The New Illustrated TLS Connection

Every byte explained and reproduced

A revised edition in which we dissect the new manner of secure and authenticated data exchange, the TLS 1.3 cryptographic protocol.

In this demonstration a client connects to a server, negotiates a TLS 1.3 session, sends "ping", receives "pong", and then terminates the session. Click below to begin exploring.

Client Key Exchange Generation
The client begins by calculating a private/public keypair for key exchange. Key exchange is a mathematical technique by which two parties can agree on the same number without an eavesdropper being able to tell what that number is.

It will do this via an elliptical curve method, using the x25519 curve.

The private key is chosen by selecting an integer between 0 and 2256-1. It does this by generating 32 bytes (256 bits) of random data. The private key selected is:
The public key is chosen by multiplying the point x=9 on the x25519 curve by the private key. The public key calculated is:
The public key calculation can be confirmed at the command line:
### requires openssl 1.1.0 or higher
$ openssl pkey -noout -text < client-ephemeral-private.key

X25519 Private-Key:
Client Hello
The session begins with the client saying "Hello". The client provides information including the following:
  • client random data (used later in the handshake)
  • a list of cipher suites that the client supports
  • a list of public keys that the server might find suitable for key exchange
  • protocol versions that the client can support
Record Header 16 03 01 00 ca

Record Header

TLS sessions are broken into the sending and receiving of "records", which are blocks of data with a type, a protocol version, and a length.
  • 16 - type is 0x16 (handshake record)
  • 03 01 - protocol version is 3.1 (also known as TLS 1.0)
  • 00 ca - 0xCA (202) bytes of handshake message follows
Interestingly the version in this record is 3.1 (TLS 1.0) instead of 3.4 (TLS 1.3). This is done for interoperability with earlier implementations.
Handshake Header 01 00 00 c6

Handshake Header

Each handshake message starts with a type and a length.
  • 01 - handshake message type 0x01 (client hello)
  • 00 00 c6 - 0xC6 (198) bytes of client hello data follows
Client Version 03 03

Client Version

A protocol version of 3.3 (meaning TLS 1.2) is given. Because middleboxes have been created and widely deployed that do not allow protocol versions that they do not recognize, the TLS 1.3 session must be disguised as a TLS 1.2 session. This field is no longer used for version negotiation and is hardcoded to the 1.2 version. Instead version negotiation is performed using the "Supported Versions" extension below.

The particular version number (3.3 representing version 1.2) is due to TLS 1.0 being a minor revision of the SSL 3.0 protocol. Therefore TLS 1.0 is numeric version 3.1, TLS 1.1 is version 3.2, and so on.
Client Random 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f

Client Random

The client provides 32 bytes of random data. In this example we've made the random data a predictable string.
Session ID 20 e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 ea eb ec ed ee ef f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 fa fb fc fd fe ff

Session ID

In previous versions of TLS the client could provide an ID of a previously negotiated session, which allows the server and client to skip the time and cost of negotiating new keys.

In TLS 1.3 this "session resume" is done via the more flexible PSK (pre-shared keys) mechanism, so this field is no longer needed for that purpose. Instead a non-empty value in this field is used to trigger "middlebox compatibility mode" which helps TLS 1.3 sessions to be disguised as resumed TLS 1.2 sessions. The client has generated random data to populate this field.
  • 20 - 0x20 (32) bytes of session ID follow
  • e0 e1 ... fe ff - fake session ID
Cipher Suites 00 06 13 01 13 02 13 03

Cipher Suites

The client provides an ordered list of which cipher suites it will support for encryption. The list is in the order preferred by the client, with highest preference first.

In TLS 1.3 the list of possible cipher suites has been greatly reduced. All the remaining suites are AEAD algorithms which provide stronger encryption guarantees than many previous suites with an easier all-in-one implementation.
  • 00 06 - 0x6 (6) bytes of cipher suite data
  • 13 01 - assigned value for TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
  • 13 02 - assigned value for TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
  • 13 03 - assigned value for TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
Compression Methods 01 00

Compression Methods

Previous versions of TLS supported compression, which was found to leak information about the encrypted data allowing it to be read (see CRIME and BREACH).

TLS 1.3 no longer allows compression, so this field is always a single entry with the "null" compression method which performs no change to the data.
  • 01 - 0x1 (1) bytes of compression methods
  • 00 - assigned value for "null" compression
Extensions Length 00 77

Extensions Length

The client has provided a list of optional extensions which the server can use to take action or enable new features.
  • 00 77 - the extensions will take 0x77 (119) bytes of data
Each extension will start with two bytes that indicate which extension it is, followed by a two-byte content length field, followed by the contents of the extension.
Extension - Server Name 00 00 00 18 00 16 00 00 13 65 78 61 6d 70 6c 65 2e 75 6c 66 68 65 69 6d 2e 6e 65 74

Extension - Server Name

The client has provided the name of the server it is contacting, also known as SNI (Server Name Indication).

Without this extension a HTTPS server would not be able to provide service for multiple hostnames (virtual hosts) on a single IP address because it couldn't know which hostname's certificate to send until after the TLS session was negotiated and the HTTP request was made.
  • 00 00 - assigned value for extension "server name"
  • 00 18 - 0x18 (24) bytes of extension data follows
  • 00 16 - 0x16 (22) bytes of first (and only) list entry follows
  • 00 - list entry is type 0x00 "DNS hostname"
  • 00 13 - 0x13 (19) bytes of hostname follows
  • 65 78 61 ... 6e 65 74 - ""
Extension - Supported Groups 00 0a 00 08 00 06 00 1d 00 17 00 18

Extension - Supported Groups

The client has indicated that it supports elliptic curve (EC) cryptography for three curve types. To make this extension more generic for other cryptography types it now calls these "supported groups" instead of "supported curves".

This list is presented in descending order of the client's preference.
  • 00 0a - assigned value for extension "supported groups"
  • 00 08 - 0x8 (8) bytes of extension data follows
  • 00 06 - 0x6 (6) bytes of data are in the curves list
  • 00 1d - assigned value for the curve "x25519"
  • 00 17 - assigned value for the curve "secp256r1"
  • 00 18 - assigned value for the curve "secp384r1"
Extension - Signature Algorithms 00 0d 00 14 00 12 04 03 08 04 04 01 05 03 08 05 05 01 08 06 06 01 02 01

Extension - Signature Algorithms

This extension indicates which signature algorithms the client supports. This can influence the certificate that the server presents to the client, as well as the signature that is sent by the server in the CertificateVerify record.

This list is presented in descending order of the client's preference.
  • 00 0d - assigned value for extension "Signature Algorithms"
  • 00 14 - 0x14 (20) bytes of extension data follows
  • 00 12 - 0x12 (18) bytes of data are in the following list of algorithms
  • 04 03 - assigned value for ECDSA-SECP256r1-SHA256
  • 08 04 - assigned value for RSA-PSS-RSAE-SHA256
  • 04 01 - assigned value for RSA-PKCS1-SHA256
  • 05 03 - assigned value for ECDSA-SECP384r1-SHA384
  • 08 05 - assigned value for RSA-PSS-RSAE-SHA384
  • 05 01 - assigned value for RSA-PKCS1-SHA386
  • 08 06 - assigned value for RSA-PSS-RSAE-SHA512
  • 06 01 - assigned value for RSA-PKCS1-SHA512
  • 02 01 - assigned value for RSA-PKCS1-SHA1
Extension - Key Share 00 33 00 26 00 24 00 1d 00 20 35 80 72 d6 36 58 80 d1 ae ea 32 9a df 91 21 38 38 51 ed 21 a2 8e 3b 75 e9 65 d0 d2 cd 16 62 54

Extension - Key Share

The client sends one or more public keys using an algorithm that it thinks the server will support. This allows the rest of the handshake after the ClientHello and ServerHello messages to be encrypted, unlike previous protocol versions where the handshake was sent in the clear.
  • 00 33 - assigned value for extension "Key Share"
  • 00 26 - 0x26 (38) bytes of extension data follows
  • 00 24 - 0x24 (36) bytes of key share data follows
  • 00 1d - assigned value for x25519 (key exchange via curve25519)
  • 00 20 - 0x20 (32) bytes of public key follows
  • 35 80 ... 62 54 - public key from the step "Client Key Exchange Generation"
Extension - PSK Key Exchange Modes 00 2d 00 02 01 01

Extension - PSK Key Exchange Modes

The client indicates the modes available for establishing keys from pre-shared keys (PSKs). Since we do not use PSKs in this session, this extension has no effect.
  • 00 2d - assigned value for extension "PSK Key Exchange Modes"
  • 00 02 - 0x2 (2) bytes of extension data follows
  • 01 - 0x1 (1) bytes of exchange modes follow
  • 01 - assigned value for "PSK with (EC)DHE key establishment"
Extension - Supported Versions 00 2b 00 03 02 03 04

Extension - Supported Versions

The client indicates its support of TLS 1.3.
  • 00 2b - assigned value for extension "Supported Versions"
  • 00 03 - 0x3 (3) bytes of extension data follows
  • 02 - 0x2 (2) bytes of TLS versions follow
  • 03 04 - assigned value for TLS 1.3
Server Key Exchange Generation
The server calculates a private/public keypair for key exchange. Key exchange is a mathematical technique by which two parties can agree on the same number without an eavesdropper being able to tell what that number is.

It will do this via an elliptical curve method, using the x25519 curve.

