Going to MFF Meme and other things    

By Skunkworks, 8 years ago
Grabbed this from Shawntae so blame him. I'm not going, but what the hell, I'll throw something up into the journal for shits and giggles...


Where are you staying

What day are you getting there?
Not going, man.

How long are you going?
I said I'm not going.

Who will you be with?
I fly solo when I get a hotel room. Not big into the whole group thing.

What is your gender?

How old are you?
A cryptic 38

How tall are you?
5' 7". You wanna know my friggin' zodiac sign too?

What suits will you have?
The only time I wear a suit is if I'm going to a funeral. Otherwise, it's jeans, boots, t-shirts and a leather jacket all the way.

Do you do free art?
Hahahaaaa! Oh, shit. Wait. You were serious? Geez, now I feel bad.

Actually, no, I don't do free art. The last time I drew for free was in 1981, when I was 9 years old.

Can I touch you?
Only if you've grown tired of having limbs attached to your body.

Can I talk to you?
Sure! I like talking to folks. Just, you know, try to talk about something other than furry stuff.

Can I take pictures with you?
Ahh, not really too keen on getting my picture taken, man.

Are you nice?
I reckon so. I'm usually sarcastic, but not rude. I only act like a dick on image boards cuz I loves me some trollin'

Can I stalk you?
Only if you wear a Kevlar vest 24-7

Can I buy you lots of drinks?
I don't drink alcohol. I used to like beer, but had to stop any and all alcohol consumption after the transplants 3 years ago.

Can I hug or snuggle you?
I don't even hug members of my own family, man. But handshakes are cool. Not that stupid gang-signs handshake bullshit. A real handshake.

May I ask you for a Dance?
The last time I danced was when breakdancing first came out in the very early 80's. So...uh...I guess the answer is "no thanks".

Do you like parties?
Going somewhere to watch people become inebriated drunkards who flail around and make asses of themselves is always quite tempting, especially since they'll often have no recollection of it the next morning. But in general, no, I'm not much of a party guy. In fact, if I ever want to "cut loose", I get behind the wheel or the handlebars. That's way more pleasurable than a gathering of intoxicated blowhards.

Can I talk about/do drugs in front of you?
I'm not into drugs or smoking, so I'd prefer you kept that shit away.

If I see you, how should I get your attention?
Just do what any normal person would do. A wave of the hand, a head nod, a little "Hey, what's up?" will work wonders.

Now that that little bit of insanity is out of the way, I thought I'd take a moment to let folks know about a contest currently being held on the Cat's N Cameras website. Click on the link below for more details. Do it, fucker. Now.

From Cheetah's journal:

"Help spread the word!!

It's been a few years since TJA has had a contest of any kind, but this one's one heck of a come back. Being Cats n' Camera's first ever contest, we're proud to present "The Great CnC Drawing Contest" with over $300 in Cash and Prizes there's a lot to be won, and multiple categories you can enter and win! Check it out at http://www.jabarchives.com/cnccontest . This contest is open to everyone and anyone who wishes to enter, it's being judged by an outside group of judges based on preset criteria. Deadline is December 31st 2010 and Midnight. Best of luck to you all!"


Also, due to color setting issues with my monitor, the last CnC comic was amazingly...purple. So it has been adjusted into a warmer shade for your enjoyment.

That is all.

User replies


#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I had a random someone try a 'running glomp' on me. (Effectively a tackle hug) I never thought I'd punch a 13 year old. thankfully their aim was off.
'Just do what a normal person does.' works pretty well.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Yeah, I never understood that shit. Nothing quite says "Socially Awkward" like a full-speed tackle and hug with someone you've never actually met beforehand. Hell, I don't even hug relatives I haven't seen in 15 years, so why the heck would I tangle arms with a total stranger?

Shit's weird, man.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I don't mind hugging family/close friends, but I don't like sudden invasions of my personal space. I worked in a violent place for quite a while, and tend to react unpleasantly when folks come up behind me and do shit like that. Especially strangers, kids should know better. What ever happened to Darwinism?

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I think it may be up to folks like us to carry on the task of selecting the recipients of the Darwin Award.

Man, I can't WAIT to start!

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

There's jobs that allow that, unofficially of course.
There should be the death penalty for those too stupid to live. Not the first time offenders (we all are stupid now and again) but for the criminally stupid.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I like hugs. :D Just not at high velocity from strangers of often questionable hygiene.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago


#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I am kind of tired of these limbs now that you mention it...

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Well, I've got just the thing for that! Just step over here, whydon'tcha?

#link     Posted: 8 years ago


I still wish I had been able to talk to you more back at MFM '07. I was so damn tired I could barely talk. I probably came off like some fat sweaty halfwit.

I do remember shaking hands though. You were one of the few who returned a good honest-to-God handshake with eye contact and all. An unfortunate rarity these days.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Oh, that's fine. I was both tired and ill, so it was no biggie (that was before I had my transplants).

Yeah, the handshake has always been my preferred method to greeting a stranger, a known friend, or to seal a deal. Just call me old fashioned!

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

It's a good old fashioned in my book.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I was wondering why the last slide looked so unique.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Dude that was a dumb Meme, I mean what kind of a Question is "Can I do Drugs in front of you" lol. To tell you the truth dude, Im not much of a party guy Myself, I mean I dont see a point in it, I would rather have a badass time being Sober then not knowing what the fuck Im doing, and Im 19 (Almost the partying age) haha. But thats just Me.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

You know what? Your response just gave me an idea to write up a new con meme. Stay tuned...

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Really?? I dont see how lol.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Look at the most recent journal for a new take on it.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I had a suiter glomp me at a con once and I twisted his head 180 dergrees.... Unfortunately his suiter's head was loose enough that his real head couldn't follow.....

