Are perfume samples/testers chemically different than the perfume bottles that are sold? If they are, what is the difference? Is the essence percentage the same? Is there a difference in the notes present? Can i somehow manage to achieve a really close scent, by mixing the sample/tester fluid with water and alcohol?
Guerlain testers in some high end stores are actually extraits.
They should be the same thing. The only difference with testers is that the bottle won't come in fancy packaging and may have writing on it designating it as a tester bottle.
No they’re not different. If they are they can be liable for fraudulent misrepresentation. Also it makes no sense. If someone smells a tester that’s wonderful and buys the product and it’s different, that’s grounds for a refund meaning the company will lose money and also potentially a repeat client.
I don’t think they’re any different? But I have smelled samples that smelled better than the bottle. Idk if that makes sense? As I was typing I felt as if I was writing a riddle...
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