The private key is chosen by selecting an integer between 0 and 2256-1. It does this by generating 32 bytes (256 bits) of random data. The private key selected is:
The public key is chosen by multiplying the point x=9 on the x25519 curve by the private key. The public key calculated is:
The public key calculation can be confirmed with command line tools:
### requires openssl 1.1.0 or higher
$ openssl pkey -noout -text < server-ephemeral-private.key

X25519 Private-Key:
Server Hello
The server says "Hello" back. The server provides information including the following:
  • server random data (used later in the handshake)
  • a selected cipher suite
  • a public key for key exchange
  • the negotiated protocol version
Record Header 16 03 03 00 7a

Record Header

TLS sessions are broken into the sending and receiving of "records", which are blocks of data with a type, a protocol version, and a length.
  • 16 - type is 0x16 (handshake record)
  • 03 03 - legacy protocol version of 3.3 (TLS 1.2)
  • 00 7a - 0x7A (122) bytes of handshake message follows
Handshake Header 02 00 00 76

Handshake Header

Each handshake message starts with a type and a length.
  • 02 - handshake message type 0x02 (server hello)
  • 00 00 76 - 0x76 (118) bytes of server hello data follows
Server Version 03 03

Server Version

A protocol version of 3.3 (meaning TLS 1.2) is given. Because middleboxes have been created and widely deployed that do not allow protocol versions that they do not recognize, the TLS 1.3 session must be disguised as a TLS 1.2 session. This field is no longer used for version negotiation and is hardcoded to the 1.2 version. Instead version negotiation is performed using the "Supported Versions" extension below.

The particular version number (3.3 representing version 1.2) is due to TLS 1.0 being a minor revision of the SSL 3.0 protocol. Therefore TLS 1.0 is numeric version 3.1, TLS 1.1 is version 3.2, and so on.
Server Random 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f

Server Random

The server provides 32 bytes of random data. In this example we've made the random data a predictable string.
Session ID 20 e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 ea eb ec ed ee ef f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 fa fb fc fd fe ff

Session ID

This legacy field is no longer used to identify and re-use sessions. Instead the server echos the session ID provided by the client, if any.
  • 20 - 0x20 (32) bytes of session ID follow
  • e0 e1 ... fe ff - session ID copied from Client Hello
Cipher Suite 13 01

Cipher Suite

The server has selected cipher suite 0x1301 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) from the list of options given by the client.
Compression Method 00

Compression Method

The server has selected compression method 0x00 ("Null", which performs no compression) from the list of options given by the client.
Extensions Length 00 2e

Extensions Length

The server has returned a list of extensions to the client. Because the server is forbidden from replying with an extension that the client did not send in its hello message, the server knows that the client will understand and support all extensions listed.
  • 00 2e - the extensions will take 0x2E (46) bytes of data
Extension - Key Share 00 33 00 24 00 1d 00 20 9f d7 ad 6d cf f4 29 8d d3 f9 6d 5b 1b 2a f9 10 a0 53 5b 14 88 d7 f8 fa bb 34 9a 98 28 80 b6 15

Extension - Key Share

The server sends a public key using the algorithm of the public key sent by the client. Once this is sent encryption keys can be calculated and the rest of the handshake will be encrypted, unlike previous protocol versions where the handshake was sent in the clear.
  • 00 33 - assigned value for extension "Key Share"
  • 00 24 - 0x24 (36) bytes of extension data follows
  • 00 1d - assigned value for x25519 (key exchange via curve25519)
  • 00 20 - 0x20 (32) bytes of public key follows
  • 9f d7 ... b6 15 - public key from the step "Server Key Exchange Generation"
Extension - Supported Versions 00 2b 00 02 03 04

Extension - Supported Versions

The server indicates the negotiated TLS version of 1.3.
  • 00 2b - assigned value for extension "Supported Versions"
  • 00 02 - 0x2 (2) bytes of extension data follows
  • 03 04 - assigned value for TLS 1.3
Server Handshake Keys Calc
The server now has the information to calculate the keys used to encrypt the rest of the handshake. It uses the following information in this calculation: First, the server finds the shared secret, which is the result of the key exchange that allows the client and server to agree on a number. The server multiplies the client's public key with the server's private key using the curve25519() algorithm. The 32-byte result is found to be:
I've provided a tool to perform this calculation:
$ cc -o curve25519-mult curve25519-mult.c
$ ./curve25519-mult server-ephemeral-private.key \
                    client-ephemeral-public.key | hexdump

0000000 df 4a 29 1b aa 1e b7 cf a6 93 4b 29 b4 74 ba ad
0000010 26 97 e2 9f 1f 92 0d cc 77 c8 a0 a0 88 44 76 24
We then calculate the SHA256 hash of all handshake messages to this point (ClientHello and ServerHello). The hash does not include the 5-byte "record" headers. This "hello_hash" is da75ce1139ac80dae4044da932350cf65c97ccc9e33f1e6f7d2d4b18b736ffd5.

We then feed the hash and the shared secret into a set of key derivation operations, designed to ensure the integrity of the handshake process and to protect against known and possible attacks:
early_secret = HKDF-Extract(
empty_hash = SHA256("")
derived_secret = HKDF-Expand-Label(
    key = early_secret,
    label = "derived",
    context = empty_hash,
    len = 32)
handshake_secret = HKDF-Extract(
    salt = derived_secret,
    key = shared_secret)
client_handshake_traffic_secret = HKDF-Expand-Label(
    key = handshake_secret,
    label = "c hs traffic",
    context = hello_hash,
    len = 32)
server_handshake_traffic_secret = HKDF-Expand-Label(
    key = handshake_secret,
    label = "s hs traffic",
    context = hello_hash,
    len = 32)
client_handshake_key = HKDF-Expand-Label(
    key = client_handshake_traffic_secret,
    label = "key",
    context = "",
    len = 16)
server_handshake_key = HKDF-Expand-Label(
    key = server_handshake_traffic_secret,
    label = "key",
    context = "",
    len = 16)
client_handshake_iv = HKDF-Expand-Label(
    key = client_handshake_traffic_secret,
    label = "iv",
    context = "",
    len = 12)
server_handshake_iv = HKDF-Expand-Label(
    key = server_handshake_traffic_secret,
    label = "iv",
    context = "",
    len = 12)
This has introduced two new cryptographic methods:
  • HKDF-Extract - given a salt and some bytes of key material create 256 bits (32 bytes) of new key material, with the input key material's entropy evenly distributed in the output.
  • HKDF-Expand-Label - given the inputs of key material, label, and context data, create a new key of the requested length.
I've created an HKDF tool to perform these operations on the command line.
$ hello_hash=da75ce1139ac80dae4044da932350cf65c97ccc9e33f1e6f7d2d4b18b736ffd5
$ shared_secret=df4a291baa1eb7cfa6934b29b474baad2697e29f1f920dcc77c8a0a088447624
$ zero_key=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
$ early_secret=$(./hkdf extract 00 $zero_key)
$ empty_hash=$(openssl sha256 < /dev/null)
$ derived_secret=$(./hkdf expandlabel $early_secret "derived" $empty_hash 32)
$ handshake_secret=$(./hkdf extract $derived_secret $shared_secret)
$ csecret=$(./hkdf expandlabel $handshake_secret "c hs traffic" $hello_hash 32)
$ ssecret=$(./hkdf expandlabel $handshake_secret "s hs traffic" $hello_hash 32)
$ client_handshake_key=$(./hkdf expandlabel $csecret "key" "" 16)
$ server_handshake_key=$(./hkdf expandlabel $ssecret "key" "" 16)
$ client_handshake_iv=$(./hkdf expandlabel $csecret "iv" "" 12)
$ server_handshake_iv=$(./hkdf expandlabel $ssecret "iv" "" 12)
$ echo ckey: $client_handshake_key
$ echo skey: $server_handshake_key
$ echo civ: $client_handshake_iv
$ echo siv: $server_handshake_iv

ckey: 7154f314e6be7dc008df2c832baa1d39
skey: 844780a7acad9f980fa25c114e43402a
civ: 71abc2cae4c699d47c600268
siv: 4c042ddc120a38d1417fc815
From this we get the following key data:
  • handshake secret: fb9fc80689b3a5d02c33243bf69a1b1b20705588a794304a6e7120155edf149a
  • client handshake traffic secret: ff0e5b965291c608c1e8cd267eefc0afcc5e98a2786373f0db47b04786d72aea.
  • server handshake traffic secret: a2067265e7f0652a923d5d72ab0467c46132eeb968b6a32d311c805868548814.
  • client handshake key: 7154f314e6be7dc008df2c832baa1d39
  • server handshake key: 844780a7acad9f980fa25c114e43402a
  • client handshake IV: 71abc2cae4c699d47c600268
  • server handshake IV: 4c042ddc120a38d1417fc815
Client Handshake Keys Calc
The client now has the information to calculate the keys that used to encrypt the rest of the handshake. It uses the following information in this calculation: First, the client finds the shared secret, which is the result of the key exchange that allows the client and server to agree on a number. The client multiplies the server's public key with the client's private key using the curve25519() algorithm. The 32-byte result is found to be:
I've provided a tool to perform this calculation:
$ cc -o curve25519-mult curve25519-mult.c
$ ./curve25519-mult client-ephemeral-private.key \
                    server-ephemeral-public.key | hexdump

0000000 df 4a 29 1b aa 1e b7 cf a6 93 4b 29 b4 74 ba ad
0000010 26 97 e2 9f 1f 92 0d cc 77 c8 a0 a0 88 44 76 24
Since this is the same shared secret calculated by the server in "Server Handshake Keys Calc", the rest of the calculation is identical and the same values are found:
  • client handshake key: 7154f314e6be7dc008df2c832baa1d39
  • server handshake key: 844780a7acad9f980fa25c114e43402a
  • client handshake IV: 71abc2cae4c699d47c600268
  • server handshake IV: 4c042ddc120a38d1417fc815
Server Change Cipher Spec
This record is no longer needed. In "middlebox compatibility mode" this record is sent to help disguise the session as a TLS 1.2 session.
Record Header 14 03 03 00 01 01

Record Header

TLS sessions are broken into the sending and receiving of "records", which are blocks of data with a type, a protocol version, and a length.
  • 14 - type is 0x14 (ChangeCipherSpec record)
  • 03 03 - legacy protocol version of 3.3 (TLS 1.2)
  • 00 01 - the length of the record payload is 0x1 (1) bytes
  • 01 - the payload of this message is defined as the byte 0x01
The connection (including the handshake) is encrypted from this point on. The encryption of handshake data is new in TLS 1.3.

