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  1. Pinned Tweet

    My analysis on and the dilemma of civil society and governance published in 2017. Yet, the situation seems to be the same

  2. Reports stating that has been in the process of preparing to establish a new army consists of 20,000 fighters split half in the & half in the of . This is NOT the ..

  3. An inside look for who is behind the in .. the picture states that those are the members of the founding body of the General Syrian conference. In other words, they are the same leaders but titles &names changed..

  4. Nov 14

    .’s Special Representative for Engagement Ambassador James Jeffrey gives remarks on the way forward in Syria.

  5. أعلنت ولاية المنطقة الحدودية مع منطقة أمنية لمدة 15 يوماً. وجاء في بيان صادر عن الولاية اليوم الثلاثاء أنه يمنع دخول الأشخاص والعربات إلى المنطقة، باستثناء القاطنين فيها ومركباتهم الخاصة

  6. قرارات ملكية : ونوه المجلس بتوجيه الملك سلمان بإطلاق سراح السجناء والمعسرين من المواطنين في منطقتي وحائل في قضايا حقوقية. دعم مستمر للقضية الفلسطينية: تحويل الصندوق السعودي للتنمية قيمة مساهمات المملكة لدعم موازنة السلطة الفلسطينية.

  7. Looking at how things regionally and internationally are being orchestrated, It is likely that these are the only options for and possibly territories... the other option, currently,maintaining the status quo: territories of influence tht cant last forver

  8. Treasury sanctions key Hizballah, IRGC-QF networks in Iraq

  9. Undo
  10. Undo
  11. Reports talk about a meeting took place on Sun btwn & officers with reps in base. The deal was to cancel the mutual patrols on the borders with &only do flights instead of having personnel on ground that create problems with

  12. It was reported that reps have been paying visits to locals in without the presence of officials unlike how it used to be in the past, where all meetings were under the supervision of ..this is interesting development

  13. Nov 13

    Despite the heightened levels of violence in this escalation, Israel-Gaza war still far from inevitable. Hopefully respective leaderships will walk this back from the brink.

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  14. If this is true, everyone gets ready for a second term of

  15. new modifications on rule no.10

  16. A new flag in the liberated areas namely

  17. Reports stating that the owner of group private security company was seen in a meeting between and the Worth to mention that this company has its security forces around gas & phosphate facilities for protection in

  18. تقارير تتحدث عن ان نذير الحكيم دخل مناطق ادلب واجتمع مع الجولاني و لا احد يعلم ما تفاصيل اللقاء Reports stating that Nazir al Hakim met with leader in .. no details disclosed yet

  19. "Qaseem Soleimani and 's Unique Regional Strategy," by , in the November issue of CTC Sentinel

  20. Nov 7

    Check out my new article published by assessing the dire state of 's economy & disproportionate distribution of wealth, as the war winds down loyalists will continue to dissent if the current state of the economy continues. (Thread)

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