
You blocked @canokar

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  1. 1 hour ago

    Seriously, this beautiful woman needs to be put in bubble wrap for at least the next two years.

  2. Retweeted

    I don’t think people fully realize what kind of five-alarm fire this is for a free press here. Abroad, people get it.

  3. 3 hours ago

    President Erdoğan: “We are a Government that plants trees, not one that cuts them down.” To be fair, it was a nice tree.

  4. 4 hours ago

    I've had Turkish trolls for a few years now and after interacting with a Russian troll today, I have to say I've underappreciated my compatriots. The quality of their trollery (still excruciatingly low) far exceeds our buddies from across the Black Sea.

  5. 4 hours ago

    The first sentence has two weird punctuation marks that have no earthly rationale. I wonder why?

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  6. 5 hours ago

    It would seem "Mark" writes in atrocious English to get people's attention, draw them into debate and then get them to read some conspiracy tinfoil hat drivel at UK Column. I can think of better tactics.

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  7. 5 hours ago

    Supporters of Brexit and Trump (unfortunately the rest of us are sitting at the back quietly praying).

  8. 5 hours ago

    The state of this tweet... Anyone have any idea what this person is saying?

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  9. 5 hours ago

    By the way, that deep gulp as he confesses to his newfound discovery that the UK (an island) needs ports, is the way you gulp when you realise your brakes aren't working as you approach an upcoming cliff edge.

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  10. 5 hours ago

    He "hadn't quite understood" until now that the closest port crossing is pretty important for an island. For some reason, I'm reminded of Father Ted explaining to Dougal things that are far and things that are near.

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  11. 5 hours ago

    Dominic Raab says the United Kingdom is a "peculiar geographic economic entity". He means that the United Kingdom is an island. This is frightening stuff with four months to go.

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  12. 7 hours ago

    If there isn't a firm response to liars using technology to compound their lies, innocent people will be destroyed and guilty people will just scream "fake" whenever caught. It will be the end of everything as we know it. This is a bellwether - everyone needs to see it.

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  13. 7 hours ago

    With the Acosta video, a lot of people are treating it as a basic lie. It isn't. It's the vanguard of a new era in which truth becomes obsolete and the best liars (people who you wouldn't want running anything, let alone your country) will always win.

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  14. 7 hours ago

    In a post-truth world, where actual fascists are willing to use technology to change perceived reality, it is ESSENTIAL that there are detailed plans to avert, incredibly powerful laws to deter and a media (including social) that counteracts frauds.

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  15. 7 hours ago

    With the White House now publishing doctored videos in an attempt to smear journalists, we are one step away from a "Deepfake" video/audio being released on the eve of the 2020 elections. The technology is there and these guys are clearly willing to lie and cheat.

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  16. Retweeted
    18 hours ago
  17. 23 hours ago

    Apparently socialism now means it’s OK to just steal from rich people.

  18. Nov 7

    An important point here: Turkey may have had a rocky relationship with Trump so far but its standing in Congress is significantly worse. It will now have to build more bridges with more actors and human rights may be a key issue (it hasn’t really been on Trump’s radar).

  19. Nov 6

    I’ve seen these exit polls before and it’s ended really badly. Time to go to bed and hope beyond hope that when Europe wakes up, the US will have done its job and returned to something resembling reality.

  20. Nov 6

    The Polytechnic of West London graduate telling the Associate Professor at ESSEC to resit GCSEs. Oh. Dear.


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