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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Aug 3

    NEW: “The Urgency of : The Impending Regime Offensive & the Delicate Balancing Act in ’s Northwest” My latest, in-depth look at , for :

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  2. In a follow-up, asks Ken Pollack, “so how do you end the war in ?” While adding that negotiated settlements are possible, Pollack says they don’t work w/o military intervention. He says the US should back to take , to catalyze meaningful talks.

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  3. Ken Pollack tells that the US could probably end ’s conventional military intervention in ... BUT, that won’t end the civil war there. ’s missile threat to is very real, and it’s not going away. Getting to stop bombing isn’t a solution.

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  4. Amb. Feltman tells the U.S. does have the leverage necessary to force & the to halt military operations in . Halting air support, intel cooperation & military spare parts would have a rapid effect, he suggests. “If you’re in a hole, stop digging.”

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  5. Amb. Feltman says previous meetings with Supreme Leader revealed a total misunderstanding of the U.S. However, there was always an assumption that a U.S President would not be so ignorant... “I hope that’s not the case today.” A not so subtle reference to .

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  6. Amb. Feltman tells that “does a very good job at playing amid chaos, in ways that the U.S and Europe can’t do.” In , we have a chance to take one of those opportunities away — U.S hype around in meant their influence their grew, not shrunk.

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  7. . tells that “the idea that we’re going to squeeze economically is a fantasy - they can’t keep ’s in stock, plus Pampers’ diapers and Oreo cookies.” “ is gaming - whether it’s 2 or 6yrs... the danger is is a lame duck.”

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  8. . tells that we’ve seen a strange mix of contradictory rhetoric from the admin - and regional states who were enthusiastic about a more strident U.S in the are now confronted with something unexpected.

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  9. The 1st panel of is now getting underway - ft. Ken Pollack Amb. Jeffrey Feltman & . - Ken Pollack says “kicking out of will take a much bigger U.S commitment than we’ve seen so far,” militarily, economically & diplomatically.

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  10. Amb. Hale says the is also a zone for great power politics - “ is trying to undermine in the region like never before” just as it is elsewhere, he says. He also says there are possible shared interests, including ending the conflict.

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  11. Amb. Hale tells that ’s allies now “face a choice in their relations with ,” amid the most aggressive U.S. sanctions in history - targeted specifically on the regime & its proxies, “not the Iranian people.” Related challenges in , & elsewhere.

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  12. Giving the Keynote Address at ’s annual conference is Ambassador David Hale, of . Hale says the US is taking strong actions in response to ’s murder in , including looking at options in the Act.

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  13. . is kicking off today’s annual conference - looking at issues of importance across the . A livestream is available here:

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  14. Retweeted

    This happened to me with Assad regime in Syria in 2007. Never envisioned a day will come when a US reporter would be banned from White House for asking Qs. Sorry, Jim

  15. "There'll be holy hell to pay" if fires . - , July 2017. There's a tweet for everything.

  16. Retweeted
    20 hours ago

    The Economic toll of the war on the population in government held areas is often overlooked, the current economic climate is unsustainable, 80% of the population live below the poverty line & a small business elite controls most of the economy.

  17. - 80% of live below the poverty line - unemployment now +55%. - regime elite now controls ~75% of 's entire economy. - The SYP has depreciated 90%. - With a slow SAA demobilization underway, discontent is likely to rise. Some great detail in here - read it!

  18. "The [] conflict has taken a heavy socio-economic toll on the population & that's now the catalyst for growing discontent in loyalist ranks." - on the challenge posed by corruption, poverty, destruction & govt incompetence. Read:

  19. Undo
  20. There are more & more indications of a rapprochement w. , possibly paving the way for to follow suit. Yet at the same time, both countries talk incessantly about countering 's threat to the region. Talk about rhetoric-action mis-match. (2008 pic)

  21. Nov 7

    Recent arrests have targeted -ian figures around Shura member Abu al-Fath al-Farghali, whose security office was raided by on October 21. This is a crucially important internal dynamic going forward; hard to see it sustaining w/o a distraction: hostilities.


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