To reduce issues with middleboxes that block unrecognized TLS protocols, the encrypted handshake is disguised as a TLS 1.2 session that has performed a successful session resume.

The wrapped records are discussed in their own sections below this one.
Record Header 17 03 03 04 75

Record Header

The TLS 1.3 records are encrypted into a TLS 1.2 record "wrapper" that looks like application data.
  • 17 - type is 0x17 (application data)
  • 03 03 - legacy protocol version of 3.3 (TLS 1.2)
  • 04 75 - 0x475 (1141) bytes of wrapped data follows
Encrypted Data da 1e c2 d7 bd a8 eb f7 3e dd 50 10 fb a8 08 9f d4 26 b0 ea 1e a4 d8 8d 07 4f fe a8 a9 87 3a f5 f5 02 26 1e 34 b1 56 33 43 e9 be b6 13 2e 7e 83 6d 65 db 6d cf 00 bc 40 19 35 ae 36 9c 44 0d 67 af 71 9e c0 3b 98 4c 45 21 b9 05 d5 8b a2 19 7c 45 c4 f7 73 bd 9d d1 21 b4 d2 d4 e6 ad ff fa 27 c2 a8 1a 99 a8 ef e8 56 c3 5e e0 8b 71 b3 e4 41 bb ec aa 65 fe 72 08 15 ca b5 8d b3 ef a8 d1 e5 b7 1c 58 e8 d1 fd b6 b2 1b fc 66 a9 86 5f 85 2c 1b 4b 64 0e 94 bd 90 84 69 e7 15 1f 9b bc a3 ce 53 22 4a 27 06 2c eb 24 0a 10 5b d3 13 2d c1 85 44 47 77 94 c3 73 bc 0f b5 a2 67 88 5c 85 7d 4c cb 4d 31 74 2b 7a 29 62 40 29 fd 05 94 0d e3 f9 f9 b6 e0 a9 a2 37 67 2b c6 24 ba 28 93 a2 17 09 83 3c 52 76 d4 13 63 1b dd e6 ae 70 08 c6 97 a8 ef 42 8a 79 db f6 e8 bb eb 47 c4 e4 08 ef 65 6d 9d c1 9b 8b 5d 49 bc 09 1e 21 77 35 75 94 c8 ac d4 1c 10 1c 77 50 cb 11 b5 be 6a 19 4b 8f 87 70 88 c9 82 8e 35 07 da da 17 bb 14 bb 2c 73 89 03 c7 aa b4 0c 54 5c 46 aa 53 82 3b 12 01 81 a1 6c e9 28 76 28 8c 4a cd 81 5b 23 3d 96 bb 57 2b 16 2e c1 b9 d7 12 f2 c3 96 6c aa c9 cf 17 4f 3a ed fe c4 d1 9f f9 a8 7f 8e 21 e8 e1 a9 78 9b 49 0b a0 5f 1d eb d2 17 32 fb 2e 15 a0 17 c4 75 c4 fd 00 be 04 21 86 dc 29 e6 8b b7 ec e1 92 43 8f 3b 0c 5e f8 e4 a5 35 83 a0 19 43 cf 84 bb a5 84 21 73 a6 b3 a7 28 95 66 68 7c 30 18 f7 64 ab 18 10 31 69 91 93 28 71 3c 3b d4 63 d3 39 8a 1f eb 8e 68 e4 4c fe 48 2f 72 84 7f 46 c8 0e 6c c7 f6 cc f1 79 f4 82 c8 88 59 4e 76 27 66 53 b4 83 98 a2 6c 7c 9e 42 0c b6 c1 d3 bc 76 46 f3 3b b8 32 bf ba 98 48 9c ad fb d5 5d d8 b2 c5 76 87 a4 7a cb a4 ab 39 01 52 d8 fb b3 f2 03 27 d8 24 b2 84 d2 88 fb 01 52 e4 9f c4 46 78 ae d4 d3 f0 85 b7 c5 5d e7 7b d4 5a f8 12 fc 37 94 4a d2 45 4f 99 fb b3 4a 58 3b f1 6b 67 65 9e 6f 21 6d 34 b1 d7 9b 1b 4d ec c0 98 a4 42 07 e1 c5 fe eb 6c e3 0a cc 2c f7 e2 b1 34 49 0b 44 27 44 77 2d 18 4e 59 03 8a a5 17 a9 71 54 18 1e 4d fd 94 fe 72 a5 a4 ca 2e 7e 22 bc e7 33 d0 3e 7d 93 19 71 0b ef bc 30 d7 82 6b 72 85 19 ba 74 69 0e 4f 90 65 87 a0 38 28 95 b9 0d 82 ed 3e 35 7f af 8e 59 ac a8 5f d2 06 3a b5 92 d8 3d 24 5a 91 9e a5 3c 50 1b 9a cc d2 a1 ed 95 1f 43 c0 49 ab 9d 25 c7 f1 b7 0a e4 f9 42 ed b1 f3 11 f7 41 78 33 06 22 45 b4 29 d4 f0 13 ae 90 19 ff 52 04 4c 97 c7 3b 88 82 cf 03 95 5c 73 9f 87 4a 02 96 37 c0 f0 60 71 00 e3 07 0f 40 8d 08 2a a7 a2 ab f1 3e 73 bd 1e 25 2c 22 8a ba 7a 9c 1f 07 5b c4 39 57 1b 35 93 2f 5c 91 2c b0 b3 8d a1 c9 5e 64 fc f9 bf ec 0b 9b 0d d8 f0 42 fd f0 5e 50 58 29 9e 96 e4 18 50 74 91 9d 90 b7 b3 b0 a9 7e 22 42 ca 08 cd 99 c9 ec b1 2f c4 9a db 2b 25 72 40 cc 38 78 02 f0 0e 0e 49 95 26 63 ea 27 84 08 70 9b ce 5b 36 3c 03 60 93 d7 a0 5d 44 0c 9e 7a 7a bb 3d 71 eb b4 d1 0b fc 77 81 bc d6 6f 79 32 2c 18 26 2d fc 2d cc f3 e5 f1 ea 98 be a3 ca ae 8a 83 70 63 12 76 44 23 a6 92 ae 0c 1e 2e 23 b0 16 86 5f fb 12 5b 22 38 57 54 7a c7 e2 46 84 33 b5 26 98 43 ab ba bb e9 f6 f4 38 d7 e3 87 e3 61 7a 21 9f 62 54 0e 73 43 e1 bb f4 93 55 fb 5a 19 38 04 84 39 cb a5 ce e8 19 19 9b 2b 5c 39 fd 35 1a a2 74 53 6a ad b6 82 b5 78 94 3f 0c cf 48 e4 ec 7d dc 93 8e 2f d0 1a cf aa 1e 72 17 f7 b3 89 28 5c 0d fd 31 a1 54 5e d3 a8 5f ac 8e b9 da b6 ee 82 6a f9 0f 9e 1e e5 d5 55 dd 1c 05 ae c0 77 f7 c8 03 cb c2 f1 cf 98 39 3f 0f 37 83 8f fe a3 72 ff 70 88 86 b0 59 34 e1 a6 45 12 de 14 46 08 86 4a 88 a5 c3 a1 73 fd cf df 57 25 da 91 6e d5 07 e4 ca ec 87 87 be fb 91 e3 ec 9b 22 2f a0 9f 37 4b d9 68 81 ac 2d dd 1f 88 5d 42 ea 58 4c

Encrypted Data

This data is encrypted with the server handshake key.
Auth Tag e0 8b 0e 45 5a 35 0a e5 4d 76 34 9a a6 8c 71 ae

Auth Tag

This is the AEAD authentication tag that protects the integrity of the encrypted data and the record header.


This data is encrypted using the server handshake key and the server handshake IV that were generated during the "Server Handshake Keys Calc" step. The IV will be modified by XOR'ing it by the count of records that have already been encrypted with this key, which in thise case is 0. The process also takes as input the 5-byte record header that this record begins with, as authenticated data that must match for the decryption to succeed.

