
My teaching responsibilities for 2016-2017 are:

  • Term One:

    Mathematics 418/Mathematics 544 Section 101 Probability I.

    Lecture MWF 10:00-10:50, Math 203.

    Office Hours: M11:15-12:45, F1:15-2:45 in Math Annex 1207 beginning Mon. Sept. 10.

    Course outline.

    Proof of Lemma 1.10

    Proof of Proposition 1.15 and related results [Sept. 17/18]

    Proof of Proposition 1.31(b) [Sept. 28/18]

    Proof of Monotone Convergence Thm. 1.35 [Oct. 1/18]

    Proof of Proposition 1.38(b) [Oct. 3/18]

    Proof of Theorem 2.17 [Nov. 5/18]

    Proof of Theorem 3.3 [Nov. 9/18]

    Homework 1.

    Solutions to Homework 1.

    Homework 2.

    Solutions to Homework 2.

    Homework 3.

    Solutions to Homework 3.

    Homework 4.

    Solutions to Homework 4.

    Homework 5.

    Practice Test.

    Practice Test Solutions.

    The midterm will be in Buchanan A202 (BUCH A202) 5:30-7:30 on Thurs. Nov. 15.

  • Term Two:

    Mathematics 121 Section 201 Honours Integral Calculus.

    Lecture MTWF 2:00-3:00 Math xxx.

    Office Hours: TBA in Math Annex 1207.

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