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  1. Pinned Tweet
    12 Nov 2016

    Dear Followers, This is my feed. I'll write what I want. It's not run by a board or by consensus of the readership. Don't like it, unfollow.

  2. 15 minutes ago

    Villas? Mini-Disney palaces? Eye sores? being constructed in Bolu's Mudurnu district under the "Burj Al-Babas" housing project.

  3. Retweeted

    On this day in 1950, Turkish poet sadly passed away. Here you can read one of his most famous poems, ‘İstanbul’u Dinliyorum’ / ‘I am Listening to Istanbul’, translated into English by our department’s founder Talat Halman: from

  4. 34 minutes ago

    Irrespective of whatever one may think of 's opinion, I have heard similar such thoughts from other Iraqi and Syrian nationals (with increasing frequency) over the past 2 years.

  5. Retweeted

    2-year auction sold at 18.8%, nearly 1.5 ppt better than market yield. Biggest auction-market yield gap since at least 2008. * Sold only 179mn liras ($32mn) so probably only best bids were filled. * Bid-to-cover: 8.9 * 3 auctions cancelled & low sales yesterday.

  6. Retweeted
    Nov 12
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  7. Retweeted
    Nov 12

    Reuters: "The dispute between Ankara and Paris may hinge on Erdogan’s account that Turkey “gave” recordings to the other countries.Turkish officials said instead that France had been allowed to hear a recording, and blamed France for the misunderstanding."

  8. Retweeted
    12 hours ago

    10,000 more night watchmen and women to be hired in . Known locally as 'Bekçi,' this nighttime police force has been revived since the 2016 coup attempt, in which large numbers of security personnel were purged.

  9. Retweeted
    Nov 8

    Is Syria a safe country for refugees repatriation? Irregular border crossings from SYR to TR indicate a negative answer. Last month, Turkish border troops apprehended 12,844 people who irregularly crossed into TR. Many are directly sent back and they re-attempt to cross again

  10. Retweeted
    11 hours ago

    Long overdue news. The case was clearly absurd and designed solely to punish a reporter for doing actual journalism. Here's hoping for many more Turkey bylines from

  11. Retweeted
    Nov 12

    Also amazing the foresight Atatürk had in choosing to slay Donald Trump

  12. Retweeted
    Nov 12

    ...Özerkliğimize karşı gelen hiçbir uygulamayı kabul etmeyiz. Üniversite tartışma yeridir, biz burada vatandaş yetiştiyoruz" diyerek karşı çıktığını öğrendim. Hem içim acıdı hem de göğsüm kabardı.

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  13. Retweeted
    Nov 12

    ...Ve bu rektörün, Brezilya'da yeni seçilen faşist iktidarın "Siyasetsiz Eğitim" kisvesi altında sol, sosyal demokrat görüşlü hocaları ve insan hakları odaklı öğretimi üniversitelerden temizleme planına "İdeolojik kontrol mekanizması kurulmasına izin vermeyeceğiz...

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  14. Retweeted
    Nov 12

    Ben bugün, bu dönem ders vermeye başladığım São Paulo Üniversitesi rektörünün Vahan Agopyan adında İstanbul doğumlu bir Ermeni olduğunu...

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  15. 20 hours ago
  16. 20 hours ago

    "In 2000, Turkey’s agricultural sector employed 7.7 million people, or nearly 36% of an overall 21.5 million people. In 2018, the overall figure was up at 29.2 million people, but the share of agriculture was down at 19.5%."

  17. Nov 12

    Can confirm our preferred mode of transport is a flying giant dried apricot.

  18. Nov 12

    As if on cue, the HPG (PKK military-wing) have claimed the opposite of what Minister Akar has said; saying that the explosion in Hakkari was a result of an attack that killed scores of TSK soldiers.

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  19. Nov 12

    Defence Minister Akar says that the munitions explosion in Hakkari that happened last Friday at a TSK base was not to due external causes (i.e. not an attack).

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  20. Retweeted
    Nov 11

    Houthis and Hezbollah supporters protesting in front of the Saudi Consulate in and chant anti-USA&Israel slogans

  21. Retweeted
    Nov 12

    The statement of Prof. Dr. Fatma Gök from Academics for Peace: “I cannot understand how the exposure of human rights violations can be terrorist propaganda”


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