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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Sep 18

    My new book, American Prison, is out today! It deals with my time undercover as a guard in a corporate-run prison in Louisiana and the history of for-profit incarceration from the American Revolution to the present. Check it out:

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  2. It’s funny that we still use polls before elections like it ain’t no thing.

  3. Signs of the birth of a new anti-US insurgence in Syria.

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  5. Fathers and Sons by is the best documentary I’ve seen in a long time. Derki posed as a jihadist and spent 2 1/2 years filming an al-Nusra family in Syria. The intimate portrayal of raising Al Qaeda children is incredible and heartbreaking.

  6. For eight years of Obama people treated militias like some kind of grown-up Boy Scouts. That’s eight years of paramilitary training.

  7. Retweeted
    Nov 3

    The revenue from Prop C would add $300 mil a year to SF’s homeless budget, doubling it. It would fund shelters, addiction treatment, health services, and homeless prevention programs. It was proposed by a local homelessness nonprofit that’s been working on policy for 31 years

  8. Retweeted
    Nov 2

    This is outrageous. We've seen absolutely no proof that Roy Moore, Paul Manafort or Rob Porter are in the caravan.

  9. Nov 2

    I still don’t know who Jacob Wohl is and this makes me feel like I’m working hard and v focused.

  10. Nov 2

    Twitter, where authoritarians come to pat each other on the back.

  11. Nov 2
  12. Nov 2

    Code for: “Don’t trip Israel. Go ahead and shoot as many Palestinian protesters as you want.”

  13. Retweeted
    Oct 31

    Turkey suspects Jamal Khashoggi’s dismembered body may have been dissolved in acid. Biological evidence in the consulate garden supports this theory, a Turkish official tells

  14. Retweeted
    Nov 1

    Steve King blows up at questioner who pressed him on the Pittsburgh massacre

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  15. Nov 1

    US support of Saudi Arabia is a direct cause of mass starvation in Yemen. US support of Saudi Arabia is a direct cause of mass starvation in Yemen. US support of Saudi Arabia is a direct cause of mass starvation in Yemen.

  16. Nov 1
  17. Retweeted
    Nov 1

    The Syrian Democratic Forces and the US Army will start joint patrols between Kobane and Turkey from tomorrow on according to

  18. Oct 31
  19. Oct 31

    Syrians have finally come together on one thing: hating Lana Dunham.

  20. Oct 31
  21. Oct 31

    Who would’ve thought the 2018 form of white supremacy would be so idiotic.


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