Because the openssl command line tool does not yet support AEAD ciphers, I've written command line tools to both decrypt and encrypt this data.
### from the "Server Handshake Keys Calc" step
$ key=844780a7acad9f980fa25c114e43402a
$ iv=4c042ddc120a38d1417fc815
### from this record
$ recdata=1703030475
$ authtag=e08b0e455a350ae54d76349aa68c71ae
$ recordnum=0
### may need to add -I and -L flags for include and lib dirs
$ cc -o aes_128_gcm_decrypt aes_128_gcm_decrypt.c -lssl -lcrypto
$ echo "da 1e c2 d7 bd a8 eb f7 3e dd 50 10 fb a8 08 9f d4 26 b0 ea 1e
  ... snip ...
  ac 2d dd 1f 88 5d 42 ea 58 4c" | xxd -r -p > /tmp/msg1
$ cat /tmp/msg1 \
  | ./aes_128_gcm_decrypt $iv $recordnum $key $recdata $authtag \
  | hexdump -C

00000000  08 00 00 02 00 00 0b 00  03 2e 00 00 03 2a 00 03  |.............*..|
00000010  25 30 82 03 21 30 82 02  09 a0 03 02 01 02 02 08  |e0..!0..........|
00000020  15 5a 92 ad c2 04 8f 90  30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86  |.Z......0...*.H.|
... snip ...
Encrypted Extensions 08 00 00 02 00 00

Encrypted Extensions

This handshake message is represented in its own section below.
Server Certificate 0b 00 03 2e 00 00 03 2a 00 03 25 30 82 03 21 30 82 02 09 a0 03 02 01 02 02 08 15 5a 92 ad c2 04 8f 90 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 0b 05 00 30 22 31 0b 30 09 06 03 55 04 06 13 02 55 53 31 13 30 11 06 03 55 04 0a 13 0a 45 78 61 6d 70 6c 65 20 43 41 30 1e 17 0d 31 38 31 30 30 35 30 31 33 38 31 37 5a 17 0d 31 39 31 30 30 35 30 31 33 38 31 37 5a 30 2b 31 0b 30 09 06 03 55 04 06 13 02 55 53 31 1c 30 1a 06 03 55 04 03 13 13 65 78 61 6d 70 6c 65 2e 75 6c 66 68 65 69 6d 2e 6e 65 74 30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03 82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 c4 80 36 06 ba e7 47 6b 08 94 04 ec a7 b6 91 04 3f f7 92 bc 19 ee fb 7d 74 d7 a8 0d 00 1e 7b 4b 3a 4a e6 0f e8 c0 71 fc 73 e7 02 4c 0d bc f4 bd d1 1d 39 6b ba 70 46 4a 13 e9 4a f8 3d f3 e1 09 59 54 7b c9 55 fb 41 2d a3 76 52 11 e1 f3 dc 77 6c aa 53 37 6e ca 3a ec be c3 aa b7 3b 31 d5 6c b6 52 9c 80 98 bc c9 e0 28 18 e2 0b f7 f8 a0 3a fd 17 04 50 9e ce 79 bd 9f 39 f1 ea 69 ec 47 97 2e 83 0f b5 ca 95 de 95 a1 e6 04 22 d5 ee be 52 79 54 a1 e7 bf 8a 86 f6 46 6d 0d 9f 16 95 1a 4c f7 a0 46 92 59 5c 13 52 f2 54 9e 5a fb 4e bf d7 7a 37 95 01 44 e4 c0 26 87 4c 65 3e 40 7d 7d 23 07 44 01 f4 84 ff d0 8f 7a 1f a0 52 10 d1 f4 f0 d5 ce 79 70 29 32 e2 ca be 70 1f df ad 6b 4b b7 11 01 f4 4b ad 66 6a 11 13 0f e2 ee 82 9e 4d 02 9d c9 1c dd 67 16 db b9 06 18 86 ed c1 ba 94 21 02 03 01 00 01 a3 52 30 50 30 0e 06 03 55 1d 0f 01 01 ff 04 04 03 02 05 a0 30 1d 06 03 55 1d 25 04 16 30 14 06 08 2b 06 01 05 05 07 03 02 06 08 2b 06 01 05 05 07 03 01 30 1f 06 03 55 1d 23 04 18 30 16 80 14 89 4f de 5b cc 69 e2 52 cf 3e a3 00 df b1 97 b8 1d e1 c1 46 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 0b 05 00 03 82 01 01 00 59 16 45 a6 9a 2e 37 79 e4 f6 dd 27 1a ba 1c 0b fd 6c d7 55 99 b5 e7 c3 6e 53 3e ff 36 59 08 43 24 c9 e7 a5 04 07 9d 39 e0 d4 29 87 ff e3 eb dd 09 c1 cf 1d 91 44 55 87 0b 57 1d d1 9b df 1d 24 f8 bb 9a 11 fe 80 fd 59 2b a0 39 8c de 11 e2 65 1e 61 8c e5 98 fa 96 e5 37 2e ef 3d 24 8a fd e1 74 63 eb bf ab b8 e4 d1 ab 50 2a 54 ec 00 64 e9 2f 78 19 66 0d 3f 27 cf 20 9e 66 7f ce 5a e2 e4 ac 99 c7 c9 38 18 f8 b2 51 07 22 df ed 97 f3 2e 3e 93 49 d4 c6 6c 9e a6 39 6d 74 44 62 a0 6b 42 c6 d5 ba 68 8e ac 3a 01 7b dd fc 8e 2c fc ad 27 cb 69 d3 cc dc a2 80 41 44 65 d3 ae 34 8c e0 f3 4a b2 fb 9c 61 83 71 31 2b 19 10 41 64 1c 23 7f 11 a5 d6 5c 84 4f 04 04 84 99 38 71 2b 95 9e d6 85 bc 5c 5d d6 45 ed 19 90 94 73 40 29 26 dc b4 0e 34 69 a1 59 41 e8 e2 cc a8 4b b6 08 46 36 a0 00 00

Server Certificate

This handshake message is represented in its own section below.
Server Certificate Verify 0f 00 01 04 08 04 01 00 17 fe b5 33 ca 6d 00 7d 00 58 25 79 68 42 4b bc 3a a6 90 9e 9d 49 55 75 76 a5 20 e0 4a 5e f0 5f 0e 86 d2 4f f4 3f 8e b8 61 ee f5 95 22 8d 70 32 aa 36 0f 71 4e 66 74 13 92 6e f4 f8 b5 80 3b 69 e3 55 19 e3 b2 3f 43 73 df ac 67 87 06 6d cb 47 56 b5 45 60 e0 88 6e 9b 96 2c 4a d2 8d ab 26 ba d1 ab c2 59 16 b0 9a f2 86 53 7f 68 4f 80 8a ef ee 73 04 6c b7 df 0a 84 fb b5 96 7a ca 13 1f 4b 1c f3 89 79 94 03 a3 0c 02 d2 9c bd ad b7 25 12 db 9c ec 2e 5e 1d 00 e5 0c af cf 6f 21 09 1e bc 4f 25 3c 5e ab 01 a6 79 ba ea be ed b9 c9 61 8f 66 00 6b 82 44 d6 62 2a aa 56 88 7c cf c6 6a 0f 38 51 df a1 3a 78 cf f7 99 1e 03 cb 2c 3a 0e d8 7d 73 67 36 2e b7 80 5b 00 b2 52 4f f2 98 a4 da 48 7c ac de af 8a 23 36 c5 63 1b 3e fa 93 5b b4 11 e7 53 ca 13 b0 15 fe c7 e4 a7 30 f1 36 9f 9e

Server Certificate Verify

This handshake message is represented in its own section below.
Server Finished 14 00 00 20 ea 6e e1 76 dc cc 4a f1 85 9e 9e 4e 93 f7 97 ea c9 a7 8c e4 39 30 1e 35 27 5a d4 3f 3c dd bd e3

Server Finished

This handshake message is represented in its own section below.
Record Type 16

Record Type

Each TLS 1.3 record disguised as TLS 1.2 application data has a final byte which indicates its actual record type.
  • 16 - type is 0x16 (handshake record)
Server Encrypted Extensions
Any extensions that aren't needed for negotiating encryption keys should be listed here so they can be hidden from eavesdroppers and middleboxes.
Handshake Header 08 00 00 02

Handshake Header

Each handshake message starts with a type and a length.
  • 08 - handshake message type 0x08 (encrypted extensions)
  • 00 00 02 - 0x2 (2) bytes of handshake message data follows
Extensions 00 00


  • 00 00 - 0x0 (0) bytes of extension data follows
Server Certificate
The server sends one or more certificates:
  • the certificate for this host, containing the hostname, a public key, and a signature from a third party asserting that the owner of the certificate's hostname holds the private key for this certificate
  • an optional list of further certificates, each of which signs the previous certificate, and which form a chain of trust leading from the host certificate to a trusted certificate that has been pre-installed on the client
In an effort to keep this example small we only send a host certificate. Certificates are in a binary format called DER which you can explore here.
Handshake Header 0b 00 03 2e

Handshake Header

Each handshake message starts with a type and a length.
  • 0b - handshake message type 0x0B (certificate)
  • 00 03 2e - 0x32E (814) bytes of certificate payload follow
Request Context 00

Request Context

This record is empty because this certificate was not sent in response to a Certificate Request.
  • 00 - 0x0 (0) bytes of request context follows
Certificates Length 00 03 2a

Certificates Length

  • 00 03 2a - 0x32A (810) bytes of certificates follow
Certificate Length 00 03 25

