Numerous topics...    

By Skunkworks, 7 years ago
First up: the whole "Dead Bitch" story. This was actually a fun experiment, but here's some stuff you probably didn't know...

I wasn't paid for that comic. In fact, I had wanted to draw up a short Penance comic for quite awhile, and it just so happened that dickbitchmolly dickbitchmolly was interested in killing off the Molly character. So after a week or so of toying with the idea, I said I could kill two birds with one stone. Hence, the "Dead Bitch" story.

Buuut...the most enjoyable thing was watching the reaction of various people when they read the comic or heard about the "cost". There was a lot of ranting and raving, and while there are certainly folks who will say that stuff never happened, I had the foresight to get screengrabs of various threads for several image boards. They are, to say the least, highly entertaining.

Not too sure who posts the uploaded images on Lulz, but I know it's a person from the Skunkworks Yahoo! group, since they always post the image with quoted text from the group. Whomever that is, you rock. You have started much drama on Lulz by posting my work, and it's hilarious that the users there seem to think it's me (I don't visit imageboards anymore, and haven't been to such places since the first of January, 2010) but I have a few friends who keep tabs and send me screengrabs).

Needless to say, just like a fish in the lake, they bit the hook, and got trolled. The comic was used to stir up the boards, and it worked. dickbitchmolly dickbitchmolly also made journal entries about leaving the fandom, yada yada yada, which only further stirred up the hornet's nest. It was awesome.

The comic also served the purpose of showing readers that more can be done with anthropomorphic characters than just porn. Science fiction, horror, action, drama, comedy, etcetera, are all possible venues for the creations of this genre, but it seems most folks are only interested in cheesy spank material where the cast members are fucking by page two. Chances are, those who praise the value of such sordid "stories" wouldn't know a good story if it came up and bit them in the ass. But I digress...

I'm sure folks have some questions about the "Penance" character, so this is the place to ask 'em. Got a question? Make a post and I'll answer it.

Also in the news today...Cats n' Cameras has been updated, and I decided to do a special drawing in honor of the 100th strip. You can see it here: (and, as always, it's brought to you by cheetahjab cheetahjab, missmab missmab, and skunkworks skunkworks).

I will post one more picture of Penance within the next day or two, and that'll wrap up the focus on her for awhile. Don't worry, it's actually a cute picture. No gore, violence, or anything remotely hostile.

After that, I was going to post a meme and a short "comic" based upon a creativity idea I had several months ago (the comic was drawn at the beginning of the year). Artists are encouraged to participate and try their hand at it as well. Think of it as a means to expand one's creativity!

Been juggling the anthro stuff between regular work for the past few weeks, but I should have the current project finished within a couple days, and then I can finish the scanning and image clean-up of the "Manila" folio for The Jab Archives. Folks have been waiting for it, but it's important that you guys understand I only draw anthro stuff in my spare time. The only 2 anthro projects I have a long term commitment to are the Cats n' Cameras comic and the Caterwaul series. Everything else is done when the time is available (and that includes folios and color work, which is why you haven't seen much of that from me for quite awhile).

Might take a couple photos of the stack of unpublished artwork that I started sorting through recently. I'll have to pull the sorted stuff out from the file cabinets since the pile has gotten smaller since I started reorganizing it.

There was something else I was going to write about, but damned if I can't remember what it was. Oh, old age, why do you torment my memory?

User replies


#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Art cds?

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

That's the project I'm just about finished with. Everything was rescanned, color-corrected and cleaned of any specks and debris (within reason). Just need to shrink them down to the proper size, throw on the tags for the html pages for the images, and then burn them to disc.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Whats the resolution on the images?

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

The final resolution is 150 dpi.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I personally prefer 300 dpi but thats just me.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

300 dpi is what a lot of folks prefer so they can print the image out on paper. However, I used to work in graphics, and technically, 144 dpi is really all you need to print out something and still have it look good.

