So, considering how much people lie about me and misrepresent what I believe, or make out I'm human detritus who likes child rape and murder (yes, people on twitter are actually saying that about me, hilariously), I thought it would be a good idea to state what I actually believe in. I tend to attack or mock the things I dislike rather than go into what I love and support, so no doubt that gives one the impression that I hate everything. Anyway, consider this journal my personal disambiguation.
Honesty is my highest value. I do not lie. I hate lies. Dishonesty is the root of all evil. That's why I'm quite sensitive regarding being lied about XP.
I love capitalism and I think it works. Demonstrably. Worldwide extreme poverty has dropped by half in just the past decade and a bit, which is frankly amazing. However, I don't believe in 100% free market capitalism, I believe some regulation is necessary and I completely object to monopolies. And the idea that a government and thereby the taxpayer should ever have to bail out huge business ventures when they fuck things up. Let them die off and new businesses can fill the resulting vacuum.
I'm a firm believer in the UK NHS, centralised, single payer healthcare with the option of private care for anyone who wants to pay for it. The reason the NHS in the UK is currently up shit creek is due to mass migration along with PFI (private finance initiatives) deals set up by the Brown Labour government, leading to every NHS trust being in millions of pounds of debt. I believe a welfare system must exist as an essential social safety net that everybody pays into. We never know if we will have accidents, get very sick, lose everything we have in a fire, get made redundant or have crippling disabilities. However, this system must not be available to people just arriving at the country, they should have to pay into it for at least a decade before they can hope to take advantage of it. It also shouldn't cover single parents who just want to have tons of kids for the money so they can get fucked up on spirits and drugs. Restricting child benefit to two children, as has recently been implemented, is a pretty decent compromise.
I don't like mass immigration one bit, which is the huge influx into society of unskilled migrants looking for a better life. The UK system is already buckling at the seams and people who have only just arrived get more state help than actual UK citizens. Disgusting and immoral. The only people who should be let in are those with a skill that is actually needed here and genuine refugees finding the UK as their first safe destination. I know the impetus is to be compassionate for our fellow human beings but the people already here come first and we pay our government to act in our interests and not other peoples. Only wealthy middle class and upwards people love mass immigration because they never pay the consequences for it that the working class and sick have to put up with. If you can feel compassion for people from all over the world but not those in your own nation then in my opinion your priorities are backwards and you can fuck yourself.
Free Speech:
Everybody should have the right to say whatever the hell they want to say, provided they're not directly calling for violence. Opinions that are not popular are the only ones that have ever needed protecting, so "free speech, not hate speech" is the most ridiculous and intellectually vapid load of absolute twaddle I've seen in a very long time. Anybody can define anything as "hate speech", which means that the majority opinion of what hate speech is becomes the definition enacted upon by legislation and we end up in exactly the same situation as having no free speech at all. Turns out everything has upsides and downsides, all things come at a price and the price of you being free to express yourself is other people have exactly the same granted to them. Especially if you can't stand what they have to say. Sunlight is the best disinfectant and thus we need all the filth and wrongness in the open air where we can see it, smell it and argue against it. It is when people are hidden away in insulated alcoves that the real rot sets in.
Additionally, free speech isn't just a legal doctrine but a social necessity. The more we bully people for their views, the less inclined people are to speak, the less talking is going on, the less we're aware of. The worst scandals in society, where the greatest harm is done, are always shrouded in a cloak of silence. If you add to a culture that is so toxic to diversity of opinions, you restrict yourself in what you can say and, of equal importance, perhaps more even, you restrict what you can hear. Talking is how we think, for the most part, so without our views being tested, weathered by the confrontation with other ideas, they are likely to be tepid, unsound and lacking in substance. I think that sucks, so I open my fat fucking trap on a regular basis.
General Political Stance:
I am largely in the "centre", swaying a little to the left or right depending on the issues. At the moment I am more conservative, because I think our societies are suffering from a severe breakdown of the family. Families ever will be the spinal column of any civilisation and we're seeing a serious decline in traditional family values, with the poorest parts of society desperate for fathers. I think fatherhood and taking masculinity seriously, instead of simply demonising it, is the most crucial problem of our time. With mass immigration, cultural marxism, multiculturalism and globalism being evils just below it. The world needs dads.