Certificate Length

The length of the first (and only) certificate.
  • 00 03 25 - 0x325 (805) bytes of certificate follows
Certificate 30 82 03 21 30 82 02 09 a0 03 02 01 02 02 08 15 5a 92 ad c2 04 8f 90 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 0b 05 00 30 22 31 0b 30 09 06 03 55 04 06 13 02 55 53 31 13 30 11 06 03 55 04 0a 13 0a 45 78 61 6d 70 6c 65 20 43 41 30 1e 17 0d 31 38 31 30 30 35 30 31 33 38 31 37 5a 17 0d 31 39 31 30 30 35 30 31 33 38 31 37 5a 30 2b 31 0b 30 09 06 03 55 04 06 13 02 55 53 31 1c 30 1a 06 03 55 04 03 13 13 65 78 61 6d 70 6c 65 2e 75 6c 66 68 65 69 6d 2e 6e 65 74 30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03 82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 c4 80 36 06 ba e7 47 6b 08 94 04 ec a7 b6 91 04 3f f7 92 bc 19 ee fb 7d 74 d7 a8 0d 00 1e 7b 4b 3a 4a e6 0f e8 c0 71 fc 73 e7 02 4c 0d bc f4 bd d1 1d 39 6b ba 70 46 4a 13 e9 4a f8 3d f3 e1 09 59 54 7b c9 55 fb 41 2d a3 76 52 11 e1 f3 dc 77 6c aa 53 37 6e ca 3a ec be c3 aa b7 3b 31 d5 6c b6 52 9c 80 98 bc c9 e0 28 18 e2 0b f7 f8 a0 3a fd 17 04 50 9e ce 79 bd 9f 39 f1 ea 69 ec 47 97 2e 83 0f b5 ca 95 de 95 a1 e6 04 22 d5 ee be 52 79 54 a1 e7 bf 8a 86 f6 46 6d 0d 9f 16 95 1a 4c f7 a0 46 92 59 5c 13 52 f2 54 9e 5a fb 4e bf d7 7a 37 95 01 44 e4 c0 26 87 4c 65 3e 40 7d 7d 23 07 44 01 f4 84 ff d0 8f 7a 1f a0 52 10 d1 f4 f0 d5 ce 79 70 29 32 e2 ca be 70 1f df ad 6b 4b b7 11 01 f4 4b ad 66 6a 11 13 0f e2 ee 82 9e 4d 02 9d c9 1c dd 67 16 db b9 06 18 86 ed c1 ba 94 21 02 03 01 00 01 a3 52 30 50 30 0e 06 03 55 1d 0f 01 01 ff 04 04 03 02 05 a0 30 1d 06 03 55 1d 25 04 16 30 14 06 08 2b 06 01 05 05 07 03 02 06 08 2b 06 01 05 05 07 03 01 30 1f 06 03 55 1d 23 04 18 30 16 80 14 89 4f de 5b cc 69 e2 52 cf 3e a3 00 df b1 97 b8 1d e1 c1 46 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 0b 05 00 03 82 01 01 00 59 16 45 a6 9a 2e 37 79 e4 f6 dd 27 1a ba 1c 0b fd 6c d7 55 99 b5 e7 c3 6e 53 3e ff 36 59 08 43 24 c9 e7 a5 04 07 9d 39 e0 d4 29 87 ff e3 eb dd 09 c1 cf 1d 91 44 55 87 0b 57 1d d1 9b df 1d 24 f8 bb 9a 11 fe 80 fd 59 2b a0 39 8c de 11 e2 65 1e 61 8c e5 98 fa 96 e5 37 2e ef 3d 24 8a fd e1 74 63 eb bf ab b8 e4 d1 ab 50 2a 54 ec 00 64 e9 2f 78 19 66 0d 3f 27 cf 20 9e 66 7f ce 5a e2 e4 ac 99 c7 c9 38 18 f8 b2 51 07 22 df ed 97 f3 2e 3e 93 49 d4 c6 6c 9e a6 39 6d 74 44 62 a0 6b 42 c6 d5 ba 68 8e ac 3a 01 7b dd fc 8e 2c fc ad 27 cb 69 d3 cc dc a2 80 41 44 65 d3 ae 34 8c e0 f3 4a b2 fb 9c 61 83 71 31 2b 19 10 41 64 1c 23 7f 11 a5 d6 5c 84 4f 04 04 84 99 38 71 2b 95 9e d6 85 bc 5c 5d d6 45 ed 19 90 94 73 40 29 26 dc b4 0e 34 69 a1 59 41 e8 e2 cc a8 4b b6 08 46 36 a0


The certificate is in ASN.1 DER encoding. The details of this format and the content of this binary payload are documented on another page. The certificate can be converted to the binary data in this message at the command line:
$ openssl x509 -outform der < server.crt | hexdump

0000000 30 82 03 21 30 82 02 09 a0 03 02 01 02 02 08 15
0000010 5a 92 ad c2 04 8f 90 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7
... snip ...
Certificate Extensions 00 00

Certificate Extensions

The server can provide extension data for the certificate.
  • 00 00 - 0x0 (0) bytes of extension data follows
Server Certificate Verify
The server provides information that ties the public key generated during Server Key Exchange Generation to the ownership of the certificate's private key.
Handshake Header 0f 00 01 04

Handshake Header

Each handshake message starts with a type and a length.
  • 0f - handshake message type 0x0f (certificate verify)
  • 00 01 04 - 0x104 (260) bytes of handshake message data follows
Signature 08 04 01 00 17 fe b5 33 ca 6d 00 7d 00 58 25 79 68 42 4b bc 3a a6 90 9e 9d 49 55 75 76 a5 20 e0 4a 5e f0 5f 0e 86 d2 4f f4 3f 8e b8 61 ee f5 95 22 8d 70 32 aa 36 0f 71 4e 66 74 13 92 6e f4 f8 b5 80 3b 69 e3 55 19 e3 b2 3f 43 73 df ac 67 87 06 6d cb 47 56 b5 45 60 e0 88 6e 9b 96 2c 4a d2 8d ab 26 ba d1 ab c2 59 16 b0 9a f2 86 53 7f 68 4f 80 8a ef ee 73 04 6c b7 df 0a 84 fb b5 96 7a ca 13 1f 4b 1c f3 89 79 94 03 a3 0c 02 d2 9c bd ad b7 25 12 db 9c ec 2e 5e 1d 00 e5 0c af cf 6f 21 09 1e bc 4f 25 3c 5e ab 01 a6 79 ba ea be ed b9 c9 61 8f 66 00 6b 82 44 d6 62 2a aa 56 88 7c cf c6 6a 0f 38 51 df a1 3a 78 cf f7 99 1e 03 cb 2c 3a 0e d8 7d 73 67 36 2e b7 80 5b 00 b2 52 4f f2 98 a4 da 48 7c ac de af 8a 23 36 c5 63 1b 3e fa 93 5b b4 11 e7 53 ca 13 b0 15 fe c7 e4 a7 30 f1 36 9f 9e


Because the server is generating ephemeral keys for each session (optional in TLS 1.2, mandatory in TLS 1.3) the session is not inherently tied to the certificate as it was in previous versions of TLS, when the certificate's public/private key were used for key exchange.

To prove that the server owns the server certificate (giving the certificate validity in this TLS session), it signs a hash of the handshake messages using the certificate's private key. The signature can be proven valid by the client by using the certificate's public key.
  • 08 04 - reserved value for RSA-PSS-RSAE-SHA256 signature
  • 01 00 - 0x100 (256) bytes of signature data follows
  • 17 fe b5 ... 36 9f 9e - a signature over this handshake's hash
We can verify the signature ourselves using the server's certificate at the command line:
### build the data that was signed:
### 1. add 64 space characters
$ echo -n '                                ' > /tmp/tosign
$ echo -n '                                ' >> /tmp/tosign
### 2. add this fixed string
$ echo -n 'TLS 1.3, server CertificateVerify' >> /tmp/tosign
### 3. add a single null character
$ echo -en '\0' >> /tmp/tosign
### 4. add hash of handshake to this point
$ handshake_hash=3e66361ada42c7cb97f9a62b00cae1d8b584174c745f9a338cf9f7cdd51d15f8
$ echo $handshake_hash | xxd -r -p >> /tmp/tosign

### copy the signature that we want to verify
$ echo "17 fe b5 33 ca 6d 00 7d 00 58 25 79 68 42 4b bc 3a a6 90
  9e 9d 49 55 75 76 a5 20 e0 4a 5e f0 5f 0e 86 d2 4f f4 3f 8e b8 61
  ee f5 95 22 8d 70 32 aa 36 0f 71 4e 66 74 13 92 6e f4 f8 b5 80 3b
  69 e3 55 19 e3 b2 3f 43 73 df ac 67 87 06 6d cb 47 56 b5 45 60 e0
  88 6e 9b 96 2c 4a d2 8d ab 26 ba d1 ab c2 59 16 b0 9a f2 86 53 7f
  68 4f 80 8a ef ee 73 04 6c b7 df 0a 84 fb b5 96 7a ca 13 1f 4b 1c
  f3 89 79 94 03 a3 0c 02 d2 9c bd ad b7 25 12 db 9c ec 2e 5e 1d 00
  e5 0c af cf 6f 21 09 1e bc 4f 25 3c 5e ab 01 a6 79 ba ea be ed b9
  c9 61 8f 66 00 6b 82 44 d6 62 2a aa 56 88 7c cf c6 6a 0f 38 51 df
  a1 3a 78 cf f7 99 1e 03 cb 2c 3a 0e d8 7d 73 67 36 2e b7 80 5b 00
  b2 52 4f f2 98 a4 da 48 7c ac de af 8a 23 36 c5 63 1b 3e fa 93 5b
  b4 11 e7 53 ca 13 b0 15 fe c7 e4 a7 30 f1 36 9f 9e" | xxd -r -p > /tmp/sig

### extract the public key from the certificate
$ openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in server.crt >

### verify the signature
$ cat /tmp/tosign | openssl dgst -verify -sha256 \
    -sigopt rsa_padding_mode:pss -sigopt rsa_pss_saltlen:-1 -signature /tmp/sig

Verified OK
Server Handshake Finished
To verify that the handshake was successful and not tampered with, the server calculates verification data that client will agree on. The verification data is built from a hash of all handshake messages.
Handshake Header 14 00 00 20

