Korean Committee for UNICEF launched a campaign in partnership
with BTS and Bit Hit Entertainment to stop all forms of violence against children
and being part of the UNICEF initiative #ENDviolence.

#ENDviolence is a promise of a better future to children and to ensure safety
and protection for our children from all forms of violence.


Children suffer significant violence within their
homes and in schools, places where children should
feel safe, protected and be taken care of.

Corporal punishment that children experience in the context of home and
school can lead to lifelong consequences for their health and development.

If current trends continue, close to 2 million children and
adolescents could be killed by an act of violence by 2030.

Protecting children from violence
“I am scared of my stepfather harassing me again while I am asleep.”

Angela aged 4 who suffer sexual abuse by her stepfather

section03 photo 01 © UNICEF/UN014989/Estey

1 out of 10 adolescent girls report having experienced forced sex.

Protecting young women from sexual violence
“My mother always physically punishes me. If I run away from her,
she will find me and beats me harder. I couldn’t bear it anymore.”

Sophie, a 16-year-old girl, who is subjected to violent discipline at home

section03 photo 02 © UNICEF/UN040850/Bicanski

80% of children below the age of 14 suffer physical punishment in
their homes on a regular basis. Children exposed to corporal
punishment at home have higher potential to experience difficulties
in their life in accordance with lack of social skills and depression.

Protecting children from violence at home
“I want to get along with friends but they just bully me.”

Omar, a 9-year-old boy, who is a Syrian refugee child in Lebanon,
had to drop out of school in 4 days after being bullied and harassed.

section03 photo 03 © UNICEF/UN076693

More than 1 in 3 students experience bullying on a regular basis.
Stress caused by bullying leads students to drop out of school.
Extreme school violence is a growing cause of serious injury and
death among children.

Protecting students from violence at school

*Children’s names have been altered to protect the privacy of individuals.

With a small amount of donation, you can end violence for children.

To end violence against children, UNICEF is calling on all governments to take action, including:

  • Adopt national action
    plans to end violence
    against children.

  • Change behaviours
    of adults and address
    factors that contribute
    to violence against

  • Focus national
    policies on minimizing
    violent behaviour,
    reducing inequalities
    and limiting access
    to firearms and
    other weapons.

  • Build social service
    systems and train
    social workers to
    provide support for
    children who have
    experienced violence.

  • Educate and empower
    children, parents,
    teachers and
    community members
    to recognize and safely
    report violence
    in all its forms.

© UNICEF/UN062238/Sokhin

Ending violence
against children is
everybody’s business.

End violence

단체명 : 사단법인 유니세프한국위원회   (고유번호: 102-82-07606)   주소 : [04099] 서울시 마포구 서강로 60(창전동)   대표자 : 송상현