∞Skunkworks' Journals
No, not my lunch. I don't seem to have any problem keeping food down. But thanks for asking. It was a good lunch, too.

I'm going to put up a small auction on Tuesday night (the 22nd of July), as my payment for my membership at Furbuy went back into the mail today (and it's heading towards the correct address this time). Once they receive that, I should be able to hold one more auction early next month before I get my arm hacked up and stitched back together (which is probably gonna keep me on low activity. I know I won't be permitted to lift more than 10 pounds with that arm, but I don't know what the clutch pull is on my bikes, so I might be homebound for a few weeks).

I'll stop running auctions by early- to mid-August, though I'll probably resume them around October sometime. I'm going to use some of that time between now and then to get my Will squared away (holy shit, there's so much crap you have to do and organize for those things), so that if I do end up biting the dust sometime next year, it'll be very easy for my family to know who's getting what and what things are going where. I figured on donating my clothing, especially my winter gear, to a homeless shelter, and maybe donate my library of books to either a public library or a school or something. I took all the kid videos I had and donated them to a place where families and kids stay while their parents/whomever are recovering in the nearby hospital. They were mighty happy with that. I take pretty good care of my books, videos and such, so that kind of stuff is in good shape, even if it's a decade or two old!

I'm expecting to get the inked outlines back for the pillows sometime next month. I'll be sending the inked outlines, as well as color reference copies, out in the mail so those can finally be printed and finished.

It looks like I will have to redraw a couple chapters and such for the Skunkworks books (unpublished work), since the originals were apparently destroyed a few years back by accident. Penciling them won't be a problem, but I will be asking my friend Adam if he can ink them for me. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to ink those Kickstarter commissions, because I've already ruined several drawings by trying to ink them with shaky hands. I'll get back with you on that when I figure it out.

So hopefully, I can get the Skunkworks book finished and out later this year. Due to my current health situation, all future portfolios, as well as both the "Penance" and "Caterwaul" stories, are on hold until I see how things turn out. If I last long enough for dialysis to give me a few more years, or if they find a matching kidney, then I can complete them. If the dialysis comes too little too late, or there's no match after awhile and things are going downhill fast, I'll likely just publish or post the all-text version of the "Penance" story, which is written exactly as a novel would be. There's not much left to write in that story (longhand version), so a text-version, while not preferable to an all-out drawn version, might be the way to go. A drawn graphic novel of that story would actually take me a few years to complete, which is time I might not have available.

So keep your eyes peeled, and I'll be putting up another small auction Tuesday. I also found a cool Onika picture I don't think I ever posted, so I'll probably post that tomorrow as well.

Stay frosty!
4 years ago    

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I've been pondering writing about this for the past few months, but wanted to wait until additional testing was done and other affairs were in order. As some of you may have noticed, I haven't been posting much lately; in fact, I haven't even been online much lately. I have not drawn anything for months, though not for lack of trying.

As some of you may know, I got a kidney and pancreas transplant in 2007. Despite a strict diet, consistent exercise program, and careful monitoring of weight and medications, the kidney started giving up the ghost back in 2012 (remember when I started having all those problems?), and is failing. The doctors believe it was due to an unknown auto-immune virus hidden in the donor kidney, as only the kidney has been affected.

My current weight is 153 pounds, which is pretty normal. I've started rebuilding muscles lost over the past year (multiple surgeries did not permit me to continue my exercise program), as the doctors plan on grafting an arteriovenous fistula into my left arm at the beginning of August. Once healed (and built up), this will allow IV's to be inserted to allow dialysis, which will probably be starting later this fall/early winter.

At the last check-up, my Creatinine level was 7.66 mg/dL. The acceptable range is 0.67-1.17 mg/dL, so I'm obviously WAY over the line. Blood Urea Nitrogen levels should be between 7-18 mg/dL, but mine was 91 mg/dL. Again, way out of the park. Protein concentration in the urine should be between 0.0-11.9 mg/dL, but mine was 305.4 mg.dL, which means the filters in the kidney aren't doing their job. The doctor said my kidney function is at approximately 8%, much to my surprise, as you'd never know it by looking at me or by asking how I felt. No swelling, no nausea, none of the shit usually associated with reduced renal function. The only problems I've been having are hand tremors (cause currently unknown) and a short supply of energy.

I've submitted information to the transplant center to apply for another transplant. The doctors and I are hoping my excellent clean health record and impeccable monitoring of my diet, weight and other such factors will play a big part in moving me up the line. I'm otherwise in excellent health (remember, I was on the waiting list for the kidney and pancreas for only 3 weeks before I received my first call due to my otherwise excellent health), and am a far cry from most of the patients I see at the doctor's office (sickly, old, or morbidly obese people who pay little mind to what they are putting into their bodies). If I'm lucky, a suitable match will be found and I'll be able to get the defective kidney replaced.

Before anyone says "Hope you get better!", let me just state that this is NOT something you "get better" from. You either get a transplant, or you die. Pretty simply math. The best I can do is try to keep my system as stable for as long as possible, at its current state, pending dialysis or a new transplant.

Since most of this year, and a fat chunk of last year, was spent working or going to the hospital for various invasive surgeries, I haven't done any drawing for quite some time (aside from that little comic I drew a few weeks ago, which was pretty crudely-drawn despite taking a damn week to draw). Because of my hands acting up, any fine motor skills are pretty much impossible with them now. I totally botched the Lori outline picture for the dakimakura, but recently sent off two new, penciled versions of the picture to a fellow artist of mine in Florida who does excellent inking work. I've known him since high school, and have seen him perfectly pull off Jim Lee and Todd MacFarlane's art styles. I included copies of the other B&W dakimakura pictures so he could see how the inks are done. He told me to give him a few weeks and he should have it done (he works a regular job and is doing this as a favor for me).

So until either my health situation improves or my hands quit acting like epileptic Parkinson's patients, I'm afraid I won't have any sort of new artwork to offer. There are two chapters and several other individual pages from the Skunkworks compilation which may have met their demise in the shredder a couple years ago (without me realizing it). I have not been able to locate these pages. I will likely try to redraw them, but may have to have someone else ink them. I might ask my friend Adam to do that if he doesn't mind (and is available).

So that's what's been going on, and why I've been so quiet lately. I've already got my funeral shit taken care of, and my living will is done, but I'm still working on some of the stuff in my Last Will. Just in case, you know. Might as well take the opportunity to get all that shit done now so I don't have to worry about it later.

While sorting through things, I've also set aside some more unpublished art from years gone by, which I'll likely post and/or auction off. Still waiting to refresh my Furbuy account, as the M.O. I sent them went to the wrong address and another one has to be sent out.

