Grabbed this from Shawntae so blame him. I'm not going, but what the hell, I'll throw something up into the journal for shits and giggles...
Where are you staying
What day are you getting there?
Not going, man.
How long are you going?
said I'm not going.
Who will you be with?
I fly solo when I get a hotel room. Not big into the whole group thing.
What is your gender?
How old are you?
A cryptic 38
How tall are you?
5' 7". You wanna know my friggin' zodiac sign too?
What suits will you have?
The only time I wear a suit is if I'm going to a funeral. Otherwise, it's jeans, boots, t-shirts and a leather jacket all the way.
Do you do free art?
Hahahaaaa! Oh, shit. Wait. You were serious? Geez, now I feel bad.
Actually, no, I don't do free art. The last time I drew for free was in 1981, when I was 9 years old.
Can I touch you?
Only if you've grown tired of having limbs attached to your body.
Can I talk to you?
Sure! I like talking to folks. Just, you know, try to talk about something
other than furry stuff.
Can I take pictures with you?
Ahh, not really too keen on getting my picture taken, man.
Are you nice?
I reckon so. I'm usually sarcastic, but not rude. I only act like a dick on image boards cuz I loves me some trollin'
Can I stalk you?
Only if you wear a Kevlar vest 24-7
Can I buy you lots of drinks?
I don't drink alcohol. I used to like beer, but had to stop any and all alcohol consumption after the transplants 3 years ago.
Can I hug or snuggle you?
I don't even hug members of my own family, man. But handshakes are cool. Not that stupid gang-signs handshake bullshit. A
real handshake.
May I ask you for a Dance?
The last time I danced was when breakdancing first came out in the very early 80's. So...uh...I guess the answer is "no thanks".
Do you like parties?
Going somewhere to watch people become inebriated drunkards who flail around and make asses of themselves is always quite tempting, especially since they'll often have no recollection of it the next morning. But in general, no, I'm not much of a party guy. In fact, if I ever want to "cut loose", I get behind the wheel or the handlebars. That's way more pleasurable than a gathering of intoxicated blowhards.
Can I talk about/do drugs in front of you?
I'm not into drugs or smoking, so I'd prefer you kept that shit away.
If I see you, how should I get your attention?
Just do what any normal person would do. A wave of the hand, a head nod, a little "Hey, what's up?" will work wonders.
Now that that little bit of insanity is out of the way, I thought I'd take a moment to let folks know about a contest currently being held on the Cat's N Cameras website. Click on the link below for more details. Do it, fucker.
From Cheetah's journal:
"Help spread the word!!
It's been a few years since TJA has had a contest of any kind, but this one's one heck of a come back. Being Cats n' Camera's first ever contest, we're proud to present "The Great CnC Drawing Contest" with over $300 in Cash and Prizes there's a lot to be won, and multiple categories you can enter and win! Check it out at . This contest is open to everyone and anyone who wishes to enter, it's being judged by an outside group of judges based on preset criteria. Deadline is December 31st 2010 and Midnight. Best of luck to you all!" Also, due to color setting issues with my monitor, the last CnC comic was amazingly...purple. So it has been adjusted into a warmer shade for your enjoyment.
That is all.