I am a British nationalist/patriot and western chauvinist. What do I mean by that? I love my country, I care about its people and I believe it has a wonderful history deserving of remembrance. Like all nations, our history is written in blood, there is blood in our ledgers, of course. But there is also something truly valuable. The common law, equal rights, liberty, economics, science, technology, literature. Britain is such a contributor to these things. I don't feel proud to be British, simply because it isn't something I've earned, but I RESPECT my country. Incidentally, I also love the USA and feel quite emotional just hearing its excellent national anthem. As for western chauvinism, by that I simply mean I think the western world is the best part of the world as a whole. Is it perfect? Haha, fucking hell no. But it IS the best, which is why everybody wants to live in it and any country that emulates us finds its society lifted up just as ours have been. It is so, so important we do not take this for granted, because the alternatives are all so much worse. No other culture can be permitted to undermine or destroy western culture. Not all cultures are equal and I don't want to live under anything like Islam.
I hate racism. I have nothing but contempt for it. No compromises on this one for me. People are not to be judged by their race, I don't give a shit what race you are. No special privileges, no leg-ups, no maltreatment, no discrimination. Stop all of it. That also means don't do it to white people.
There are two genders, male and female. Within that are an infinite range of personalities, individual differences and preferences. Not being like the "average" member of a particular sex just means you're you, not an entirely new gender. I don't care if you disagree with me on this. Trans people should never be discriminated against, I view sexuality and trans issues the same way I view race. Treat people as individuals, don't categorize them.
Separating people into groups, collectivism, is a moral evil. Society has always done it up until the west learned how to treat people as individuals. Individuals are the smallest units people can be broken up into, meaning that is the best way we can approach our identities. Acting like human beings can be grouped, with members of those groups being essentially interchangeable, robs us of our basic humanity and always ends in shit. Fuck collectivism, fuck collectivists.
Worst political ideology ever conceived. Murderous in outcome, utopian in intent. The political toolkit of the fool and the sadist.
Only mentioning this one because a lot of people keep calling me this. I do not find children attractive, I'm actually mostly afraid of children, haha. I love certain cub furry characters, particularly Tails, but cubs do not look anything like children. I have sympathy for paedophiles whom have never hurt anybody, because being stuck with that shit must be awful. I have no sympathy or compassion whatsoever, however, for molesters and rapists. I am not and never will be a paedophile. If you think cubs = kids then it follows that adult furries = adult humans. So all people must be furries. Oh, wait.
I'm an atheist. I don't think religion is evil in itself, but it is absolutely necessary to keep religion away from power. I believe all people should be free to practice their faith, so long as they do not prevent others from doing the same and are not permitted to oppress or restrict anyone else. No religion should have special treatment or exemption from the law. Basically, I'm a secularist. I particularly detest the free ride Islam has had in the west, like we owe that load of bullshit any respect whatsoever. We don't.
I think that's a decent outline of my core beliefs. If you want to know more, please feel free to ask. So, am I a piece of shit? Am I scum? You decide.
Neat. Hey Roarey, remember when you drew cuddly cartoon animals smiling and having fun?
I'm just a little baffled as to why you feel the urge to constantly update us as to your political stances. You're a right-leaning centrist. Good for you. What does that have to do with art?
It seems to me that stating that you want to use platforms such as this as a soap box while also decrying people lashing out at you on Twitter or Tumblr comes off as a little duplicitous. That's what Twitter and Tumblr are there for: for twats to post uninformed anonymous opinions. You post your thoughts in a SUPER politicized world and get push back. That's 2018, dude.
Have you considered that maybe you're a little obsessed with what others think about you? That maybe, if you kept your head down and focused on producing the best work possible, it wouldn't matter what others said of you? You're kind of pulling a Jay Naylor these days. I know I for one liked you a whole lot more when you weren't constantly inundating my Journals tab with your business.
Neat. Hey Roarey, remember when you drew cuddly cartoon animals smiling and having fun? I'm just
I have always been political and have always drawn political cartoons. For over 13 years. I like talking about politics, so I do it. If you don't like it, don't like it XP.
I have always been political and have always drawn political cartoons. For over 13 years. I like tal
Because a ton of those other people love spreading drama around to multiple platforms, including here on Inkbunny. Which directly influences Roarey's art and business.
Because a ton of those other people love spreading drama around to multiple platforms, including her
And just for clarification, I don't think you're a prick. I've enjoyed watching your page over the years and I don't even disagree with most of what you had to say. Just... really? You put yourself out there and then get all butt hurt when you get push-back? C'mon dude.
Either A) keep your personal shit personal and don't post it to a page featuring cartoon animals, or B) man up (since you seem to like masculinity so much) and deal with the fact that people might not like what you have to say and deal with what they leave on your pages it comes. Like a man.
