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    Nov 9

    This is my last day . It has been pleasure to work as Washington Correspondent for the past four and a half years. I thank my colleagues and friends for their support during this time. Planning to leave Washington in early December. Open for coffee proposals :)

  2. Turkish Foreign Minister immediately commented on the Saudi Attorney General office’s statement and said some parts weren’t satisfactory.

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  3. Saudi Prosecutor on : • Now the order to kill was given by the head of task force b/c Deputy Intel Chief only ordered rendition • Once again mentioning about a local collaborator. (They said there was one once, and then denied) • Travel ban on MBS associate Qahtani

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  5. BREAKING — Turkish Foreign Minister says an international investigation on Khashoggi murder has become a necessity

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  7. Nov 13

    Practically French FM confirmed that France also had access to tapes

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  8. Nov 13

    French Foreign Ministry releases a statement saying FM Le Drian was misunderstood when he claimed Turkey didn’t provide audio tapes to Paris. That he had not received information allowing him to establish the "complete truth, which is the only one that matters to us”

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  9. Nov 13

    Allah rahmet eylesin. Yeni Şafak’ta Alper Görmüş ile hazırladıkları MedyaKronik’i okuyarak büyüdük...

  10. Nov 13

    US National Security Advisor John Bolton says the recording of ’s murder doesn’t implicate Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman in the crime, despite the yesterday’s reports on the tape. “That’s not the conclusion I think that the people who heard it have come to”

  11. Nov 12

    Two reporters from Sabah on TV revealed more on Khashoggi: • Khashoggi told the murderers he had asthma and they should stop blocking his mouth (they choked him by using plastic bag) • Autopsy expert said Khashoggi was taller than he expected but he could still cut him open

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  12. Nov 12

    A Turkish diplomat also cautioned me: “Diplomatic bags cannot be X-rayed. These must be personal luggages” So it is still very possible that they took some body parts out of the country

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  13. Nov 12

    Complete list of items pictured in the luggages acc to Sabah • 10 phones, 5 radios, intercom, jammer, • Two large size syringes, two electroshock devices, three big size staplers, one scalpel like tool, • Police didn’t see any body parts in X-Ray pics

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  14. Nov 12

    Details continue to surface on : • Sabah releases the X-ray pics of bags taken out of Turkey by Saudi team on the day of murder • Large size of scissor, scalpel like tool along with electroshock device • Police couldn’t open them due to diplomatic immunity

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  15. Nov 12

    recap: • Saudi hit squad member told his supervisor to convey a message to the boss, “deed is done”. Boss is believed to be MbS • Erdogan says Saudi intel officer who listened to the tape was really shocked • Former Saudi Consul General and other suspects are free

  16. Nov 12

    • Even without definitive proof, intelligence agencies had already concluded that only Saudi Prince MBS could have ordered the operation to kill Khashoggi, given the personal character of his governance, his power • CIA to brief Congress this week (NYT)

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  17. Nov 12

    • American intelligence officials believe “your boss” was a reference to MBS. Maher Abdulaziz Mutreb, one of 15 Saudis dispatched to Istanbul to confront , made the phone call. • Saudis say they listened to the tapes and there wasn’t any such mention (NYT)

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  18. Nov 12

    BREAKING — A member of kill team instructed a superior over the phone to “tell your boss,” believed to be Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, that the operatives had carried out their mission, according to three people familiar with a recording : NYT

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  19. Nov 12

    Erdoğan on possible lawsuit against Halkbank over Iran sanctions: • After US/Turkish Treasury Ministers’s calls last week, the file was about to be moved from NY to Washington • FM Cavusoglu intervened by calling Pompeo • Trump promised me in Paris to resolve it

  20. Nov 12

    Erdoğan on • Saudi Crown Prince said he would uncover the murder and take the necessary steps. Still waiting • Any [nation] who requested to listen to the tape was able to do so. • I believe US attitude on this matter will change once CIA briefs Congress

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  21. Nov 12

    EXPLOSIVE Erdogan on : • “Saudi intel officer, who listened to the audio tape, was shocked. Officer said, ‘they must have taken heroine. Only then they could do it’....” • Talked about the murder with Trump, Merkel and Macron together. They were disturbed

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