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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Oct 26

    Thread - I've been digging through the bombers tweets, seeing what info can be gleaned from them, they really tell a story:

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  2. Retweeted
    2 hours ago

    Big news - French have issued an arrest warrant against Ali Mamlouk, Head of 's National Security Bureau, key figure in regime, for crimes against humanity related to torture in detention. Victims in the case are French-Syrian dual nationals.

  3. Retweeted
    2 hours ago

    A 23-y.o. Russian police investigator was group-raped by her much older male colleagues. The tone of state media coverage is one of subdued slut-shaming. But not to worry, the rapists "will be punished accordingly, up to firing them from the police force"

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    EXPLOSIVE: Saudi Arabia dispatched a team of chemical specialists to Turkey nine days after murdering him, they stayed for a week in what Turkish authorities suspect was a "wiping" operation

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    As a reminder, even though Trump blames this criminal's actions on Democratic policies, he was released from prison by Joe Arpaio -- whom Trump pardoned! -- and then re-entered the USA during the Bush administration. But again, hey, the Klan loves it!

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  7. Retweeted

    The reviews are in, and the race-baiting ad full of outright lies is a hit with its intended audience!

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    6 hours ago

    BAHAHAHA I just read about it, it's an honorary PhD in "History" from an un-accredited private Ukrainian university, the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, known for promoting antisemitism in eastern europe. It's extremely on-brand: both fraudulent and anti-semitic.

  9. Retweeted
    8 hours ago
    Replying to

    Wait? Grand Wizard DD is a Dr!!??? In what? Eugenics??

  10. Retweeted
    9 hours ago

    this Trump midterm message proudly endorsed by *david duke*

  11. Retweeted

    The image Trump has presented of what US troops will be doing along the southern border bears almost no resemblance to what military leaders say the troops will be doing.

  12. Retweeted
    4 hours ago

    In London for event! Excited to meet my students in class today. For those that cannot make it to class, here's a very easy photo for you. 1 where was this taken? 2 based on shadows, what time was it? 3 what room are the clocks in?

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    14 hours ago
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    (it should be noted Jacob Wohl's admission to having had illegal possession of confidential Federal tax documents implicates him into serious racketeering/RICO charges & his father's assets would likely be seized as well due to his involvement in the scheme)

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    I wonder if I should sue Jacob Wohl for stealing personal financial documents.

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  18. Retweeted
    15 hours ago

    Trump said he had Pence call up the leaders of Latin American countries where caravans have formed, and that Pence said, "We pay you hundreds of millions of dollars a year, which is probably just stolen." I doubt Pence said the last part if he said anything.

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  19. Retweeted
    15 hours ago

    Right now the hashtag is inundated with this tweet and the accompanying video. Between one and two handfuls a minute, it seems.

  20. Retweeted
    Nov 4

    Myself and my colleagues at have spent over a year investigating Arron Banks, and want to keep going. Please consider supporting our crowdfunder to help us

  21. The nutters are going to be livid.

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