Oh, the things you find...    

By Skunkworks, 7 years ago
Spent a good portion of today going through stacks of artwork, organizing them and putting them in folders and such. I recently got a new desk (much larger than the old one) and had to juggle some stuff around to get everything in a place where I could reach it when necessary (pens, markers, pencils, rulers, templates, paper, etcetera).

Here's a few of the gems I found:

453 sketches of various Asar females and males, including Onika, Koth and Shek-ti.

127 sketches of Penance in various forms, and several head sketches (since it took me awhile to get her look "just right".

212 sketches of various characters from a canceled project.

56 sketches of "By the Tail" characters.

48 sketches of various Skunkworks characters (from the studio).

26 sketches of Caterwaul and Lot Six characters.

(Most of my Skunkworks and Caterwaul artwork has already been filed; these were extras that had missed the initial reorganization).

And there's still a stack of sketches and finished artwork, measuring nearly two feet high, that still has to be sorted. Most of this work was done between the present day and 2006. Work prior to 2006 (which I decided not to keep) was either destroyed or balled up and used as packing material during my move from Florida.

You'll have to pardon my laughter when someone says "I've seen all of Hardiman's work", since they have really only seen about 5% of it (and that's if they've seen every folio, comic, print and whatever sketches I posted online). It seems a lot of folks are under the incorrect assumption that all artists post all of their work online, all the time. Maybe some of 'em do, but I'm not one of those fortunate few.

In other news, "Cats n' Cameras" was updated on Saturday, so go check it out! I'm still playing with Alexia's design; I didn't want to stray too far from V. Kyrie's design of the character (since otherwise, it would be too difficult for readers to recognize her), but I may gradually shift her more towards my design style. I'm not sure what model form V. Kyrie based Alexia off of (seems like it might be a cartoon show or something), but it was a bit difficult to try and draw the character so...toony. As I explained to cheetahjab cheetahjab, drawing portraits and "real life" pictures of people for several years has made me very rusty at drawing simplified "toon" versions of the human form. But, as with anything, I'm sure I'll get the hang of it as I work on it some more.

The "Cats n' Cameras" comic is brought to you by cheetahjab cheetahjab, missmab missmab and skunkworks skunkworks. It can be seen at http://www.catsncameras.com , but you knew that already, didn't you?

Also, if you like gritty crime stories and/or funny animal violence, don't miss out on "Cute Fuzzy Crime" issue 1 from karno karno! Go harass him for a copy! The first issue has a great range of styles and story types, and I thought it was a pretty cool collection of that niche market in the anthropomorphic genre. You may think so as well!

The final page of "Dead Bitch" will be posted later on Sunday, and I'll use the remaining week or so to post up a few remaining Penance pictures, including a joke one (there are several others that won't get posted due to the crude humor or innuendos in them) and even a *gasp* cute one!

Might go with posting some Caterwaul stuff starting in July, or maybe I'll post some more Asar artwork. Some of those pictures I sorted through today were pretty hardcore, many to the point where I wondered, "Jesus Fuck, why did I draw that?!?" Ah, nothing like the bitter pill of flashbacks.

So stay tuned. I can't promise it'll be exciting. But it may very well be interesting!

User replies


#link     Posted: 7 years ago

56 "By the Tail" character sketches o.O damn i would love to see that!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

A lot of them are various pencil sketches showing various poses and crap. There are a few that were supposed to be turned into full-color pictures, though.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Would you be interested to see one or a few of your "by the tail" sketches inked and colored?

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I wouldn't mind finishing them up, but I really don't have the time available now to work on them. I hope to get at least a couple done before the site reopens (whenever I can get around to that).

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Lol sorry my misstake, i meant would you be interested into a small collaboration between you and me and one or more of your unfinished by the tail sketches?
Have a look into my Gallery to get a overview of my drawing skill.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Haveta agree with you on those who'd proclaim "I've seen ALL of Addlesee's artwork". After they go through over 200 self-made comic-books from my teenage years. After they go through what I've done for small-press fandom, then all the zine covers and interior artwork I did for all the APAs I was in for 19 years, the artwork I did for Trek fandom for over ten years, what I've done in furdom, and what I did in comics prodom for 18 years.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Kinda makes you sigh in resignation sometimes, doesn't it?

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

True. All that artwork in the hopes of either acceptance, acclaim, award, or a published credit.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Eh, I draw because I enjoy it. But I don't think every image needs to be published, though.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Most of that work was back when I was "aspiring". I guess if there's ever "The Art of Steve Addlesee", a fair number of the more meaningful artwork will be showcased.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

The world needs more Asar pics!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

It certainly does...

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

You have the material you can help the world!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Unseen Skunkworks art?
faith and begorrah!!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Oh, there's tons of that. You didn't really think I uploaded everything to the internet, didja?

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

really liked the last cats and cameras comic you have posted. Her expression was quite priceless, made this kitsune laugh his ass off.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Thanks! Yeah, I'm working on simplifying my style for that comic, since realism doesn't work too well with cartoonish expressions. I'll get the hang of it eventually...

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Post the Caterwaul and Lot6 sketches, yeah!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I'll have to sort through them and see how many are presentable first...

