And now, it's time for an explanation!    

By Skunkworks, 8 years ago
Okay, I've been meaning to write something like this for quite awhile, but haven't really had the time. There seems to be some confusion about some of my work, and the characters involved in said work. So hopefully, this little journal will help to explain things.

Firstly, I need to explain the premise behind the Skunkworks studio, and the products they make. The studio itself is an advertising and modeling agency. They produce photos and ads for various companies, whether it's someone selling cars, a new clothing line, a cologne advertisement, or whatever. This is their usual fare.

But the studio also produces its own line of material, namely, the Skunkworks folios (magazines) and such. Now, while their regular material is generally photographic advertising or special graphics, their take on the adult theme is a bit different. Here's an example:

You, the customer, purchase a smut magazine which happens to have a special feature from the Skunkworks studio. What you see in this magazine is artwork of sultry, shapely skunk girls engaging in sexual mischief. This is the studio's product. But here's what goes on behind the scenes, and how the studio arrives at the final product:

A theme or plot is decided upon for a new folio. Models are brought in, and employees set up props, secure locations (if it's to be photographed outside the studio), and ready the equipment (lights, cameras, fans, etcetera). The scene is staged and photographed several different ways; this is repeated for each individual scene.

After the film is processed, prints are compared and the best photo for that scene is chosen. The chosen photos are then passed onto artists, who redraw the photos. Sometimes the scenes are drawn in a cartoon-ish style, other times they may be drawn a little more realistically. The models are often tweaked and exaggerated, making them more shapely or fantastic than they may actually appear in real life. Oftentimes, certain parts are also exaggerated a bit as well.

After the artwork has been completed, the images are produced as a folio, which the studio can either sell directly to the public, or to various adult magazines which publish the studio's work. As such, what a person is looking at is a cartoon drawing of an actual scene, not the actual real-life scene itself.

Now, the reason I'm drawing the characters in a different style now is because I'm returning to the Caterwaul storyline. Skunkworks does appear in the title on several occasions, and since the Caterwaul storyline is meant to be viewed as the "real world" version of the character's lives, it's important that the characters look how they would appear in real life.

TL:DR version: The Skunkworks artwork is meant to be viewed as artistic versions of the characters; ie, not true representations of the people themselves. The Caterwaul series is a representation of the true characters themselves. The Skunkworks material is an over-sexualized version of the characters, whereas the Caterwaul material is meant to be viewed as the real-world characters.

It's also important to point out their world, economy and society is not a mirror of our own. The people there have different rules, they behave differently, and overall, their world probably shouldn't be compared to ours. The website will have detailed information on all of this stuff once it is up (which ought to be this summer).

Any questions? Comments? Hate mail? Drop it here, man, and I'll answer your queries as soon as humanly possible.

User replies


#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Anyone ever accuse you of thinking about things too deeply?
Seriously, though, I like the explanation. Looking forward to seeing the website.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Actually, I myself have found that doing stuff like this helps immensely when figuring out how characters react, because you've then laid down the ground rules, so to speak. :>

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Yeah, actually, they have. But I would find the character's real lives far more interesting than what can be construed from a wank magazine!

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I'm just wondering why you didn't just send people to your character bio page on That was a HUGE resource for me while I was writing those fanfics.

Speaking of which, I hope to be writing more by summer

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Well, there are some sections that need to be adjusted, and I figured it'd be best to put the whole thing up at one time. The only reason I'm answering this topic now is because a lot of folks were asking the same questions, and I thought it best to just go ahead and shed some light on the subject.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Nice - I always like when a story is well thought out and in-depth. I've been trying to do that for my general-audience stuff for a while now. This is a great bit of plot development, though.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

The original fifth Caterwaul book was scrapped because there were too many holes in the story as a result of omitting important details of their world in the first four books. So I figured I might as well get back to the basics, lay down the groundwork, and rewrite the stories so they'd make more sense!

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

It's good to know I'm not alone in this sort of elaborate thinking XD I can definitely appreciate the explanation of difference in styles, and how they coexist. Very cool :)

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Works for me. Besides it isn't too far from what is done now considering how much airbrushing/Photoshoping is done these days with models in our world.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

True. The parallels are frightening, aren't they?

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I'd never thought I'd have to elaborate on it, but since I focused on Skunkworks (at the expense of Caterwaul), the details just got lost in the background. So, since I'm bringing Caterwaul back to the front, I figured now was as good a time as any to clue folks in!

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Should do a picture illustrating it. Maybe have the Caterwaul Skunkworks girls looking at a cartoony version of themselves in a portfolio making comments about how unrealistic it is or something.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Actually, there were a few pictures I drew which were basically "behind the scenes" images, as if they were taken by a camera during a photo shoot. But the way the characters were drawn was too "uncanny valley", so I ended up redesigning them to their current style. I may still use those images in the future, though.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Oh wow a very nice way to explain it. See I actually really love your realistic stuff (not there's anything wrong with your cartoony stuff either)

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

For a moment, I had a pondering on Yiffburg and crossovers (like a Yiffburg Crossover, from Kit n Kay Boodle), but I figure that crossovers take a lot of collaboration to pull off successfully.