Besides, 300 dpi images would require me to scan them at 600 dpi, and that just eats up a lot of space needlessly.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I don't want it to print out. I have scans I made of your artwork I bought on my computer in 300 dpi and I just like to be able to zoom in and see the detail.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Well, I can't really see scanning the stuff in for the CDs at 300 dpi simply because it's all done by hand; the more you zoom in, the more you'll see of the paper texture, ink irregularities and color imperfections (because it's being viewed at a larger size than the original). Most, if not all, of my older work was drawn on 8.5 X 11 inch paper. Even at 800 pixels wide (on the screen), the images are larger than the original hardcopy artwork!

And let's face it, it's not like I have the eyes of an eagle anymore!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Is Penance a demon to begin with, or is she, herself, serving a sentence for a past crime?

Ie; She did something so beyond horrible, she must now pay for this by being Penance and punishing others?

Or is she really a Happy Demoness with her Dream Job?

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

She made Desiree mad so now shes paying lol

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Yeah, she's a demon, but not in the typical sense (and certainly not in the way commonly described by Christianity and other similar religions). She exists in a physical world just like ours, only that world is peopled with incubi and succubi. They exist in that realm in their true physical forms.

However, incubi and succubi must travel to other realms in order to get the energy they need to survive. They do not physically travel to these other realities; instead, they utilize a form of astral travel. This allows them to seek out suitable individuals and "appear" in their victim's dreams. They learn what sort of mate the victim desires, and they assume that form in this astral realm. The victim desires what he/she sees, and over time, begins looking forward to having these "dreams". However, unknown to the victim, he/she is actually losing life and energy to this addiction. Over time, the victim becomes very ill and dies.

In Penance's case, she made the mistake of actually falling in love with her intended victim, and rather than kill him over time (by draining his life force), she allowed him to die naturally of old age. This was discovered by her superiors, and she was sentenced to a punishment befitting her "crime". She was cursed to kill anyone she had sex with, thus preventing her from ever falling in love again. She was also imprisoned in a physical body not her own. Her superiors had a wicked sense of humor and stuffed her into the body of a bear child who had been killed many years earlier. They surmised this new body would make it impossible for her to have sex; no one would find such a form sexually attractive, and the form was not really capable of withstanding the trauma from sexual activity.

However, her superiors do not possess limitless knowledge, and they had no idea that people actually existed who would find immature forms "attractive". Incubi and succubi would not target children as potential victims because they lack the physical maturity and the sexual drive which adults possess. Having sex with an underaged individual is unthinkable in their native realm, and it never occurred to them that such a world might exist.

Penance eventually learned there were people who lusted after "cubs" and used that to her advantage. She initially had no qualms about what she was doing, because she was just trying to survive. However, one particular incident caused her to witness and experience the trauma that her intended victim had wrought on numerous kids. Because she is cursed with feelings, this new discovery enraged her and she vowed to kill every person who had molested a child, one by one.

Her superiors eventually realized what she was doing and attempted to reel her in, but she defied them and is now forever stuck in a young body that will never age, never mature, and never allow her to truly find peace (she possesses the memories and feelings of the girl who once inhabited that form).

So she's not really a good guy, but she's not really a bad guy either. Also, "Penance" is not her true name. The bear body's previous inhabitant was named Penelope, or Penny for short. Penances superiors thought it was a play on words, to have her serve her penance in a form previously called "Penny". Oh, those wordsmiths!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Interesting story on Penance, have you thought of drawing or showing what her intended victim she fell in love with and allowed ot die of old age, Kind of curious what he looked like, what their life what like, sex and such, and if he ever knew what she was or just had a pleasing outerform that she never let slip so he never knew. Another thing how would Penance respond to normal behavior of non sexual, a nice motherly female, or another boy or girl wantging to play with her? Would she be able to act normal, or would people 'sense' there is something wrong about her and keep away, only pervs comie calling? Would Penance ever intervene in a active incident where someone else is being hurt by a perv to rescue that kid?

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

He only saw her when he slept and dreamed. She was never physically with him at any point. A succubus or incubus is never actually in the same reality as their victim.

