First up: the whole "Dead Bitch" story. This was actually a fun experiment, but here's some stuff you probably didn't know...
I wasn't paid for that comic. In fact, I had wanted to draw up a short Penance comic for quite awhile, and it just so happened that
dickbitchmolly was interested in killing off the Molly character. So after a week or so of toying with the idea, I said I could kill two birds with one stone. Hence, the "Dead Bitch" story.
Buuut...the most enjoyable thing was watching the reaction of various people when they read the comic or heard about the "cost". There was a lot of ranting and raving, and while there are certainly folks who will say that stuff never happened, I had the foresight to get screengrabs of various threads for several image boards. They are, to say the least, highly entertaining.
Not too sure who posts the uploaded images on Lulz, but I know it's a person from the Skunkworks Yahoo! group, since they always post the image with quoted text from the group. Whomever that is, you
rock. You have started much drama on Lulz by posting my work, and it's hilarious that the users there seem to think it's me (I don't visit imageboards anymore, and haven't been to such places since the first of January, 2010) but I have a few friends who keep tabs and send me screengrabs).
Needless to say, just like a fish in the lake, they bit the hook, and got trolled. The comic was used to stir up the boards, and it worked.
dickbitchmolly also made journal entries about leaving the fandom, yada yada yada, which only further stirred up the hornet's nest. It was awesome.
The comic also served the purpose of showing readers that more can be done with anthropomorphic characters than just porn. Science fiction, horror, action, drama, comedy, etcetera, are all possible venues for the creations of this genre, but it seems most folks are only interested in cheesy spank material where the cast members are fucking by page two. Chances are, those who praise the value of such sordid "stories" wouldn't know a good story if it came up and bit them in the ass. But I digress...
I'm sure folks have some questions about the "Penance" character, so this is the place to ask 'em. Got a question? Make a post and I'll answer it.
Also in the news today...Cats n' Cameras has been updated, and I decided to do a special drawing in honor of the 100th strip. You can see it here: (and, as always, it's brought to you by
missmab, and
I will post one more picture of Penance within the next day or two, and that'll wrap up the focus on her for awhile. Don't worry, it's actually a cute picture. No gore, violence, or anything remotely hostile.
After that, I was going to post a meme and a short "comic" based upon a creativity idea I had several months ago (the comic was drawn at the beginning of the year). Artists are encouraged to participate and try their hand at it as well. Think of it as a means to expand one's creativity!
Been juggling the anthro stuff between regular work for the past few weeks, but I should have the current project finished within a couple days, and then I can finish the scanning and image clean-up of the "Manila" folio for The Jab Archives. Folks have been waiting for it, but it's important that you guys understand I only draw anthro stuff
in my spare time. The only 2 anthro projects I have a long term commitment to are the Cats n' Cameras comic and the Caterwaul series. Everything else is done when the time is available (and that includes folios and color work, which is why you haven't seen much of that from me for quite awhile).
Might take a couple photos of the stack of unpublished artwork that I started sorting through recently. I'll have to pull the sorted stuff out from the file cabinets since the pile has gotten smaller since I started reorganizing it.
There was something else I was going to write about, but damned if I can't remember what it was. Oh, old age, why do you torment my memory?