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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Apr 29

    Mes publications de 2001 prochainement traduites de l'italien en anglais & français Version italienne dispo à la BU de Lettres & LVE Université-Caen Voyage au cœur d'une , Pays à forte émigration touchée à son tour par l'immigration face à une qui "botte en touche"

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  2. 🇶🇦 Emir reshuffles his government - Profiles of the (5) new ministers

  3. 27 minutes ago

    .Témoignage: "Lever le voile sur la situat° des femmes en . Il y a toute une fausse propagande sur le fait qu'elles ont de plus en plus de droits: c'est 1 mensonge, leur vie n'a pas du tt changé", raconte Frieda saoudienne via

  4. 56 minutes ago

    "Almost in unison, Jared Kushner, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, and bin Salman's paid mouthpieces in Washington are deploying the same argument: that unseating bin Salman would destabilise the Kingdom as a whole."

  5. Certainement un pied de nez à Donald Trump et aux nouvelles sanctions qu'il veut imposer lundi à l'Iran. ne lâche pas et lance la production en série du , un avion de combat "100 % Made in Iran" destiné à son armée de l'air.

  6. Analysis Egyptian Pressure and Qatari Aid Bring Israel and Hamas Closer to a Gaza Deal

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  8. ’s Empty Oil Threats ’s murder has elicited that rarest of reactions in contemporary U.S. politics: bipartisan consensus. via

  9. The peaceful formation of a new Gov has raised hopes that the outstanding issues betw Baghdad & Erbil might be resolved but obstacles stand in the way of it actually happening despite amicable relations among the countries leaders  

  10. The most significant period in Arab state cooperation with Israel since the 1990s peace process is now taking place without one. A compulsory read by

  11. One of the most in depth pieces to come out of in a long time How the War in Yemen Became a Bloody Stalemate — and the Worst Humanitarian Crisis in the World

  12. Israel had been working mainly behind the scenes and refrained from speaking publicly on the Khashoggi affair. Netanyahu's statements show Israel still has the back of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman — its secret ally over the last few years.

  13. "[Yemen] needs the United States to help forge consensus on promoting a new national dialogue, allowing access to food and medicine and reconstituting the economy." J. Alterman on why it will take U.S. leadership to alleviate Yemen's suffering.

  14. Nov 2

    In the rapidly shifting geopolitical landscape of the Middle East, 🇮🇷 , 🇷🇺 & 🇹🇷 are emerging as a coherent bloc, write & .

  15. Replying to

    Trojan Style - sounds like a new Anatolian pop dance. Or decor for a condominium!

  16. 3 hours ago

    - MoI releases photos of a raid on an camp in the Western Desert, killing of 19 militants allegedly involved in the November 2 attack

  17. 1 hour ago

    "Many of the consultants, who spend 5 days a week in Riyadh before flying elsewhere to see their families on weekends, were annoyed last year when the government kicked them out of their preferred hotel, the Ritz-Carlton" to use it as a temporary prison

  18. 2 hours ago
  19. Consulting Firms Keep a Lucrative Saudi Alliance, Shaping Crown Prince’s Vision As MbS charmed Goldman Sachs bankers & Silicon Valley executives on an American tour this spring, some of his most trusted lieutenants were taking care of business in Washgton

  20. Analysts remain highly sceptical about Europe's "Special Purpose Vehicle" - designed to protect EU firms from US sanctions. "The SPV is currently dead in the water. It can't handle oil in any serious volume," says

  21. Nov 3

    All ‘iranians have to suffer’? Interesting, weren’t these supposed to be targeted sanctions affecting just the leadership? Or are we not even bothering with that explanation anymore?


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