Because Penance has the body of a little bear girl, she also has the residual memories and behavior of that body. She can allow her normal mindset to take a back seat for awhile and let the behavior of the original bear girl come out. This enables her to blend in with other kids and to see things from their perspective.

A non-threatening individual would be acknowledged by her, and she would probably play along as would be expected. If she doesn't want others to intervene, she will make sure she is not seen by anyone other than those she intends to be seen by. She adapts to whatever the situation calls for.

Yes, she would intervene if a kid was being hurt by someone who was intent on committing a crime. That is precisely what occurs in the one-shot Penance story I have drafted for future publication.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago


Well played, sir.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

So, uh, I didn't catch any of this drama, what were people mad about, exactly? Was it the idea that Molly was killing off her character to leave the fandom?

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Something about not having enough bitches to lick dogs privates or some crazy shit I forget.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Wow, I think my opinion of the fandom somehow just got lower. Didn't think it was possible.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Jims claiming it was all a joke but I ain't buying it. That DBM seems genuinely insane

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

The individual behind the DBM character is quite normal. I have had numerous conversations with this person over a fairly long period of time. The character of DBM was created as a joke, to ridicule the absurdity of some folks' characters and to enrage and troll others.

All things considered, the person behind DBM is probably one of the most sane folks I've talked to (although said person does probably have some weird kinks I'd rather not know about).

But yes, the comic was a two-part concoction. One part horror story, and one part troll bait.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

and mighty fine troll bait itwas too! teehee! I love a good prank myself and a good story and when you get them both in one it's a masterpiece!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

There's no such thing as the impossible.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I would have to re-read the threads to see what all the hub-bub was about. Typical induced drama bullshit and frequent thread derailment, you know the drill. I will post those threads on within a few days.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

When you were designing Penance, was there any particular trait or attribute that gave you the most trouble to finally nail down properly or did she Athena style show up fully formed from the get-go?

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I first had the character pop into my head many years ago, and drew a version of her to be used on the "hidden site". I wasn't happy with the color scheme, though, and it wasn't until many years later that I redrew her with grey fur, which seemed "right".

Most images I draw just "pop" into my head, and I can often see the finished result of the picture before I even start it. This sometimes causes problems, as I often must decipher the image and try to figure out the necessary techniques utilized in the piece to get it just right.

The most difficult portions of Penance's design were the pattern on her demonic body, and the proportions of her face. The face appears initially very human-like, but upon closer inspection, the mouth and nose area, as well as the shape of the forehead and eye sockets, is actually a bit different than the typical human's. Took awhile to get that right.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Speaking of the "hidden site" did you ever put it up?

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

No. I won't bother putting it up until the main site goes up.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Did you ever release your Skunkworks art CD? I remember hearing mention of it, but never an update where it could be purchased or preordered.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

That's the project I've been working on for the past...while. See the first post in this journal for more info.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I have to admit, when I first saw the comic, I was wondering if it would end up as porn. But when the real story started, I was pretty hooked onto it. It was a great comic.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Thanks! Yeah, I wanted to avoid the whole porn aspect of it, but I also wanted to be able to hint at the possibility without actually having to draw it. You may have noticed that the reader never actually sees Molly's "junk", but it is implied she's got something down there.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Although you said the focus was going off of Penance, do you plan on having her appear in any projects in the future like Caterwaul?

Most importantly, since you do have mainstream work and not a lot of free time for this did you enjoy doing all of the Penance work? I hope you can enjoy yourself when you're doing this kind of work.

Loved the 100th anniversary pic for Cats n' Cameras! Glad you have such a sense of humor about your work.

Thanks for being awesome! Good luck with everything! ^^

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Penance's full story is actually one of the future Caterwaul stories, and will run 3 issues. I believe it is the fourth story for that series.

I have drafted a one-shot featuring her, but I'll have to see how sales go on the main books first. She will appear sporadically throughout the series.

Of course I enjoyed drawing this! If I didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't draw it! The artwork I've been posting online is stuff that I draw for fun; it's not material I'm doing "for hire". Stuff of that nature tends to be less enjoyable!

