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  1. Pinned Tweet
    16 Feb 2016

    Diasporas I focus on in particular are communities from Ukraine, ex-Yugoslavia, Turkey, Maghreb, Levant and Vietnam

  2. 21 minutes ago

    Das Seehofer 3 Monat dazu gebraucht hat zu diese Erkenntnis zu kommen ist ein Skandal an sich

  3. 28 minutes ago

    Crazy stuff. In a speech held to the heads of intelligence services in other EU states no less: 'Abschiedsrede im Wortlaut: Das Maaßen-Manuskript' via

  4. Retweeted
    39 minutes ago

    Does it ever occur that the Taoiseach has his own electorate to communicate to, in another country in fact?

  5. 39 minutes ago

    Or is it more that London is shafting itself? If you say something in a telephone conversation with a partner where trust is fragile expect what you say to end up in their readout

  6. 42 minutes ago

    Where the UK government in leaking a self-declared deadline risks entirely unnecessary market turmoil.

  7. Retweeted
    47 minutes ago

    No. A UK wide SM for goods was impossible. A UK wide customs union was always possible, just insufficient to replace the backstop.

  8. 47 minutes ago

    When proportional representation results get read through a binary prism. 21% for an EP election which is not unusual for RN. Macron managed to win a second round election in 2017 with only two options on the ballot. Comparing one with the other is apples and oranges territory

  9. Retweeted
    54 minutes ago

    Meanwhile at the U.S. border with Mexico. 😎

  10. 53 minutes ago
  11. Retweeted
    1 hour ago

    STATEMENT: Following phone conversation this morning between and Irish PM

  12. Retweeted
    1 hour ago

    This. Pacta sunt servanda, and the more you proclaim you won’t stick by a previous deal, the more the next deal will cost you.

  13. Retweeted

    "On Saturday, there was signed a historic agreement between the State of Ukraine and the Ecumenical Patriarchate, which does guarantee the creation of the Unified (One) Local Orthodox Ukrainian Church and further giving it the Tomos of Autocephaly," declared

  14. 2 hours ago

    If the UK wanted to avoid a backstop it shouldn't have signed on to one in December 2017

  15. Retweeted

    "...and what the UK government has signed up to is a legally operative backstop that will apply unless and until we have a new agreement to supersede it...

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  16. Retweeted

    "...but you know one thing we can't countenance is any idea that there'd be a three-month limit on the backstop. You know a backstop with a three-month limit on it or an expiry date of that nature isn't worth the paper it's written on...

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  17. Retweeted
    2 hours ago

    What this article doesn't mention is that the judge claiming that there is no threat to judicial independence in Poland was appointed as a court president last year by the minister of justice and is a known ally of the deputy minister of justice (1/2)

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  18. Retweeted
    2 hours ago

    Un imputato condannato pochi giorni fa nel maxi-processo di 'Ndrangheta 'Aemilia', Francesco Amato, da allora irreperibile, si è asserragliato dentro l'ufficio postale di Pieve Modolena,...

  19. 2 hours ago

    A mechanism that ends the backstop means that what is agreed is not a backstop. If the UK wants something the EU will not give then No Deal is inevitable

  20. Retweeted
    3 hours ago

    And of course while everyone talks of the infighting in PSD and Dragnea's corruption case, ALDE leader Tariceanu comes and starts talking of projects with Bulgaria and Serbia around the Danube...

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  21. 3 hours ago

    Very interesting piece by Stefan Braun that puts claims about Schäuble being a kind of CDU boss of bosses in context: 'Wolfgang Schäuble - der Pate, der keiner sein will'


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