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  1. Oct 16

    Perhaps Graham fails to comprehend that KSA has approx. 600 BILLION invested in the US economy as well as trading its oil in USD. The US is in need of KSA far more than Graham realises! Who in KSA can get rid of MBS. He controls too many ministries & institutions.

  2. Oct 14
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  3. Oct 14

    And to all those fanboys who called these negotiations and the groups involved as frogs and traitors - what do your mouths have to say now that HTS accepted the deal?

  4. Oct 14

    To their 4th) point: Your tactics are to protect yourselves not the people. The whole establishment of HTS was a false hope to the people. A lie that HTS could win the war. To their 5th) point: Stop chatting rubbish! To their 6th) point: Stop chatting rubbish!

  5. Oct 14

    To their 1st) point: First free the MUSLIM prisoners you have before thinking about other. To their 2nd) point: Yet you have forgot about the rights of the Ansar. To their 3rd) point: Your weapons are a defense for yourselves and primarily used against the muj.

  6. Oct 13

    The Jolani of the scummy filthy rafidhi world. Both hold the characteristics of dajjal - deceiving lairs!

  7. Oct 1

    These deceivers are known liars. Allah exposed them for everyone to see. Julani is a liar, attoun is a lair, yaqathan is a dijjal, their leadership are shayateen. America has more honor than these scum.

  8. Oct 1

    It was for this money they treacherously killed mujahideen for, May Allah burn their stomachs for whatever was eating from this haram earnings .

  9. Sep 18

    In order to do so; the leadership of HTS MUST be annihilated (and anyone who takes up arms to defend them), HD/AQ figures wiped out, and all independent muhajir groups disarmed and activities ceased (with option to fall under Syrian command structure).

  10. Sep 8

    Because the Regime, Iran & Russia are paying attention to bunch of protesters. After 7 years we still have people of influence tweeting this nonsense.

  11. Sep 7

    Abu Ahmad Hudud & Abu Sulayman want to sell "Fusion" restaurant in , Abu Maria could already sell Alshame restaurant in Hazano

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  12. Sep 7

    leaders as Abu Maria & Co. are preparing to flee, they are already selling some of their businesses

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  13. نحن كالدولة التركية ومنذ البداية ناضلنا من أجل وقف اراقة الدماء في سوريا. وقمنا بحماية اخواننا السوريين من دون اي تمييز. واليوم ايضا كما كان في السابق لانريد ان يصاب اي أحد من اخواننا السوريين.

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  14. Sep 7

    If one doesn't know the reality then how can he ask for solutions. Solutions are a product of goals. If people don't have the same goal then how can they accept the others' solution. (1)

  15. Sep 7

    HTS just treacherously spilled the blood of the mujahidin for worldly gains. HTS (Joulani) just surrendered the ENTIRE east of Syria to the khawarij. You don;t know what you're talking about!

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  16. Sep 5

    The most over hyped thing in the N. after HTS is MT. These handful of politically ignorant guys are more famous with western journalist then they are with the groups in the N. The training they teach was tough in Abu Huraira's camps (under the Azuris) in 2013, nothing new!

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  17. Sep 1

    May Allah reward the Leadership of Turkey for their loyalty and efforts.

  18. Aug 28
  19. Aug 28

    I feel your frustrations! Just how some individuals are dumb enough unfortunately, for the 100th time thinking HTS loves the rebels, just not Turkey.

  20. Aug 27
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    It’s not only about honor... it’s hizbiyah almost to the extent of worship


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