So stay cool, enjoy the days and nights, and I'll try to get something up here soon. My friend Brian suggested some art tips to help me with my hands, so I'm gonna try those out to see if they'll do any good. Here's to hoping!
4 years ago    

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I love these. Laughed my ass off at them, mostly because they're pretty spot-on. I hope they make more!

Part 1:

Part 2:
4 years ago    

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...I like to see something like this. Made me laugh my ass off. For those too young to remember (or those who don't listen to this style of music), the original song is called "Rapper's Delight" by the Sugar Hill Gang, circa 1979. This was apparently played on the Tonight Show the other night (I was told about it through Facebook). Ingenious, and hilarious!

4 years ago    

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Starting on February 4, around 7-8pm EST, I am going to start auctioning off any and all anthropomorphic artwork that is still in my possession. These auctions are going to likely run for a few months, as I will be putting up not only my own artwork, but also many originals from other artists. Items will include original artwork and some very rare older stuff that I published/produced back in the late 1990's.

Auctions will take place on Furbuy. I will post information up here when they start.
4 years ago    

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...but since it's not specifically "anthropomorphic", it's on my account at Weasyl. Recent submissions there include the simplified schematics for the three-story apartment complex that the Caterwaul crew lives in (most of them, anyway). The huge business building originally shown in the first Caterwaul stories was the Whitney Executive building, which is where many of the crew members work, sometimes under aliases. The apartment complex, referred to as the "Tennison Complex", is located about three quarters of a mile away from the Whitney building, and is secretly joined to the Whitney building by an underground passageway.

The "ground" between these buildings was built up, concealing the passageway. It can be accessed from the Whitney building by taking the front elevator to the lowest floor, going down the hallway to the maintenance doorway, entering a secret code (aside from crew members, the only two people to know this code are Detectives Frank Stone and Leandra Cassel), going into the maintenance room, accessing a hidden doorway, and then stepping through the doorway onto a concrete platform. The tunnel can be traveled by foot or by the use of a small electric-powered rail car. At the other end of the tunnel, there is another small platform, which connects to a narrow passageway that leads to a hidden door located within one corner of the parking garage area of the Tennison Complex.

I have a sketch of the exterior of the apartment building buried in the box of art I'm sorting through. I started going through the art boxes this weekend, even though I'm still supposed to be "taking it easy" and refraining from lifting anything over ten pounds. So much bullshit, I swear. In any case, as things are progressively unpacked, expect to start seeing dakimakura pictures and folks who got commissions from me via the Kickstarter will be getting contacted once I get my art supplies unpacked and situated.

I have to head out to St. Louis this Wednesday morning for additional lab work and some kind of breathing treatment thing. I've had it before; it's nothing. Hope to be home safe and sound Wednesday night and will resume unpacking my office stuff on Thursday.

Here's a link to the schematics:

5 years ago    

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This was one of those weird random thoughts that pop into my head as I'm drifting off to sleep, What existing song(s) could be used to illustrate some of the characters in the Skunkworks stuff? So after a little thinking (not much, though. As I said, I was finally drifting off to slumber land), I came up with the following list. These songs make me think of the characters they are representing...

Lori: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RAQXg0IdfI

Onyx: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAmChFTLP4w

Natasha: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBpYgpF1bqQ

Valencia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbyAZQ45uww

Desiree (tie): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejau.....eature=related

Penance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcbZUmLlNEo

In the meantime, I'm getting ready to hit the road for another fun hospital stay (surgery tomorrow morning). Yay. Talk to you all in a few.
5 years ago    

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It seems some folks are misunderstanding what's going on here, so I'll explain things in more detail here.

The comic "The End" is simply the last Skunkworks comic. There are other, older ones which were never inked that I may complete at some point, but "The End" is basically the final comic for that particular series. Trust me, you're going to want to read it all the way through.

This does not mean that "Caterwaul" or "Team Player" are not going to get done. They are. In fact, "Caterwaul" will end up being my primary work. The half dozen folios I drew years ago will get finished as time allows, so don't fret about that.

No, I'm not leaving this work. I...don't even know how some folks came up with that conclusion.

Keep in mind what month this is. And be sure to sit back, have a drink, and read the final few pages of the "Skunkworks" comic saga.
6 years ago    

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The numbers, anyway. Just a quick journal here to post the numbers from the recent portfolio vote. Here we go...


Asar portfolio

Penance portfolio


Antics 5 (VXN)


Going Down Under


Skunkworks VII




Team Player

Votes were taken from the Yahoo group, this site and through e-mails. It's possible some folks voted twice (both on FA and the Yahoo group), but there weren't enough of those to overly affect the obvious winner in this case.

So it looks like "Team Player" is the winner! >sigh< Now I'll have to explain to the others why they didn't win. Not too worried about Penance, though. She already has the names of all the folks who didn't vote for her, so expect visits of the unpleasant kind soon, whomever you poor unlucky souls might happen to be.
7 years ago    

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I'm going to try to complete one portfolio this winter. At the end of this journal is a list of the various folios I have already sketched out but have not had the time to ink or color. By casting your vote, I can tally up the numbers and see which is the highest-ranking selection. The winner will be the portfolio that gets completed.

I've decided to complete the entire first story of Caterwaul before submitting it. The story can be broken into 3 chunks or left as one complete book (which is how they were originally written). Doing it this way will also allow me a little extra time to work on a portfolio, but the final say is up to the readers.

Here is a list of portfolios I have sketched out so far, and a brief description of each one:

1) SKUNKWORKS VII - "Shades of Ecstasy"
A 10-page folio of various skunks (all female), showcasing different colors and body types.

2) ONIKA - "More Bounce to the Ounce"
A 10-page portfolio featuring Onika (with a few guest appearances by Koth and/or Shek-ti). Some pictures are solo, and some feature her with a male Asar.

A 12-page folio featuring Valencia as a cheerleader and her antics with the home team. This is sort of a fantasy/flashback folio.

A 10-page portfolio featuring different types of dragons, which are native to Australia in the Skunkworks Universe. Some dragons are humanoid and some are more feral in form.

An 11-page folio featuring male and female Asar in various adult situations. Onika does not appear in this folio, but Koth and Shek-ti do.

6) ANTICS 5 - "VXN"
An 8-page folio featuring a collection of sexy vixens in various...situations.

A 10-page folio of the sexy and seductive succubus. Somewhat dark and horror-themed, but still extremely adult.

A few other folio projects were either canned completely, or set aside for a future completion (the "Perceptions" folio is one such example). So cast your vote, and I'll tally all these things up on December 1st and announce the winner within a day or two.

