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Arabian Oils: a bunch of reviews

This sub got me into Arabian oils. I like that they are different than what you always come across and they are so affordable. A whole bottle of many of them costs around the same as picking up a sample of a typical Western. BUT, the notes often sound so similar that I wondered how different each could actually smell. The answer: very different.

So, here are my reviews of the 7 that I own, side by side. As a note, a lot of people talk about how they seem to get better after you let them sit for a few months. I have a lot of trouble believing it, as I'm sure they sit in a warehouse for quite a while before they land at your door. Despite this, I have noticed changes in some, but that may be due to gaining experience with these scents and changes in weather. Also, I'm female, so the scents that I chose are either unisex or feminine, but I'll note.

I'll start with my favorite. Swiss Arabian - Barq. This one is on the feminine side of unisex. It's an exceptional sandalwood scent with a good amount of pleasant baking-type spices: cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla, and brown sugar. It smells like someone baked you some wonderfully spiced, not-too-sweet cookies and brought them to you in a sandalwood basket. It's glorious. It dries down to sandalwood, wood, vanilla, and a bit of cardamom after a few hours. It lasts for ages.

Al Haramain - Hajar Unisex? I find it a bit odd, so it's hard for me to place. The fragrantica notes got this all wrong. This is a ylang ylang heavy scent, which is not my favorite note. This starts with the opening that I find typical of Arabian oils which is best described as urinal cake, but that fades pretty quickly. I did notice that after having this for a bit, the awful opening is less obvious. It fades and becomes a soapy, fresh, ylang ylang centric floral. I like this for layering, to add a light, fresh, floral feeling to other oils.

Al Rehab - Sondos On the feminine side of unisex because of the florals. It's listed as "Sandal Rose" in the fragrantica database. This one I'm desperately hoping changes as it sits. It opens with a soapy fresh woody scent, but then settles into 2 glorious hours of sandalwood with the freshest, just picked flowers. Really stunning. Then the flowers fade and the "sour musk" base note takes hold and it smells like something you would use to strip hardwood floors. And it goes on like that until you scrub it off of yourself in desperation. I'm not giving up on you, Sondos.

Al Haramain - Madinah My first oil, recommended by a user on this board. I think this might be considered unisex to masculine in some parts of the world, but unisex to feminine in others. It's a rose and oud scent, not far from Armani Prive Rose d'Arabie, but a bit brighter, where the Armani is deeper. I've found that it smells very rose centric close to your skin, but people who walk into my closet-of-an-office have asked about the incense scent in the air. Deep, beautiful and very sensual. Someone on fragrantica commented that it was too soapy for her. There are moments that I get "soapy" too, but I think that depends on my mood and the weather. YMMV.

Al Rehab - Sultana Unisex. This is a light oud with sandalwood and incense. Close to the skin and easy to wear. I find this strikingly beautiful, but not nearly as strong as most of the others. A warm, comforting scent and highly recommended as an entry point into Arabians.

Al Rehab - Al Sharquiah Unisex. Another one suggested by a user on this forum. I found this one challenging at first, but it seriously grew on me. It's primarily syrupy dates, incense, and oud. I'm looking forward to super cold days to try this one by itself, as it's been too warm for the months that I've had it to really give it a chance on its own. So far, this has been really amazing at giving scents serious depth and complexity. I've layered this with Madinah and found the combination wildly sexy. Added it to Dior Mitzah (an incense and wood scent) and it was luxurious and dark. Looking forward to playing with it more and seeing what it can do.

Al Rehab - Noria Feminine. A simple scent that smells like coconut cake with almond extract. There's some musk in there too. I feel like it's great for when you want to add a touch of gourmand to something, but don't want vanilla. I don't see myself wearing it on its own, but it's perfectly pleasant. It would be good as a cheapie stocking stuffer for a younger girl interested in fragrances. Nabeel Christina is supposed to smell like strawberry cupcakes, and would work for that as well.

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level 1

Where do you purchase your oils? This is right up my alley. I am super interested in Noria and Barq; spices and gourmands for fall and winter.

level 1
fragrance meerkat2 points · 1 year ago

I’m glad there are other Barq fans around. There are actually a couple of bottles, not just the roll-ons from India eBay right now.

level 1

I tend to go for the masculine side of unisex, so here's a couple of notes...

Musk Al Kabaa - seriously animalic with ambergris notes forcing through, you need the tiniest amount, a sub-pinhead dot split across wrists and neck will give a solid 8h.

Kalemat/kalemat silver (black)/kalemat amber - kalemat is fantastic but it's missing what kalemat amber brings to the table. Warm, resiny, elegant, kalemat amber only available as an oil. Silver/black (black box, silver and clear bottle, gets called both) is a pleasant twist, but it's not a patch on Amber oil

Nabeel (Touch Me - ugly salmon packaging) is a classic scent of the region, alas a bit overused out there as it comes in air freshener etc forms too! A great scent for pennies though.

Woody Intense starts with a slightly sour saffron nose, but dries down nicely and gets comments.

My favourite is Asala Al Oud which has no English on the label but is a lovely rounded woody scent with deep oud notes.

There are some nice simple oils in the Arabian Oud London range - exclusives. Got a big London Nights, which is a great summer evening rich unisex to get comments.

Arabian Oud 360 for Men is unremarkable.

