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Mes publications de 2001 prochainement traduites de l'italien en anglais & français Version italienne dispo à la BU de Lettres & LVE Université-Caen Voyage au cœur d'une
#Italie, Pays à forte émigration touchée à son tour par l'immigration face à une#Europe qui "botte en touche" this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Alexandra Allio De Corato Retweeted
US statement that it will end its refueling of
#Saudi bombers in the#Yemen war is hugely significant. Statement still reaffirms support for the Saudi-led war. But it sends a strong message that the devastating impact on civilians of poorly targeted air strikes is not this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Alexandra Allio De Corato Retweeted
14-18: Trump annule la visite du cimetière américain de Bois Belleau en raison du mauvais temps
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Mattis in March: “New restrictions on this limited U.S. military support could increase civilian casualties, jeopardize cooperation with our partners on counter-terrorism and reduce our influence with the Saudis” … Well said
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C'est l'inversion des valeurs... Que fait la police ?
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Former U.S. intel staffer claims one of the dissident's contacts was bugged with NSO's Pegasus spyware, blasts Israeli tech industry ■ In response, NSO denies selling its products …
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C'est le problème avec les populistes: après les coups de menton faciles, ils se retrouvent obligés de baisser leur pantalon. …
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#BREAKING Turkish president says he shared Khashoggi recordings with Riyadh, Paris and this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Un pas de plus vers l'indicible horreur... L'affaire Khashoggi prend une nouvelle tournure. Non seulement, le corps du journaliste aurait été dissous à l'acide, mais également jeté dans des canalisations.
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The November issue of the CTC Sentinel from West Point features the most in-depth profile to date of Qaseem Soleimani, head of
#Iran's IRGC- Quds Force, authored by@Ali_H_Soufan Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Alexandra Allio De Corato Retweeted
Regardez ça, et comme moi, pleurez en pensant à ce que cette commémoration aurait pu être, à ce que nous sommes en train de gâcher, à vouloir l'utiliser honteusement pour régler des comptes. J'enrage de nous découvrir aussi médiocres, aussi indignes de l'événement. …
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Opec to convene in Abu Dhabi amid worries over surging US crude supplies Data from the US Energy Information Administration showed US supply have swung up to 11.6 million barrels per day last week … via
@TheNationalUAEThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Alexandra Allio De Corato Retweeted
Un rat des villes vs un vil chat
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Clin d'œil à un adage qui évoque une souris... …
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תום וג'רי בשידור ישיר. מתברר כי ג'רי העכבר הקטן הוא הנבון והתחבולן בין שניהם. כמו בסרטים... …
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Quand le chat est là, et bien les souris dansent toujours !
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"But MbS foreign-policy-tinged domestic crackdown muddled international perception of Saudi policies. This dynamic directly benefited Qatar, as criticism of the Saudi leader increasingly overshadowed other regional issues". 4 months old but still gd read.
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#Idlib ceasefire remains fragile, business continues as usual btw#Syria regime &#HTS. Today, the Murak crossing in northern#Hama on Damascus-Aleppo highway officially reopened for civilians. It's located within the demilitarized zone, both sides can financially Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Alexandra Allio De Corato Retweeted
A House Democrat will introduce legislation to punish Saudi Arabia over the Khashoggi murder — by trying to halt an impending nuclear deal. It's nicknamed the “No Nuclear Weapons for Saudi Arabia Act of 2018” …
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Not surprisingly, I got the usual emails and voicemails after this accusing me of being pro-Islamic Republic. If you think the MeK is 1, a plausible alternative to the Islamic Republic and 2, a democratic alternative, you are the one who needs to "do more reading" on Iran, not me …
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Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Liberman pin their hopes on the American sanctions against Iran to destabilize the Tehran regime and force it to renegotiate the nuclear agreement. …
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