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Just take your time

#link     Posted: 7 years ago


#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Totally want to see those Penance sketches!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Several were already posted in the gallery here. Many of the pictures are drawings of bodies, limbs, hands and feet, facial structures, etcetera. Oh, and there's also some porn pictures too.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I want to see the Skunkwork sketches and the Asar sketches. I also want to see whatever made you go "Jesus fuck!" Haha

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I'm thinking I might upload some Skunkworks and Caterwaul sketches next month, actually.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Awesome, I can't wait to see them. =D

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I wouldn't mind seeing those Skunkworks, Caterwaul, Lot 6, and By the Tail sketches pop up here at some point. =3

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Might do that next month.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago


#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I know how it is when it comes to piles of sketches laying about. It strikes you that you've been rather busy in the last decade when you actually stack it up and have to measure it in terms of reams of paper versus numbers of drawings.

At some point, you may want to do a bulk sale at an auction. Sell 100 picture bundles with some samples scanned in. It could be quite a pretty penny.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Actually, I usually take the pictures I don't need (or have no reason to keep for reference) and destroy them. I really don't want to clutter anything up with a bunch of discarded drawings that I have no intention of using for anything. (I think I just heard someone scream at that).

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

youre free to do what you want with your art but destroying them is like throwing away money.maybe not big money benjamins but still washingtons if nothing else.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Nah, sketches like these are quick little mind sessions. I jot down the picture so I won't forget it; when I get the opportunity later, I look through them to see if any are worth saving (or if they may be usable). I draw constantly, but not every picture is worth completing, or even showing.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Well, the "By the tail" page could use an update ;3

I love the humour and erotic combination ^^. Sexy jokes are the best :D

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

There are a lot of comics drawn for that site, but it's up to me to ink them. Des no longer draws anthro stuff, so it's sort of up to me to complete those comics. I have several of her black and white character drawings (awaiting color), but won't post them here because they're not my work.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I see. Well, I am glad that there is more stuff to look forward to. :3
I'd offer help inking, but I am pretty sure you wouldn't wanna hand out valuable sketches to a stranger.

With Des you mean Desiree Lee? That is a shame. I really liked her stuff too :(

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

The Asar sketches sound intriguing. That's a *lot* of sketches - must have taken quite a lot of time to get their designs right?

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Yeah, comparing the earliest drawings with current ones can be surprising. I had the right idea, initially, but it just took awhile to really nail down the specifics of the breed.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Damn dude you must have drawn a lot in School, and home and shit, I couldnt imagine having a stack of drawings almost 2 feet tall. You should take a picture of all your work in a stack of something, and post it here, I kind of want to see what your talking about haha.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I might take a photo of it all soon. I drew all the time in school; that's why I was on the "5 year program" (graduated a half year late due to spending all my time drawing). I average 3 pictures a day.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Holy hell, that's a lotta art!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Yup! I'll hang on to it in case this coming winter is unusually cold.

Oh, wait, no. The fireplace is gas-powered. Nevermind.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Well, you can donate 'em as rollin' papers, I guess.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

You're not allowed to use: "Jesus Fuck, why did I draw that?!?". The gore contained in the Dead Bitch series and the art titled, "Cervix with a Smile" are pretty extreme, sir.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

No, those were actually kinda watered down compared to some of the more explicit pictures I found. Like I've said before, my brain is like an assembly line, and in order to get to the next picture, I have to draw whatever comes down the line, even if it's just plain weird.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Id love to see any unuploaded pics of Dinah you may have found, theres not enough of her :P

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I've only got a couple of those. Gotta save some for the Caterwaul CD, too!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

The Bear Trap!?

...The mind boggles!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Yeah, it was pretty hardcore.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

-Damn, that's a LOT of sketches, dude; how do U do it, mann-

Anyways, thanks 4 bringing that to our attention as always, Jim; this is going to be Real Interesting to see what's next from U when U post, mann.

Take care and have a Blast with your Works and Stuff as always; Peace!

-Seriously, that's a LOT of Damn sketches, dude- -lol-


#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I constantly draw, man. All the time. Except when I'm sleeping, obviously.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

So, U are human. -Chuckles-

-Though, I wonder about U even getting rest at All at times- -lol-

Either way, thanks 4 the response, Jim; later, mann.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

This is off topic but did the new skunkworks website ever come out in 2010 like you said? And I quote from skunked.com, "The Caterwaul comic will be coming out in the summer of 2010, with the new Skunkworks website to follow shortly after.", or did I miss something? Ive looked through your journals and the updates on it seem to vanish. Keep in mind I don't have a Yahoo account so if you sent out a message about that website from Yahoo I wouldn't have gotten it. Its fine if you abandoned that project, I just want to know whats going on with it since its a year late.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Caterwaul has been on hold until I finish issue 2. I need to be at least one issue ahead at all times, just in case there's an event that could cause a delay in the production schedule. Caterwaul will come out, but I still need to finish the second book.

The main hold up on the website is scanning all the artwork in. What I decided to do was to simply scale down the art I'm scanning for the CD collections. However, the pictures likely won't all get scanned in until this winter.

I work as a professional artist in mainstream art, and all the stuff I produce for the anthropomorphic market is done as a hobby now. As such, the time I spend on anthro stuff is quite limited, and many things have been cancelled as a result (no more portfolios and prints, for example). The Skunkworks website will showcase all the older work, and it will also provide every bit of information I could think of regarding the world these characters live in. It's far more in-depth than I had originally planned, and I think it's been redesigned numerous times since I first took it down.

Rest assured, once I can get the time to complete it, I'll be sure to post the news online (in various places). So don't worry, man! You won't miss out on it.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Well good luck on that.

Anyway, no rush I just wanted to make sure it was still going to happen sometime.

Well it certainly sounds like it will be a site to see.(did you see what I did there)

And thanks, I was a little worried for a second.