(cache)Noodles And Beef Leftovers

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It’s fucked up when I get asks about what I get out of this, like there’s gotta be some direct benefit for anyone to do anything.  Sometimes you just have to listen to common sense.

Not Dylan.

I thought about starting the “NoodlesAndBeefLeftovers” from one of my other blogs. The obvious choice to expand the message faster, was one with a bigger following, but I went with my gut and created an independent blog I could turn on or off, for my sanity. 

I have seen lives ruined by internet trolls (via negativity and anxiety inducing death threats). There are some evil motherfuckers out there that will go out of their way and spend time and money to silence anything that exposes their hypocrisy or stupidity. 


One that comes to mind is BeardedActivist. He lost his livelyhood, got kicked out of the house by his dad, got constant death threats, and now he’s begging for money to restart his life… all for calling out racist/ supremacists/ GOP’s bullshit. (No, I’m not Manvinder, or Dylan or his crew, or paid by them either and just to be safe, I have unfollowed him for a while, so nobody goes one by one on his 33.7k followers and figures out who I am. Thanks to BeardedActivist’s experience I’m ok with being a bit paranoid about identity security.

Mob mentality is shit and it’s obvious you don’t have to be on the right side to be on the mob’s side. So nope, my identity is irrelevant to which side I’m on, and my safety and sanity is much more important than any of you or whatever you’re rooting for. 

You can bitch and moan about my opinions as much as you want online, it’s your right, but if I get anything that remotely seems like a believable threat to my well being or I notice ANY stalking behavior, I will definitely report it. The law does NOT protect criminal activity, specifically death threats or aggravated harassment and Tumblr will cooperate with the authorities, just in case you didn’t know. If you’re unsure of what whether your private messages can be qualify as threats, click here. Also, “jk” doesn’t defend you, for more info click here.


Most people that simply disagree, as it’s their right to do, shouldn’t be affected, but I’m not playing around with my safety, hope you can understand. 

If youre supposedly not dylan then explain why he never told jacks mother he was in hospital. Yeah jack could have said not to unless it was serious but id say a coma would be enough. Also why would he not tell her that her son died u til the next day. And then! Not even let her decide what to do with the body. Just goes off and has it cremated two days later. Not even giving her the chance to see her sons body first. Deny the silicone and the abuse all you want. YOU still acted suspicious.

I personally don’t need to explain anything.

 I don’t owe anyone shit.

 If and when I offer my personal opinion, it’s just that. I have good stuff to do on my weekend, other than to reply to dumb-asses without any positive involvement, previous or future. Other than trying to piece together a biased and choppy version of the truth and play bedroom Sherlock to feel smart, what are you adding to the conversation? Not a damn thing.

I couldn’t care less what you believe or what you think about any of it, that’s why I don’t follow your blog. 

Also, I’m not Dylan. Or Chuck, Daniel, and I forget the name of the rest. 


Originally posted by beriouslylex



No, Colorblindness Does Not Solve Racism | OnlyBlackGirl

Full video on Youtube


If you see a hot guy injecting silicone on their balls… but then want to bitch about it when something happens to them…

If you see a mob with torches and pitchforks coming after one guy because everyone else is doing it but don’t say anything…

If you wanna believe media manipulation by people who don’t hate the actual problem but have a hidden agenda to make someone suffer for their own insecurities…


Figured I would reblog this in the light of how many people want to now attack Danny. Let’s see wow out of the group only two of them are not white. I find it amazing how quickly they jumped to this conclusion. Lol I can see that MAGA hats from here. Typically white behavior if it’s not one minority move on to the other the bear and Tumblr “community” is just sad. Stop trying to demonize people of color. It is hilarious Chuck is the professional writer and you skip him to hit Dan. Lol white privilege at it’s finest. SMH

Reblogged from noodlesandbeefleftovers
(photo via: DylanNoodlesandBeef)
Ever notice how EVERY single piece of regurgitated “news” (from media sources and bloggers) just spews out the same rhetoric of non-quantifiable adjectives. “Cult fetish scene”, “abuse”, “kinkster”, or sentimentalist...

(photo via: DylanNoodlesandBeef)

Ever notice how EVERY single piece of regurgitated “news” (from media sources and bloggers) just spews out the same rhetoric of non-quantifiable adjectives. “Cult fetish scene”, “abuse”, “kinkster”, or sentimentalist lines from everyone’s side (”Friends say”, “mother says”, keyword SAYS, otherwise they become legally liable), but never mentions them trying to speak to Dylan?


There’s never a “We tried to reach out to the poly-amorous satanist drug cult and they denied to speak to us”… nope.

It’s almost always an emotionally charged segment with a sour opinion from the panel, which allows plenty of negative body language and other unprofessional behavior that wouldn’t fly during a reputable newscast.

Just look at the difference between a professional team of ABC newscasters and Australia’s “The Project”:


Everyone knows steroid use is illegal, the autopsy would’ve immediately caught on that and tried to go after suppliers, possibly a SWAT raid, etc.

Nothing. Silence.

The only thing we constantly hear is Linda’s 200,000 MONEYS!!! But there’s no actual bank statements or investigations about that. Banks don’t like fraud or robbery. If there was any illegal transactions (of that magnitude) any bank would’ve already reported it. IMMEDIATELY.

Nothing. Silence.

It’s almost like they’re trying to get youtube views, get Tumblr likes and sell papers to impressionable people with limited critical thinking, and they’re obviously doing a great job at it.

I know a lot of Tumblr “critics” get a really twisted pleasure out of any piece of “evidence” they find, even when it’s just a crumb of hope that one day Noodles will end up in jail. What’s their motivation, I honestly couldn’t tell.


Now, I don’t think people who think Dylan is guilty are stupid or evil. But all the hate mail, the racist comments, the death threats… they beg otherwise. I have zero interest in proving anyone wrong, but it’s my right and duty (and yours too, my dear reader) to believe Dylan and any other human being on this planet is innocent until proven guilty. Like it, or not.