#link     Posted: 8 years ago


#link     Posted: 8 years ago

hell 3/4 of the stuff you said i agree with except for the ne thing.

i like to MANHUG or do a really hard MANshake

also if i saw ya i would bore you to tears over computers n computer games and a shitload of other crap lol.

as for touching well how are we going to shake hands since that involves touching hehehehe.

and another thing... if anyone does drugs like crack or coke or any pill poping or hashish then begone (unless its a proven medical condition)

i dont mind ppl hugging me or anything like that i just LOVE hugs :D

and DAMN dude your small....i'm like 6ft 3" and 17 stone (thats uk weight)

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Yup, I don't know much about computers, other than they're a pain in the ass and I can never get one to work quite right. As for handshakes? Well, there's a proper way to do those, y'know. If you squeeze too hard, you come across as overly enthusiastic; if you do the ol' "limp" handshake, well, that's just kinda creepy, like maybe there ought to be a woman on the other end of that wrist, you know what I mean? Seems lots of folks nowadays have a hard time finding the right pressure zone when shaking hands.

Never been big on hugs, myself. Even as a little kid I wasn't too keen on them.

And size-wise? I'm just right, man. Five foot seven and 155 pounds. Not skinny and not chunkified. I watch my weight and diet closely (technically, I HAVE to, given my medical history, haha).

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Aww.. I kindda liked the purple tones! XD

The warm tones are nice too tho.: )

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Yeah, but man, once I adjusted my monitor, it really changed things around!

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Yeah; I'll admit I just thought it was perhaps an overcast day and an expression of Sari's blue mood.
Brightness and happiness were always what I used to associate with Sari; seeing her grumpy and sullen for a length of time is odd.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

grumpy and grudgey even.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I dont know what Time is ! Be my is at 8 in the Mornig (i hope all can understand, what i mine). I have not Job !

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Heh! Love yer responses.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Hey James, i have your Lifestyle-Story ouf the Netpatch ( i hope this is the read Word) : www.roterdorn.de fondet. Ouf German of cours ^^ Me english is to bad, sorry for this !

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

No problem, I can understand you just fine. But what do you mean by the words "Lifestyle-Story" ?

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Probably...Probably a good idea.

That is unless you feel like being harassed by fat, stinky guys who want you to draw unmentionable things in books stained with Cheetohs dust and fluids best left undescribed.

I'm ashamed to say that I'd probably be in that crowd, though...

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Actually, I don't attend cons anymore for a few different reasons. For one thing, my immune system is permanently weakened since I had the transplants. I have to avoid crowds and especially sick people. If you get a cold, you can take Nyquil. If I get one, I have to go to the hospital for IV's and blood culture work. Not a lot of fun.

Another reason is that I just don't have any new things to sell. Going to a con is expensive, and it's important that I make enough back to cover my costs and still generate a profit. Since I'm not really drawing any new folios or prints anymore, what is there to sell at this point? Most everybody has the older stuff (or can get downloads of it online).

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I have never gone to a con and come home healthy, even the time I went to a con and wore a gas mask the whole time. So I can definitely see that one, even without the immune system problems.

And yeah, cons are as expensive as /fuck/. I have product to sell, but I know nobody wants it (who the fuck would want to READ porn in this day and age?) and the last few cons I went to were not worth the cost. For some reason, every time I go to a con, all of my con-mates ditch on me at the last moment, or don't uphold their end of the bargain, so what looks like a reasonable cost gets out of hand pretty fast.

So I've just decided that if furries want to visit me, they can, at my house, on my terms. Thus far, none of them have, which seems about right.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Why'd you have to get a transplant, too much drinking?

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Nope. In fact, between the ages of 21 and 35, I drank about one 12-pack of beer. I was never a drinker, though I would sometimes make the mistake of working in the garage and drinking a couple beers on an empty stomach.

I got a kidney and a pancreas transplant in 2007. Both kidneys were down to 20-something percent functionality, which was due to having a somewhat brittle case of Type 1 diabetes for 32 years (I'd been taking insulin injections since I was 3). The new pancreas eliminated the diabetes, and the new kidney replaced the failing ones.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Dang. That's neat that the diabetes were somehow cured by getting a new pancreas. How come you still can't drink?

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Things like alcohol, drugs or tobacco can damage the body. I have to have blood work done frequently, and remnants of those chemicals would show up in the results. Part of the reason I got the transplant so damn quick was that my body was in otherwise great shape. No history of smoking or drug abuse, and very little drinking. As such, a patient who takes care of themselves and watches what they eat or do, is more likely to get to the front of the line when it comes time for an operation like that.

I was only on the organ recipient waiting list for 3 weeks.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Very interesting. I didn't know hospitals operated like that. Good thing I don't smoke I guess. I do drink ocasionally though.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Some of the technicians had told me about instances where a guy would be on the waiting list for an organ, but when he came in for recent testing, it would show positive for alcohol or drug use. He would remain on the list, but would get placed further down the list. Heck, why would you (as a doctor) want to put a donor lung into someone who refuses to quit smoking? If the recipient is not willing to change their lifestyle to take better care of the donor organ(s), then he/she doesn't really deserve them or want them that badly.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Yah, that makes sense.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

So where are you staying at the con?

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Um...I'm not actually going to the con. I just answered the meme thing because I thought it would be fun.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Knew I should have put a :) after the comment.

Yeah I knew you weren't going, just couldn't resist putting a smartass note.

Actually I think you still have my sketchbook from the last time I did see ya at a con.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I believe I do! Did you ever get my e-mail asking about your address? Is it still the same?

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Its still the same as in the Bunny Pages days.
I sent a note to ya confirming it.