And just for clarification, I don't think you're a prick. I've enjoyed watching your page over the
No. I do not get hurt when there is pushback. I get annoyed, briefly, when people LIE. If you don't get annoyed by people lying about you, fine, but when people say I'm a paedophile, a racist, a transphobe and all the other nonsense I'm labelled with I dislike it. I complain about it maybe once every several months. Wow, how weak I am.
No. I do not get hurt when there is pushback. I get annoyed, briefly, when people LIE. If you don't
Hmm. No. A wired guy who's different of mine in some ways? sure. But scum or shit. Hmm No. For sure not. I think ya have yer reasons no matter how much they difference of mine ^^
~~~ Quote: So, am I a piece of shit? Am I scum? You decide. ~~~ Hmm. No. A wired guy who's dif
You and I align politically and ideologically very, very well. Shame the UK (and the EU) is infested by the radical left who are trying to promote authoritarianism and tyranny. Meanwhile, that shit ain't flying here in the US and it has triggered the absolute fuck out of commies and SJWs and that gives me the strength to go on.
You and I align politically and ideologically very, very well. Shame the UK (and the EU) is infeste
Trolls aren't a problem. I'm not being trolled at all XP. I'm getting people genuinely lying about me, with real hatred and malice. They passionately despise me. It is important that I counter their disgusting narrative so that they don't just get to say what my beliefs are to everyone they can without me having the opportunity to set the record straight. Trolls just screw with people, these fuckers want to actually ruin my reputation.
Trolls aren't a problem. I'm not being trolled at all XP. I'm getting people genuinely lying about m
Pretty much everything you've said in your journal I agree with, with perhaps the only real difference being that what you refer to as "Socialism" I refer to as "Communism," and what I refer to as Socialism is something similar but nowhere near as extreme. There are several policies in the United States that are Socialist in nature (one of the more notable ones being Social Security, which contrary to popular myth is NOT welfare or an "entitlement" because you have to pay into Social Security to get benefits from Social Security - you don't have to pay into anything to get an entitlement, which is why it's called an entitlement).
In any case, I don't consider you to be shit or crap or any of that stuff. The folks who go around shitting on you and then calling you crap are the real problem here, imo. They are essentially bullies, using schoolyard intimidation tactics to silence people they don't like. I was a victim of bullying for many years, and all I had to do to incur the bullies' wrath oftentimes was to simply exist in the same room with them. This is pretty much the attitude these people are displaying.
Interestingly enough, according to some articles I've read recently about bullying, bullies are almost always near the BOTTOM of the social hierarchy. That's why they pick on nerds, awkward kids, and of course anyone with an opinion that they perceive as being "out there." Their power lies in their ability to destroy the lives of people lower than themselves on the social ladder, and that's about it.
Unfortunately in this day and age, fighting back against a bully is much more difficult because now we have the Internet where bullies can be anonymous and therefore harder, though not completely impossible, to identify. This emboldens a lot of them and so they do things that are far worse than anything I ever experienced in the school yard.
Pretty much everything you've said in your journal I agree with, with perhaps the only real differen
I am personally torn between two feelings regarding the people attacking me. On the one hand I am angry with them, I think they're behaving revoltingly and they lack moral scruples. On the other, I know that to be so vindictive towards a complete stranger, to really wish me the worst when they don't even know me, means they are suffering themselves. These people are so weak, so useless and ineffective at everything that they want to tear other people down as a means to momentarily elevate their own self esteem. It is genuinely tragic and I feel for them. But yeah, they've still done wrong to me and I'm still angry with them.
I am personally torn between two feelings regarding the people attacking me. On the one hand I am an
There are several policies in the United States that are Socialist in nature (one of the more notable ones being Social Security, which contrary to popular myth is NOT welfare or an "entitlement" because you have to pay into Social Security to get benefits from Social Security - you don't have to pay into anything to get an entitlement, which is why it's called an entitlement).
Properly defined, welfare is a "statutory procedure or social effort designed to promote the basic physical and material well-being of people in need." Doesn't matter if you're paying in or not. It's still a redistribution of wealth, and therefore unjust.
~~~ Quote by SharaCManasgael: There are several policies in the United States that are Socialis
Properly defined, welfare is a "statutory procedure or social effort designed to promote the basic physical and material well-being of people in need." Doesn't matter if you're paying in or not. It's still a redistribution of wealth, and therefore unjust.
So then if your parents or grandparents get Social Security benefits upon retirement they are evil criminals because, even though they paid into it, they are getting wealth they did not earn? Your argument sounds very much like the argument used by the Soviet Union to justify the slaughtering of the Kulak farmers in the 1930's. The reality is that "justice" has nothing to do with any of this. The "just world" philosophy that, based upon your statements you seem to believe, has no basis in fact. Is it "just" when a person inherits a fortune without ever having to work for any of it because his family happened to be rich? Or is it "just" when someone goes homeless after losing his job because the economy tanked and the company he worked for laid him off and he can't find work because nobody is hiring?
