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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Nov 3

    The Middle East’s counter-revolutionary bloc believes victory is well within reach but the job isn’t yet finished. This sense of progress & near-victory fuels the erratic behavior of authoritarian regimes these days across the region. New at :

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  2. 8 hours ago
  3. 9 hours ago

    Stellar work by on an area little covered by media & analysts. Also timely!

  4. 9 hours ago

    This new op-ed by Thomas Friedman argues some points I also made in my recent article (aside from the broader argument here, it’s crucially significant that these timely points are now made loud & clear in different circles in the US.)

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    "The [] conflict has taken a heavy socio-economic toll on the population & that's now the catalyst for growing discontent in loyalist ranks." - on the challenge posed by corruption, poverty, destruction & govt incompetence. Read:

  6. Retweeted

    New UAE-Assad alliance against the Muslim Brothers confirms argument that the sectarian war - Sunni vs Shia - is winding down. Now the fight is "Governments vs Insurgents" - or - "Conservatives vs Radicals."

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    17 hours ago

    Promises to be an outstanding event; wish I could be there. Get to for this if you have the means and the time!

  9. Big if true! Syria introduced a law specifically referring to Wahhabism & the Brotherhood as two ideologies the regime is to fight systematically across state+society sectors: to align with Saudi to curb Wahhabism is ironic, but there’s something bigger👆

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    19 hours ago

    .: The congresswoman of many firsts: • First woman of color sent from her state to Congress. •First refugee to go to Congress. •First hijab wearing member of Congress. •One of the first two Muslim women to go to Congress.

  12. Retweeted
    23 hours ago

    The Arab Winter is Coming: " is seen as a key member of the pack of new leaders remaking the Middle East, and the pack will stand by him" writes :

  13. Nov 6

    Actors beholden to Saudi Arabia & others are putting such words to action here in the US. American authorities need to put an end to this. It’s real, and shouldn’t be tolerated at all.

  14. Retweeted
    Nov 6

    in issued a statement claiming responsibility for killing 15 African Union soldiers in Kukawa, NE , near Lake Chad. It claims its fighters laid control over the town for the night and burned down gov buildings, before withdrawing from the town in the AM.

  15. Retweeted
    Nov 6
    Replying to

    That’s a conspiracy that’s been doing the rounds for at least a year. Take with a massive pinch of salt.

  16. Retweeted
    Nov 5

    A female friend just lost a job for being "difficult." As she narrated what had happened, it struck me: a difficult woman is one who asks for the things I get without having to ask for them.

  17. Nov 6

    Turkey has requested from Jabhat al-Nusra, a group designated by Ankara as a terrorist organization and as part of al-Qaeda, to help fight the Kurds in Tal Abyad, near the Turkish borders, claims .

  18. Retweeted
    Nov 5

    Worth reading w/ plenty of insights. I have different views--esp about stability but lots here.

  19. Retweeted
    Nov 5

    This is a must read. Its very alarming indeed what’s taking place across the Middle East and how certain Gulf states are contributing to global instability.

  20. Nov 6
  21. Retweeted
    Nov 6

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