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    Welcome back sur mon blog de Bagdad à Jérusalem, l'Orient indiscret (après une longue absence, c'est vrai...) >>

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    No surprise: " has responded to the Trump administration’s call for the end of hostilities in Yemen by ratcheting up the war." MbS is loathe to back down on his biggest foreign policy initiative.

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    18 hours ago
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    7 hours ago

    ’s willingness to insert itself as a stakeholder in southern is inextricably linked to its desire to join the inter-state competition for access to the

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    With New U.S. Anti-Iran Policy In Iraq And Syria, The Fig Leaf Of Fighting ISIS Falls - by

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    8 hours ago

    The man behind the blooming Israeli diplomacy with the Gulf Arab states is Yossi Cohen, head of Israel’s Mossad

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    "l'Iran contournera avec fierté les sanctions américaines", indique Hassan Rohani, 1h30 après leur entrée en vigueur sur Téhéran.

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    15 hours ago
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    Iran and America: Why All the Enmity? -- sobering & wise by who was a hostage in Iran 40 years ago & former deputy ass sec or state for Iranian affairs. via

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    has delivered the biggest shock to the House of in decades by his epic mishandling of of the murder of . Even if he survives the aftermath, he has been severely wounded, and will never be able to deliver on or .

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    Important clarification of the YPG and Kurdish position in north Syria becoming part of a future Syrian Army and state.

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    U.S consulting firms are racking up $Millions training Govt. track dissidents, and training Saudi navy on effective techniques of blockades as it runs a blockade in the war in , which has created the worst humanitarian disaster in the world.

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    At least seven Russian military personnel die as a result of an explosion at the headquarters of the Russian troops near Deir ez-Zor in eastern Syria.

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    "Allah will help Erdogan to emerge victorious as long as true Muslims are standing by him" - Qaradawi

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    ’s ruler elevated younger royals and prominent business executives to top leadership positions on Sunday, in the biggest shake-up since the gas exporter retooled its economy and political alliances to resist a -led boycott imposed last year.

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    The Turkish Intelligence Agency has moved 700 Syrian Fighters from Afrin towards the Turkish-Syrian border with SDF,east of the Euphrates River

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    Reminds me of the "Kurdish Intifada" of 2004, which started at a football game in Qamishli, when Kurds chanted "long live Bush." Arabs chanted back, "long live Saddam Hussein." America has walked into a hornets' nest of competing nationalisms.

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    23 hours ago

    .Témoignage: "Lever le voile sur la situat° des femmes en . Il y a toute une fausse propagande sur le fait qu'elles ont de plus en plus de droits: c'est 1 mensonge, leur vie n'a pas du tt changé", raconte Frieda saoudienne via

  21. Retweeted
    Nov 4

    🇶🇦 Emir reshuffles his government - Profiles of the (5) new ministers


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