I actually tried figuring out what lead to the kid's way of thinking & somewhere along the line they mention sexual abuse in the past, and what was the respond to that? THIS FUCKING SHIT! If the abuse from the past ends up being true then it's no wonder the account's now locked.pic.twitter.com/IebbYyCd9J
I'm getting rumors that @noyouretrash is banned from @FurFest after hours of unrelenting dogpiling towards the kid, hope your justice boners was worth it! I really want to quit, after 9 years of fixing this broken reputation I would've expected better from you all.
To be honest the ONLY reason I even tried to explain to
@noyouretrash that you assholes aren't pedos is because I've been around the ADBL & babyfur circle for 9 years & find out that it isn't another NAMBLA. I literally would've reported all of you if it wasn't the case.Show this thread -
But now here ya are, satisfied at being some unruly mob & then announcing publicly that you've wiped your hands clean before we figure out why this kid said what he said. Doesn't matter right? Just guard yourself over NOT a reactionary, NOT a Nazi, NOT a pedo, just a lanky rando.
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And this is what bothers me the most; you guys at best just retweet little platitudes over serious issues in this country like the trans endangerment but all of a fucking sudden your priority is to put ALL of your energy dogpiling a fucking 20 year old on the internet! FUCK you!
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May I ask where you're getting this information from? PM me if necessary.
Like I said I'm getting rumors about it, two babyfur-related telegram groups are saying this. I personally wouldn't be surprised if it's true at this point.
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