If you have questions about the folios, ask them here and I'll try to answer them as soon as possible.

Oh, and the title of this journal is from "Ghostbusters", in case you were wondering. I fucking loved that movie.
7 years ago    

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I have to admit, I laughed quite a bit at this video, despite the fact it's completely done on a computer, voices included...


As a motorcyclist who has ridden various bikes (sport, cruiser, standard, super sport) in all kinds of weather (600 miles in mid-20 degrees Fahrenheit temps in one day on a sport bike, the same trip done again in temps of 110 degrees Fahrenheit, long rides on a Ninja ZX6R in torrential downpours on Interstate 95 in Florida, through snow, over roads packed with slush and ice, and through sand drifts), I can appreciate the humor of this video. There is nothing more pathetic than a poser. In fact, they should all be required to wear large patches of the "Forever Alone" guy on the back of their vests just to alert the rest of us.

As the temperatures begin to cool down, you start seeing fewer and fewer "real bikers" (idiots who paid a ridiculous amount of money for a pathetic excuse of a motorcycle). When the weather starts dropping below 40 degrees, these same "tough biker" pussies magically disappear from the roadways, only to re-emerge the next spring, like some kind of chrome-laden butterfly.

I ride 365 days of the year, regardless of the weather, and I know several folks who do the same thing. These motorcyclists don't worry about getting water spots on their new chrome pipes. They don't worry about playing "dress-up" with a bunch of leather fetish gear for the sad purpose of trying to intimidate other folks. They ride their bikes because they like to ride, or (like me), they only own motorcycles.

Anyone who knows me in real life knows I don't hesitate to bash Harleys (as I told one Harley rider who said it wasn't wise to do so: "It's not like anyone on a Harley has a chance in hell of catching me even if they did screw up enough courage to do anything about it"). I've ridden a couple of Harleys before, and to say I was unimpressed would be an understatement. The bikes looked great, no doubt about that. But as far as performance, handling or comfort, they sucked more ass than a German porn star (no offense meant for German readers). The technology of their engines is outdated by about 60 years. The overweight, underpowered chromed vibrators handle about as well as a pregnant three-legged hippo with peg-legs. Oh, did you actually want to see what was behind you in those side mirrors? Better buy some red threadlock to keep that shit from loosening up and swinging around the handlebars first! In fact, you might want to submerge the bike in red threadlock just to keep the damn thing together.

Seriously. Let's look at some of the simple facts. Look at Harley ads. Did you ever notice they never post numbers about engine specs? What's the horsepower rating? Quarter-mile times? What's the lifespan of the engine, when maintained properly?

Instead, the ads talk about how bad-ass you would be if you bought a Harley. It's all about image. Did you really expect to blaze new trails on a 900-pound motorcycle pushed around by a 1600cc engine that cranks out a measly 67 horsepower? Shit, son, the Japanese companies make 250cc bikes that spit out 46 horsepower, and even Triumph makes the Rocket Roadster which has a 3-cylinder 2300cc engine that cranks out 146 bhp and 163 foot pounds of torque OUT OF THE BOX. And don't even mention the mighty ZX14 or Hayabusa. The reason these other companies do this is because they use knowledge gained from races and R&D. Harley, for the most part, just recycles their bike components from one year to the next in an effort to create "new" models.

I'm not entirely saying that Harleys suck (they do look nice parked on the side of the road, after all), but it just seems that the vast majority of the morons who ride them these days are trying to live some Hollywood dream inspired by "Easy Rider" and "Sons of Anarchy". These are the same fools who couldn't turn a wrench to save their lives, take the bike to the shop for something as simple as an oil change, and are lucky to travel more than 75 miles in a single day (most bars and pubs aren't that far apart, you know).

If a person wants to play dress-up and be a fair-weather rider, that's fine by me. But they really shouldn't be surprised when other people look at them and ridicule them. It's not like they'll do anything about it, either, unless you count pressing charges for character defamation.

For those of you who ride bikes, regardless of the manufacturer, regardless of the season, and regardless of the weather, my hat's off to you. For those you are trying to live out some false, fabricated illusion of bad-assery, please do the rest of us real motorcyclists a favor and steer your bike off a steep embankment. You don't have to be on it. Just...leave the motorcycle riding to folks who actually know how to ride.

Oh, and for some more laughs, be sure to check out this site:


Read some of the letters from Harley riders. I swear, this shit is fucking comedy GOLD.

7 years ago    

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Well, not really. Those things are rigged, I just know it.

So I thought I'd make a Q&A journal regarding the Skunkworks/Caterwaul world. Do you have any questions about it? Is there something you'd like to know? Are you curious about the differences between our world and theirs? Questions can be about any topic, from laws to society to money to government to whatever you can think of.

Ask away! I'll do my best to answer these questions as quickly as possible. I've been busy the past few weeks, so you haven't heard much from me for awhile. Be sure to read the posts prior to your own, because it's possible your question may have already been answered!

Remember, their world has a lot of similarities to ours, but they are most certainly not the same. So if you've got "Q", I've got "A"!

Oh, and new art will be posted in a couple days. I'm thinking of dedicating October to Asar artwork (male and female)...
7 years ago    

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So you're having a hard time getting your creativity to work properly? Here's a nifty little challenge for you! The rules are listed below...

1) You must use the last character you drew as the main character in this exercise.

2) Illustrate a short story using nothing more than lyrics from some of your favorite songs (those of you who prefer instrumentals are shit outta luck on this one!).

3) You cannot use the entire song! One or two verses per song can be used. If the song is one of those crazy 2-in-1 deals that Paul McCartney or the Beatles did, you can use segments from the different "mini songs".

4) Include the lyrics with the image! If you're up to it, explain why you used that particular stanza for the image.

5) Include a link to the song in your description! This will allow others to hear it, and possibly find a new genre or musician they like.

6) The collection of lyrics should tell a story with a beginning, middle and end,

7) Don't be afraid to jump music genres. There's nothing wrong with using lyrics from different eras to help tell your story.

The first page of my version of this challenge is posted here:


I will post 2 pages per day during this week. The entire story will wrap up on Saturday night (barring any connectivity issues I may encounter between now and then).

If you decide to participate, be sure to link back to the artist you got the meme from. This will enable others to not only discover new music, but to also discover new artists!

Most of all, have fun with it!
7 years ago    

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First up: the whole "Dead Bitch" story. This was actually a fun experiment, but here's some stuff you probably didn't know...

