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  1. Pinned Tweet
    29 Sep 2017

    280حرف يلعن روحك يا حافظ يلعن روحك يا حافظ يلعن روحك يا حافظ يلعن روحك يا حافظ يلعن روحك يا حافظ يلعن روحك يا حافظ يلعن روحك يا حافظ يلعن روحك يا حافظ يلعن روحك يا حافظ يلعن روحك يا حافظ يلعن روحك يا حافظ يلعن روحك يا حافظ يلعن روحك يا حافظ يلعن روحك يا حافظ

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  2. 55 minutes ago

    "Martyrs ceremony" in for 10 fighters, 8 are and 2 (Khaled Osso&Abdulbaset al-Abdo) are -affiliated , another indication of Syrian Kurdish fighters with PKK

  3. 21 hours ago
  4. Nov 8

    Here the Minister of Petroleum Ali Ghanem said before 2011 produced 10 million m2 of gas per day but and after government recaptured gas fields the number reached 15.5 million m2 and now 16.5 million m2 of gas

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  5. Nov 8

    the head of SPC said that North Gas project started working in April 2018 and now produce around 1 million m2

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  6. Nov 8

    head of Syrian Petrolatum Company Tarrad al-Salem said oil production reached 9.75 m2 of gas&petrol to 5.7k barrel per day,adding that 20 gas wells were drilled between 2013-18 in province added 3.5m2 of gas per day (Arabic link)

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  7. Nov 8

    this is an absurd approach; no one now has a direct influence on "Syrian government" except Russia&Iran,Russia can't un-root Iran from inside the Syrian state now IF it want to,UAE influence in the past on SF groups who reconciled with regime is finished now,UAE has no leverage

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  8. Nov 8

    "Co-invest in Damascus to diversify its base of support and reduce its reliance on Iran, strengthening an independent Syria" how could something like this happen when the regime is under direct Iranian authority? what side inside the regime can guarantee any non-Iranian rule?

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  9. Retweeted
    Nov 6

    Bu teyzemiz Adana'da defalarca kez bıçaklanıp gasp edildi.. İçiniz rahat olsun Türk değil, 65 yaşında bir Suriyeli.. Ve bıçaklayıp gasp edenler de Türk..! Şimdi şöyle yapalım.. Bir an için bu teyzemizin Türk, bıçaklayanların da Suriyeli olduğunu düşünelim..?

  10. Nov 6

    Children are redeemable and can be psychologically treated except when they are taught to steal documents and shit on local activists and lawyers in war-torn country

  11. Nov 6

    Russians are still favoring ex-rebels in Qalamoun despite that regime supporters accuse them of aiding and supporting ISIS attack on

  12. Nov 6

    Russian forces commander in Tadmur() rewarded Mohamad Asaad the leader of Hesen al-Watan(Homeland Shield) militia and Adel al-Dalle(second photo)commander of same militia the militia contains mostly ex-rebels fighters from Qalamoun& province

  13. Retweeted
    Nov 6

    Syrians rally in Berlin to demand the right to know the fate of the Syrian detainees. Photo credits:

  14. Nov 5

    A message to all my American followers: VOTE

  15. Retweeted
    Nov 5

    other accounts said the attack was by People’s Protection Units YPG in Efrin against what they called “mercenaries” in reference to Turkish-backed opposition groups.

  16. Nov 4

    Bohemian Rhapsody movie is AMAZING and Rami Malek deserves an Oscar

  17. Nov 4
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  18. Nov 4

    : police source to : killers panicked when they didn't find his phone and we believe they wanted it to get sensitive information and all Saudi officials asked us to hand over the phone

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  19. Retweeted
    Nov 3

    Cool project exploring the history of Syrian revolution through the initiatives & activities done in each city, suburb, region of Syria "to discover their own words, dreams and hopes but also their suffering, tragedy and most importantly, their reality."

  20. Retweeted
    Nov 3

    شاحنات اغاثة اممية دخلت مخيم الرقبان بعد موافقة نظام الأسد على دخولها بمرافقة الشرطة العسكرية الروسية

  21. Retweeted
    Nov 3

    Assad regime allowed UN trucks carrying aid entered al-Rukban IDP camp with Russian military police


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