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    Jul 11
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    Nov 9

    Video showing the mayhem after a Turkish military position/base was destroyed in Hakkari. Turkish soldiers and officers in the video screams, asking if any soldier survived but don’t get any replies. Meanwhile Turkish officials claims there were only wounded in the “accident”.

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    Nov 9

    Hakkari 'nin Irak sınırındaki Şemdinli ilçesine bağlı Derecik Ortaklar köyünde bulunan üs bölgedeki karakolda arızalı mühimmat nedeniyle meydana geldiği açıklanan patlamanın görüntüleri ortaya çıktı.

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    Nov 6

    thread on ISIS who live in Efrin now being reported by local sources they have high official jobs in Efrin giving to them from Turkish backed factions. It's also documented that many arrested IS escaped from Turk baked prisons and made their way to Efrin

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    Nov 6

    Basque pro-independence leader Arnaldo Otegi celebrates Strasbourg court's ruling that presiding magistrate who gave him and four others jail sentences "lacked partiality". A new blow for the credibility of the Spanish judiciary.

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    Nov 6

    The proof of cooperation between Turkey and IS (of course not on official level) has been recorded for years. It got a bit more quiet in the last time but it looks like it still exists.

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    Nov 5

    Turkish Armed Force and/or Free Syrian Army allies partly razed a cemetery, demolished a shrine, and built a military position on top of it. That's what satellite imagery corroborated with social media photos show in 's analysis on .

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  8. Retweeted
    Nov 5

    carried out over 200 separate attacks in 6 countries over the past few weeks. It has over 30000 fighters in and only and as many outside its old "Khalifate" experts like have warned that IS is rebranding and rebuilding, yet news still claim "dawnfall"

  9. Retweeted
    Nov 5

    The security chaos renews and expands within areas of control of the Forces and “ ” Factions under their command through bombings and assassinations

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    Nov 3

    : I made a map showing all claimed attacks and activities, videos, photos etc. from 16th to 31st October 2018. 224 reports in total during those 16 days. Link to the map: 1/4

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    Nov 3

    Schisme dans le monde orthodoxe : le 15 octobre dernier, le patriarcat de Moscou a rompu ses liens avec celui de Constantinople en réaction à sa reconnaissance de l'Eglise ukrainienne. Retrouvez notre page géopolitique dans en kiosque ce week-end.

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    Nov 2

    I would like to add that in the scheme of things, concessions to Turkey do not produce amicable results but rather the expectation of more concessions. Realistically, the only recent breakthroughs in bilateral relations with Turkey have come by force (Russian jet, US sanctions).

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  13. Retweeted
    Nov 1

    ’s demands were basically “joint patrols inside ” and “withdrawal of MMC fighters” from positions around Sajur river. It didn’t happen. That’s why attacks on Kobanî and Til Abyad are likely to continue to put pressure on US. Current patrol route 👇🏼

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  14. Retweeted
    Oct 31

    Over 700,000m2 of construction since June. The size of Xinjiang's re-education camp network has more than doubled in the last year. Read our latest findings analysing 28 separate detention camps at Impossible without , &

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    Oct 31

    Very bad news. docters without borders decided to end their activities in NE Syria, Kobanî, Ain Issa Refugee Camp & Tabqa. They gave no reason for stopping all activities. They come with this message right after Turkey threatens with large scale operation in the area

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  16. Retweeted
    Oct 31

    [1] After an agreement between the & , the old - unelected - KDP administration of tried to enter the area today but their convoy was stopped at a checkpoint by local and PMU units. Details of the agreement are not known yet.

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  17. Retweeted
    Oct 31

    : “We, as the Syrian Democratic Forces, emphasize that we have the right to retaliate against any attack on our lands and, if necessary, we will not refrain from exercising this right.”

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  18. Retweeted
    Oct 30

    Ahrar al-Sharqiyah commander: "President Erdogan: 'We've completed our plans and preparations to destroy the terrorists east of the Euphrates in Syria, and soon we'll undertake broader and more effective operations in that region.' In God's name, God is great."

  19. Oct 28

    Mesopotamian Marshlands are fast disappearing pounded by climate change and dams further upstream.

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    Oct 26

    . unsuspend please. He has broken none of your rules and is being spam reported. Your platform is being manipulated by Trolls.

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    Oct 24

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