I wasn't paid for that comic. In fact, I had wanted to draw up a short Penance comic for quite awhile, and it just so happened that dickbitchmolly dickbitchmolly was interested in killing off the Molly character. So after a week or so of toying with the idea, I said I could kill two birds with one stone. Hence, the "Dead Bitch" story.

Buuut...the most enjoyable thing was watching the reaction of various people when they read the comic or heard about the "cost". There was a lot of ranting and raving, and while there are certainly folks who will say that stuff never happened, I had the foresight to get screengrabs of various threads for several image boards. They are, to say the least, highly entertaining.

Not too sure who posts the uploaded images on Lulz, but I know it's a person from the Skunkworks Yahoo! group, since they always post the image with quoted text from the group. Whomever that is, you rock. You have started much drama on Lulz by posting my work, and it's hilarious that the users there seem to think it's me (I don't visit imageboards anymore, and haven't been to such places since the first of January, 2010) but I have a few friends who keep tabs and send me screengrabs).

Needless to say, just like a fish in the lake, they bit the hook, and got trolled. The comic was used to stir up the boards, and it worked. dickbitchmolly dickbitchmolly also made journal entries about leaving the fandom, yada yada yada, which only further stirred up the hornet's nest. It was awesome.

The comic also served the purpose of showing readers that more can be done with anthropomorphic characters than just porn. Science fiction, horror, action, drama, comedy, etcetera, are all possible venues for the creations of this genre, but it seems most folks are only interested in cheesy spank material where the cast members are fucking by page two. Chances are, those who praise the value of such sordid "stories" wouldn't know a good story if it came up and bit them in the ass. But I digress...

I'm sure folks have some questions about the "Penance" character, so this is the place to ask 'em. Got a question? Make a post and I'll answer it.

Also in the news today...Cats n' Cameras has been updated, and I decided to do a special drawing in honor of the 100th strip. You can see it here: http://www.catsncameras.com (and, as always, it's brought to you by cheetahjab cheetahjab, missmab missmab, and skunkworks skunkworks).

I will post one more picture of Penance within the next day or two, and that'll wrap up the focus on her for awhile. Don't worry, it's actually a cute picture. No gore, violence, or anything remotely hostile.

After that, I was going to post a meme and a short "comic" based upon a creativity idea I had several months ago (the comic was drawn at the beginning of the year). Artists are encouraged to participate and try their hand at it as well. Think of it as a means to expand one's creativity!

Been juggling the anthro stuff between regular work for the past few weeks, but I should have the current project finished within a couple days, and then I can finish the scanning and image clean-up of the "Manila" folio for The Jab Archives. Folks have been waiting for it, but it's important that you guys understand I only draw anthro stuff in my spare time. The only 2 anthro projects I have a long term commitment to are the Cats n' Cameras comic and the Caterwaul series. Everything else is done when the time is available (and that includes folios and color work, which is why you haven't seen much of that from me for quite awhile).

Might take a couple photos of the stack of unpublished artwork that I started sorting through recently. I'll have to pull the sorted stuff out from the file cabinets since the pile has gotten smaller since I started reorganizing it.

There was something else I was going to write about, but damned if I can't remember what it was. Oh, old age, why do you torment my memory?
7 years ago    

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Spent a good portion of today going through stacks of artwork, organizing them and putting them in folders and such. I recently got a new desk (much larger than the old one) and had to juggle some stuff around to get everything in a place where I could reach it when necessary (pens, markers, pencils, rulers, templates, paper, etcetera).

Here's a few of the gems I found:

453 sketches of various Asar females and males, including Onika, Koth and Shek-ti.

127 sketches of Penance in various forms, and several head sketches (since it took me awhile to get her look "just right".

212 sketches of various characters from a canceled project.

56 sketches of "By the Tail" characters.

48 sketches of various Skunkworks characters (from the studio).

26 sketches of Caterwaul and Lot Six characters.

(Most of my Skunkworks and Caterwaul artwork has already been filed; these were extras that had missed the initial reorganization).

And there's still a stack of sketches and finished artwork, measuring nearly two feet high, that still has to be sorted. Most of this work was done between the present day and 2006. Work prior to 2006 (which I decided not to keep) was either destroyed or balled up and used as packing material during my move from Florida.

You'll have to pardon my laughter when someone says "I've seen all of Hardiman's work", since they have really only seen about 5% of it (and that's if they've seen every folio, comic, print and whatever sketches I posted online). It seems a lot of folks are under the incorrect assumption that all artists post all of their work online, all the time. Maybe some of 'em do, but I'm not one of those fortunate few.

In other news, "Cats n' Cameras" was updated on Saturday, so go check it out! I'm still playing with Alexia's design; I didn't want to stray too far from V. Kyrie's design of the character (since otherwise, it would be too difficult for readers to recognize her), but I may gradually shift her more towards my design style. I'm not sure what model form V. Kyrie based Alexia off of (seems like it might be a cartoon show or something), but it was a bit difficult to try and draw the character so...toony. As I explained to cheetahjab cheetahjab, drawing portraits and "real life" pictures of people for several years has made me very rusty at drawing simplified "toon" versions of the human form. But, as with anything, I'm sure I'll get the hang of it as I work on it some more.

The "Cats n' Cameras" comic is brought to you by cheetahjab cheetahjab, missmab missmab and skunkworks skunkworks. It can be seen at http://www.catsncameras.com , but you knew that already, didn't you?

Also, if you like gritty crime stories and/or funny animal violence, don't miss out on "Cute Fuzzy Crime" issue 1 from karno karno! Go harass him for a copy! The first issue has a great range of styles and story types, and I thought it was a pretty cool collection of that niche market in the anthropomorphic genre. You may think so as well!

The final page of "Dead Bitch" will be posted later on Sunday, and I'll use the remaining week or so to post up a few remaining Penance pictures, including a joke one (there are several others that won't get posted due to the crude humor or innuendos in them) and even a *gasp* cute one!

Might go with posting some Caterwaul stuff starting in July, or maybe I'll post some more Asar artwork. Some of those pictures I sorted through today were pretty hardcore, many to the point where I wondered, "Jesus Fuck, why did I draw that?!?" Ah, nothing like the bitter pill of flashbacks.

So stay tuned. I can't promise it'll be exciting. But it may very well be interesting!
7 years ago    

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Swiped this from ebonyleopard ebonyleopard since he's constantly swiping stuff from me and ripping me off. Just kidding. Shawntae's way cool, and I miss our old trash-talking sessions on the Yahoo! groups.

So, yeah. I'm going to be on the computer for awhile since I'm still rescanning the artwork for that CD collection (oh man, these new scans are so much better than the first versions). Should be finished with them in the next 2-3 days. So if you've got a question about whatever, ask it here. I'll boldface my answers so they'll be easier to read. And be sure to read previous questions by other users, as they may be asking the same thing you want to ask!