Handshake Header

Each handshake message starts with a type and a length.
  • 10 - handshake message type 0x14 (finished)
  • 00 00 20 - 0x20 (32) bytes of handshake finished data follows
Verify Data ea 6e e1 76 dc cc 4a f1 85 9e 9e 4e 93 f7 97 ea c9 a7 8c e4 39 30 1e 35 27 5a d4 3f 3c dd bd e3

Verify Data

The verify_data is built using the server_handshake_traffic_secret from the "Server Handshake Keys Calc" step and a SHA256 hash of every handshake record from Client Hello to Server Certificate Verify.
finished_key = HKDF-Expand-Label(
    key = server_handshake_traffic_secret,
    label = "finished",
    context = "",
    len = 32)
finished_hash = SHA256(Client Hello ... Server Cert Verify)
verify_data = HMAC-SHA256(
	key = finished_key,
	msg = finished_hash)
We can use the HKDF tool to reproduce this on the command line.
$ sht_secret=a2067265e7f0652a923d5d72ab0467c46132eeb968b6a32d311c805868548814
$ fin_hash=0cd9871cd7a164dce9fbc7f96c0f2978417dfc0c728a3f2096a7de210991a865
$ fin_key=$(./hkdf expandlabel $sht_secret "finished" "" 32)
$ echo $fin_hash | xxd -r -p \
  | openssl dgst -sha256 -mac HMAC -macopt hexkey:$fin_key

Server Application Keys Calc
The server now has the information to calculate the keys used to encrypt application traffic. It uses the following information in this calculation:
  • The handshake secret (from "Server Handshake Key Calc")
  • The SHA256 hash of every handshake message from Client Hello to Server Handshake Finished
We calculate the SHA256 hash of all handshake messages to this point (Client Hello, Server Hello, Encrypted Extensions, Server Certificate, Server Certificate Verify, Server Finished). The hash does not include any of the 5-byte "record" headers of ClientHello and ServerHello. This "handshake_hash" is 22844b930e5e0a59a09d5ac35fc032fc91163b193874a265236e568077378d8b.

We then feed the hash and the handshake secret into a set of key derivation operations, designed to ensure the integrity of the handshake process and to protect against known and possible attacks:
empty_hash = SHA256("")
derived_secret = HKDF-Expand-Label(
    key = handshake_secret,
    label = "derived",
    context = empty_hash,
    len = 32)
master_secret = HKDF-Extract(
client_application_traffic_secret = HKDF-Expand-Label(
    key = master_secret,
    label = "c ap traffic",
    context = handshake_hash,
    len = 32)
server_application_traffic_secret = HKDF-Expand-Label(
    key = master_secret,
    label = "s ap traffic",
    context = handshake_hash,
    len = 32)
client_application_key = HKDF-Expand-Label(
    key = client_application_traffic_secret,
    label = "key",
    context = "",
    len = 16)
server_application_key = HKDF-Expand-Label(
    key = server_application_traffic_secret,
    label = "key",
    context = "",
    len = 16)
client_application_iv = HKDF-Expand-Label(
    key = client_application_traffic_secret,
    label = "iv",
    context = "",
    len = 12)
server_application_iv = HKDF-Expand-Label(
    key = server_application_traffic_secret,
    label = "iv",
    context = "",
    len = 12)
I've created an HKDF tool to perform these operations on the command line.
$ handshake_hash=22844b930e5e0a59a09d5ac35fc032fc91163b193874a265236e568077378d8b
$ handshake_secret=fb9fc80689b3a5d02c33243bf69a1b1b20705588a794304a6e7120155edf149a
$ zero_key=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
$ empty_hash=$(openssl sha256 < /dev/null)
$ derived_secret=$(./hkdf expandlabel $handshake_secret "derived" $empty_hash 32)
$ master_secret=$(./hkdf extract $derived_secret $zero_key)
$ csecret=$(./hkdf expandlabel $master_secret "c ap traffic" $handshake_hash 32)
$ ssecret=$(./hkdf expandlabel $master_secret "s ap traffic" $handshake_hash 32)
$ client_application_key=$(./hkdf expandlabel $csecret "key" "" 16)
$ server_application_key=$(./hkdf expandlabel $ssecret "key" "" 16)
$ client_application_iv=$(./hkdf expandlabel $csecret "iv" "" 12)
$ server_application_iv=$(./hkdf expandlabel $ssecret "iv" "" 12)
$ echo ckey: $client_application_key
$ echo skey: $server_application_key
$ echo civ: $client_application_iv
$ echo siv: $server_application_iv

ckey: 49134b95328f279f0183860589ac6707
skey: 0b6d22c8ff68097ea871c672073773bf
civ: bc4dd5f7b98acff85466261d
siv: 1b13dd9f8d8f17091d34b349
From this we get the following key data:
  • client application key: 49134b95328f279f0183860589ac6707
  • server application key: 0b6d22c8ff68097ea871c672073773bf
  • client application IV: bc4dd5f7b98acff85466261d
  • server application IV: 1b13dd9f8d8f17091d34b349
Client Application Keys Calc
The client now has the information to calculate the keys used to encrypt application traffic. It performs the same calculation shown in "Server Application Keys Calc" and finds the same values:
  • client application key: 49134b95328f279f0183860589ac6707
  • server application key: 0b6d22c8ff68097ea871c672073773bf
  • client application IV: bc4dd5f7b98acff85466261d
  • server application IV: 1b13dd9f8d8f17091d34b349
Client Change Cipher Spec
This record is no longer needed. In "middlebox compatibility mode" this record is sent to help disguise the encrypted handshake as a resumed TLS 1.2 session.
Record Header 14 03 03 00 01 01

Record Header

TLS sessions are broken into the sending and receiving of "records", which are blocks of data with a type, a protocol version, and a length.
  • 14 - type is 0x14 (ChangeCipherSpec record)
  • 03 03 - legacy protocol version of 3.3 (TLS 1.2)
  • 00 01 - the length of the record payload is 0x1 (1) bytes
  • 01 - the payload of this message is defined as the byte 0x01
To reduce issues with middleboxes that block unrecognized TLS protocols, TLS 1.3 records are disguised as TLS 1.2 records.

The wrapped record is discussed in its own section below this one.
Record Header 17 03 03 00 35

Record Header

The TLS 1.3 record is encrypted into a TLS 1.2 record "wrapper" that looks like application data.
  • 17 - type is 0x17 (application data)
  • 03 03 - legacy protocol version of 3.3 (TLS 1.2)
  • 00 35 - 0x35 (53) bytes of wrapped data follows
Encrypted Data 71 55 df f4 74 1b df c0 c4 3a 1d e0 b0 11 33 ac 19 74 ed c8 8e 70 91 c3 ff 1e 26 60 cd 71 92 83 ba 40 f7 c1 0b

Encrypted Data

This data is encrypted with the client handshake key.
Auth Tag 54 35 d4 eb 22 d0 53 6c 80 c9 32 e2 f3 c9 60 83

Auth Tag

This is the AEAD authentication tag that protects the integrity of the encrypted data and the record header.


This data is encrypted using the client handshake key and the client handshake IV that were generated during the "Client Handshake Keys Calc" step. The IV will be modified by XOR'ing it by the count of records that have already been encrypted with this key, which in thise case is 0. The process also takes as input the 5-byte record header that this record begins with, as authenticated data that must match for the decryption to succeed.

Because the openssl command line tool does not yet support AEAD ciphers, I've written command line tools to both decrypt and encrypt this data.
### from the "Client Handshake Keys Calc" step
$ key=7154f314e6be7dc008df2c832baa1d39
$ iv=71abc2cae4c699d47c600268
### from this record
$ recdata=1703030035
$ authtag=5435d4eb22d0536c80c932e2f3c96083
$ recordnum=0
### may need to add -I and -L flags for include and lib dirs
$ cc -o aes_128_gcm_decrypt aes_128_gcm_decrypt.c -lssl -lcrypto
$ echo "71 55 df f4 74 1b df c0 c4 3a 1d e0 b0 11 33 ac 19 74 ed c8 8e 70
  91 c3 ff 1e 26 60 cd 71 92 83 ba 40 f7 c1 0b" | xxd -r -p > /tmp/msg2
$ cat /tmp/msg2 \
  | ./aes_128_gcm_decrypt $iv $recordnum $key $recdata $authtag \
  | hexdump -C

00000000  14 00 00 20 97 60 17 a7  7a e4 7f 16 58 e2 8f 70  |... .`..z...X..p|
00000010  85 fe 37 d1 49 d1 e9 c9  1f 56 e1 ae bb e0 c6 bb  |..7.I....V......|
00000020  05 4b d9 2b 16                                    |.K.+.|
Client Handshake Finished 14 00 00 20 97 60 17 a7 7a e4 7f 16 58 e2 8f 70 85 fe 37 d1 49 d1 e9 c9 1f 56 e1 ae bb e0 c6 bb 05 4b d9 2b

Client Handshake Finished

This handshake message is represented in its own section below.
Record Type 16

Record Type

Each TLS 1.3 record disguised as TLS 1.2 application data has a final non-zero byte which indicates its actual record type.
  • 16 - type is 0x16 (handshake record)
Client Handshake Finished
To verify that the handshake was successful and not tampered with, the client calculates verification data that the server will agree on, and encrypts it with the client handshake key. The verification data is built from a hash of all handshake messages.
Handshake Header 14 00 00 20

Handshake Header

Each handshake message starts with a type and a length.
  • 14 - handshake message type 0x14 (finished)
  • 00 00 20 - 0x20 (32) bytes of handshake finished data follow
Verify Data 97 60 17 a7 7a e4 7f 16 58 e2 8f 70 85 fe 37 d1 49 d1 e9 c9 1f 56 e1 ae bb e0 c6 bb 05 4b d9 2b

Verify Data

The verify_data is built using the client_handshake_traffic_secret from the "Server Handshake Keys Calc" step and a SHA256 hash of every handshake record from Client Hello to Server Finished.
finished_key = HKDF-Expand-Label(
    key = client_handshake_traffic_secret,
    label = "finished",
    context = "",
    len = 32)
finished_hash = SHA256(Client Hello ... Server Finished)
verify_data = HMAC-SHA256(
	key = finished_key,
	msg = finished_hash)
We can use the HKDF tool to reproduce this this on the command line.
$ cht_secret=ff0e5b965291c608c1e8cd267eefc0afcc5e98a2786373f0db47b04786d72aea
$ fin_hash=22844b930e5e0a59a09d5ac35fc032fc91163b193874a265236e568077378d8b
$ fin_key=$(./hkdf expandlabel $cht_secret "finished" "" 32)
$ echo $fin_hash | xxd -r -p \
  | openssl dgst -sha256 -mac HMAC -macopt hexkey:$fin_key

To reduce issues with middleboxes that block unrecognized TLS protocols, TLS 1.3 records are disguised as TLS 1.2 records.