Abdul Samad Al Qurashi have some high quality blends, but I absolutely adore their pure Oudh and Sandal. The sandal is sweet and rounded, but the Oudh has an almost peppery tone out of the bottle which warms to the rich, complex smells you get from this simple single natural oil. Wasn't cheap, mind!

If you're ever in the Middle East, the perfumes can be a lot cheaper - the kalemat amber I paid £20 for is £110 in London, for instance.

level 2
Original Poster3 points · 1 year ago

Oh, this is great, thank you!

I've been looking for a really good animalic scent to add as a layer and skank up my "nicer" scents. Is Musk al Kabaa seriously masculine or is it straight up musk/ambergris?

And as a lover of all things amber, is Kalemat amber more unisex or masculine?

And it's funny, a lot of these are even cheaper in the UK than the US. I'm moving to the UK next month and am holding off getting any more until I'm there to save money. I mostly stick to the cheapies anyway, I'm on a postdoc salary.

level 3

Oh where are you moving to? If you're local (Bath) you'll be welcome to some mini-decants or at least some sniffters - Itr/Attar oils are a weakness of mine, got way too many, seriously I can't imagine I'll use them all in the next 30 years.

MAK is not really masculine as just animalic. Musk Al Gazelle is a bit less "in your face" but is still a close neighbour.

All the Kalemat's are on the feminime side of unisex, and Kalemat Amber (to my mind) sits pretty much on the line.

If cash is limited, have a look at the Surrati analogues that you can get in tiny bottles online. Surrati oils are amazing quality for a decent price. People import them 100ml at a time and sell them 2-3ml at a time for a few quid. But yep if you happen to be in Bath feel free to pop by my office in the centre and see if any appeal :)

level 4
Original Poster1 point · 1 year ago

That's so nice of you! I'll be in Cambridge, though. Though from the pictures, I feel like Bath is a place I'll have to visit while I'm there.

Thanks for the tips on the musks. I had been looking at Musk Al Gazelle, I might give that a shot.

level 5

Well you have to visit Bath, it's the rules. Cambridge is lovely of course, although it's a pain in the backside for easy travel cross country if you don't want to go via London! If you do want to visit though, Bath is only 90 minutes from London Paddington (train station - you'll probably fly into Heathrow and so will likely enter London via Paddington before crossing town for train to Cambridge), so it's all very doable :). Distances are short here, but population density is high!

If you do go to London, though, (and let's face it, of course you will) there's an Arabian Oud shop on Oxford Street just opposite Selfridges. I think there's on out at Shepherds Bush too, but you're less likely to be casually passing Shepherds Bush :). When you have an address in the UK, I can smear a little of RMG on a postcard for you as an option, if you don't find it at the AO shop :)

level 6
Original Poster1 point · 1 year ago

Ah, you're wonderful! Thank you!

level 1

As a note, a lot of people talk about how they seem to get better after you let them sit for a few months. I have a lot of trouble believing it, as I'm sure they sit in a warehouse for quite a while before they land at your door

Its the temperature and pressure changes during shipping, possibly the physical moving too. All oils benefit from resting.

level 2
Original Poster1 point · 1 year ago

What about not moving and the cessation of temperature and pressure alterations change the chemical make up of the oils? I would think that the stressors would impact it, not the lack thereof.

level 3

It does impact it. They don't have alcohol to stabilize them. For whatever reason, they tend to smell less balanced when they're "stressed" and when they rest/age they improve. It's a widely recognized occurrence, but as far as I'm aware no one really puts research $ into finding out why.

level 4
Original Poster1 point · 1 year ago

Interesting. Any chemists here? Inquiring minds want to know.

level 5

You might get more info on /r/Indiemakeupandmore since most indie perfumes are oil based.

level 1
drenched in tabu2 points · 1 year ago

You've convinced me to try that layering Al Sharquiah/Madinah combo tomorrow!

level 2
Original Poster2 points · 1 year ago

It's deadly. I would do just a dot of the sharquiah because it can overwhelm. Adding more is easy.

level 1
2 points · 1 year ago · edited 1 year ago

Thanks for this! Can you share a link for Al Rehab - Barq? Can't find that one.

level 2
Original Poster2 points · 1 year ago

Fragrantica misnamed it. They have two Mukhallat Barq's. One is unisex (actually called that) and one is listed as feminine (just Barq, you can even see it on the box)

And the ebay auction for the 6ml decant:

level 3

Al Rehab - Barq

It is Swiss Arabian though.

level 4
Original Poster2 points · 1 year ago

Ah! I'll fix that! Thanks!

level 5

No problem! Also, get your hands on Nabeel Telaal if you can. You'll love it.

level 3


level 1
patchouli works in summer too5 points · 1 year ago

Thanks for the reviews! Any piece of information counts, cheers! Having said that, Barq peaked my interest.

level 2
Original Poster2 points · 1 year ago

It's so beautiful. Keep an eye on ebay. I got my 6 ml decant for around $6. I think it's up to $22 right now. The full bottles seem to be out of stock everywhere, so I'm not sure if they are planning to make more or not.

level 3
fragrance meerkat1 point · 1 year ago

That’s baffling that it’s gone up so much. I grabbed a couple of the roll-ons when they were cheaper too.

level 4
Original Poster1 point · 1 year ago

Yeah, I went to get a second one after my bottle arrived, but $3.66/ml without even a pretty bottle is a bit much.

level 5
fragrance meerkat1 point · 1 year ago

There’s one for 34 with shipping right now. It’s the gold one, so it’s the feminine one.

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