Also, don't feel everything has to be related to the anthropomorphic genre. (That was what I disliked about going to a dinner at a con with a bunch of folks. All they wanted to talk about was furry crap. I just spent 10 hours in the Dealer's Den and you want to keep flapping your jaws about it?!?)

But if you have a question about something anthropomorphic, I'm not going to hunt you down and shoot you.


EDIT: I forgot to boldface everything. So sue me.
7 years ago    

Comments (178)   

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Because I just couldn't help myself...

Where are you staying during the con?

A) Inside my car
B) In a dumpster behind the local 7-Eleven
C) In a room with several people I've never even seen before
D) What do you mean "hotels cost money"?
E) Other (Please specify)
F) In a hotel room I hope

What day are you arriving there?

A) Whenever this weirdo who picked me up decides to drop me off there, I guess
B) I live here! I've been here since the last con!
C) Skateboarding across 8 state lines is harder than I thought
D) I'm going to arrive a week before the con and just hang around out front
E) Other (Please specify)
F) As soon as this piece of shit car gets me there

What day do you plan on leaving?

A) I'm never going to leave. This is my home now
B) The day they disconnect my Wi-Fi
C) Spent all my money so I can't afford the trip back home
D) Thought I'd hang out for a few days and enjoy the rockin' parties and hot babes. This'll be my first con, why do you ask?
E) Other (Please specify)
F) When the convention is over

How long will you be there?

A) Until they pry my cold dead fingers from the free internet connection
B) Until they call the cops on me
C) I'll leave when I see my face on a milk carton
D) Year-round!
E) Other (Please specify)
F) I don't wanna go back to reality-land! That place sucks!

Who will you be with?

A) Just me. By myself. Like always. Sigh...
B) Hopefully with a bunch of hot women!
C) Some greasy dude with a bad rash and hacking cough named "Dragon Nutsicle"
D) A bunch of socially awkward misfits I met while RPing online. They seem legit...
E) My imaginary best friend Twinkle.
F) As many plush animals as I can stuff into my pants

What is your gender?

A) Male
B) Female
C) Not sure
D) Some sexual affiliation I made up to feel better about my ongoing virginity
E) Other (Please specify)
F) Eunich

How old are you?

A) I'm a tween who loves Twilight and sparkledogs and werewolves!
B) I'm a jaded high schooler who carries the weight of the world on his shoulders and no one understands my pain
C) I'm a 20-something perpetual student in college studying to become a video game designer, just like everybody else
D) I'm old enough to know better
E) I'm a crotchety pervert who attends these cons looking for fresh meat
F) Other (Please specify)

How tall are you?

A) Under 4 feet tall
B) Under 5 feet tall
C) Between 5 feet and 6 feet tall
D) Between 6 feet and 7 feet tall
E) I'm a shape-shifting dragon herm taur who is as large as a planet
F) Other (Please specify)

How much do you weigh?

A) About 55 pounds soaking wet
B) I'm about normal for my age and height
C) Small objects orbit me
D) Did you see the floor buckle just now?
E) Jesus, I never thought iron girders would just snap like that
F) Other (Please specify)

What will you be wearing?

A) A mascot costume I stole last night from the local school sports team
B) A Dixie cup. And nothing else
C) Forty pounds of make-up, hair coloring, collars and costume crap I bought at Hot Topic
D) Clothes, I hope.
E) A costume I made out of the old trunk carpeting from my dad's rusted-out 1948 Ford
F) A costume I just spent 6 years worth of income on

Are you an artist?

A) I reference and trace, but all the old masters did that too
B) I am capable of holding large crayons and twirling them spastically on a sheet of paper
C) Yeah, I draw for fun and/or business
D) As long as I have Google Images on hand, a laptop, and Photoshop, then yes, I am an artist
E) I write, but that's sort of the same thing
F) Other (Please specify)

Can I touch you?

A) Please do. No one has ever touched me before
B) Depends. Do you have an aversion to grease?
C) Do that and I'll scream rape
D) Do that and I'll scream for more
E) Only if you've grown tired of life
F) Other (Please specify)

Can I drag my nuts across your chin?

A) How many times am I going to get asked this question at this con?
B) Only if I can reciprocate
C) Only if you don't want them anymore
D) Boy, you don't waste time, do you?
E) What the fuck kind of a question is that?
F) Other (Please specify)

Can I talk to you?

A) Sure thing
B) I thought you said "talk", not "mumble"
C) Are you going to regale me with tales of your magnificent and exciting life?
D) As long as you don't go schizo on me
E) I'm a mute and I'm deaf. Keep it up and I'll stab out my eyes, too
F) I can't talk to people face to face. I only mouth off online, where there's no real threat of getting my teeth knocked down my throat for saying something stupid

Can I take pictures with/of you?

A) No. I'm in the Federal Witness Protection Program
B) By all means, yes. Be sure to Photoshop a giant cock next to my mouth before you post it online, too
C) Clothes on or off?
D) I swear to God I'll make you eat that fucking cell phone if you do
E) Sure. No harm in that, right?
F) Other (Please specify)

Are you nice?

A) I've been told I have issues
B) Not really. I have no real life friends due to my inability to interact with other human beings
C) Sure, I guess. I've never killed anyone. Yet
D) I'm an attention whore. I'll suck your dick if you'll stroke my ego
E) As long as I have my portable pharmacy with me, I am. Otherwise, all bets are off
F) Other (Please specify)

Can I stalk you?

A) If it'll get me the attention I crave, then yes!
B) Sure, as long as you don't have an aversion to a lot of hot lead flying your way
C) Depends. Only if you talk about it on Facebook/Twitter/Deviantart/LiveJournal/etcetera
D) The last person that did that is still missing
E) Define "stalk"
F) Other (Please specify)

Can I buy you lots of drinks?

A) Sure, thanks! You're a swell guy. That's not a roofie, is it?
B) I have spastic bladder issues. Maybe you shouldn't
C) Yes! Say, do you like diapers too?
D) I'm a recovering alcoholic
E) You're a recovering alcoholic
F) Other (Please specify)

Can I hug or snuggle you?

A) Aieeeee! Bad touch! Bad touch!
B) Sure, as long as you don't get creeped out when I call you "Daddy"
C) Just don't stick your tongue in my ear, okay?
D) Howzabout you hug this portable landmine instead?
E) This must be true love
F) Say, aren't you that guy with the greasy skin, bad rash and hacking cough?

May I ask you for a Dance?

