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    Aug 19

    Excerpts of an interview with Kurdish author & lecturer at University of Amsterdam, Mariwan Kanie: he talks about his new books & dissects current issues of Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Longer version: Transcript for visually impaired:

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    9 hours ago

    Hello Dutch Govt. Do you recognize the pick up trucks you gave to the 'rebels'? They were so happy with them. But now they need money. So the cars are being sold. Just like the posessions of Efrîn civilians they ethnic cleansed.

  3. 9 hours ago

    The sheer amount of looted things in Afrin by Turkey-backed armed Islamists for sale on a Telegram channel is mind boggling. All types of things offered for sale, from household articles to stuff from shops, restaurants, factories, government facility buildings, vehicles, etc.

  4. 10 hours ago

    Chomsky in 2016: "They [ISIS] are killing the Yazidis, so what do you do? You support the people who are saving the Yazdis, who happen to be on US terrorists' list"

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    12 hours ago

    AKP trollenleger gearriveerd op m’n Facebook pagina na presentatie rapport 🤨

  6. Retweeted

    So now we again have at least 7 German political prisoners accused of "terror" in , among them German-Kurdish Ilhami A. from Hamburg & German citizen Patrick K. sentenced to 6 years for being "a member" of the Syrian-Kurdish freedom forces YPG!

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    Twitter Should Stop Suspending Kurdish Accounts - Sign the Petition! via

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    14 hours ago

    . talking about pluralism in Northern Syria and seeing the Syriac language on a street sign for the first time when returning to his city.

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    12 hours ago

    Remeber when Turkey’s FSA proxies carried out the initial looting of Afrin in the open? “FSA” made a statement saying they would punish theft and how Turkey and FSA apologists relayed their propaganda? Guess what, looting is still carried out on a massive and systematic level.

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    Now Israel's consulate in NY is making it clear that it believes it is ok to bomb Palestinian journalists (while harassing me, a US journalist, and challenging my credentials) Bombing a TV station of a news outlet is a war crime, even if you don't like the journalists running it

  11. 12 hours ago

    EP Rapporteur Kati Piri demands formal suspension of accessions talks with Turkey

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    13 hours ago

    Like daesh sold women on Telegram, Erdogans mercenaries sell their loot stolen from Efrîn civilians on a Telegram page called Efrîn Market. EVERYTHING is on it. From complete interiors to sewing material to washing machines. A small example

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  13. 13 hours ago

    The site had many springs, but to provide the new town with extra fresh water an ancient technique (Qanat) was used to dig underground tunnels to create underground streams from the footsteps of Goyzha mountains. Many of those water sources are still in use, especially in mosques

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  14. 13 hours ago

    In 1784 Ibrahim Baban decides to move the centre of his semi-autonomous Emirate from Qalacholan to the Zamwa plains over the mountain range further south to found Slemani city. Scores of architects, engineers and other artisans were invited from other Kurdish towns.

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  16. 14 hours ago

    .: The Alawite community in Afrin accuses Turkey of seeking to eliminate their presence in the region.

  17. 14 hours ago
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    New episode out now: tells us all about the real threats of cyber warfare, from Hamas malware dating apps to the not-so-Romanian "Guccifer 2.0". - -

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  19. Retweeted
    Nov 13

    There are two types journalists in Turkey. Those who sit in jail, and those who sit on Erdogan’s lap..

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    17 hours ago

    One from , one from : • German-Kurdish Singer Hozan Canê has been sentenced to more than 6 years in jail by a Turkish court. • A German court ruled that Kurdish activist Ahmet Cakmak has to pay a fine of 1000€ for singing a song which includes Abdullah Ocalan

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  21. Retweeted
    23 hours ago

    Video filmed by an Afrin resident shows how olives of people of are stolen by Arab settlers who were brought to the city following its invasion by . The true owners of the city and cultivated areas have been displaced by Turkey and its Islamist proxies.


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