Spent a good portion of today going through stacks of artwork, organizing them and putting them in folders and such. I recently got a new desk (much larger than the old one) and had to juggle some stuff around to get everything in a place where I could reach it when necessary (pens, markers, pencils, rulers, templates, paper, etcetera).
Here's a few of the gems I found:
453 sketches of various Asar females and males, including Onika, Koth and Shek-ti.
127 sketches of Penance in various forms, and several head sketches (since it took me awhile to get her look "just right".
212 sketches of various characters from a canceled project.
56 sketches of "By the Tail" characters.
48 sketches of various Skunkworks characters (from the studio).
26 sketches of Caterwaul and Lot Six characters.
(Most of my Skunkworks and Caterwaul artwork has already been filed; these were extras that had missed the initial reorganization).
And there's still a stack of sketches and finished artwork, measuring nearly two feet high, that still has to be sorted. Most of this work was done between the present day and 2006. Work prior to 2006 (which I decided not to keep) was either destroyed or balled up and used as packing material during my move from Florida.
You'll have to pardon my laughter when someone says "I've seen all of Hardiman's work", since they have really only seen about 5% of it (and that's if they've seen every folio, comic, print and whatever sketches I posted online). It seems a lot of folks are under the incorrect assumption that all artists post all of their work online, all the time. Maybe some of 'em do, but I'm not one of those fortunate few.
In other news, "Cats n' Cameras" was updated on Saturday, so go check it out! I'm still playing with Alexia's design; I didn't want to stray too far from V. Kyrie's design of the character (since otherwise, it would be too difficult for readers to recognize her), but I may gradually shift her more towards my design style. I'm not sure what model form V. Kyrie based Alexia off of (seems like it might be a cartoon show or something), but it was a bit difficult to try and draw the character so...toony. As I explained to
cheetahjab, drawing portraits and "real life" pictures of people for several years has made me very rusty at drawing simplified "toon" versions of the human form. But, as with anything, I'm sure I'll get the hang of it as I work on it some more.
The "Cats n' Cameras" comic is brought to you by
missmab and
skunkworks. It can be seen at
http://www.catsncameras.com , but you knew that already, didn't you?
Also, if you like gritty crime stories and/or funny animal violence, don't miss out on "Cute Fuzzy Crime" issue 1 from
karno! Go harass him for a copy! The first issue has a great range of styles and story types, and I thought it was a pretty cool collection of that niche market in the anthropomorphic genre. You may think so as well!
The final page of "Dead Bitch" will be posted later on Sunday, and I'll use the remaining week or so to post up a few remaining Penance pictures, including a joke one (there are several others that won't get posted due to the crude humor or innuendos in them) and even a *gasp* cute one!
Might go with posting some Caterwaul stuff starting in July, or maybe I'll post some more Asar artwork. Some of those pictures I sorted through today were pretty hardcore, many to the point where I wondered, "Jesus Fuck, why did I draw
that?!?" Ah, nothing like the bitter pill of flashbacks.
So stay tuned. I can't promise it'll be exciting. But it
may very well be interesting!