only choose to cooperate with Iraqi Popular mobilization units and Kurdish PKK/YPG elements. They told the US, Peshmerga Kurds, Turkey, Arab league and several European countries to go fuck themselves Yazidis know who truly stood by them


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