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  1. Pinned Tweet

    This is how Syrians celebrated The Independence of their country from French Mandate Rule,with Independence Flag,not with Fake Baathist Flag

  2. 3 minutes ago

    Rashida Tlaib's family in the West Bank cheer her election to Congress

  3. The FBI & Department of Homeland Security need to be investigating this.

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  4. 11 minutes ago

    : Three Florida races heading for recounts

  5. Turkish Army Reinforcements are arriving to The Turkish-Syrian Border,that is adjacent to Sere Kaniye

  6. Problem with political/militia leaders on all sides publishing Op-Eds: 1-They are neither being questioned nor challenged 2-PR Firms may be writing the piece 3-Warmonger becomes peace lover 4-They already have megaphones 5-They get away with their own spin

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  7. 22 minutes ago

    Churchill's grandson torches Trump for skipping cemetery visit because of rain

  8. Catching up on last night's vote count. The late mail ballot margins put Democrats on track for victory in all of CA39, CA45, and CA10, supposing those margins continue, as expected. Won't be called for a while, but might not even be all that close in some of these races

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  9. 3 hours ago

    . has cancelled his visit to a US war cemetery due to "bad weather" as world leaders mark

  10. French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel unveil commemorative plaque at the spot where the Armistice ending World War One was signed 100 years ago

  11. 1 hour ago

    هل تعلم أن اللواء جمال يونس تم تكريمه في 2012 من قبل مركز الامام المهدي "الشيعي" مكافأة على سجله الدموي وعلى الجرائم والانتهاكات التي ارتكبها في محافظة حماه وادلب. نترك التعليق لكم عن هذا المجرم..

  12. 1 hour ago

    Sinema expands lead in Arizona Senate race

  13. 3 hours ago
  14. 2 hours ago

    Hey, , I’m good with holding a new election in Arizona, if you’re good with holding a new election for President...this time without Russian interference.

  15. أرتقاء الطفل ( محمد جلال الجاسم ) 16 عاماً على الحدود بين سوريا و تركيا ، بعد تعرضهِ للتعذيب على يد حرس الحدود التركي .

  16. | تعرف على القيادات السابقة في الجيش الحر الذين اعتقلهم النظام عقب المصالحة في إعداد: علاء الدين ابازيد

  17. This Video documents the names of the Former FSA Southern Front commanders who the Regime Occupation Intelligence Forces have arrested

  18. 2 hours ago

    Bill Nelson: "Clearly, Rick Scott is trying to stop all the votes from being counted and he’s impeding the democratic process."

  19. 2 hours ago

    Directly from : "We gave the tapes [of being murdered] ... to Saudi Arabia, to the United States, Germans, French and British, all of them. They have listened to all the conversations in them. They know."

  20. 2 hours ago

    This is the one millionth reminder that without recording of death, Saudi authorities would still be insisting Khashoggi left the consulate..

  21. 2 hours ago

    Breaking News, this failure of a president who failed Puerto Rico is failing California.


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