The fact of the matter is that "justice" has absolutely nothing to do at all with whether Social Security or Welfare are valid programs. A Capitalist society is founded on consumerism. If people aren't consuming because they don't have enough money to pay their rent or even get groceries, the Capitalist society in question suffers.
Oh, and before I forget, Social Security is a trust fund, Welfare is an entitlement. Thus, as I originally stated, they are not the same thing. Conflating the two and saying they're both "unjust" is a cheap and intellectually dishonest cop-out.
~~~ Quote by KitKatTom: Properly defined, welfare is a "statutory procedure or social effort d
Also, another quick note: anti-trust laws which prevent monopolies from forming that ultimately destroy the competition needed to make Capitalist societies thrive, are also Socialist in nature. Socialist policies have been in effect in the United States for well over a century now, and they are one of the main reasons the USA's capitalist society still flourishes. Call them "unjust" as well if you want, but the fact remains that when only one company has absolute control over an entire industry they can charge whatever they like, force policies on people willy-nilly without any consequences to themselves, and they can make their product as absolutely garbagey as they want knowing that because they control the industry in question, they can do whatever they want and will always get away with it. Is it "just" to give all power to one company that can turn around and steal from everybody else with total impunity?
Like I said in my earlier response, "justice" has nothing to do with any of this. The "just world" philosophy may sound good on paper, but in practice it simply doesn't work.
Also, another quick note: anti-trust laws which prevent monopolies from forming that ultimately dest
If you're going to put words in my mouth and then have the gall to call me intellectually dishonest, I'm not going to waste my time on you.
And yet in your attempt to "refute" my points, you not only proved that yes, in fact, you are operating under the "just world" philosophy, but you've also proven that you are indeed intellectually dishonest. I didn't put words in your mouth. I simply pointed out the flaws in your way of thinking by taking your way of thinking to their natural conclusion. And by the way, the link you provided proves that yes, you do believe the just world philosophy as I originally suspected.
As for me referring to you as dishonest, there is a very simple and effective way to keep me from calling you dishonest. That way is to stop being dishonest.
~~~ Quote by KitKatTom: If you're going to put words in my mouth and then have the gall to call
And if you're wondering why I say that the link you provided proves my original suspicion, it's because as I stated earlier, "justice" has nothing at all to do with whether or not Social Security and Welfare are valid.
Furthermore, I find it interesting how you double down on the "justice" thing when the very same link you provided refers to judging people on an individual basis based solely upon their actions. Judging a person based upon how much money they have is not justice, according to the very website you cited, and yet you have implied that poor people deserve their lot in life and thus giving them enough money to survive is a form of injustice.
So yes, you are intellectually dishonest as I stated. You claim that Welfare and Social Security are unjust, and yet the website you cite defines justice as judging people based on their actions and not on how much (or how little) money they have. You misrepresented what the website said, and you also made it clear that while you claim to believe what it says, that you actually don't believe what it says. That's called "Dishonesty."
By the way, when you pay money in taxes, that money is no longer yours. It belongs to the government, and the government is well within its rights to decide what to do with its money.
And if you're wondering why I say that the link you provided proves my original suspicion, it's beca
By the way, when you pay money in taxes, that money is no longer yours. It belongs to the government, and the government is well within its rights to decide what to do with its money.
But what it is that you think gives them the right to steal my money in the first place?
~~~ Quote by SharaCManasgael: By the way, when you pay money in taxes, *that money is no longe
But what it is that you think gives them the right to steal my money in the first place?
Oh boy...
Let me guess, you're one of those "Sovereign Citizens" who thinks they don't have to pay taxes, obey the speed limit, or give their driver's license to a cop when they get pulled over for doing 95mph in a school zone, aren't you? Good god, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that taxes are NOT theft... unless you think that the law of the land somehow doesn't apply to you, which is exactly what the Sovereign Citizens believe.
And yet you unironically talk about "justice." *smh*
Oh, and by the way, I thought you weren't going to "waste your time on me." And yet here you are continuing to do exactly that.
~~~ Quote by KitKatTom: But what it is that you think gives them the right to steal my money in
Part of being a free society is not having to declare or explain one's beliefs with out fear of persecution... It seems so many have forgotten that as of late. I really fear for the future of humanity. It does look so grim.
Part of being a free society is not having to declare or explain one's beliefs with out fear of pers