Glad you liked the CnC picture!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

If not exercising any powers, does Penance look like that "little girl"?

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Yeah. She is stuck in that physical form, although she is able to exercise some modification to it (she can grow the canines and claws, for example, as well as increase the strength). The body does get beaten and broken, however, just as anyone's body would. Luckily, the body repairs itself. After all, what good is a prison if it can be demolished?

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Man, you did that for free? That was a lot of work. Though I didn't care much for the content the quality was amazing. I missed drama about the comic "being commissioned", though. Was it just some absurd amount of money?

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Yeah, I think the quoted amount was a thousand bucks. When I post the screengrabs in a few days, you can read the hilarity.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I seriously enjoyed reading Dead Bitch and I'm typically not into the whole horror/gore genre, I'm actually surprised to find out that the comic wasn't a commission. I'm looking forward to seeing how you proceed with Caterwaul as you develope it as I've been looking forward to seeing the comic for a while now, hopefully I can get the chance to work with you sometime in the near future as well but until then I am content to sit back and watch you work on your independent projects while I regain my funding =3

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Thanks! Yeah, I'm looking forward to getting Caterwaul out as well. It'll be a nice shift from what folks usually see in this genre, and I hope it will also appeal to those not involved with the fandom (just as "Blacksad" appeals to other genre readers).

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

We can only hope, either way I'm sure I'll read whatever you get done. =3

I am not familiar with Blacksad.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

It's an anthropomorphic title which is set back in the 1940's-early 1950's era, and it utilizes anthropomorphic characters in a rather unique way: the determining factor of the species of a character is is decided by their personality (their species is a visual representation of their personality). Definitely a good series.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I think I might know the story you're talking about, the main guy wouldn't happen to be a black cat would it? The last furry comic I started reading was Beast of Burden: Animal Rites and that centers around Ferals.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Yep, and the guy wears a detective's trench coat or 40's-era clothing? That'd be the one!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

okay I've seen it, was flipping through it at AC.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I loved that comic and how it was executed. Can't wait to see more from you.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Thanks! Nice pun there, too. "Executed" indeed.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago mention that her superiors didn't take to well to her falling in love with a mortal. Then you mention that they try to get her back under control. Is their possible rage and regret that they overlook such a fact of a world that would make them disgusted and subject Penance to something they never intended?

Does Penance have any people she could considered people who would help her from her world and in the world she's banished on? Would it probably be a number that could be counted on one hand?

Does Penance have a mixture of interest to comparable to her true form and the shell she's trap in? Like one minute she'll be skipping rope and the next she'll be playing mortal combat and trying to use all of the fatalities?

What is her current educational level? Middle high? High school? College? University?

Nice gritty comic that you did and you it gave you a laugh. Good for you.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Her superiors intended the bear body to be a punishment for Penance, but she has learned how to use it and basically bypass their intended punishment altogether. They basically want her back so they can initiate another punishment. But they can't get to her in her new physical world because, like all incubi and succubi, they exist in a different reality. To get to her would require them getting a new physical form, and that would put them at risk of getting flayed alive by Penance.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

So they they first have to confront her on her own turf in similar condition to her.

Some might think that might be a disadvantage to Penance confronting a body one of her own in an adult body. But does her child like body make it hard for them to even approach her?

The other's might have to avoid crowds of people that she could hide in, right?

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Yup. All she'd have to do is play up the "childlike" aspects of her form, and surrounding people would certainly pay attention if someone (one of her superiors, perhaps) was trying to make off with her. Even if her superiors tried the ol' "stepping between the seconds" trick which Penance used during the last 3 pages of "Dead Bitch", she could simply override the effect and cancel it out.

In short, she would use the population of her new world to her advantage, and then it becomes a few million against a couple of her superiors.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

(*Standing Ovation*) My congratulations to both you and DBM for MUCH fun with this all - and yes, your story and artistry were AMAZING through all this. thank you both.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Glad you enjoyed it, man. I was kinda testing the waters for Caterwaul, trying to gauge if folks would enjoy a story that wasn't porn.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I'd say that's a BIG 10-4, good buddy!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago


#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Since it wasn't a commission and I wasn't paid for it, you're technically correct! See what I did there?

