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    The world lost a great man this week. My grandfather, Melvin, was a veteran of the Korean War and the father of 7. He had 23 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. We loved him dearly. May he rest in peace 🇺🇸

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    warplanes have bombarded targets in Bor, Shor and Bchuk valleys beneath mount, , .

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    9 hours ago

    Officer in Iraqi Joint Forces Command says there is a daily increase in ISIS attacks that are not reported to press. At least 20 killed & injured daily. ISIS still has pockets & cells in Baghdad, Ninawa, Anbar, Kirkuk & Salah ad-Din. No unity of command.

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    Nov 9

    Displaced people in northern face difficult conditions with the approach of winter, and the lack of tents and heaters.

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    Nov 9

    Melbourne stabber drove car loaded with gas cylinders: police

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    Nov 9

    Islamic State group claims stabbing: Amaq propaganda agency

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    Nov 8

    Syria government attack kills 22 members of Jaish al-Izza group in northern Hama countryside: - Deadliest clash in the Idlib deal 'de-militarised' zone - Government forces attacked rebel position and withdrew

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    Nov 8
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    Exclusive: SDF is refusing to commence Jazirah Storm/Operation Roundup until Turkey stops its bombardment of SDF at the Syrian-Turkish Border

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    Nov 8

    : First car bomb hits Iraq's Mosul since IS ouster: security forces - via

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    Nov 7

    3. Elite business circles now control 75% of 's entire economy, almost every major industry in is carved up by a member of the business elite while Syrian's struggle to get a $100 a month

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    Nov 8

    . gains access to one of the regime's juvenile prisons, where food shortages, drugs, and physical & psychological abuse are rampant, leaving detainees worse off when they come out than when they went in

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    Nov 8

    A man and three children were injured, due to a car bomb explosion in city in northern this morning. teams worked to extinguish the fire caused by the explosion, and secure the place.

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  16. We have begun selecting our January class of ISW interns! Apply below to join our , , , , and teams as well as other positions that contribute to ISW's mission of supporting the warfighter & informing civilian leaders

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    Nov 8

    Maps showing famine risk and internal displacement in Yemen

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    REWARD OFFER- PKK key leaders. Provide information and payment may be possible. 100% confidentiality guaranteed. Relocation may be possible.

  19. The & other forces were already struggling in the attempt 2 seize 's last pocket of territorial control & needed an operational pause. They don't seem to have redeployed forces northward, so Turkey's threats have not disrupted things as badly as a full attack would

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  20. We've looked at it, and we aren't convinced is really going to attack the / east of the river. He isn't conducting the kind of military preparation we'd expect to see Our Turkey analyst, Elizabeth Teoman, will publish on this soon

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  21. Retweeted
    Nov 7

    According to al-Watan, the Syrian parliament has modified law #10 (which allows the state to confiscate properties for development purposes) to give people one year to prove their ownership. This contradicts Russia's recent claim that the law was scrapped.


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