The wrapped record is discussed in its own section below this one.
Record Header 17 03 03 00 15

Record Header

The TLS 1.3 record is encrypted into a TLS 1.2 record "wrapper" that looks like application data.
  • 17 - type is 0x17 (application data)
  • 03 03 - legacy protocol version of 3.3 (TLS 1.2)
  • 00 15 - the length of the record payload is 0x15 (21) bytes
All data following this header is the encrypted form of the actual record.
Encrypted Data c7 40 61 53 5e

Encrypted Data

This data is encrypted with the client application key.

See below for the decrypted data.
Auth Tag b1 2f 5f 25 a7 81 95 78 74 74 2a b7 fb 30 5d d5

Auth Tag

This is the AEAD authentication tag that protects the integrity of the encrypted data and the record header.


This data is encrypted using the client application key and the client application IV that were generated during the "Client Application Keys Calc" step. The IV will be modified by XOR'ing it by the count of records that have already been encrypted with this key, which in thise case is 0. The process also takes as input the 5-byte record header that this record begins with, as authenticated data that must match for the decryption to succeed.

Because the openssl command line tool does not yet support AEAD ciphers, I've written command line tools to both decrypt and encrypt this data.
### from the "Client Application Keys Calc" step
$ key=49134b95328f279f0183860589ac6707
$ iv=bc4dd5f7b98acff85466261d
### from this record
$ recdata=1703030015
$ authtag=b12f5f25a781957874742ab7fb305dd5
$ recordnum=0
### may need to add -I and -L flags for include and lib dirs
$ cc -o aes_128_gcm_decrypt aes_128_gcm_decrypt.c -lssl -lcrypto
$ echo "c7 40 61 53 5e" \
  | xxd -r -p > /tmp/msg3
$ cat /tmp/msg3 \
  | ./aes_128_gcm_decrypt $iv $recordnum $key $recdata $authtag \
  | hexdump -C

00000000  70 69 6e 67 17                                    |ping.|
Client Application Data 70 69 6e 67

Client Application Data

This application data is represented in its own section below.
Record Type 17

Record Type

Each TLS 1.3 record disguised as TLS 1.2 application data has a final byte which indicates its actual record type.
  • 17 - type is 0x17 (application data)
Client Application Data
The client sends the data "ping".
Application Data 70 69 6e 67

Application Data

The bytes "ping".
To reduce issues with middleboxes that block unrecognized TLS protocols, TLS 1.3 records are disguised as TLS 1.2 records.

The wrapped records are discussed in their own sections below this one.
Record Header 17 03 03 01 7d

Record Header

The TLS 1.3 record is encrypted into a TLS 1.2 record "wrapper" that looks like application data.
  • 17 - type is 0x17 (application data)
  • 03 03 - legacy protocol version of 3.3 (TLS 1.2)
  • 01 7d - the length of the record payload is 0x17D (381) bytes
All data following this header is the encrypted form of the actual record.
Encrypted Data c4 d4 b7 1b 6f 4c 2f 30 13 02 74 e7 b4 6e 40 89 68 de 07 98 f3 60 7c 43 60 bd 46 de 37 a7 db 43 46 a1 35 b6 e5 db 37 c4 2f c8 e0 9d da 3d d1 f1 a7 df 4d b2 c4 10 af dd a8 dd 81 7b 8d 89 51 82 48 d2 d9 5e 5e 19 86 4c c5 5e 7f eb e7 0f 15 da f4 a6 4d 0b 30 75 08 79 cc b2 c5 d2 88 be 35 74 5e 5d c6 01 d3 e5 74 f2 17 f1 b2 a6 38 1a d7 b6 e1 b6 c7 18 b2 65 c6 f2 82 a1 92 ac cb 22 5b 33 a7 73 3d 72 6e 92 ea 2b 4f 8b 00 20 e7 c7 4b 73 96 30 7f 6f 5d 5a 2c 1c 61 69 c0 f0 88 b6 bc 02 56 fa d5 bb 27 ee 82 f7 89 b1 65 de 26 5b 4d 4d b8 40 86 ca 62 65 2b 1b 0c 22 b4 e5 8f 98 bb b1 ec 0d 7c 91 bd 20 0c a0 8b f2 f7 9f 86 f4 e5 60 55 8e 57 14 c5 25 23 83 92 e2 23 2b 2c e2 24 17 fc 0d 4d 42 93 5f 54 9b 7b 27 a8 6d f0 3e 53 04 4a 64 dd 74 bc ed c6 e4 29 12 e8 ea 1b c9 35 20 d4 d4 6d 6e 1b f1 f4 39 35 94 18 48 36 44 1a 3a f9 7c 4d 04 84 b5 c7 19 8f 68 19 55 ea ae 55 19 26 ff 4e c8 39 fd d2 b8 48 10 ee ab 83 e0 75 c9 49 6b 45 43 15 fe da 35 b0 1e 46 ee f4 1e f8 66 49 46 22 3f 1b ff b3 b9 ad 58 b5 7f d8 ce 3f 7e e1 16 79 22 2e d3 6d 9e 07 03 18 96 5f 82 1f 43 35 7a ae 5b 95 44 9a 00 5f 88 e0 a2 da

Encrypted Data

This data is encrypted with the server application key.

See below for the decrypted data.
Auth Tag bf e0 c1 f6 88 62 76 43 a0 49 c3 49 2e af 6f 0f

Auth Tag

This is the AEAD authentication tag that protects the integrity of the encrypted data and the record header.


This data is encrypted using the server application key and the server application IV that were generated during the "Server Application Keys Calc" step. The IV will be modified by XOR'ing it by the count of records that have already been encrypted with this key, which in thise case is 0. The process also takes as input the 5-byte record header that this record begins with, as authenticated data that must match for the decryption to succeed.

Because the openssl command line tool does not yet support AEAD ciphers, I've written command line tools to both decrypt and encrypt this data.
### from the "Server Application Keys Calc" step
$ key=0b6d22c8ff68097ea871c672073773bf
$ iv=1b13dd9f8d8f17091d34b349
### from this record
$ recdata=170303017d
$ authtag=bfe0c1f688627643a049c3492eaf6f0f
$ recordnum=0
### may need to add -I and -L flags for include and lib dirs
$ cc -o aes_128_gcm_decrypt aes_128_gcm_decrypt.c -lssl -lcrypto
$ echo "c4 d4 b7 1b 6f 4c 2f 30 13 02 74 e7 b4 6e 40 89 68 de 07 98 f3 60
  ... snip ... 
  9a 00 5f 88 e0 a2 da" | xxd -r -p > /tmp/msg5
$ cat /tmp/msg5 \
  | ./aes_128_gcm_decrypt $iv $recordnum $key $recdata $authtag \
  | hexdump -C

00000000  04 00 00 b2 00 02 a3 00  04 03 02 01 01 00 00 a0
... snip ...
Server New Session Ticket 1 04 00 00 b2 00 02 a3 00 04 03 02 01 01 00 00 a0 01 06 09 11 16 19 21 26 29 31 36 39 41 46 49 51 03 06 09 13 16 19 23 26 29 33 36 39 43 46 49 53 f7 00 29 ec f2 c4 a4 41 fc 30 17 2e 9f 7c a8 af 75 70 f0 1f c7 98 f7 cf 5a 5a 6b 5b fe f1 e7 3a e8 f7 6c d2 a8 a6 92 5b 96 8d de db d3 20 6a cb 69 06 f4 91 85 2e e6 5e 0c 59 f2 9e 9b 79 91 24 7e 4a 32 3d be 4b 80 70 af d0 1d e2 ca 05 35 09 09 05 0f bb c4 ae d7 c4 ed d7 ae 35 c8 73 63 78 64 c9 7a 1f ed 7a 9a 47 44 fd 50 f7 b7 e0 64 a9 02 c1 5c 23 18 3f c4 cf 72 02 59 2d e1 aa 61 72 00 04 5a 5a 00 00

Server New Session Ticket 1

This handshake message is represented in its own section below.
Server New Session Ticket 2 04 00 00 b2 00 02 a3 00 04 03 02 01 01 01 00 a0 01 06 09 11 16 19 21 26 29 31 36 39 41 46 49 51 03 06 09 13 16 19 23 26 29 33 36 39 43 46 49 53 f7 00 29 ec f2 c4 a4 41 fc 30 17 2e 9f 7c a8 af 4f 69 19 7b 80 48 84 c2 df 76 0c f4 be 7b 8b 6d fb 71 73 e9 90 52 ef 4b 50 18 2f c0 74 43 ed 10 a9 f5 07 05 67 05 3a 2a e8 f2 18 17 9c 11 f1 f1 3e c9 d1 85 7f 8e 01 b4 99 ff 24 82 c6 2a f7 4e 1c 86 a9 fc ca d9 84 c9 ab ec 40 de 80 03 a8 16 4f fc a6 8f 92 5f 25 f3 be 18 41 66 17 2b fb ef 66 4b 0a 5d 6f 94 cc ed c7 c2 2f 64 29 a3 18 5f 00 04 5a 5a 00 00

Server New Session Ticket 2

This handshake message is represented in its own section below.
Record Type 16

Record Type

Each TLS 1.3 record disguised as TLS 1.2 application data has a final byte which indicates its actual record type.
  • 16 - type is 0x16 (handshake data)
Server New Session Ticket 1
The server provides a session ticket that the client can use to start a new session later. Successfully resuming a connection in this way will skip most of the computation and network delay in session startup.