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

You just live for this sort of controversy, don't you?

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

See my little icon over there?

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Every form of art can be used in more than one manner.

It's just that, well, sex sells.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Oh, there's no disputing that. It's just a shame that so many talented artists in this genre are unknowingly limiting themselves by focusing on only one aspect. There are a lot of great artists in this market, and I have no doubt they could really take off...if only they weren't so single-minded.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Well, to be fair, there's lots of artists that never even touch upon porn...

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

True, and that's a good thing!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Yeah, I shudder at what I'd do, being a hack of a writer that I am.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

There's just something about a horror story where the characters are animals. Blood/gore has its place, but there is nothing like a good psychological chiller like "Dead Bitch" to stir the emotions.

Congratulations on a great comic!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

got around to readying the comic! bravo! *applause* omg couldn't stop to the end. bear cub was outrageously cool. come to the end it was all a mind control torture. haha poor molly. but that's what she gets. still love both characters <D

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Thanks! It was fun to utilize the "cliff-hanger" treatment on numerous pages, and I'm glad folks enjoyed the comic, despite the gore and violence.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

loved it! it was pretty epic on so many levels. just for it to all be turned around that it was a fake reality done by the cub.
mad me feel quiet sorry for her. but at the same time know. and to find that she wakes up at the end out of the coma just to face the charges by the judge.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Yeah Penance is pretty smart and sneaky, I reckon.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

and creepy in an awesome way <D

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

OMG TWO WORD TOTAL ALWSOME lsakfsajllajl the twist of mind control!! love it :D totally love the comic it was a real good story~ i wanted something entertaining of the day and shebeast link me to this and my gosh *A* day just got totally cool :D real day saver dont get to many cool storys and art these days

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Glad it made your day a bit brighter!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I personally enjoyed the comic, it was a nice change from the twenty four hour smutathon the fandoms basically become and it reminded me of some older comics I used to read like Blacksad.

Story was good, was well put together, had a few nice evil twists in it (especially enjoyed the little revalation at the end that Penance had done nothing but mess with Mollies mind) and all in all was a pleasurable read, both from the more morbid and more relaxed aspects.

Fuck the people who are trying to stir up god knows how much drama and rage, you did a damn fine peice of work, regardless of price or situation. reminds me actually: Off to C&C for the update!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Glad you enjoyed the story. Thought I'd do something different and unexpected for a change.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I think the Dead Bitch story was brilliantly written and fantastically drawn. And very, very, thought provoking - that ending was certainly not what I thought was coming!

But where do you get an idea like Penance from? She's the ultimate psycho bear cub from hell in that trapped form of hers!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Thanks! I don't know where ideas for characters come from, actually. Mostly, they just "pop" into my head without warning, and then I have to draw them quickly so I won't forget 'em.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I loved the comic! It was something different and I enjoyed it so much!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Thanks! Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

You actually had me at a certain bit of text within your journal posting:

"The comic also served the purpose of showing readers that more can be done with anthropomorphic characters than just porn. Science fiction, horror, action, drama, comedy, etcetera, are all possible venues for the creations of this genre, but it seems most folks are only interested in cheesy spank material where the cast members are fucking by page two. Chances are, those who praise the value of such sordid "stories" wouldn't know a good story if it came up and bit them in the ass."

To this, I am in agreement. There is SOOOO much more one can do with anthro characters than 'pr0n' and 'fap-fodder'. I'm personally a bit tired of having the furry genre stereotyped first and foremost with porn, when that is not truly what the whole genre encompasses and is capable of. Sure, I like seeing the nudie stuff about as much as the next person. And I won't deny that I'm a bit pervy, myself. But that's not all I am, or am about. I appreciate seeing the 'clean' works of yours, as well as many other artists who draw them, a bit more than the porn stuff. For you, personally, you have such detail to both styles that it can be difficult to decide between which I like better. I choose both, of course... Anyways, back to my point...

