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  1. Retweeted
    Nov 4

    Must do on Nov 6: 1-Vote! 2-Come to OTSI's even: Book talk with Dr. Begum Adalet, in discussion with Simten Cosar. AD White at 5 pm!

  2. Retweeted
    Nov 4

    Iowans, for personal reasons I hope you’ll vote Steve King out. I’m tired of being confused with this racist dumbbell.

  3. Retweeted
    Nov 3

    At this point I'm honestly surprised Egyptian police could find 19 human-rights lawyers and activists who weren't already in jail.

  4. Nov 3

    So, the third right wing nut case to engage in political violence in the past three weeks. I wonder why they are all coming out of the woodwork all of a sudden?

  5. Retweeted
    Nov 3

    As a Kurdish Human Rights defender and journalist living in Turkey,I was detained because of my 5 tweets about peace.20 police officer with kalashnikovs on hand broke down my door in Front of my 2 kids.I am still lucky, all my journalist friends are in prison or in exile

  6. Retweeted
    Nov 3

    Apparently it all got lost in translation. Facts matter – “Beyond the Murder of : Repression in Mohammed bin Salman's Saudi Arabia" →

  7. Retweeted
    Nov 2

    The gap between the Trump administration’s “relentless critical messaging on Iran’s human rights abuses and the general silence, lack of criticism of the same problems inside authoritarian Arab ally countries is really notable,” tells .

  8. Nov 2

    I support 's call for justice in the murder of I don't support giving an uncritical soapbox, in light of his own record of rights abuses and attacks on press freedom

  9. Nov 1

    In this moment of emergent fascism, of ecological cataclysm, of white nationalist terrorism, it's disheartening that so many self-identified leftists prefer masturbatory posturing over, you know, winning elections that would actually choose our justices and make our laws.

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  10. Retweeted
    Nov 1

    "[Osman Kavala's] case is meant to be an example to others—his very prominence is demonstration that nobody is safe. Kavala's continued detention is an important piece of this larger attack on civil society,” told :

  11. Nov 1

    Hmm... the names, the "elitist agenda" being "pushed on Americans" Nope, nothing at all dog-whistle anti-Semitic about this. Nothing at all. Move along, folks.

  12. Retweeted
    Oct 31

    On the anniversary of Osman Kavala’s detention on absurd charges, Joint statement from and renewing call for unconditional release

  13. Retweeted
    Oct 31

    Lawyers describe working in "abstract darkness" to defend Osman Kavala, among Turkey's most prominent civil society figures, because prosecutors have yet to file an indictment a full year after he was jailed

  14. Oct 31

    So.... is he imagining a constitutional amendment? Or is this just more fanciful bullshit by the master of the art?

  15. Oct 31

    The Istanbul Prosecutor's Office states that was strangled to death as soon as he entered the consulate and that his body was dismembered

  16. Retweeted
    Oct 28

    UPDATE: Muslim groups surpass $50,000 fundraising goal for victims of Pittsburgh synagogue shooting

  17. Oct 28

    The pathologies of America - racism, nativism, anti-Semitism, inequality - have been there from the start. They have been given new licence to open expression.

  18. Retweeted
    Oct 27

    The Dept of Homeland Security's $10m grant program to counter violent extremist ideology was narrowed in 2017 to focus solely on Islamist extremism, not right-wing terrorist groups, which have killed far more people in the US

  19. Retweeted
    Oct 27

    The number of anti-Semitic incidents in the U.S. rose nearly 60 percent in 2017 - the largest single-year increase on record and the second highest number reported since started tracking such data in the 1970s.

  20. Retweeted
    Oct 27

    'No light at the end of the tunnel' - Andrew Gardner, Amnesty International || Ahval


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