In general, though, everything was explained very well. Thank you for the info.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Sounds like skunkworks invented photoshop :D

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Nah. Photoshop has nothing to do with art, aside from taking the place of actual artistic ability.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I ment more of the studio itself, making the girls all they can be and more! I wonder if they get weird looks at pulbic appearences :D

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Well, the "real-life" versions of them look different than the cartoony way they are often portrayed in the folios, so maybe folks don't really recognize them?

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I like seeing this kind of thought put into characters and the art surrounding them. Don't see it done enough these days. :)

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

That makes plenty of sense, man. Thanks fer the heads up.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I think you brought this up in your Yahoo Group once, tho not quite in this kind of detail. S'interesting. : )

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I can't remember if I did or not. This "make-over" has been a long time coming, and I've had to do it in stages. Things get forgotten as time speeds by...

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

You have brought it up before in the YGroup, but I"m sure not everyone here has been on it to see that post or didn't bother paying attention to to text as they did submissions of images.

When I first got Caterwaul Inc #2 (I haven't read it in a long time, so I can't be sure if it was 2 or 3) and saw Skunkworks in it, I was more certain that you considered the comical stories just that. I had already figured out your outlook in regard of the comic, since I pretty much based my own character in 2 different versions to fit what I had in stored for him. Our character setups are different, but the idea of how they work is pretty much the same. I have been wanting to see you elaborate more on Caterwaul ever since I first found out about it, since it was kind of like reading a Dark Horse & Marvel comic with a Heavy Metal blend with far less repugnance.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

It was basically you saying the stuff with them being uberviolent to their guardian and...well anything involving humans was non-canon, and the version of the girls in Caterwaul was the canon version.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I think its a cool concept and im looking forward to what becomes of it! ^.=.^

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Good science fiction background, and good rationale for allowing more than one style of character design to be canon.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

This is some M.C. Escher shit man

Fourth wall broken

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

It's stuff like this that makes me like you, with solid backing of story and "life" of the characters instead of a life made of still shots or occasional comics... Not that it can't explain in that either, but... Eh, I'm gonna confuse myself XD

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Nice. This may sound silly, but I find it positively surprising that a studio which makes movies / ads also does a great and so-yiffy fur comic. Since many furs have to stay more... well, hidden at work and such, when it comes to yiff especially. As for your art, I always find it awesome and very good

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I'm...not sure I understand your message. The studio that I'm referring to is the fictional Skunkworks studio. It's not an actual studio in our world. Did you think I meant the studio existed here? Please elaborate if you can.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Sorry, I misunderstood. Thought you meant you draw the comic in / with a real studio you work at... I don't know its background story well so I didn't delimit if that was part of the comic or real. But I understood now.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

My only question is "When is the CD coming out?" as I want to make with the buying thereof.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I have to get more labels for the CDs (bought the wrong kind, apparently), and I need to print the case covers. That's it. Should have them out to Ed pretty damn soon.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Great! Both you and him will have access to my precious, precious Jew gold all too soon.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Well, this is all clear as pudding. Ha! Just kidding. I'll admit there have been times in the past where I failed to realize the difference between "real" character images versus "production" character images, but that was because I wasn't paying attention. I hope to correct this by visiting the Yahoo Group more often.

Oh. I do have one question. How do you feel?

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Usually with my hands. I can also feel with my face, but that usually results in bruises.


#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I would have expected no less.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I really like how you thought all this out.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Thanks! Just trying to tie everything together again.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Doing a find job so far (and the most logical explanation for showing characters in different styles I've heard yet )

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

*ponders* So, for the most part.. the Skunkworks that we've seen in the Porfolios and Comics are the story-within-the-story (The "story" being the "real " Skunkworks universe) and the relation between the story seen so far under the Skunkworks label has been like a Penthouse letters to reality.

And the Caterwaul stories are real to the reality of the Caterwaul universe.

And neither has any connection to real reality

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I had to read that twice to make sure I was grasping it correctly, but yes, that's pretty much it. The way the main website is designed, it will appear as if you're actually visiting the studio website, where you can view their products (folios and such). I have a "behind the scenes" concept I want to do, which will feature B&W "photos" of scene set-ups in action, and will kinda be a peek into their "real world".

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

i like to say as a 15 year old horny kid , i smuggled myself onto your BTT website back in the golden summer of 06 , and practically wanted to collect your work (which i have in a way he he), but as a fan and a guy that freeked out when the news about yur diabetes case hit i must say.... the news stuff scares the SHIT out of me man! O.O

on a further note, which is better for sketching blue lead pencil or black?

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Well, I'm not diabetic anymore, thanks to a double transplant in late 2007. But there will always be issues remaining from having been a diabetic for over 32 years.

Personally, I use red pencils. Ultimately, use whichever pencil works best for you. Non-photo blue is usually recommended because it isn't picked up by photocopiers or certain cameras. But I can't really see non-photo blue so I just use red.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

cool and ouch a double transplant , wat did u replace?

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I got a pancreas and a kidney.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

wow , u lucky man

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Yeah, but somebody's kid wasn't.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

oh shit....