I really liked reading the DBM comic, as well as Good Samaritans. Because it showed one of many sides to the anthropomorphic fandom, and showed that they could effectively be used in horror, action, drama (etc) stories without the need of anyone stripping any clothing off, or anyone getting gangraped by a bunch of horny, overtestosteroned males or countless gooey tentacles. In all honesty, I want to see more stylings of stories like this, featuring anthro characters without the annoying negative stereotype of being directly porn-related. And as always, regardless of what you draw, I look forward to seeing the next drawing projects you decide to release online for public viewing.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Took the words right out of my mouth. I like to see the potential for this style done in more than just a pornographic light. Many interesting branches of genras with anthros are untaped because of the "negative" reputation. It's really interesting stuff and I want to see more of it.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

There ARE forms of media that depict the furry genre in a positive light, of course. Several movies, fanmade comic series, stories, etc. However, yeah, more of them would be fantastic. Though don't get me wrong...I still wanna be able to see the good yiffy stuff too, on occasion. X3

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Thanks! I know there are a lot of people who have grown a bit tired with the smut and are probably looking to find some "legitimate" anthropomorphic material (stuff they wouldn't be embarrassed about if others learned they read it). I just figured a split in the genre might benefit both sides. All the weird sexual perversion shit could keep the term "furry", and the more mainstream, non-coronary-inducing stuff would use the term "anthropomorphics". Because when people ask what kind of stuff I draw, I usually tell them "mainstream work and anthropomorphic artwork". And viola! No head-scratching or looks of disgust.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

I quite enjoyed the dead bitch comic for a few reasons. One, your art is, has been, and always will be awesome. Two, I enjoy seeing evil characters getting destroyed by things far more evil than them, yet still just and good in their own way. Third, the layout was very well done and details were there when and where they counted. And four, the story its self was just very well done and I loved the twisted ending.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Glad you enjoyed the comic! Thanks!

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

The comic also served the purpose of showing readers that more can be done with anthropomorphic characters than just porn. Science fiction, horror, action, drama, comedy, etcetera, are all possible venues for the creations of this genre, but it seems most folks are only interested in cheesy spank material where the cast members are fucking by page two. Chances are, those who praise the value of such sordid "stories" wouldn't know a good story if it came up and bit them in the ass. But I digress...

This, a hundred times over.

I mean, like with any media, you'll expect porn at certain times, but for several ideas and big things I came up with, there IS no sex in the stories.

Heck, in one of my stories, because a character was searching for a potential mate/partner/husband/wife/whatever, instead of prepping for the coming battle, the general wound up killing them for causing so much trouble in the camps.

I can make great drama, comeday, anything with Anthro characters, never has to be smut and it doesn't mean smut is all I like.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

"it's actually a cute picture. No gore, violence, or anything remotely hostile"

so in short we can expect a super violent gory and ultra hostile......a picture that makes people scoop there eyeballs out with a fork while setting themself on fire because its going to be one of those pictures that CANNOT BE UNSEEN


#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Nope. It's actually pretty cute.

Then again, I could be lying.

Or am I?

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Poncho fan here. Great work on the comic with DBM and Cn'C. Any upcoming portfolios or comics with Val in it? I'd honestly love to see the Skunkworks crew just posing with a their dream cars.

And on an off note, gearheadfurs is kaput. But Monte and I brought it back on DA. Slowly getting it all up.

As for the art comment everyone is throwing about above me; all I can say is that yes; it doesn't have to involve the submarine races to be considered good artwork. Example: No clothes, but no bits showing either. And I can damn near feel the chill in the air from it. Brett Booth's work comes to mind as well.

That's about all I have to say.
Take care of yourself.

#link     Posted: 7 years ago

Glad you liked the comics and such! No new folios planned now, as I generally haven't got the spare time to work on such projects. I'd thought about doing one with the girls and a few different cars, but, again, that one was placed on an indefinite hold...