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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Nov 18

    Taking care of Business. Going forward we will start to open up and allow business use of the Bitcoin Blockchain. Bitcoin scales and we will be demonstrating this in the coming days.

  2. Reminder: Exchanges are NOT the market, they are the Casinos The market is use, it involves consumption and value. Bitcoin is cash and a commodity ledger. Used for that, it is used by the market. Speculation is not the market Those spamming the miners - are more of the market

  3. Retweeted
    6 hours ago

    Nobody, including has any interest in chains that do not scale. Accepting my offer would have Craig completely out of the ABC chain. If not, hash war continues until the cheating transient hash is gone.

  4. Interroute (GTT) / BSO UK(Lon) to China (Shanghai) via Tokyo 2.0 GB Block test 4.5 seconds. Most expensive, fastest

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  5. UK to Hong Kong 2.0 GB Block test 16 seconds.

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  6. Test network Signiant (others Underway) UK (London) to USA (New York) 2.0 GB Block test 17 seconds.

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  7. Securities law 101 for the day: Tradable IOUs are called “warrants,” they are required to be registered with the Securities Exchange Commission in the USA and the FCA in the UK. These are then “registered warrants". Lightning and XRP... are IOUs

  8. Last night, we achieved a peak of 1,500TX per seconds using the Bitcoin SV nodes. There are areas we need to improve and with this data, we know what is needed. 6 months, we aim to over 2,500 TPS. 12 months, 10,000 plus TPS

  9. A note, if you are bothered about Quantum Computers and Blockchains, you have been taking too much FUD in. 1st, there are no Quantum Computers and we have made 0 progress Next, it is irrelevant to Bitcoin

  10. Do not ask when we stop the hash war, it is when will be stop defending Bitcoin against dishonest miners and attackers The answer is NEVER

  11. Retweeted
    13 hours ago
  12. Nov 19

    The really funny thing, with over a 100 patents filed and over 1000 inn the pipeline all to do with Blockchain... There is NO way you can get rid of me. nChain is here to stay. Have a nice life

  13. Nov 19

    If you are here to "trade" and for "crypto" and lambo HODL moons... I am your worst nightmare. It all ends. Bitcoin is a commodity ledger and it leads to cash. There are no "digital assets" - just scams and sound cash. Choose.

  14. Nov 19

    And, no... You have not gotten rid of me. I am rid of you. Please dump. We are waiting.

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  15. Nov 19

    ABC PoSM jizz at a new all time high. They must be hurting :)

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  16. Nov 19

    Bitcoin is a commodity based on the exchange of a tokenised security issued as a payment to the "miners" or nodes in the system for a right to have an "immutable" entry saved to the ledger.

  17. Retweeted
    Nov 19
    Replying to
  18. Nov 19

    Commodity and security Bitcoin is a commodity based on the exchange of a tokenised security issued as a payment to the “miners” or nodes in the system for a right to have an immutable entry saved to the ledger.

  19. Retweeted
    Nov 19

    Any market manipulation that affects US residents is subject to US law, including criminal law. Exchanges in the US involve in the manipulation are co-conspirators.

  20. Retweeted
    Nov 19
    Replying to and

    We are fighting for real global adoption. You wont get this anywhere else. only BCH (SV)

  21. Nov 19

    In September, the SEC penalised TokenLot. These unlicensed promoters were called an “ICO Superstore” who deal in ICO tokens. The SEC found them to be acting as unlicensed brokers in securities. Nice to have a template going forward


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