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  1. Retweeted
    Nov 19

    Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida: President Rouhani sends message via his counterpart Barham Saleh to the Saudis: Time has come for our two countries to sit around a negotiating table and solve our problems in a rational way.

  2. 9 hours ago

    Sacrée journée pour Trump : il a gracie une dinde à midi, un prince saoudien ce soir ... et remis une couche sur l’Iran ! Reste à savoir ce que Riyad va acheter pour le Black Friday ...

  3. Retweeted
    12 hours ago

    US President says he's standing by Saudi Arabia despite conceding its Crown Prince may have known about the plan to murder journalist Jamal Khashoggi (📷: Reuters)

  4. Retweeted
    Nov 18

    A Saudi journalist said the hyper-nationalistic atmosphere Saud al-Qahtani promoted is here to stay. “They unleashed a monster that can’t be controlled now,” he said. “You can’t just put it back in a cage and hope it won’t keep screaming.”

  5. Retweeted
    Nov 19

    When Mohammed bin Salman attends the G-20 summit Nov. 30 in Argentina, he'll come face to face with Trump, Erdogan, May, Trudeau and other world leaders that had strongly criticized Saudi Arabia for Jamal Khashoggi's slaying.

  6. Retweeted
    Nov 17
  7. Retweeted
    Nov 18
  8. Retweeted
    Nov 17

    Le mouvement s’amplifie.

  9. Retweeted
    Nov 17

    Éric, le gilet jaune solitaire de Montluçon

  10. Retweeted
    Nov 17

    La part du budget de l’Etat dans le PNB n’ayant quasiment pas changé en 50 ans, baisser les dépenses publiques, c’est baisser les prestations sociales. Dire lesquelles s’impose pour les avocats de cette politique.

  11. Retweeted
    Nov 15

    Dans la presse Canadienne ! Les copains du peuvent être fier du travail accompli pour faire avancer les mentalités locale. and big thank's "I'dan't spik iglish!" :) :)

  12. Nov 15

    Quelle surprise ... ne jamais oublier que le chef est infaillible

  13. Retweeted
    Nov 12

    [] Hélène Dantoine, inspectrice des finances, ancienne collaboratrice de Bernard Kouchner au Quai d'Orsay, jusqu'alors vice-présidente de l'exploration de Total en Afrique, devient directrice des affaires publiques de Total | Source BQ

  14. Retweeted

    Il ne dépend que de nous que cette image soit interprétée à l’avenir comme le symbole d’une paix durable entre les nations, et non comme la photographie d’un dernier moment d’unité avant que le monde ne sombre dans un nouveau désordre.

  15. Retweeted
    Nov 10

    Our great photographer Carlos Barria captured Macron’s grip in Trump’s hand at Elysee Palace

  16. Nov 8
  17. Retweeted
    Nov 5

    Assez fascinant: le PIB de 1970 à 2017 des 10 premières économies du moment.

  18. Retweeted
    Nov 3

    What a sad sad photo. Never seen something like this. Thousands of carp die in mysterious circumstances in . Major water pollution already put 100,000 people in hospital this summer in Basra.

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  19. Retweeted
    Nov 1

    My pilot, her copilot, and the crew are all women, so the captain just welcomed us to our "unmanned flight." 👩‍✈️👍

  20. Retweeted
    Nov 2

    It was widely underreported, Prince Khaled bin Talal, ’s brother, was also detained since the famous November Ritz-Carlton purge undertaken by CP ; he has just been released from the (in)famous Haël prison. (Close family sources).


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