Because each session ticket is meant to be single-use, and because the server expects a browser to open multiple connections, it makes a size vs. speed decision to provide the client with two session tickets for each negotiated session. This is the first ticket.
Handshake Header 04 00 00 b2

Handshake Header

Each handshake message starts with a type and a length.
  • 04 - handshake message type 0x04 (new session ticket)
  • 00 00 b2 - 0xB2 (178) bytes of session ticket data follow
Ticket Lifetime 00 02 a3 00

Ticket Lifetime

The ticket lifetime of 0x2A300 (172800) seconds, or 2 days.
Ticket Age Add 04 03 02 01

Ticket Age Add

When sending this ticket back to the server, it must add this number of milliseconds to the timestamp indicating when the ticket was generated. This prevents attackers from correlating the resumed session with the session that generated this ticket.
Ticket Nonce 01 00

Ticket Nonce

A per-ticket value that is unique to each ticket generated during this session.
  • 01 - 0x1 (1) bytes of nonce data follows
  • 00 - nonce value of 0
Session Ticket 00 a0 01 06 09 11 16 19 21 26 29 31 36 39 41 46 49 51 03 06 09 13 16 19 23 26 29 33 36 39 43 46 49 53 f7 00 29 ec f2 c4 a4 41 fc 30 17 2e 9f 7c a8 af 75 70 f0 1f c7 98 f7 cf 5a 5a 6b 5b fe f1 e7 3a e8 f7 6c d2 a8 a6 92 5b 96 8d de db d3 20 6a cb 69 06 f4 91 85 2e e6 5e 0c 59 f2 9e 9b 79 91 24 7e 4a 32 3d be 4b 80 70 af d0 1d e2 ca 05 35 09 09 05 0f bb c4 ae d7 c4 ed d7 ae 35 c8 73 63 78 64 c9 7a 1f ed 7a 9a 47 44 fd 50 f7 b7 e0 64 a9 02 c1 5c 23 18 3f c4 cf 72 02 59 2d e1 aa 61 72

Session Ticket

This is the ticket that can be sent to the server to resume a session. The data inside is probably meaningful to the server, and may contain enough information for the server to safely resume the connection without storing any information on the server (such as in memory). This information is not meaningful or understandable to the client.
  • 00 a0 - 0xA0 (160) bytes of ticket data follows
  • 01 06 ... 61 72 - session ticket
Ticket Extensions 00 04 5a 5a 00 00

Ticket Extensions

The server provides an extension to provide more information about the ticket or to request a behavioral change from the client.

Interestingly this is not an actual extension but is random data created as part of the GREASE scheme to prevent badly written software from rejecting unrecognized values.
  • 00 04 - 0x4 (4) bytes of extension data follows
  • 5a 5a - the randomly generated extension type
  • 00 00 - 0x0 (0) bytes of data are in the first extension
Server New Session Ticket 2
The server provides a session ticket that the client can use to start a new session later. Successfully resuming a connection in this way will skip most of the computation and network delay in session startup.

Because each session ticket is meant to be single-use, and because the server expects a browser to open multiple connections, it makes a size vs. speed decision to provide the client with two session tickets for each negotiated session. This is the second ticket.
Handshake Header 04 00 00 b2

Handshake Header

Each handshake message starts with a type and a length.
  • 04 - handshake message type 0x04 (new session ticket)
  • 00 00 b2 - 0xB2 (178) bytes of session ticket data follow
Ticket Lifetime 00 02 a3 00

Ticket Lifetime

The ticket lifetime of 0x2A300 (172800) seconds, or 2 days.
Ticket Age Add 04 03 02 01

Ticket Age Add

When sending this ticket back to the server, it must add this number of milliseconds to the timestamp indicating when the ticket was generated. This prevents attackers from correlating the resumed session with the session that generated this ticket.
Ticket Nonce 01 01

Ticket Nonce

A per-ticket value that is unique to each ticket generated during this session.
  • 01 - 0x1 (1) bytes of nonce data follows
  • 01 - nonce value of 1
Session Ticket 00 a0 01 06 09 11 16 19 21 26 29 31 36 39 41 46 49 51 03 06 09 13 16 19 23 26 29 33 36 39 43 46 49 53 f7 00 29 ec f2 c4 a4 41 fc 30 17 2e 9f 7c a8 af 4f 69 19 7b 80 48 84 c2 df 76 0c f4 be 7b 8b 6d fb 71 73 e9 90 52 ef 4b 50 18 2f c0 74 43 ed 10 a9 f5 07 05 67 05 3a 2a e8 f2 18 17 9c 11 f1 f1 3e c9 d1 85 7f 8e 01 b4 99 ff 24 82 c6 2a f7 4e 1c 86 a9 fc ca d9 84 c9 ab ec 40 de 80 03 a8 16 4f fc a6 8f 92 5f 25 f3 be 18 41 66 17 2b fb ef 66 4b 0a 5d 6f 94 cc ed c7 c2 2f 64 29 a3 18 5f

Session Ticket

This is the ticket that can be sent to the server to resume a session. The data inside is probably meaningful to the server, and may contain enough information for the server to safely resume the connection without storing any information on the server (such as in memory). This information is not meaningful or understandable to the client.
  • 00 a0 - 0xA0 (160) bytes of ticket data follows
  • 01 06 ... 18 5f - session ticket
Ticket Extensions 00 04 5a 5a 00 00

Ticket Extensions

The server provides an extension to provide more information about the ticket or to request a behavioral change from the client.

Interestingly this is not an actual extension but is random data created as part of the GREASE scheme to prevent badly written software from rejecting unrecognized values.
  • 00 04 - 0x4 (4) bytes of extension data follows
  • 5a 5a - the randomly generated extension type
  • 00 00 - 0x0 (0) bytes of data are in the first extension
To reduce issues with middleboxes that block unrecognized TLS protocols, TLS 1.3 records are disguised as TLS 1.2 records.

The wrapped record is discussed in its own section below this one.
Record Header 17 03 03 00 15

Record Header

The TLS 1.3 record is encrypted into a TLS 1.2 record "wrapper" that looks like application data.
  • 17 - type is 0x17 (application data)
  • 03 03 - legacy protocol version of 3.3 (TLS 1.2)
  • 00 15 - the length of the record payload is 0x15 (21) bytes
All data following this header is the encrypted form of the actual record.
Encrypted Data 37 0e 5f 16 8a

Encrypted Data

This data is encrypted with the server application key.

See below for the decrypted data.
Auth Tag fa 7f b1 6b 66 3e cd fc a3 db b8 19 31 a9 0c a7

Auth Tag

This is the AEAD authentication tag that protects the integrity of the encrypted data and the record header.


This data is encrypted using the server application key and the server application IV that were generated during the "Server Application Keys Calc" step. The IV will be modified by XOR'ing it by the count of records that have already been encrypted with this key, which in thise case is 1. The process also takes as input the 5-byte record header that this record begins with, as authenticated data that must match for the decryption to succeed.

Because the openssl command line tool does not yet support AEAD ciphers, I've written command line tools to both decrypt and encrypt this data.
### from the "Server Application Keys Calc" step
$ key=0b6d22c8ff68097ea871c672073773bf
$ iv=1b13dd9f8d8f17091d34b349
### from this record
$ recdata=1703030015
$ authtag=fa7fb16b663ecdfca3dbb81931a90ca7
$ recordnum=1
### may need to add -I and -L flags for include and lib dirs
$ cc -o aes_128_gcm_decrypt aes_128_gcm_decrypt.c -lssl -lcrypto
$ echo "370e5f168a" | xxd -r -p > /tmp/msg4
$ cat /tmp/msg4 \
  | ./aes_128_gcm_decrypt $iv $recordnum $key $recdata $authtag \
  | hexdump -C

00000000  70 6f 6e 67 17                                    |pong.|
Server Application Data 70 6f 6e 67

Server Application Data

This application data is represented in its own section below.
Record Type 17

Record Type

Each TLS 1.3 record disguised as TLS 1.2 application data has a final byte which indicates its actual record type.
  • 17 - type is 0x17 (application data)
Server Application Data
The server sends the data "pong".
Application Data 70 6f 6e 67

Application Data

The bytes "pong".

The code for this project can be found on GitHub.

You may also be interested in the TLS 1.2 version of this document.

If you found this page useful or interesting let me know via Twitter @XargsNotBombs.