A) I got my legs blown off in 'Nam, you dense motherfucker
B) Sure, but I have two left feet and no rhythm. Oh, I love this song!
C) My friends call me "Michael Jackson", but not because of those pending charges
D) Sure, I'm known for tearing up the floor. Literally. I'm 658 pounds of pure fun in a five-foot-tall package
E) Wait, is this noise supposed to be music?
F) Other (Please specify)

Do you like parties?

A) They don't call me "Good Time Charleena" for nothing
B) Wait, is this supposed to be a party?
C) Only the kind I can't remember the next day
D) I'd rather have a nun shit on my chest. Seriously, are there going to be nuns there?
E) No. I'd rather read through insurance brochures with other like-minded people
F) Other (Please specify)

Can I talk about/do drugs in front of you?

A) Only if you share, bro!
B) I'm undercover. And your ass is now busted
C) I'm a recovering drug addict, so what do you think?
D) This ain't Woodstock, pal
E) Only if you plan on snorting that entire bag of cocaine in under 30 seconds
F) Other (Please specify)

If I see you, how should I get your attention?

A) Dousing yourself in kerosene and lighting a match oughta do the trick
B) Scream out my name like you know me, despite the fact we've never met before
C) A knife with a note attached works pretty good
D) Air horn in a can works every time
E) Masturbating in public will definitely get my attention. As well as everyone else's
F) Other (Please specify)
8 years ago    

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Grabbed this from Shawntae so blame him. I'm not going, but what the hell, I'll throw something up into the journal for shits and giggles...


Where are you staying

What day are you getting there?
Not going, man.

How long are you going?
I said I'm not going.

Who will you be with?
I fly solo when I get a hotel room. Not big into the whole group thing.

What is your gender?

How old are you?
A cryptic 38

How tall are you?
5' 7". You wanna know my friggin' zodiac sign too?

What suits will you have?
The only time I wear a suit is if I'm going to a funeral. Otherwise, it's jeans, boots, t-shirts and a leather jacket all the way.

Do you do free art?
Hahahaaaa! Oh, shit. Wait. You were serious? Geez, now I feel bad.

Actually, no, I don't do free art. The last time I drew for free was in 1981, when I was 9 years old.

Can I touch you?
Only if you've grown tired of having limbs attached to your body.

Can I talk to you?
Sure! I like talking to folks. Just, you know, try to talk about something other than furry stuff.

Can I take pictures with you?
Ahh, not really too keen on getting my picture taken, man.

Are you nice?
I reckon so. I'm usually sarcastic, but not rude. I only act like a dick on image boards cuz I loves me some trollin'

Can I stalk you?
Only if you wear a Kevlar vest 24-7

Can I buy you lots of drinks?
I don't drink alcohol. I used to like beer, but had to stop any and all alcohol consumption after the transplants 3 years ago.

Can I hug or snuggle you?
I don't even hug members of my own family, man. But handshakes are cool. Not that stupid gang-signs handshake bullshit. A real handshake.

May I ask you for a Dance?
The last time I danced was when breakdancing first came out in the very early 80's. So...uh...I guess the answer is "no thanks".

Do you like parties?
Going somewhere to watch people become inebriated drunkards who flail around and make asses of themselves is always quite tempting, especially since they'll often have no recollection of it the next morning. But in general, no, I'm not much of a party guy. In fact, if I ever want to "cut loose", I get behind the wheel or the handlebars. That's way more pleasurable than a gathering of intoxicated blowhards.

Can I talk about/do drugs in front of you?
I'm not into drugs or smoking, so I'd prefer you kept that shit away.

If I see you, how should I get your attention?
Just do what any normal person would do. A wave of the hand, a head nod, a little "Hey, what's up?" will work wonders.

Now that that little bit of insanity is out of the way, I thought I'd take a moment to let folks know about a contest currently being held on the Cat's N Cameras website. Click on the link below for more details. Do it, fucker. Now.

From Cheetah's journal:

"Help spread the word!!

It's been a few years since TJA has had a contest of any kind, but this one's one heck of a come back. Being Cats n' Camera's first ever contest, we're proud to present "The Great CnC Drawing Contest" with over $300 in Cash and Prizes there's a lot to be won, and multiple categories you can enter and win! Check it out at http://www.jabarchives.com/cnccontest . This contest is open to everyone and anyone who wishes to enter, it's being judged by an outside group of judges based on preset criteria. Deadline is December 31st 2010 and Midnight. Best of luck to you all!"


Also, due to color setting issues with my monitor, the last CnC comic was amazingly...purple. So it has been adjusted into a warmer shade for your enjoyment.

That is all.
8 years ago    

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Actually, I think these were made in the late 1990's, or maybe 2000. They were made on a 166MHz system with 64MB RAM running Windows 98, so it was quite some time ago.

These were some little tunes I'd put together for an animation project I was working on, which has since been shelved indefinitely. I never got to finish "Lori's Theme", and I wanted to change "Onyx's Theme" quite a bit from what was eventually posted, but oh well. Maybe I'll get around to it someday.


The quality of the MP3 is pretty low, but I had saved them that way since my connection to the Skunked server was sporadic at best, and prone to disconnecting me after 1-2 minutes of upload time. Bear in mind, these were originally uploaded through a 56K modem, which was lucky to get half that connection speed.

Anyway, enjoy! Just thought I'd post something, since it's been quiet, and I've been busy...





8 years ago    

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Since I've gotten several e-mails about the book, as well as having to answer many of the same questions over and over on submissions or even other boards, I thought I'd just save everyone the hassle and just give you a basic run-down of the stuff.

Now, it's a little-known fact that Caterwaul was actually created nearly a year before Skunkworks. Initially, the idea behind the Skunkworks artwork was that the products would essentially be real-world representations of work done by the fictional studio. Skunkworks was really just a sliver of the whole Caterwaul enchilada, but the folios and prints proved so popular that I ran with them, and ended up shelving Caterwaul.

This was primarily due to the fact I had omitted a lot of stuff from the early stories. The original first issue was drawn in 7-8 page increments, and was intended to be run in Antarctic Press' Genus comic. Because I had intended to run it there, I had included the obligatory sex scenes. That's why the original issue one had not only gratuitous nudity, but also a lesbian sex scene near the end of the issue.

Another problem stemming from my omission of information reared it's ugly head around issue five. Because I had neglected to inform readers about their world, society, governments, so on and so forth, issue five seemed to have way too many loose ends. And despite rewriting the book a few times, there was just no way I could answer the inevitable questions. As a result, issue five was never printed and the entire comic was shelved until I could get all my shit together and really blueprint their world properly.

Caterwaul does veer in the direction of science fiction, but mostly due to the fact there are humanoid animal people walking around in a world not quite the same as our own. Here's a little info about the world that Caterwaul (and Skunkworks) live in:

1) There is a high female-to-male ratio in their population. This is due to both a massive war (many years earlier) and a global government-enforced limit of the number of offspring a family could produce. Thankfully, the war ended many generations ago, and there is no longer a limitation on family size.

2) Think "Big Brother Lite". While the cultures around the globe are different, the governments share many similarities. Networking between the various agencies is massive, and there's really nowhere one could go without someone else knowing about it. City-dwellers are frequently being filmed by various cameras throughout the cities, and this sort of monitoring has resulted in lower crime rates and less bullshit when a trial comes up. Can't really argue with video footage of your client robbing someone, can you?

3) Despite the power of the governments, they really do work for the citizens. There have been times when politicians, guilty of things that could damage the country or economy on a massive scale, were not only removed from office, but removed from the ranks of the living. Harsh crimes, especially those that result in the destruction of lives or foundations, are dealt with quickly and permanently. "Death Row" is nothing more than a couple weeks (or less) of waiting for execution.

4) Their world is not a mirror of our own. You won't see ranks of kids glued to video games, because there aren't really any video games to play. At best, such tools are used as training material for various groups and/or sports. Remember, the people of their world rely not only on sight, but also scent and subtle body language to communicate. Walking around with a big gun trying to find your opponent isn't much fun when you can't even smell who you're looking for!

5) They are much more advanced than us...sort of. They have robots, but only in the sense that Detroit uses robots in their factories. You won't see robots walking around and hanging out at a local club or anything. You also won't see "cyborgs", although their medical field has advanced to the point where many things can be fixed. They have space travel, although the only places one can go to are either the few colonies on Mars, or a couple of orbiting space stations. Mining operations occur on other planets/moons, so there are stations located further away from Earth. They just aren't the "Disneyland-ish" sort of places one might find on Mars.

Now here's the run-down of Caterwaul: It is a bounty hunter group, plain and simple. But unlike other bounty hunter groups, this one is not public. Licenses must be obtained to be a bounty hunter, obviously, but most other groups are available to the public. Caterwaul is not.

Caterwaul works alongside the police in many instances, even though the cops don't really like having to rely on outside forces that don't necessarily follow the same regulations they do. Caterwaul has two primary contacts in the local police: Detectives Franklin (Frank) Stone, and Leandra (Lee) Cassel. They've got other connections in other fields as well, but these two are their primary contacts.

The ringleader of Caterwaul is Crystal Vaughn. At one time, she was a spoiled daddy's girl whose parents happened to be extremely well off due to her father's brilliant, revolutionary inventions concerning space travel. Alas, his inventions ended up attracting the attention of various groups who did not approve of such things, and the guy was killed (along with many others) during an outdoor presentation. His sudden and violent death really messed up 13 year old Crystal, who coped with the situation by shutting down, withdrawing into herself, and changing her focus to things such as law and military interests.

Although she is in charge of a few of her father's businesses, much of the work is done by her business partner Lance Walker. He knows about Caterwaul, and makes sure the word is kept out of the public ear.

Caterwaul consists of other members from around the globe, many who were once heading towards the criminal end of the spectrum. Out of all the different characters in the roster, there's only one who isn't guilty of some minor criminal act at one time in their lives. That would be Tiffany Brookes (a red fox), who is the primary pilot for the group.

Tamara Jolsen (tabby cat) is an excellent long-range sniper, who narrowly missed her brush with the law when she cracked several databases, one which happened to belong to Vaughn Industries. Marie Queneau (raccoon) is the youngest member of the team. She also narrowly escaped death when she and her brother were caught red-handed stealing from a fellow who decided to open fire on them. Her brother was severely injured, but she managed to get the both of them to safety. Skilled at the tactics used by burglars, she's handy to have around if something needs to remain on the low-down.

Leila Martins is a wolverine with a bit of an anger management problem. Troubled by a guilt complex over the death of her best friend, she often gets into scraps and tends to drown her problems in alcohol. Like Dinah, she too is a borderline alcoholic. Dinah Auger is a badger from jolly old England. She was orphaned at a very young age, bounced from one orphanage to the next, and finally ran away when she was a young teen. She got involved in street gangs, drinking and fighting. It was pure luck that got her out of her situation and into Caterwaul.

Veronika Vonderschmidt is a German who had lived for many years in Romania when her family had to relocate after a "mishap" which resulted in the death of a high-ranking official (her father was part of a crowd of folks who did the deed). The events of her childhood left her a little cool and emotionally restrained. And D'sanna (can't remember her last name for the life of me now) is a panther who was, at one time, a government assassin. Defying her orders, she eventually was able to escape with the help of Crystal Vaughn.

They refer to one another by code names while in uniform, rather than risk a shitstorm from using their real names. Employing technology usually reserved for the military and other special-interest groups, they are generally one step ahead of the typical bad guy (except for those who may be in a position of power). The group does have numerous safehouses, several vehicles (air, land and sea), and plenty of comrades around the globe, but they are also on the radar screen of several folks who are looking to change the order of things. So they do some serious hunting, but they are also being hunted themselves.

And I think that about wraps up this extremely long journal. If you have any questions about them, their world, or even Skunkworks, drop a line here!
8 years ago    

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Okay, I've been meaning to write something like this for quite awhile, but haven't really had the time. There seems to be some confusion about some of my work, and the characters involved in said work. So hopefully, this little journal will help to explain things.

Firstly, I need to explain the premise behind the Skunkworks studio, and the products they make. The studio itself is an advertising and modeling agency. They produce photos and ads for various companies, whether it's someone selling cars, a new clothing line, a cologne advertisement, or whatever. This is their usual fare.

But the studio also produces its own line of material, namely, the Skunkworks folios (magazines) and such. Now, while their regular material is generally photographic advertising or special graphics, their take on the adult theme is a bit different. Here's an example:

You, the customer, purchase a smut magazine which happens to have a special feature from the Skunkworks studio. What you see in this magazine is artwork of sultry, shapely skunk girls engaging in sexual mischief. This is the studio's product. But here's what goes on behind the scenes, and how the studio arrives at the final product:

A theme or plot is decided upon for a new folio. Models are brought in, and employees set up props, secure locations (if it's to be photographed outside the studio), and ready the equipment (lights, cameras, fans, etcetera). The scene is staged and photographed several different ways; this is repeated for each individual scene.

After the film is processed, prints are compared and the best photo for that scene is chosen. The chosen photos are then passed onto artists, who redraw the photos. Sometimes the scenes are drawn in a cartoon-ish style, other times they may be drawn a little more realistically. The models are often tweaked and exaggerated, making them more shapely or fantastic than they may actually appear in real life. Oftentimes, certain parts are also exaggerated a bit as well.

After the artwork has been completed, the images are produced as a folio, which the studio can either sell directly to the public, or to various adult magazines which publish the studio's work. As such, what a person is looking at is a cartoon drawing of an actual scene, not the actual real-life scene itself.

Now, the reason I'm drawing the characters in a different style now is because I'm returning to the Caterwaul storyline. Skunkworks does appear in the title on several occasions, and since the Caterwaul storyline is meant to be viewed as the "real world" version of the character's lives, it's important that the characters look how they would appear in real life.

TL:DR version: The Skunkworks artwork is meant to be viewed as artistic versions of the characters; ie, not true representations of the people themselves. The Caterwaul series is a representation of the true characters themselves. The Skunkworks material is an over-sexualized version of the characters, whereas the Caterwaul material is meant to be viewed as the real-world characters.

It's also important to point out their world, economy and society is not a mirror of our own. The people there have different rules, they behave differently, and overall, their world probably shouldn't be compared to ours. The website will have detailed information on all of this stuff once it is up (which ought to be this summer).

Any questions? Comments? Hate mail? Drop it here, man, and I'll answer your queries as soon as humanly possible.
8 years ago    

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Since I've gotten a lot of e-mails and such asking about what references and/or media I use for my work, I thought I'd take some time to write it all down. So here we go...

Prismacolor Verithin Colored Pencils (fine lines, hard lead)
Prismacolor Colored Pencils (thicker lead, somewhat soft)
Prang Colored Pencils
General Graphite Drawing Pencils (various types)
General Chalk Pencils
Savoir Faire Gouache (assorted colors)
Miscellaneous erasers
Prismacolor Colored Marker Pens
Prismacolor Premier Fineline Pens (005, 01, 03, 05, 08 sizes)
Prismacolor Premier Pen Asst. (brush, chisel-tip, 005, 01, 05)
Staedtler Pigment Liner (01, 03, 05, 07 sizes)
Assorted technical/drafting pens
Various templates (circles, ovals, ellipses)
Various rulers
Various French Curve sets
Ticonderoga Erasable Carmine Red Pencils
Various watercolors and acrylic paints, as needed

And here are the books I use for learning new techniques or for additional reference:

Art Simplified by Pedro J. Lemos and John T. Lemos (this book was "published" in the early 1900's; it was done in a way that allows pages to be added to the book as necessary. All the men are wearing turn-of-the-century style clothing or bowler hats, the only car shown in the book is a very early 19-teens racing car, etc.)

Colored Pencil Step By Step - Walter Foster Art Series, 2003 (details colored pencil techniques)

The Encyclopedia of Colored Pencil Techniques by Judy Martin, 1992 (details techniques for getting effects with colored pencils)

An Introduction to Art Techniques - The Dorling Kindersley Art School, 1995 (covers numerous techniques for all kinds of traditional media)

How To Sketch by various artists, 1954, 1960 (self-explanatory. A quick how-to book for getting forms down to their basic shapes)

Graphics For Designers by Robert R. Hartmann, 1976, 1978 (covers perspectives, lighting and shading; primarily covers home/product design)

Drawing Realistic Textures in Pencil by J.D. Hillberry, 1999 (the title says it all)

How to Draw Cars Like a Pro by Thom Taylor, 1996 (mostly cartooning stuff, but gives tips on perspective and reflective highlighting techniques)

Cat Musculature: A Photographic Atlas by Gordon M. Greenblatt, 1980 (a photographic reference of the musculature and skeletal system of the domesticated feline-useful for understanding how their claws, tails and spines work)

Landmarks and Surface Markings of the Human Body by L. Bathe Rawling, 1920 (covers veins, tendons, and other surface markings of the body, as well as details the weight of various organs)

Atlas of Human Anatomy for the Artist by Stephen Rogers Peck, 1951/1979 (covers the human form in shapes, plus full detail on skeletal and muscular systems. Also includes details about skin, hair, facial features, differences in body types, races, ages, and expressions)

ABC's of the Human Body - Reader's Digest Hardcover, 1987 (details information about the body, and explains the hows and whys of the body's habits and abilities)

The HarperCollins Illustrated Medical Dictionary - various doctors, 1985 (covers ailments of the body, as well as damage caused by injury. Excellent illustrations of musculature, ligaments, tendons and both skeletal and nervous systems)

There are also numerous books I have on airbrushing, animation, cartooning and comic strip designing, but those listed above can be used in most any art situation. A lot of the books I have not actually read; I use them for reference or insight (for example, to figure out how to layer colors a certain way for an effect). It's often easier to consult the books than to putz around with the drawing supplies trying to figure it out. Several of these books probably cannot even be found nowadays, and their prices range from about 10 bucks to over 60 dollars. Now we know where the term "starving artist" comes from! The supplies and reference materials cost so damn much, you almost go bankrupt trying to learn the skill!

While I do not use photos for reference in either my anthro or mainstream work (unless it is a specific location or subject), I do have several manilla folders full of photos and reference sheets about things such as aircraft, weapons, buildings, people (cultures and costumes), animals (including in-depth information), outer space shots/planets, vehicles, furniture, etcetera. It's always good to have a collection of reference material to fall back on. This way, if someone says "Oh, can you draw a 1937 Cord?" you can say "I sure can" without batting an eye, even if you have no idea what a 1937 Cord looks like. The customer doesn't need to know that!

So there you go. Hope that was informative enough for you...
9 years ago    

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Coming up... (4 years ago)
So... (4 years ago)
Some Sunday night funnies (4 years ago)
I don't watch TV, but when I do... (4 years ago)
Cleaning house... (4 years ago)
Technical stuff posted... (5 years ago)
Theme songs? (5 years ago)
An addendum to "The End" comic... (6 years ago)
It all adds up! (7 years ago)
Choose and Perish! (7 years ago)
Sarcasm detector is in overdrive! (7 years ago)
Ask the Magic 8 Ball! (7 years ago)
A creativity challenge meme (7 years ago)
Numerous topics... (7 years ago)
Oh, the things you find... (7 years ago)
"Ask me anything" (7 years ago)
The ultimate con meme (8 years ago)
Going to MFF Meme and other things (8 years ago)
Some music I made many years ago... (8 years ago)
So what's the story behind this "Caterwaul" thing, man? (8 years ago)
And now, it's time for an explanation! (8 years ago)
Tools of the trade (9 years ago)